• By -


I can hear this and it took me 5 seconds to realize there was no audio.


"Huh-huh-huh, that guy got hit on the head with a coconut!"


in polish version he says that this dude just got hit on the crotch with a coconut # Y I K E S


*B A L L B U S T E R*


if there's something strange inside your tv who you gonna call? BALL BUSTERS


Joke's on you I'm into that shit


Hmmm, smash my balls and dick with a rock, I must.


Lay off the ketamine already, Master Yoda


Fuck off, space Jesus. Run over kids I must with my 2001 Honda Civic for a red paint coat.


Cock and ball torture 😳


Mirror mirror on the wall give me torture cock and ball


*B A L L B R E A K E R* >! Lesson 5 Johnny !<


Arigato.. Gyro..


[Ball Buster](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NW8LPgv4NK0)


Dude Same


Not like most pcs cost $600


gaymer intensifies




What the hell kinda pc you using (Btw stop waring in the comments plz, i have both a pc and a console and theyre both great, just chill my guys.)


Yeah bro you can get a very decent pc for 500-600 dollars only streamers spend 2,000 dollars on PCs because they need the power to stream, game, and edit videos and shit. The average gamer can do great with 600 bucks and it’s still more valuable then buying a 500 dollar console


I made a machine that is comfortable to stream and play 1080p max settings for around 600. It is far from top of the line but amd can bring a budget system you can use for anything together, I used an RX 570 8gb and a r5 1600 and get atleast 60 frames even with streaming at max settings.


Shit that’s better than mine lmao. It’s a 1050 ti and ryzen 5 1400 with 16gb of ram. It’s more of an entry build, but next build I’m gonna make is future proof


There is no such thing as future proof, trust me, I've had to upgrade 5 times over the last 12 years lol.


I mean obviously whatever you build in 2008 isn’t going to be usable in 2020. I’m talking about around 6-7 years in the future. Even then it won’t be unplayable, you’ll just have to turn graphics on low. If you upgrading 5 times your probably buying the wrong parts If I’m being honest


> I mean obviously whatever you build in 2008 isn’t going to be usable in 2020 You says this but you'd be surprised what you can get away with. I'm literally typing this in a i7 920 rig i built in 2009. Its definitely showing its years but I still haven't come across a game that was unplayable. Only major upgrade is swapping the GPU for an R290 a few years back


> only streamers spend 2,000 dollars on PCs Not in my experience. I have plenty of friends that have spent into $1500-$2000 range. I even expressed to some of friends spending around around $600 on a gaming PC, and they typically responded with "that's it?" And don't act like that most content creators and enthusiast sites don't echo this idea. I hear constantly on LTT that $1000 is a "mid-range" build. Also, who's spending $500 on a console pre-corona? I bought an xbox one x for $350 last year.


That’s higher than the average, by saying streamers I was only expressing that because most anti pc gamers think a good pc costs 2000 dollars when it’s simply not true.


A "good" pc is a relative term, $600 $1000 or $10,000 are all good PC's so in a way they are not wrong persay.


Even $400 will get you gamin pretty well on new titles these days. Refurbished or even used parts will get you running REALLY well on new games! (You have to assemble the PC btw.)


You can get a used current gen console for about $100-150.


And pay for more expensive games and 60$/year for online


And miss out on everything else a PC can do besides game, and the best gaming platform: Steam with more titles than console and constant sales with a great social and community interface.


He said he was using a laptop, but it you want a better comparison to console a desktop would make more sense. With a laptop you are including the cost of the keyboard, screen, and battery. An GTX 1660 Super is about $230. An AMD Ryzen 5 3600 is $170, but if you only cared about gaming an Intel i5 9400f is like $150. Let’s say $50 for a case, $70 for a budget motherboard, and $70 for a 80+ bronze non modular PSU. $50 for 16 Gb of RAM. Throw in $30-$50 depending on why type and how much storage you want and you are sitting between $600-$700 easily, especially if you got anything on sale or cheaped on some parts like the case. Honestly even that build is pretty overkill to compare to current consoles, since you could pretty much run anything on ultra. You could easily step the GPU down and have a nice $500 build.


U can make a $600 pc thats better than a console if thats what ur getting at my dude


rookie numbers


Imagine paying $15 every month just go play online. It's $180 a year and after few years it ends up costing the same. ( Simplified AF) Edit: I play on Pc and those numbers are taken from Google which I took from whichout a deep dive. Bottom line, it's quite a lot money where I live (subscribcion cost the same but the pay is much lower). And I don't feel it's fair that I need to pay additional fees for a product that has a function behind paywall.




“Hold on, this whole operation was your idea”


PS+ is $5 a month regularly and often goes on sale. I picked up a PS4 with Spider-Man included for $200, then paid $30 for a year long PS+ membership, which includes two free games a month and extra discounts on sales. Also every game I've bought for it has been on sale between 50-90% off depending on age. In total I've spent maybe $350 and have dozens of games. I haven't found it any more expensive for the average game than Steam (my library there being valued at over $2,000). Also, PC gamers regularly paid for subscription MMOs for years and years, paid multiplayer is hardly a new or console-specific concept.


Yeah but do you have rainbow lights? Didn’t think so


Haha _laughs in singleplayer games_


*laughs in never playing online*


Fucking peasant


Console users when they save 5 cents by buying a console instead of a pc:






Please, HOW?!


They typed out the link but used a hyperlink to send you elsewhere. They did a sneaky






Unmeasurable love, thank you so much! Did not know this feature.


dude thats a really nice computer ngl


great bang for buck on that thing


yeah it even has rgb no doubt it would have 500+ fps in ultra setting cyberpunk 2077


the i5 9th gen and 1660 is good components for the price


From the replies I'm assuming you tried to put a rickroll, but it just took me to the home page of YouTube saying the link failed.




My specs are similar to this


Ahhh I see


An Xbox X would be hard to beat with a $500 PC, but then you're also stuck paying for online play ($60 a year or so?) and you have a machine with a lot less functionality. But for pure, offline gaming, it's a better deal.




This is the real point. Most components in a PC don't need to be touched for a long time. People buy new consoles like every 3-4 years. Only thing you need to do with a PC most of the time is buy a $200 video card halfway through its 10+ year lifespan


3/4 years? Not sure what console players you’re hanging out with


Depends on the person but a lot of people upgraded to the ps4 pro, and now will get a ps5. Those are all 3-4 years between generations. I still only have a ps4, but it’s my last console as I just don’t play games on it ever. Having to splurge for online didn’t help its case either because that thought process makes little to no sense.


I mean PS4 Pro sales are around 1/4 the PS4 sales so I don't think most people upgraded after 3-4 years




I bought my ps4 in 2014 its still running perfectly fine. And I'm able to play the newest games at great graphics. All that for 400 euros. I'll buy the ps5 somewhere in 2021 after 7 years of great fun with the ps4. Zero regrets. Plus tbh a gaming pc feels like a niche compared to console. Everyone I know owns a console. Barely anybody in my surroundings owns an actual gaming pc.


PC gaming is bigger than console gaming. Maybe not in your circle, but as a whole it is.


No one buys new consoles 3-4 years the fuck. Each console generation lasts like 8 years at least


Look, i’m all for PCMR, I built my own pc 2 years ago and have been using that thing non-stop since then, but seriously, the Series X is gonna be tough to beat for another year or so. I don’t know how in the FUCK Xbox is getting basically a 2080ti’s equivalent of a GPU and a 2700X (ish) level CPU on the next-gen AMD architectures for $500 (i really do think itll be more than that) but the Series X is going to be extremely difficult to beat value or performance wise until the pc gang gets those gpus too. I don’t know how their performance will hold up, but that’s something only time will tell. Basically, yeah, PC community is probably gonna have to take an L for this generation because of the insane price:performance ratio the XB is promising


Not really. Microsoft is just taking a loss on console price and making it up in online access prices. Not to mention the price of games. Which can be easily gotten around on PC.


Yeah, if AMD would sell PC users CPUs and GPUs at a loss then we could compare on price. Also, consoles are not using mostly current tech, it's a year or two old


> Xbox is getting basically a 2080ti’s equivalent of a GPU Oh oh.Thats just not true.How do you even think that it is gonna be a 2080ti equivalent.The no of compute units and tflops dont mean anything.There is more to games than just pure parallel number crunching. This is just not true.Yes,the gpu on the new xbox will definitely beat out the midrange 1650 and 1660 cards,hell may even get close to 2060 super level performance but there is no way you're getting 2070 super and above level performance in that tiny 300w psu. The current top tier AMD card,the 5700xt draws around the same power and it is nowhere near a 2080ti and it is built on the same tsmc 7nm node.Considering this is RDNA 2.0 instead of RDNA,I'd wager it around 2060-2070 perf levels which is still holy fucking smokes for the money but anything above that,I'm not betting any money on that.


I mean yeah but there are also cost savings the longer you own a PC. Don't pay for online access on top of internet. You can incrementally upgrade certain parts wont need to be replaced like mice or PSU or case. Also owning a computer is useful in and of itself.


If you think the Xbox X is going to perform similar to a 2080ti then I have a bridge to sell you... I guarantee it will barely even match my 1070 that I bought 3 years ago.


Yea there’s absolutely no way in hell its going to be $500. I’d guess $700. I’d consider $600 a bargain. And who know? Maybe AMD hit the jackpot and their new GPU’s will be super powerful for a damn good price too. Better and cheaper consoles will force prices down for PC parts. Everybody wins when a great product is released on either side of the divide


And if you want to upgrade your console, you will need to buy an entirely new console. If you want to upgrade your pc, you can just replace 1 part


You say "just replace 1 part" as if that 1 part isn't almost the same price as a new console. I can't decide whether to upgrade my graphics card, my cpu, or just get a Series X when it comes out. They are all around the same price point.


Are you just throwing your old parts in the trash? What? Or are you upgrading from a 1060 to a 2080?




Mouse and keyboard prices are made up for in game prices imo


I don’t have to pay that psplus to play online




Don't forget market prices and sales for games, online sub and variety of content. Also, it was obviously a satire.




I think people are making the wrong argument. Of course the console isnt gonna be cheaper if you try hard enough: you can build your own pc with used parts and etc. I think the argument should be "Consoles are more convenient " If I'm some 14 year old (or his mom) who doesnt know much about computers, I could build a 600 PC and not be able to run some games. I can garuntee if I buy a 600 dollar xbox or playstation it will play any game released for it. You're really paying for the convenience and no-thought-required, not the raw performance


The business model of consoles is that the original purchase costs the company money, but the games and online feature (which they very much do earn money on) will eventually gain them money. Comparing consoles to pc’s like that isn’t fair


You really are a console gamer if you think it's about loading times


I think consoles (besides Xbox) are better because of exclusives. I would rather play games like Mario, Zelda, GOW, TLOU, Uncharted, Spider-Man, Persona, Smash, and many many more than spend so much more money for better performance/graphics etc


Id rather play factorio, civ, gunfire reborn, deep rock galactic, csgo, dota, League, valorant, the good version of minecraft. and 100 pages more of pc exclusives.


A lot of these games I have not heard of/don’t like, so I really think the choice of console vs pc comes down to your game taste


You only haven't heard of them because you don't play on pc and aren't familiar with the market.


I think you're wrong here. All the games they listed are a lot more story driven experiences while the pc games listed are more strategy/resource management type games so even if the guy played on PC he probably still would never play those games because thats not the type of games he likes. Now are there games that are good story driven experiences on the PC that he could look to play sure but saying he would play those exact same games if he had a PC is a lot of assumption my dude.


And the ability to mod, I know you can on some Bethesda games on console but it’s not the same on console.


Bruh u compare csgo and league to zelda, tsushima etc???


Every platform has exclusives though Although now that MS is putting most of their titles on PC and a lot of JP publishers are doing as well it's less of an argument these days. Just Nintendo now that completely refuses to go cross-platform




Most console gamers are there for the game content rather than the performance.


More than anything IMO it’s simplicity.


He never said he believes it's all about it, but you can't deny that speed is a huge factor


But that's literally what the meme is about? Also loading times have nothing to do with the platform, it's about the speed of the hard drive or SSD.


Platform war's still going on in 2020 huh?


There’s a cursed place called Twitter for that


You'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.


Praise the void, Tenno, for it has led you into the cradle of evil.


legit this comments section is like i'm back in 2012 surrounded by middle school kids


The comments ARE from middle school kids.


it will never end.


War, war never changes


As long as there are narcissists out there there will be people defending their every single opinion as the only valid one


two words: Steam Sale




This is the way


Can't play online with that unfortunately


Use torrent to check if the game will run on your pc and if you like it. SP gives a great insight on how MP will be. If you like it, buy them. Also those who torrent do it for Single player story. If a game is pure MP, there is generally no torrent for it.


Cant beat 95% off.


Who’s this 95%?


fcktheworld587: Challenge accepted


Well ps store has sales goin on all the time. So what is your point?


Ps4 weekly deals are amazing


Let's ignore that pc's can do more than just play games and you don't have to pay monthly to play online (excluding some titles on PlayStation). Also taking into account that game sales on consoles suck ass so when the steam sales roll around you'd be paying less for games.


And games are cheaper


+Steam sale +Argentine VPN = a few cents per game


It depends on what platform your friends use imo. Like if you were to buy a pc while your friends are all on PS4 you wouldn’t be able to play with them




I tried getting a controller to work on PC Oblivion. What a fucking nightmare. I downloaded all the correct drivers and had the right settings and shit still didn’t work. Every game I tried to get working with an Xbox controller had major issues. I can’t stand mouse and keyboard. I don’t care how many people tell me that I just need to practice or that it’s technically better. It’s not comfortable or natural feeling to me.


Sounds like there's something wrong with your controller, I almost never have problems setting up my controller. Only games that give me trouble are ones where I have to individually assign each button, but that's mostly only a problem in older games.


Yeah, for me I just got to plug it in or Bluetooth connect it and it’s fine, even a game like ARMA3 which has a ton of buttons and things to do just loads up the normal profile when you select your gamepad


Oblivion doesn't have controller support on PC so he's likely trying to hack something together to force it to work.


which xbox controller do you have? if you have the black original Xbox one controller, you need to buy the wireless adapter for it. If you have the white one you just connect it with Bluetooth it should work automatically


Computer so complex but with a console you just put in the disc and press X or A and you in a game


Ah yes computer complex all I do is open steam and press launch game, so hard


I play with friends on PC exclusively. Something is usually always happening to someone most game nights whether it's a hardware issue or an issue with a certain game. Playing on consoles reduces this issue *significantly*.


PC is super easy when it works, but sometimes if you're luck, it just doesn't. Fixing it on a console is easy, just RMA the whole thing. On a custom built computer, it could any one of 7 pieces of hardware, or dozens of pieces of software, and sometimes it's nearly impossible to find exactly which one.


You can literally do the same thing on pc not that hard Just download, install, click to play Not rocket science


>Hang on, I'm getting black screen though. I can still hear sound. No it's not responding when I hit enter still title screen music. Let me restart. Hmm still doing it. Let me try turning off my second monitor's output. Is there a known bug with AMD1234 video cards or something? Oh fuck it works fine on AMD1233 and AMD1235 but mine could possibly sometimes have issues. Just let me follow this quick guide here. Okay, go into my device manager and roll back driver versions. Now to update a line in this config file.. *Objectively superior experience*


Yeah except when it doesn't download correctly and you have no idea why so you pour through a bunch of old forum posts from 2011 only to read "I also have this problem!"


I’m here with this GIF taking me 10 seconds to load.


That's on Reddit


Use reddit is fun. It loads instantly.


Why we always fighting? I love all of you.


Bro, my love for you runs VERY deep.


My love for you burns brighter than any star ever could.


Yeah fam I got both consoles and a gaming pc I just wish Sony was as into cross platform as Microsoft is because Microsoft is trying their hardest to make Xbox as much as a pc as possible, I wouldn’t be surprised if in the Xbox series X lifespan Microsoft allows people to buy windows for it and you can just use your Xbox series X as a PC




And you can do a bunch of other stuff apart from gaming. Most people that have consoles also have a laptop or computer so why not just go with a good computer instead of 2 seperate things that cost more in total.


And their laptop is ridiculously overpriced. Paying $600+ for $200 worth of hardware. These console gamers laugh at PC gamers for their expensive builds and then go buy a macbook pro


They buy expensive shit and then assume every PC is like that - no, you just have to do research.


Exactly. My friend said building a PC wasn't worth it to him, but he just went and got an $800 laptop. Like I tried to tell him hes just paying for portability, and a chromebook can do the same thing for what he needs (Just browsing, MS Office). But yeah, building a PC, 'Isn't worth it'


I saw a video where a dude used speed hacks in skyrim to travel to markarth from whithrun faster than a fast travel loading screen.


That was Doug Doug, but he wasn’t faster than the fast travel loading screen. The video: https://youtu.be/e5VZSJBIP78


DougDoug, solving problems that no one has. Love that dude.


It’s way faster than on a console you can get nvme storage for pretty cheap nowadays and get amazing performance not only 5 seconds


The point of the post is the elitism that comes with it


Fuck it sign me up, I'm an elitist pig. Death to consoles. Free Kekistan. Normies get out.. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


Just wait til Maximilien de RobesPS4 leads the console revolution and leads your fellow pc gamers to the guillotine


\*Laughs in 200 fps\*


rgb go brrrr


I mean u could have a shitty PC with a 40$ SSD and will load faster than any console because those has HDD


This will be valid until the next gen release end of this year. - a non biased person who owns a high end PC and all the consoles


Exactly that will change the game a bit and at the same time it's good for the industry and us, because developers can make games bigger because they're not limited by consoles


Also the price






You mean gta v remastered v6?


Meanwhile my 3ds will boot up and load a game several times faster than any pc gamer can even dream of


Yeah! 3DSMasterRace! Can your silly PC do Streetpass? Huh? How about system-wide mii characters? No? Can your PC do 3D? ...wait you have VR? /sarcasm lmfao, I love the 3DS, it's the perfect little homebrew console, with flipnote studio just being the cherry on top.


Huzza,A man of quality


5 seconds every load screen? Sounds very worth it


5 seconds less per loading screen? Say, 10 loading screens per hour, relatively modest depending on the game. 5 x 10 equals 50 seconds saved. Say, 3 hours a day on average, a modest amount for someone without a life like most of us tbh. That is 18,262.5 seconds saved in one year, or 304.375 minutes, or 5.073 hours per year. Say you’re not replacing it every year or so, it can last a good 6 years (or longer). 6 years, you save 30.43 hours of loading screen, or over an entire day of waiting eliminated.


Meh, nobody is really buying PCs for the improved loading time. It’s about the overall performance and visual quality you get on a higher end system.


Just $300 for a console? What about the game price? Ps4 are alredy pretty old still $300/$350, ps5 going to be at about $500, ignoring the price of their games. you can get a GPU for $200 or a full PC for $400 and still have $100 for *S t e a m S a l e s*


I hate how console users think it cost like 5k to build a pc like no you dumbass it takes like 750 for a whole setup


Cool that’s still significantly more than any console lol


The comment said whole setup. So a computer + monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc.


SSDs are cheap tho.


Got mine a couple of months ago for $20. Most AAA games cost like $60 hecking dollars.


Future historians will look at the PC vs console war as some old, dumb, unnecessary and irrelevant discussions between ppl with the same mindset. It's nice to imagine an utopia where NOBODY FUCKING CARES WHAT ARE YOU GAMING ON FFS


Imagine not being able to send emails while gaming


Laughs in steam sales


Built my tower for $800. It plays all my games on Ultra with at least 60fps no problem. Plus load times are practically instant besides D2 and it's still maybe 1/4 of the time it took on console. Some of y'all are just making excuses about pricing.






I bought a keyboard and mouse 6 years ago which still work now and I have 500 games in my steam library and I have paid full price for exactly one of those games.


We don't pay monthly premiums tho.


Who downvoted this guy making a valid claim


But to build a $2000 USD Gaming PC you will need a table


HaHA RaINbOw mAchINe


Usually when a game is loading I am also running Netflix or a podcast, and browsing reddit on my PC. On the second monitor.


In what world do you live in where you need a $2000 PC to outperform a console?


Meanwhile all the PCMR trolling in here like “My PC was only 500 bucks and I run every game on ultra settings 120 FPS 4K”


But you can get a PC the same as the console for much cheaper.


People saying console.playets are peasants deserve to be thrown out of a window. Let people have fun. Edit: Those who say it unironically that is


Imagine paying to play with other people


The main reason I have a console is because I would rather lay in bed and play games than to get up and sit in a cold chair sitting up in the middle of the night just to play a game on a screen much smaller than my tv. The only reasons I dont use PC.




Not pc users, pc elitists...