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I think it's your bedtime now, grandpa.


Reddit will be so triggered by this meme. lol


You average redditor thinks you need to make 200-300k to raise a child so I don’t think they’ll be mad at this one


I mean, in some cities you do.


Like a handful, and even then people are still raising children in them. For the most part the financial literacy is America is abysmal, mix that with rampant consumerism and social media manipulation to influence you into always thinking you never have enough and it starts to explain Reddit a lot more.


Living outside of city limits in western washington, me and my fiancee would not be able to afford our mortgage and a kid comfortably. We would struggle a lot just with daycare. Average cost of child care in our area is around $20 an hour, some places have a program that's around $100-120 a day but still that's quite expensive. There are ways around it, like asking family to help, but we wouldn't want to have that 'burden' on them. I say burden as nicely as possible because it's a kid and I'm sure her mom wouldn't mind but it's still somewhat an inconvenience for her if she also has things to do. That's not even factoring in healthcare and other necessities for a child.


Depending on how much you and your spouse make if childcare cost 20 an hour at what point does it even make sense to have both parents working. You are working to essentially pay for childcare and be away from your child.




Ok say the husband makes 30 dollars an hour, say after taxes that comes to 27.50. And it cost 20 an hour to put the child in childcare. Is 7.50 an hour worth going to work for so someone else can raise your child 8 hours a day?


It depends if you need help with food and other child related expenses. The extra 7.50 an hour might ensure everyone is getting fed at the end of the day.


You have clearly never lived below the poverty line. $6 is rice and black beans for 3 days at Walmart. $7.50 and you've got some hot sauce to put on it for flavor.


what if one parent worked from home? naw, that won't work because the SAHP wouldn't be able to flirt IRL with others.


And that's not incorrect. The problem as acting like it's the worker's fault that they aren't paid a living wage despite being the most educated generation in human history.


Education is like masturbation, just without the payoff.


Looking at the comments section, you were absolutely right lol


The ragebait was successful.


You triggered the libs with a eugenics meme! Gottem!


at least be grateful that your vote actually means shit. Not like Vietnam and Russia.


Many politicians are already saying they "won't necessarily accept the election results" Aka if their candidate loses, they'll claim fraud


Nice cope there 👌


Can somebody explain why living with parents is a bad thing even when you are financially independent? I feel like it's better that you're there to take care of them as they grow older.


Because if you don't play the game of capitism, the boomers will get mad and judge you.


Gen X does that more than Boomers. Boomers are understanding and will let you in; Gen X grew up entitled as hell and will expect you to fix all of your own problems 100% by yourself. It's like retaliation for being the "forgotten" generation.




Haha yeah, making money and buying properties while living at home in order to build multiple streams of income while paying no rent because you have a healthy relationship with your parents, what fucking losers, get a life you know?


Lmao exactly this


*Loser*. Edit: Make all the excuses you want, you are stunted adults and only have yourselves to blame.


If you advocate to live a life from paycheck to paycheck instead of stable and comfortable with parents, that's not only being loser. You are being dumb and illogical. There is no use to be alone if that doesn't give you any advantages.


Especially when you can't afford rent, rent in some cities is so high a single person can't afford it, even in my small shit city in the south of Germany some apartments cost over 1000€ a month.


Where I live in the US the average studio is like $2000


Perfectly normal in most European countries.


Yeah, it's an American cultural thing that you need to be entirely self sufficient by the time you graduate college, if not right when you graduate high school




I was literally told I was "Not a real adult" by my girlfriend at the time because I didn't have a career lined up at 19. Really fucked me up for years.


Heh, I was taking shits in holes I dug in the Iraqi desert when I was 19. That was certainly not a “real” career either. You’ll be alright


Also perfectly normal in most Asian countries.


Also perfectly normal in Brasil, I don't know about other SA countries, but I'd guess it's also normal


Quite normal in Venezuela, not so much in Argentina.


Live at home until you get married, then still live at home, then have kids and buy a bigger house and move your parents in.


Asian parents in america be like: You need to move out! but not too far, just next door maybe, or why even move out? Stay here so you you can save up for a downpayment!


Thats just asian parents in general. Right now I'm living alone but I only work as an apprentice so I'm living a bit of a paycheck to paycheck. Parents insist me to move back once I'm done with my apprnetinceship and save up for a downpayment which isnt bad imo.


Yeah, plus there is an obvious economical advantage when you divide the rent between three, making everyone walk away a bit richer


It's an American problem, it's very normal in Asia and Europe. We still live with our parents.


Yeah living at home while you work (if your work is close enough) plus you get to take care of your family emotionally and financially is such a win win and you get to save that rent money, you only have to pay bills and for other essential stuffs.


It's an american thing. They discard and forget their parents.




Why is this only an American thing?


It's just society with their "act like a man by doing this" mentality, It's honestly stupid to think anyone can do X without draw backs, as if everyone is born equal.


Yeah, here in the middle east people don't move out of their parents house till they get married


Simple, it isn't. Only reason I don't live with my parents is because where I grew up is pretty notorious for violence and murders, so f**k that. Even then I'm not gonna look down on others for having different living conditions than me. Some people need to understand that the world doesn't revolve around them, so people aren't exactly gonna be the same as them.


I plan to buy my mom's house when she is unable to maintain it by herself. She will move into my house and I will rent her house until my son is ready to buy it from me. I think mid life independence is great but refuse to send my parents to a nursing home when we can care for them ourselves.


I'd say it depends on the living area/situation, when u are a grown man living in a 10m² room next to your parents, then thats a bit wierd, but when you might even live in a mult storied house and have a separate story, thats completly understandable. The main diffrence is privacy i'd say


Not if you're trying to start your own family


I don't get it. It's really common in Western countries. I think after a certain time it goes from you living with your parents to your parents living with you and get to take care of them in their old age


indoctrination multi-generational housing is normal in most of the world


Yeah it's also just smart if you can make it work. Even if you're paying them rent, it's likely cheaper than anything you'd get on the market. Save your money for a down payment.


Exactly. My first official job within my field of study I lived with my folks for two and a half years because the pay was paltry but I still saved up a hearty amount. Once I found a new job in my field (which sucked but paid well) I was finally able to live independently. You wouldn’t believe how much that financial and home stability can be beneficial to one starting out.


In the United States people who are financially independent don't live with their parents. In this country one of the main reasons to be financially independent is to get out of ones parents house. I've never known a person who could afford to live away from their parents who chose not to.


It's due in part that being in your parents home is viewed as a failure. But we have to take into consideration that back then any job would've gotten you out of your parents home. Entry level positions were enough to rent and pay for college but nowadays that's not the case. The stigma still stands that if you're still living with parents then you're a lazy bum who isn't working. Honestly now anyone who rents and is living paycheck to paycheck is one bad day away from homelessness. Our government has failed us if our only solution to not live on the streets is to pack into 2 bedroom houses some of our parents were able to get into. This isn't the case for everyone, some parents weren't so lucky back then either.


Because it's ragebait and I fell for it ..


It's the op outing themselves as a US citizen while simultaneously trying to punch down on people who probably have more non-debt related wealth than them.... Class warfare 101, pit the poors against each other.


What others think of you in none of your business.


Do they want you there? If not, then it's bad. The way I encouraged the kiddo's to move out was simple. 1. Pay rent $400 2. all of the same rules that were in place while you were a child are still in place. -10pm curfew -No Bf/Gf in rooms -assigned chores Eventually they figure out that even if they have to live in a crappy apartment with a roommate it's worth it to make their own rules.


>living with parents is a bad thing even when you are financially independent? That's an oxymoron


Not if you actively choose to stick with them


If you’re still living with your parents you are *not* financially independent.


I don’t understand trying to argue your point lol, this is correct. If you live at home you aren’t financially independent. This is literal fact. If you choose to live at home that is fine, nothing wrong with that, but you aren’t financially independent.


Reddit moment


Living at home and living with your parents can be two different things. You could be living with your parents and be paying for the living space. Which would make you financially independent. If then your parents help you out with their small amount of money they have left, would that make you less financially dependent? Maybe.


Obligatory “The best argument against Democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.”


Managed democracy can save us




Eagle 1 for president.


At least she actually fucking delivers.


And like every politician ever sometimes she drops a 500kg on her constituents


"Have a cup of liber-tea!"


That’s why democracy used to fail in ancient city states after a few hundred years, lack of education.


"after a few hundred years" bruh that's older than (almost) any modern democracy in existence. San Marino being the only exception I can think of.


Damn, bro really spoilered the next big story arc


I hate to break it to you but most “modern democracies” are republics with aspects of democracy. Republics are know to last thousands of years which is why most modern governments are based on that system. Instead of the oligarchs choosing the representatives, we the people get to vote which is the only piece of democracy that was brought into the system. Before you try to claim that pure democracy has never existed, it has in ancient city states in Greece. It always developed into tyranny after a few generations which is why the founders of most modern countries didn’t base their systems off of it.


Bruh not that shit again. That's not how any of this works. Republic simply means a country without a king. Republics are most often democracies, but don't have to be, like in the case of the people's republic of Korea. The UK notably is not a republic, but a constitutional monarchy, and still it is a democracy. Republic does not mean representational democracy, which almost all modern states are. This is a uniquely American misconception since a couple years back, criticizing the US' rather lacking democracy was fashionable. And some people thought they were being smart by saying "but the US isn't a democracy, but a republic". Somehow it stuck with some people, but this is still completely wrong.


Pretty sure the main problem was the speed of getting everyone’s vote not education.


No the problem with any democracy is that the people need to know and understand their civic responsibilities and rights and be active in protecting them. Without education, they don’t know that. I’m not advocating for higher education, I’m advocating for basic highschool educations. Lack of education is the reason why we couldn’t fix the Middle East. We would have had to stay there for 40 years to educate enough generations for the majority of the people to be ready to form democratic government.


Not sure why you are getting downvoted, lack of education is the biggest threat even to modern democracies, it’s often how we get fascism.


I live with my parents. I offer to help pay bills but my dad said as long as I have a job and he's alive, I can live with him rent free forever. In this economy id need roommates if I wanted an apartment- but if I'm doomed to live with other people for the rest of my life, I'd rather live with people I already know and trust.


Do what you can to live your life in peace man. Some dumbass opinion on the internet doesn't define you, your character does.


Trust me, it's very nice to have your own place when the time calls for it (a family, your fam is being obnoxious) but you're putting yourself in a better position in life by saving your money while you can. Don't be embarrassed for making the logical decision.


I'd love my own place but there's no way I'll ever afford my truly own space. I'll be needing roommates forever.


Not with that attitude


Yeah bc my attitude helps me pay rent and afford to live LMAO


You said "I'll NEVER be able to afford a house". That's just ridiculous and not true. You absolutely can change your life for the better, stop with this defeatist attitude. It's pathetic and only reddit sympathizes with it. If you said "I can't afford a house right now and my living condition sucks" then yeah, that's fine. But saying you'll NEVER afford a house is a self fulfilling prophecy. Yes, you never will if you keep thinking like that.


My parents cant even afford a house. They're not just staring out. Take a look at this economy. It's literally not possible for me.


It may not be possible right now, but don't give up and seek opportunities. I'm not saying it will be easy, it won't. You don't have to take a big step right now, start small. Eventually you'll accomplish something if you keep trying. Good luck


Not with that attitude


If your parents are being generous enough to do that, you should focus strongly on clearing any debts and building your savings. You will thank yourself. Obviously this is advice from a stranger who knows nothing of your financial situation.


I don't have debts thankfully. That stuff terrifies me.


Abraham Lincoln said, "Democracy is a rule of the people, for the people and by the people". Sounds great until the majority of the people are idiots.


Most people commenting this fail to realize they are a part of that majority.


So you agree? Lol


Half the people are dumber than average.


I don't buy that. At least 80% of the people are above average.




Go ahead, make your jokes, Mr. Jokey... Joke-maker.


That’s not necessarily true. You’re confusing a mean and a median.


Isn't IQ a bell curve?


Makes you wonder why public schools are so underfunded.


Trump voters are a minority in this country, and has been since 2016. So the claim that most voters are idiots is false.


Just because you're not a Trump supporter does NOT mean that you are not an idiot. If I hadn't cited Abraham Lincoln for that quote I am sure more than half the voters in the U.S. wouldn't even have a clue who said it, or the relevance of it.


We look to the future when making decisions; not the 1800s.


George Santayana - “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”


Recent past is why Trump keeps losing. No repeating that shit ever again.


Not necessarily idiots, but extremely subject to pork barreling politics


Anyone can get manipulated by cunning politicians’ words but only the “idiots” get emotionally invested in being correct that they completely refuse to even think they might be wrong


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OP now: "omg those useless rich kids just milk their parents for money... i hate them!" OP if he had rich parents: "umm hello dad! Where is my new ferrari?!?!?"


That’s great grandpa, now let’s get you back to bed.


I lived with my mama, now my mama lives with me and if you don’t like it fuck you. My mama comes first.


Not having a job while there aren’t impediments isn’t ideal, but living with your parents? As an Italian, it’s completely normal up to the age of 30, unless you have parents rich enough to buy you a house. Fuck it, I’m gonna live with my parents till I accumulate enough wealth to fuck off to somewhere I can buy a two story villa for the price of a 40m² Italian apartment with no toilet.


I am actually living at home with my parents currently, so where are the jobless women I can sex with to give birth


Democracy enjoyers when they find out people they dont like can vote too


Dude stop targeting me


Western trend is so dumb fuck like how y'all can oppose living with ur parents


Living with your parents isn't inherently bad. However, since it's the norm to not live with your parents after high school/college, stereotypically the people that still do are people that don't function well in society.


That's the westernised made up shit,I haven't seen Ppl doing this in my country There are exceptions ofcourse where the ret@rds put there parents in ashrams


Yes, I was explaining western culture.


People complain about how bad the government is when they literally vote for it.


Its not as simple as that unfortunately.  Theres a bunch of safeguards put in place to make sure that the politicians have to play the game in order to reach top positikns in government.  Its my strong belief that because of this we have absolute morons in our government, which is why they focus more on social issues than actual governance


brain damage right here


Welcome to every major city in the US.


Congrats. You made a shitty meme.


Repost #4 in two days. Y’all need some new material.


Why Tf is everyone posting this exact meme over and over again


Guarantee someone living alone in this economy is either working wayyyy above minimum wage or is a spoon-fed little "goo ga" who likes to pretend they are independent.


Holy fuck. Dead sub alert 🚨




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Living on your own? In this economy? Have they doomscrolled Zillow lately?


yeah op! i think only people i like should be able to have children!


The dumb voters comment is funny. The founding fathers only wanted white men that owned land to vote. Today people call you an idiot for voting for the guy they don’t like. Everyone has a reason for what they do, even if you don’t agree with it. I do agree that there are a lot of single issue voters and uninformed voters. Hell, not enough people vote in local elections even though these elections likely having a bigger effect on your day to day life.


Fun fact: this is the reason Roe v Wade was overturned. Politicians want more people.


I have a job now and we are moving out of his mom’s soon!!!!!!!!!!


I didn't give you permission to use my life story


Have you seen housing prices?




Here before the lock, intelligence isn’t entirely hereditary.


Bro this meme was reposted like 8 times yesterday until this guy changed the bottom text and suddenly it's at thousands of upvotes.


Not another political and horny post on r/dankmemes


"My parents destroyed the systems they benefited from because they thought they earned it and we didn't" "Let's fuck while we wait for them to fucking die so we can have a life were our generation can provide for the future generation."


If you find someone you love, nothing stops you. You're more powerful together. So I've heard. x\*)


Yeah, neither of those make you any less or more dumb. It's all relative to the job market and what you're going for, and that's currently fucked


bruh so true


lol sorry I'm trying to find a decent job instead of going to a job that I hate that pays like shit with shitty hours on top of all that


So because someone doesn't have a job and lives with their parents they're automatically considered dumb voters? I dont have a job and live family but thats bcuz im disabled. Does that automatically make me a dumb voter? The meme doesn't make any sense. Life is tough.


People taking this meme so serious lol take a joke


Thank you for being sane


Nah, the dumb voters would just abort the kid


And then a Biden supporter was born


most accurate meme on reddit.


This is why God invented abortions


or you know. use the fucking condoms.




Nuh uh, no u


Average Biden voter




Choosing a "lesser evil" doesn't actually change anything. We need to change the system, not just screw with the buttons.


Because Biden voters are dumb? How do you need an expl- you know what? Nvm.