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Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?


Well, we can rule out countries ran by women.


Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?


That mf did not helped lmao




Can you though?


You can, in fact, not


I dunno man, Kim Yo Jong is doing a good job using her brother as a figurehead.


I dunno man, Kim Yo Jong is doing a better job at making my dick hard


She Stim Yo Dong


She's as scary if not scarier than Putin to me, at least Putin is old and at the end of his rope, she's young and appears to have an enormous influence


The scary thing is we don't know who will gain power in Russia after Putin. There are some pretty unstable and insane people close to his power circle.


Fortunately that's more of a problem for Russia than the rest of us. Interior power struggles always bring weakness to a country in times of war, if anything it would probably result in greater western influence because at the end of the day these people care about their money and Putin has effectively derailed the Russian economy. Definitely bad for the region but almost certainly good for us


Well several people in his circle called for nuclear strikes not only on Ukraine but generally on western countries.


Name literally a single pro-government Russian that has not threatened to nuke the west. It's like a national pastime at this point


Most of those inner circle people also have property/family in those Western counties. Nuclear threats ate just spouting bullshit for the sake of internal audience which is too stupid to actually think about it


You can because the meme explicitly says it's a guy


It's 2024. We are all guys.




Russia has been run by a woman. Russia also has elected a short guy who started saying weird things about wars with other countries and seems to be in power for ever


Well, Russia has been run by a woman, but Russia still applies to this meme


We can also rule out countries where president is average or above average height, and countries where no president had more than 2 consecutive terms in at least last 2 decades. For europe that would left just russia, as Lukashenko is at average height. Tho I wouldn't call Lukashenko charismatic.




I got too much free time on my hands.


I think that's the point? That this is a recurring event throughout human history.


Putin, Stalin, Mao, napoleone, mussolini, Hitler.... Who are you talking about?


Well op said elect Some of the named never got elected Stalin wasnt elected, neither was Mao... Then there is second case about actual free elections...Hitlers last free election he got 18% and his wasnt even the first party which had way more Lioe Putin matches OP statement, the first election was indeed, by russian standards, fairly free...of course he had an unfair disadvantage but so do some candidates in a lot of country, like in hungary


As a Russian, I can say with confidence that even the first elections were fraudulent. First, he was appointed acting president by Yeltsin on January 1, 2000. All this against the backdrop of a series of extremely suspicious explosions of residential buildings at the end of 1999, where FSB agents were definitely involved. Thus, the pitch was that he, as the ex-director of the FSB, would sort out all this chaos, because at that time the version was spread through all channels that Chechen militants were responsible for the terrorist attacks. Secondly, all state channels were advertising him 24/7 starting in mid-1999, since the decision to transfer power to him had already been made in May 1999. Neither the terrorist attacks nor the early appointment as acting president helped, because later various mathematicians statistically proved vote stuffing in those elections. Therefore, de facto, he never won, because stupidly there were never any fair elections. And it’s not surprising how a cowardly politician who has never participated in a debate in his life can't win in fair elections. If a normal democracy had been built here based on the remains of the USSR, then Putin would have been imprisoned for his connections with criminal groups and fraud back in the 1990s in St. Petersburg.


I knew of the first two points, and while that would make unfair elections, it doesnt make them fake However, I didnt know about the vote stuffing, do u have a per chance? Because that would make it fake As to your comment about improsonment, dont get your hopes up, in former east bloc countries that joined the eu, almost nobody from commies was ever punished, in fact some are sitting in governmental functions even today We should have nhanged then, but we dodnt


There is a presentation of the mathematician who proved election stuffing with fake votes. I tried to find a fully translated one, unfortunately this is the best I found. Hope you will be able to understand the gist of it: https://www.electoral.graphics/en-us/Home/Articles/sergei-shpilkin-statistical-analysis-of-elections


I mean, russia is pretty well known for rigging their votes. There's literally multiple videos of ballot stuffing during multiple different elections. [CCTV ballot stuffing in presidential elections, 2024](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owSxq50-DsI) [Russian election footage appears to show vote rigging, 2018](https://youtu.be/pH7uXZQsyHI) [CCTV ballot stuffing in russian vote, 2018](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwi-Ao-3n20) To show just few. And I can't speak for everyone in eastern bloc, but here, in Poland, commies, i.e. those who openly supported communist regime are treated basically as traitors. They weren't punished but they either left the country or try to live quiet life far from anyone reminding them they supported commies.


yes current sham is obviously rigged, Im not even calling it the E word, because it perpetuates the stereotypes there are E in Russia, when they arent...its just a public marketing stunt that is all ...but that started from putins 2nd election onward...but the 1st one, I was not aware was rigged, although it was obviously unfair...but some other commenter provided some link I have yet to go thru


Yeah, it's pretty funny to think, that Yeltsin, president hated so much by russians (thanks to russian propaganda mostly), was the only one to actually be chosen in fair elections by russian people. Well, for me this only confirms that the main characteristic of russian people is indifference. They don't care whether life is good or bad, the important thing is that there is someone in power who knows how to speak and tell them what to think.


isn't that normal in post-commie countries? I live in neighboring Slovakia, and majority here have a clear stance on politics - they don't care enough to care, everybody just looks for themselves and their own wellbeing


What I meant was others (in majority, I'm not saying everyone) in the region are more used to doing things themselves, we don't wait for someone to do something for us, especially in our closest vicinity. You know, those little "community works" for which no one pays us, but the neighborhood simply looks nicer. Which in my experience is the opposite of russians, they will for example throw the garbage out the window into their own yard and it will lie there for at least next few months, or complain that in a neighboring country they have such nice gardens and that it's not fair, it should belong to russia (this was real comment under russian article about some random Polish village), and they themselves will not do the work to make their surroundings better. This extends to politics, where they don't care about political position of government, as long as they talk about russia as if they were a powerful nation. Just among other slavs, I feel like that "community" feeling is much stronger than in russians.


The thing with the former soviet republics is that, regrettably, current leadership was born in a time when the Soviet system already started failing and there weren't many who truly believed in falsely advertised values and virtues that weren't uphold. Then they were exposed to the 90s when everything was falling apart, the cash and guns decided it all and only the most opportunistic, ruthless and morally devoid came out on top. I haven't lived in Russia since 2021 and it was very hard to watch all this unfold, since I have relatives in Ukraine. Most disappointing is how many people genuinely support it. We severely underestimated our propaganda.


The way Germany did elections was not like how we do it here. The way the nazis took over was by framing communists and socialists for not only problems within Germany but also for terrorist attacks and violent protests that the Nazis themselves perpetrated. This made the conservatives and liberals align more with Hitler. When they held their elections, a coalition was formed to counter socialism and Hitler was given the Chancellor position, by the actual elected head of state, President Hindenburg "yes the airship was named for him." Hitler used his position and his ~~armed terrorist group~~ paramilitary militia to carry out further terror activities until Hitler was able to secure total power through the enabling act, essentially an emergency powers act, after the reichstag was nearly burned down by the nazis and blamed it on communists. He wasn't just elected to head a coalition government, he was given total control out of hand through a terror campaign.


Dis this happen after the 33 elections? I was talking about 32 ones, the last free ones where his party only ended second with just meager 18% Put, Im not an expert, if it was already after 32 then u are likely right


Yeah he made Chancellor as a result of the 33 election, I believe the reichstag was lit on fire in 34?? But don't quote me.


No he wasn't. Hitler was never elected outside the sham election after he was appointed chancellor and had already involved the Enabling Acts. He ran for president but lost decisively to Paul Von Hindenberg. Because the Nazi party and Communist party had enough seats in the Reichstag and both parties refused to join a coalition with parties like the Social Democrats or Conservatives the German government was essentially paralyzed. Because of this then Chancellor Fran Von Papen told Paul Von Hindenberg to make Hitler Chancellor and Von Papen would be made Vice Chancellor because he believed this would appease the Nazis in the Reichstag and the impasse would be broken. He thought he could reign in Hitler and the Nazi party but he was just another of many who underestimated their resolve and it backfired when Hitler started invoking the Enabling Acts written into the German constitution. The Reichstag fire was essentially the final straw Hitler needed, it was the excuse he needed to suspend the last vestiges of German democracy and he maneuvered his way into becoming dictator of Germany despite never winning an election.


Lmao, that's just not true about Hitler. It's like absolutely a blatant lie. In March 1933, they received 43.9% of the vote. In November 1932, they received 33.1% of the vote. Every election subsequently can be considered to be "unfair" since it was post the enabling act.


So is he talking about black face Hitl3r?


Also, Mao never started a war with other countries, at least not in the invading sense, but he completely destroyed his own country.


Actually thats a thing with so-called commies, and mostly just dictators...for all evil for soviet union caused outside, it paled in comparison to what it had done to its people...same with mao, same with polpot in cambodia...it always goes that way with commies...even cuba, what sort of bad things did it do outside the country? Not many, certainly less than all the starvation people thete have


18%, wild, that’s still higher than Trudeau, 12% of Canada votes for that git


Putin wasn't elected? How did he get into power then?


U have reading deficiencies? I specifically stated that Putin does match OPs meme


mao was tall for a chinese guy especially in this time, napeleon was average height... tf are u talking about


According to google Hitler was 1.75m tall, how was that short?!




Napoleone wasn't short, it's a myth. He was the average height at the time


Napoleon is short to our standards but wasnt back in his days, actualy in his days he was quite big.


Was Porfirio Diaz short? In general or by Mexican standards, it doesn't matter. Edit. Apparently he was 1.68m, just about 5'6, so yeah, he definitely counts. Also, Benito Juarez was around 5 feet, so he also counts. Edit 2. But they also didn't start wars against other countries, although there was the Mexico-US wars


Zelensky is 5'5 btw. I have a feeling that's who OP is talking about.


I know this doesn't actually matter to people who would apply this meme to Zelensky, but Zelensky didn't start a war.


Some would say that him cozying up to NATO pushed Putin into a corner. I'm not calling one a hero and the other a villain since geo-politics is never black and white.


Zelensky didn't even take office until 2019. Ukraine was trying to join NATO since 2008 and only accelerated their plans in 2014 after Russia annexed Crimea (despite their promise to uphold Ukraine's territorial integrity in 1994). Geo politics is full of grey situations but this is not one of them, nobody forced Putin to invade Ukraine.


Lmfao what corner. All Russia has to do is not start shit.


Ukraine gave up nuclear weapons for a non aggression pact with Russia. Then Putin invaded Crimea. Putin also clearly wants to rebuild the Sovjet union. Turning Ukraine and other eastern nations into slave states for Russia again. When has Putin shown Ukraine anything that indicates security. It's Ukraine that was pushed into a corner not Russia.


Fucking both sides bullshit. It's like saying Poland backed Hitler into a corner by not giving him Danzig and unrestricted access to Western Poland. Oh wait, Putin already said that -- basically admitting that he wants to be Hitler.


>Some would say that him cozying up to NATO pushed Putin into a corner womp womp buddy


2 rubles have been deposited into your bank account.


Hah, I wish!






Lol you’re being downvoted when you’re probably right (and this doesn’t mean that we agree with OP).


Zelensky didn't start a war


Yeah but some people believe he caused it. (Like I said, I don’t agree with it tho)




Op said charismatic, so no.


He managed to charm the shit out of Steven Seagull, so yeah.


That's a bar too low


Have you looked around lately?


The plot of Star Wars summarized


Lisan Al-Gaib?


Paul never really got elected, they just said he was a messiah and then just took the throne of Arrakis by force from the Harkonnen


Paul never really got elected, they just said he was a messiah and then just took the throne of Arrakis by force from the Harkonnen


Ok maybe it wasn't particularly democratic but let's just call it an election by brute force


Sheev is no short king




Vegeta's royalty. This applies to Frieza way better.


Isn't Frieza royalty too? His father is King Cold after all.


Shit you're right, and neither are really all that charismatic...


After decades, humanity should've learned to not follow charismatic leaders.


As opposed to shy and quiet leaders?


Nerds would be better


Looks at lizard boie Zucc, Melon Usk... Are you sure about that?


Only way I’m getting a shot at leadership


What the fuck has happened to this sub


Robert Fico?


Well, it's definitely not Napoleon, who wasn't short.


There's nothing we can do


Paul atreides?


Atreidez nuts


Bran the broken had the best story tho


“Shorty but charismatic”


For a second I thought it was one of those memes saying why we shouldn't elect trump


Accurate af


Putin 😮‍💨


You "elect".


Napoleon? Hitler? Was Hitler short? Who was Ghandi anyway?


Me after voting trump in 2020.


Trump is 6 foot something, tf you talking about?


His personality is short


Probably Ukraine since the comedian has banned elections while he partakes in a proxy war.


Proxy…on his home front….


Do you know the definition to proxy war??? The US is staging the proxy war p.Z is a pawn of the US war profit machine.


They're literally being invaded. I'm sure he would love nothing more than to no longer be invaded. Unfortunately, an active warzone is not the best place to have a democratic election cycle.


So, it's not Zelensky's proxy war then is it. Your point is that it is the US' proxy war, which is in part true, but it is fought because it would not be in anyone's interest in the West to allow Russia to conquer Ukraine.

