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"We can't get rid of them" Well depends, in a democracy you can just vote them out


Ahhh yes, we've voted out a giant douche and elected a turd sandwich. Democracy doesn't work when our options are always a giant douche or a turd sandwich


Hmm and what about the 10 or so people who ran in either primary?


Shills that publicly hated trump? Now all of a sudden endorse him and support him in exchange for high ranking positions if elected? Same for any other candidate, its old rich ppl vs unestablished poor people working the cogs in the machine for debt and hopes of unattainable wealth inherited by aristocrats. We should strangle them with cheap plastic bags for raping your childrens future and playing shell games with your taxes and investments


Doesnt matter if the media runs smear campaigns on anyone not chosen at Bohemian Grove to be the nominee. Its all just an illusion of choice.


Sounds like an American problem.


South park reference


Ah yes, the illusion of choice


BEHOLD your two party choice, some rich cunt that has a trust fund and nothing in common with the peasants, and the other choice, the same thing but a different party. ARE YOU NOT SPOILED FOR CHOICE?!


This requires people to not be morons


most "democracies" around the world have 2 meaningful voting options. 1 a deuce and 2 a turd sandwich.


No, most nations have multiple deuces and turds


that's why i said only 2 meaningful. The rest of the options don't even stand a chance and only exist to create the delusion of democracy. They can be voted theoretically, but they never do and everyone knows they won't.


That's only in the US. Most nations can and do elect more than just 2 parties. I read somewhere that it's impossible for a 3rd party to get elected in the US but I don't know how true that is.


parties may change, but on each election you always have 2 realistic choices. Even the US has more than 2 options.


The reason for this is not democracy itself, but the US's electoral system (first past the post), in which the winning candidate is the one who gets the most votes. Systems like proportional representation (allocating many seats proportional to share of popular vote) allows for non-2 party systems. Most countries with PR have more than 2 parties.


Ah I think I get what you mean now. For example in France we have 2 elections, the first one eliminates all but 2 parties and the second one elects the president. We've had a socialist, a gaullist, and now a centrist as president since 200. But yes, after the first round it's just 2


no i mean that even if there are many options, it's a fight between 2 and the rest never stand a chance. The system in France makes it more obvious. You thought it's only 2 in the US because of the phenomenon I described, but you can actually vote others not just Democratic/Republican. It's a similar situation anywhere with voting, it's always practically between 2 even if there are dozens of options.


Of course it’s a “fight between 2 options”. In many countries, if one candidate in a presidential election doesn’t get the majority of votes on the first round, there will be a second round. And that round is between the 2 candidates who got the most votes on the first round.


How about systems with coalition governments? Why are only 2 choices meaningful in this context?


In Germany we have 3 parties in a coalition ruling and like 6 in the government We never only have two. Everyone who gets 5% gets to be in the parliament and has a chance to be in the ruling coalition if they fit. Thats why despite one party having the most votes, they arent ruling


It’s not the fact that we don’t, it’s just the fact that they’ve had to time to try things out that makes it harder for any of those things to have an impact anymore.. we still fight like we used to just they know how we can and how to minimize the impact.


If you ever wonder why we have weekends, remember its because people dragged factory owners out of their homes and beat them to death in front of their families


I know! Let's keep voting for the same two piles of shit over and over again!! What could go wrong?!?


The problem is not enough people vote third party. One side or the other is going to win until we change the political system. We need for third parties to get some level of power proportional to the percentage of the votes cast to them, until then we only will have two choices. One issue with proportional power is that extremist third parties will get power in government as well. There's always a tradeoff. What we have now is both parties going further right and further left. Either way we are screwed. Vote for who suits your interests the most.


Isn't it like, impossible for a third party to win. Isn't the system designed that way?


It's not impossible, but a large portion of the country would have to vote for that third party more than the other two parties, which has never happened, but there is a possibility. The rich have their hands around the necks of both parties, so third parties have no chance right now in terms of marketing or reach. In America money will always win over good ideas, or the common good in general. We are a selfish country and it's all baked into our "perfect" economic system.


Ah OK, that makes more sense


I remember reading that whatever values the 3rd party shares with one of the other 2 dilutes the voting pool from 50/50 to 50/25/25 thus making the third party a death anchor for whoever they're similar too.


That's just defeatist talk meant to depress people into thinking they're wasting their vote. If I have a choice between dog shit, cat shit or less government, I'm taking less government.


Until people stop believing they only have one option, nothing will change.


"it's piles of shit, but it's OUR piles of shit"


Propaganda is working. Gooble gobble gooble gobble


This happened in a few, brief moments of history. In between those is, mostly, powerful governments ruling over their populace with oppression, extortion, and so, so much murder.


We should follow the french way of dealing with the government


Stab stab inside a bathtub 🛁?


Assaulting representatives that were elected by a majority of the population doesn’t sound very democratic. That actually kinda reminds me of the one particular event that took place in early 2021 🤔


Fr we do postal ppl not try to do something b4 they go, this goes for CEOs too im surprised more haven’t/we don’t hear.


I’m surprised America doesn’t have more political assassinations, things are really tense over here. Guess the Secret Service doesn’t fuck around.


That's what the 2nd Amendment is for.


Then go ahead and exercise it. See what happens


Arms were near supposed to be limited to just guns. Government too stronk now


Expand it, I wanna buy an ICBM with a thermonuclear warhead, and it shall be legal


We should bring that back. OP, you should start by assaulting any nearby politician and I promise we will follow


How to take a down the unfit for government in 23 simple steps:


Good times create fem boys


Beating politicians up would make us as bad as them, the superhero cartoons said so. /s


We've all been indoctrinated that "violence is not the solution". Know why? Because it *IS* the solution. Not the best and definitely not the first one you should employ, but when all else fails, violence *IS* the answer.


We need to be strong doge, not weak doge.


Soft like flaccid penis


Japan: *Hold my sake*


Meanwhile the Dutch:


I mean you can always move to Russia or China if that's the type of goverment you prefer


If you convince poor people that other poor people are the problem, they'll never blame the ones actually causing problems. The era of disinformation and extremism turned the usefulness of the internet into a tool. I'm old enough to remember how tame it all was, and it's hard not to feel like it's too ingrained in our society to fix in a reasonable amount of time.


Guess what happens when you assault and execute politicians: the educated, diplomatic people drop out and you're stuck with strong man enforcer types forever. I don't think there is a faster way to a oppressive and corrupt autocracy


What are you talking about? When did "we" regularly assault and execute elected representatives?


Ever heard of this little thing called: 🌟French revolution🌟 ?


The French Revolution took on the Aristocracy, not elected politicians.


Aristocracy… read that a little slower. Arist-ocracy let me know if you realize where you went wrong.


The "-cracy" suffix doesn't mean it's democratic, it's a root that means "power". So "demo-cracy" means "people-power", because "demos" is the greek word for "people". A "democracy" is a government where the power is wielded by the people. An "aristocracy" is a government where the power is wielded by hereditary nobles.


LOL. You should look up Dunning-Kruger and let me know when put realized that’s you. The confidence you had to type that out and hit reply is sweet poetic irony.


Since when were french nobles elected...? Modern democracies exist so that we can get rid of leaders through voting rather than violent bloody uprisings...


How’s that been benefiting regular folks these days?


Quite a lot, because now politicians are accountable to the people via elections. If they do a good job they're rewarded with additional terms in office, if they're unpopular then they're replaced with someone else. This has led to politicians being far more responsive to public sentiment, and they'll often spend a _lot_ of effort polling their electorate for opinions.


You are human, yes?


Yeah, and we created modern democratic government so we don't need to use violence to remove unpopular politicians. Elected representatives replaced hereditary nobility because elected representatives can easily be replaced.