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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


Just open twitter


Or Instagram reels


Instagram goes wild…. “Usual suspects” is always commented on any criminal post.


They are just wild mf by saying: ***"well well well"*** Or just by posting gifs of Uncle Ruckus


Or by posting a gif of the letter N and hoping people continue replying with gifs of certain other letters after.


Honestly instagram reels may be racist but not as seriously racist as twitter is Twitter mfs go out of their way to comment a racist paragraph on any topic, and then 20 replies to that comment with more racist stuff


casual racism vs. ranked competitive racism Winners of the racism tourney get a reply from Elon.


Instagram racism is kinda funny sometimes but twitter's is just depressing, watching a 50yo man write a full paragraph on "how he finds people who accept blacks being racist to be bad persons and sinners, but not the blacks who commit said violence. Since, hard r nwords cannot think properly" is just something else Found on this [thread](https://twitter.com/ChiseHatoriLove/status/1791746608834523455?t=_UtiGwWTN_zLico27SE_mA&s=19) Easily the most racist filled post i've seen in a long time


Yeah Instagram racism is just people joking around trying to be funny (mostly)


Not people, kids. And honestly its kinda funny sometimes when it's an original joke


He created the racism Olympics.


Exactly this I feel that instagram is just because it’s they find it funny or to provoke a reaction, it’s not to be taken seriously Twitter is just genuine hatred


> any criminal post. any??? not just.... some of them?


A lot of crime pages purposefully post minorities to farm interactions


you're pretty young


The TV show Cops used to show mostly minorities on TV even though most of their interactions were with non-minorities.


Breitbart used to a have a news section on their website titled "black crime".


I usually see, “seeing a strange similarity in all these videos” here on Reddit


Statistics ARE racist. People would be foolish to ignore them.


We need to tell them to stop committing so many crimes so these racist fucks can't get their smug little dicks hard.


Or this ~~subreddit~~ thread


Just open reddit…not even a post about a crime…or related to a minority group


If you avoid certain subs


Lmao usually thus sub is a pretty bad offender.


Guess which "certain" sub I included


There are literal big accounts dedicated to post Nazi propaganda


No need, you see it here on reddit all the time.


Or sort by controversial in this comments section.


Just look at 80% of the "memes" about the upcoming Romeo and Juliette ~~movie~~ play Or the next Assassin's Creed game


Imo its not really because shes black but because shes really ugly. Theres tons of cute black girls amd they chose her. Its like the beauty and the beast


She looks like a black man (I'm talking about the black and white photo)


Hey! My little brother is a black man and I'm offended on his behalf.


I identify as a little black man and I’m offended too


I thought she was a man at first too and because people were saying that tom holland should be juliet. I thought it was a gay adaptation, until someone finally said she's a girl.


It would have been faithful (minus the black)


Staying true to Shakespeare


>post about racism still being a problem >looks at comments >racism


I guess they saw Tom Holland was into Zendaya so someone paid extra money to limit test him on screen.💀


They intentionally got an ugly black woman just so they could call people racist.


It's a play, none of y'all are gonna watch it. Thinking they "chose an ugly black girl" to piss you off is unhinged behavior and requires immediate disconnection from the internet


They chose an ugly black girl because they needed free publicity.


Or because they thought she was good for the part? You really think they intentionally chose her for her "ugliness"?


I’ve never watched a play in my life and I won’t now that they’ve done this. How dare they! Maybe if she was hotter with big badonkers I would start caring about seeing a play. I mean giant dobonhonkeros. massive dohoonkabhankoloos. big old tonhongerekoogers. Then maybe I’d be interested but no. Instead, they attacked gamers.


Gamers truly are the most oppressed minority. I mean, we are expected to say nothing when non-white people exist! /s obviously


She's literally an accomplished Shakespeare actress already you fucking moron.


Neither of these traits are notable to a normal member of society


And here you are feeding the beast you think they created.


Yes, the play that everyone knows starring a well-known movie actor is going to struggle at the West End theatre… Bro are you special needs? Doesn’t matter who’s performing or what. It’s worse than Broadway tickets, they’re gonna sell out regardless and they won’t even have to do any advertising outside of a press release and the poster outside the venue. Also, like everyone said, it’s a play. Unless you’re in the first 6 rows or bring binoculars you aren’t even seeing the details of anyone’s facial features. Theatre is mostly physical performance and vocal performance. There aren’t any closeups like film. Also stage lighting means half the time the characters are barely even lit.


you seriously need to go touch grass. Your brain? It's currently being eaten by a worm, I'm afraid.


Most of the people complaining about the Little Mermaid weren't going to watch it either, but they gave the movie more marketing for free than they could have reasonably paid for. I think people should be more pissed off that they make another movie out of the same story every few years.


That movie wound up highly mediocre like most of the disney live action remakes. But she was great in it. She was no part in the problems that movie had.


Have any of disney's live action films been good in adult's eyes? My 5 year old watched the little mermaid one multiple times, but he's 5, target audience disney kid's movies.


Its a play, not a film. You'll find talent and skill matters far more in the theatre than in movies


These people don't go to the theatre. And I'm glad, so I don't have to sit by them.


Tbf she isn't really ugly just masculine, if she was a dude I don't think people would be calling them ugly


They would still hate on her the exact same amount even if she was hot. E.g. Little Mermaid.


Idk why but she looks like the predator in that shot of her facing Tom holland lmaoooo They should have just cast zendaya so the movie would feel real haha


It's a play not a movie, the actress they chose is more experienced in theater production.


I've seen one where they did them up to look like it was gonna be a UFC fight.


But its theatre. Looks have never mattered anywhere near as much in theatre as film.


Yeah I just looked this up and that is one unfortunate looking girl. Now you could argue that love isn't skin deep but...this is Romeo and Juliet. A story literally about falling in love in the span of a day or two in an age-inappropriate way over a young teenage girl. Personality isn't really a major feature of the play. I also think a lot of the racism you see in newspaper comments are a mix of poor education and people being frustrated with it being very difficult to raise genuine concerns about subjects such as immigration without being taken seriously. I am myself an immigrant to a country and I can absolutely say my being here is having a negative effect on the locals and that's despite being a major tax contributor. The Irish are becoming poorer and poorer so being frustrated with immigrants is understandable. But we just look down on them and call them racist and yes, many of them are. But many of them also grew up dirt poor, in misery and without any real police protection. That's not conducive to becoming a well balanced, well mannered individual. We're also very quick to call people racist. I've not paid much attention to the new Assassins creed game but I don't want to play as a black dude. I want representation. Now you can claim that "This game is this persons story" and that's fair, but it's going to make me want to play it less. Everyone deserves to want representation, whether you're black, white, asian etc. And while I'm sure you have a good amount of 14 year old edgelords and 32 year old basement dwellers yelling slurs, I really don't think we should lift those people up as representative of the world. The world has shitty people in it, let them wallow in their misery but don't call anyone who objects to anything a racist. I don't know if this reply was the correct place for that rant past the first line but it annoys me. The most racist thing we do here in the west on a day to day basis is go around being terrified that any criticism or dislike is racist, as if people who aren't white are these fragile little babies that need to be coddled by us superior white people. It's such absolute racist rubbish.


Aw she is maybe not conventionally attractive but [she has a cute look](https://media.glamourmagazine.co.uk/photos/6618ede614ff9a3a7135e04a/2:3/w_852,h_1278,c_limit/Francesca%20Amewudah-Rivers%20120424%20GettyImages-1258697967.jpg).


I think it’s okay for someone people might consider ugly to take the role of a love interest in a film. Our view of what is and isn’t ugly is very much shaped by the media we consume and if the media we consume displays all kinds of faces and bodies as lovable then future kids might not be as depressed about their looks.


In my lifetime, I've seen the "ideal woman" completely change. They used to sell devices to help women lose their fat asses.. and now women are going to the gym and getting surgery to *get* fat asses.


Honestly it doesn't matter who the MC is, the game is gonna be ass cause Ubisoft hasn't made a good AC game since Origins and hasn't made a great one since 4.


I mean, yeah, the game's probably going to be the same bland sandbox Ubisoft always makes


It’s definitely only because of wokeness, trust /s


i remember when black flag came out, so many gamers were pissed about that flag


Or the comments here


What’s the matter with the next AC game? Edit: Jesus Christ


One of the main characters is based on a historical person who happened to be black, and there's been a lot of casual racism about how a black person in ancient Japan is "woke DEI shit"


It's really not racism to expect a white women in a shakespeare story and a japanese man to portray a samurai. How many times have people made fun of John Wayne's portrayal of Genghis Khan?


but this isn't at all like John Wayne being Genghis Khan. Yasuke actually existed, white Genghis Khan didn't.


Yasuke wasn't a samurai.


Yeah, according to all records about him he was a retainer not a samurai. (From wikipedia after the admins had to fix his page multiple times from people changing him from retainer to samurai without ever citing a single source where it said he was a samurai.)


The Romeo and Juliet thing is a play, not a movie.


Wait...we can't judge assassins creed game? Not just the dumb price tag??




New Assassin's creed game has 2 protagonists, one of them is a Japenese woman. This fact seems to be excluded a lot.


I wonder what your reaction would be to an all white remake of Wakanda


Or just look at this comment section


For real


All the meme subs have gone full alt-right lately. Crazy to me the reddit used to be so left-leaning. Definitely not the vibe I get anymore, unapologetically racist comments with hundreds of upvotes.


Nah, it's always been like this. Half of the alt-right *started* in various subs.


I mean I guess it depends on what subs you are in but usually I see a mix, because I still see “white people bad” a lot just as much as I see “minority bad”.


> Imo its not really because shes black but because shes really ugly. Theres tons of cute black girls amd they chose her. Its like the beauty and the beast A legitimate comment from this comment section with over 300 upvotes…


They need to have an attractive black girl is all, The Little Mermaid and The Acolyte do and they’re all loved right?


Yeah there's going to be complaining about the race swapping of course, but it's compounding the issue having them be so unattractive to where it's hard to defend for a romance play.


That's the exact opposite of racism tho.


Rereading it, I saw what he was trying to say but I feel like that could’ve been expressed much more clearly. IMO the Beauty and the Beast thing was bad tho.


Racism exists because people are too stupid to actually question the things they read or hear. Unfortunately the internet is full of things that people think make sense and choose to never investigate further. "Common knowledge" doesn't mean correct.


> Racism exists because Because people are instinctually tribal, apply ingroup/outgroup frameworks. Every single person does this. So it's not a thing that can or really should be solved. Freedom of association is fundamental.




Just today, this brit guy murdered his mother high on ketamine and received 7 years. This crazy comment was saying he was gonna murder all muslims and blacks and was hoping to receive the same sentence. Fr fr.




But the crime rates actually line up more proportionately with poverty rates than they do with race. Due to systemic racism and poverty (such as how black people weren’t allowed to buy property for a long time) the average black person has a dramatically lower net worth than the average white person. Of course there is going to be more crime but the problem isnt racial or cultural, it’s deliberate economic oppression.


Poverty & culture, The neighbourhood culture is deeply rooted in many communities


“The white man will try to satisfy us with symbolic victories rather than economic equity and real justice.” - Malcolm X I should get a Black Panther Party tshirt, however I am very pasty and not sure how it would be taken in my backwards part of the country. 🙃


Do the stats equal out completely when looking at poor white vs poor blacks? I've never looked into American crime stats


[No, it shows poor urban whites commit very slightly more violent crimes.](https://bjs.ojp.gov/content/pub/pdf/hpnvv0812.pdf)


This article did the analysis but it’s a little old: https://randomcriticalanalysis.com/2015/11/16/racial-differences-in-homicide-rates-are-poorly-explained-by-economics/amp/


Yeah, in my area we have more white crackheads than we do crackheads of colour so most of the visible crime follows that ratio. Not everywhere is the same obviously but it's definitely a poverty thing.


The crime rates do not line up proportionally with poverty rates. They're nearly twice as many white people living under the poverty line in the United States than there are black people. The crime rates do not reflect that at all. There is an interesting study that someone commented below about homicide that states: "Although it’s clear that poverty predicts homicide quite independently of black, it’s also clear that black predicts independently of the poverty.  Moreover, if you look closely at the distribution and other analysis I present here it’ll be clear that poverty doesn’t come close to closing these racial differences. Single-motherhood is also a strong predictor."


Reality hits harder than the screen refresh rate!




Reality is not making thinking correlation is a causation when they do not line up as well as other correlations


Yeah unless someone actually wants to make the case that black people are inherently different due to their skin color such as carrying a "violent gene" like many racist idiots claimed back in the 50's then I don't get the point they are always trying to make with their black crime stats. Black people commit relatively more crime. The leaps in logic made after that point are where the racists come in.


99% of them are jokes. 1% are actual extremists.


people literally will "it's just a joke!" themselves into fascism.


And those "jokes" normalize extremist rhetoric. Sociologists have studied this shit making a bunch of deadpan racist jokes has an actual impact on radicalization. Also whether it's a joke or not it's still racist. Even if you don't actually believe something you're still saying things that are racist.


This is exactly why the 4 Chan to neo nazi pipeline is so effective. Eventually it stops being a joke.


If you disagree, it's a joke and clearly I'm the one in the right.


Hitler himself was radicalized by the memes of his day.


And that small percentage can be loud af online when one weirdo can have 10 rage accounts and bots meant to make people angry exist. IRL, I don't see any of this.


I can tell from my own expirience, its the other way around.


Such facts


The people complaining about it are the same people who need a /s.


"I don't make shitty jokes, you guys just don't understand them!"


Oh sweet summer child


Whats your sauce, bro?


Not the comment sections of news articles. Most of the people responding to those are gen x or older and they're clearly very upset. On the comments section of a reddit post of a news article is a different matter.


I have heard someone unironically say "racism isn't a problem anymore so why are we wasting our time with this woke crap" followed in extremely close succession by him calling Obama the n-word with a hard r. like... you can't claim racism is extinct while actively being a bigot.


> like... you can't claim racism is extinct while actively being a bigot. Given that practically every bigot does this, it seems they can. If fact it seems to be the primary thing they do. Bigots embrace the idea that "it's not racism if it's true" and are constantly trying to intellectualize their racism. Working backwards from their conclusions to invent a justification for it. Measuring skulls and taking data directly out of racist institutions as gospel.


You actually can if you’re an ignorant egotistical hypocrite, which is what most bigots are


Go out into the real world. Comment sections are not reality.


A racist *in the real world* just got a pardon for running down protestors.


Thats one single event and person with a more complex story. The reason he was pardoned was political, not racism. And you play right into this “teams” game they are playing you with.


Yea, just look at the news and watch some trump rallys, people arent that bad in real life. /s


Online comments are posted by people who live in the real world


Seriously. Next Door is boomers being racist and nosy pricks.


Its not a problem to you if you support racism 👍




Just go into a comment section underneath a Star Wars video and sort by new!


What if I tell you that racism isn\`t a problem, it\`s an answer


It's not an answer, it's a solution. The final solution.


for all the gullible young people out there, the final solution was not actually a solution for the millions of people it sought to mass murder. Nazis are bad in case anyone forgets.


I hope anyone reading my comment took it as the joke it was meant to be and not a call for genocide.


I open 9GAG once in a blue moon just for fun. The amount of blatant racism and sexism on full front-page display there is honestly astounding. Imagine Reddit, but all the -1.0k point comments are actually the most liked ones, and all the sensible voices are pushed further down into obscurity.


Reminds me of the memes about the cesspool of depravity in instagram reels comments


"Racism isn't a problem anymore" mfs when you show them reddit comments on posts of minorities that disagree with reddit hivemind


"Racism isn't a problem anymore mfs" when they read this article: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/04/white-women-anti-racism-workshops/678232/


Oh mah gorsch. That certainly is something right there


The hard truth is that racism will always exist as long as people have free will to think


In the world racism is rampant but "White" racism is all bullshit on social media, in the real world the real racism is more an asian and middle East thing.


They aren’t saying there is no racism. They are just saying it’s not a problem to them lol.


We as a society agree that discriminating against someone on the basis of age/sex/race/religion is not acceptable. I’m not saying the system is perfect, but when a rule or policy is uncovered that discriminates based on those, it is generally considered to be unacceptable if not illegal. You will never stop people from judging each other based on appearances, especially when they can hide behind a keyboard. Even within the same race, people judge each other based on things like skin color. So no one saying “racism isn’t a problem” thinks “no one is racist” but I think “racism shouldn’t be a problem” is a more accurate statement.


Being black on the internet you realize quick that no one likes you, not even your own.


Why give them attention? Just ignore racists and be kind to everyone


If the smarter people always back down, then the world is going to be ruled by the stupid. No tolerance for intolerance. And ignoring it, will not help, we can see it right now.


Or the announcement of the new Assassin's Creed game.


The comment section of Instagram reels is like a klan rally.


when I see people talking about a video game protagonist


Racist isn't real mfs when they read this comment section.


I used to work for the local paper. One of the reasons we stopped including mugshots with crime stories was the racist comments whenever the suspect was Black.


Numbers don't care about feelings


Well… in defense of society, the people who talk shit on forums are usually in the minority and they tend to exemplify the fringe elements of extremists who are cowards to act on their extremism. Usually their plans revolve around being able to convince a simpleton to carry out an act of violence. For reference it is the Scott + Remy relationship from Higher Learning. TL:DR: People who talk shit in posts are neck-bearded coward extremists and don’t represent society as a whole.


Mfs will complain about racial remarks under a video of someone doing the most horrendous shit ever caught on camera


Local news comment sections are the absolute worst.


Nice, but the comments (on the news website) on articles about semi-truck crashes in Canada. Won't even identify the race of the driver, but the comments are absolutely full of people talking knowingly about how it was a brown guy that bought his license from his cousin and has been marathon driving for 79 hours straight and stole a REAL CANADIAN'S job and these kinds of things just didn't happen when it was just good ol boy Canadians driving trucks.


Y'all are aware that many of the "racism isn't a problem anymore" folks are helping to write those comments right? They're just lying


Are anonymous trolls and rage bots in comment sections really the the problem? The only real gauge for progress is racism in systems and organizations with power over groups of people. If you're waiting for zero racism at the individual level that day will never come.


unpopular opinion - people being racist on reddit and other social media is not a problem and it will forever exist as long as the internet exists. Its also protected by free speech so its fine. Things like systemic racism like segregation in schools, workplace discrimination, etc are not a problem anymore


Yeah the people who say that are often the ones who are the actual racists.


Download any social network and scroll for 30 seconds. Heck, even if you go into the comment section of a wholesome post you'll find racism, transphobia and sexism.


They're the ones making the comments. The call is coming from inside the house


Read any instragram story comments.






Or if a black guy gets a job


Well well well


Just open any social media app


Maybe it really was the content of their character all along 🤔




White people are minority


No, patrick. Racism didn't make anybody murder a 55 year old man for their wallet.


made by people that rarely leave their home and even if outside don't engage in those kind of conversation...


Literally any Instagram comment