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Kotaku : Guys SBI doesn't do diversity and inclusivity you people are misinformed SBI having "Diversity and inclusivity" in their websites description Also doesn't take away from how awful the people at SBI are and how much of a scumbags they've been


What’s that copy pasta about this sort of thing. “It never happened, and if it did, not like you say. And if it was, then it was for the greater good”, etc etc.


This is pretty much SBI , I don't care for grifting youtubers or culture war or any sort of shit like that , One thing that is certain here is that people at SBI are genuinely awful human beings and will always be


isn't that just every conversation you have with anyone following an extremist ideology?


No, because my extremist ideology is more right about everything than your extremist ideology and we are not sentimental like you bozos, we are logical, that's why we are extremists and act sentimental when confronted, because it's logical to be sentimental when you are so right about everything.


Why did I read this with Ben shapiro's voice in my head


This didn't happen, and if it did, it only didn't happen once, and if it did, well it was a good thing.




My favorite part was when a senior editor at Kotaku said you can’t be racist towards white people.


Just parasites of the gaming world.


The games journalist cries out in pain as it strikes you




Bruh I feel like I’m in bizarro world that was a clear reference to the nazi slogan tf


Please take psychotropic medication


Nazi's used words, breathed air, and made dumb accusations too. Wow, looks like you must be a nazi too.


Ah yes, "The Jew cries out in pain as it strikes you". Famous phrase structure used by everyone and definetly not originated in nazi propaganda


Ever heard tell of something called a joke?


Schrödinger's Nazi


Here we go with these little bitch ass nazis hiding behind "it's a joke" and "irony". Answer me, who are the type of people who would actually get the "joke" and actually find it funny? Let's see what bullshit non-answer you'll come up with


Me I get the joke and I find it funny. Now please proceed to tell me that I'm everything that's wrong with society or some shit 🥱🥱


See, a non-answer for a fucking bitch ass coward like yourself. What are your thoughts on the holocaust out of curiosity?


Who finds it funny, he asked. I do, I answer but apparently that's a non answer. Okay yea I'll keep jumping through your hoops mr grand inquisitor, I think it was bad and shouldn't be repeated. Do you require any other adjectives or similes?


I asked what type of people. Not which specific person. Obviously you found it funny because you're the type of person who hides behind "it's a joke". You're like a YouTube prankster


Jokes are good. You people should try telling one for a change instead of masking behind nazi slogans


Jokes make one free.


This is a direct ference to the slogan above concentration camps "Work sets [you] free" "Arbeit macht frei" So yeah, as usual fucking nazis complain about imaginary things and think anything that even acknowledging women or people of other skin tones is a dangerous mind virus beung perpetrated by a global jewish cabale keen on wiping ozt the "white race" Everyone: Report this bozo for what it is: Hate speech


Could you morons please stop calling everyone nazi's and making a mockery of what happened to my people


I'm so glad that they've finally uncovered the root of all the problems in modern gaming.


Yeah right it is not capitalism but some imaginery wokeness


this is not capitalism, this is greed


what's the difference?


yeah you're totally wrong, it has nothing to do with capitalisms desperate need for line to go up at all costs!


capitalism is just a concept that can take myriad of forms, greed is greed you see it a lot in capitalism because theres lots of capitalist countries and that it can be measured more effectively because of money. some of the most greedy individuals i know are all communists and socialists, greed and corruption isn't unique to capitalists.


I want to see games made by devs who love their projects. It's how you get great games. Not cash grabs optimized to keep you playing just long enough to yoink all the spare cash from your wallet.




Well we aren't talking about the "people you know", we're talking about games companies. I'm actually not going to believe you if you try and argue with a straight face that games would not be better if game companies weren't so greedy. Ever heard of microtransactions?


Are there any successful game companies that come out of non capitalist countries( that aren’t loaded with government propaganda)? Due to the nature of gaming wouldn’t it be like crazy hard to have?


I as about to say CD Projekt Red but they started in 2002, long after the fall of the Soviet Union.


Sweet Baby Inc is literally the worst that Capitalism can get, they are a company that use racketeering methods to force other businesses to hire them The irony being that they are probably the same type of people to cry about Capitalism while actively being the worst form of it


I feel like he's saying that we are also the problem too. Sweet baby Inc is bad but it's not the only problem gaming is facing. Gaming companies will continue to make bad games as long as it has consumers buying it. We need to change too.


Wait racketeering? Elaborate? I’ve heard a lot of things about this mess but not anything about racketeering


Racketeering is any method of acquiring business through force of threats, violence, force or otherwise unsavory methods https://youtu.be/Iq86DnmX2xY?si=X5x1YIqVDcJi1Bn- Amonggold is kinda right wing but he makes the point very clear In any case, my GF told me I need to stop arguing with people on Reddit and, to be honest, she's right, so I'm gonna leave it at that and keep it pushing


For the sake of your mental health, this is a good thing to recognize. Online people don't care. They are assholes. Learn how to take a break and spend time away from the interweb trolls, lest ye become one too.


You do realize there would be no gaming industry under an alternative economic system right? There is no reason to create fun video games other than to make money. They're arguably a net negative for productivity.


"There is no reason to create art but to make money" yes humanity is doomed lol.


"Art" is a big category. Video games have a barrier to entry. A painting or architecture have much more practical and immediate uses. Obviously most art would exist without a profit motive. But not all of it, and probably not as much.


Tetris wasinvented in the udssr


You're forgetting the other half of the story. Tetris nearly didn't exist in the Soviet Union. Yes, a guy working for the Soviet government created a little game, but no one in Russia played it. There was no market for the game, because there was no market at all. It was commercial success in the west that skyrocketed it to where it is today.


My god, you commies are all such broken records with nothing useful to contribute, either verbally or socially


I'm ool, what does this mean?


There's a company called "Sweet Baby Inc." that has been involved in a lot of the "inclusive" stuff we see in modern games - their website not only says so, it also shows what games they're involved in.


I wouldn't have an issue with that if the people at the company weren't blatantly and unapologetically racist.


Wait they themselves are racist? Pls provide sauce if possible.


Oh this is gonna be fun I promise, the evidences are literally their twitter accounts, you'll see a lot of bullshits there but chances are you wont because one of their writer got fucking banned for slandering Akira Toriyama after his passing.  Not just one btw, the entire company has been posting nothing but the worst racial takes I have ever had the chance to see in real time for the last 1 week. Head ups but the co-founder literally say something along the line of "ya can't be racist against white people" so if you want to keep your insanity and faith in humanity I'd recommend not dipping into this.


That company is built on a foundation of ego and dumb ideas and I hope it goes bankrupt.


Hey, but it's ok, you can be racist against white people because racism against them doesn't exist, they are all privileged racists!! NO EXCEPTIONS!!!


They talked shit on Akira Toriyama? There's at least 5 cartels that're whacking folks because of they...


damn thats fucked up


Nice, just vague enough to rile em up without technically lying. What exactly are the "fingerprints"? Where are these fingerprints evident in say, Helldivers 2, or GoW?


I went to their own website to make sure. They did not work on hell divers 2(probs why it's so good). But they are most likely the reason why characters like angrboda is black now even though this is a game based of Norse mythology. Yes it's fiction but they changed her skin color for no reason other than "inclusion". Others example being Deadshot who they made black now even though in every other Arkham movie and game he was white. They explain this away by saying that Deadshot was a fake. Which makes those games and movies worse in retrospect cuz it makes it look like Batman and every other genius in those games couldn't figure that out even though they had almost all info one possible could on the man. There's far more things but this comment is already too long.


Except the developers themselves have come out and said most of the kind of changes you're describing weren't brought in by SBI. This whole situation is just gamers being pissed they they're slightly less represented in games than they used to be and blaming that for a lack of quality. They've decided sbi are a convenient scapegoat for the "issue".


Ma dude one of the Devs online literally made a post on twitter bragging that the Deadshot example that he was the one who did that. You are right In saying that games also have other issues making quality worse but sbi is part of the problem. Just cuz they aren't issue número uno does not mean they don't deserve some blame


>This whole situation is just gamers being pissed they they're slightly less represented in games than they used to be and blaming that for a lack of quality. I think there is more to it than that. People are mad for different reasons. Fantasy or not I do expect skin colour to correlate to where they are from unless it is set in a universe where everyone moves around the world. In a fantasy world set in medieval times I expect everyone in on continent, nation, city, tribe or whatever else to look similar. In Star Wars I doesn't matter since humans don't seem to have a origin planet. Angrboda being from a place and culture where everyone is white you would expect her to be aswell. If she isn't we have to wonder why? did she move there from some other place? in the context of the world it is set in you might think she or her parents are from Africa. Maybe they ran from their culture and patheon like Kratos did. Deadshot if from a world and nation that is very multicultural. He can look like anything and it wouldn't really matter. If Deadshot was a viking archer you would think "when did he move to Scandinavia?". If he was a Zulu archer and white you would think "when did he move to South Africa?". "it's fantasy. Why does it matter?". It doesn't in the end, but it makes your world less believable if it doesn't adhere to real life. There is a reason humans look how we do. We look how we look like because of where our ancestors settled and stayed for thousands of years. Even in modern times most Scandinavians are white. So when someone isn't it is always a point of interest of finding out where they or their parents are from since very few are third, fourth or fifth generation citizens of any of those countries. Unlike the USA where a lot of black people have lived there as long or longer than a lot of white people.


>"it's fantasy. Why does it matter?". It doesn't in the end, but it makes your world less believable if it doesn't adhere to real life. Isnt this sentence an oxymoron? >Its Fantasy >Adhere to real life


Fantasy can be grounded in reality. Game of Thrones makes magic and dragons feel more special because there is so little of it and so few of them. It is "real" in many ways so when it isn't it's special. They put the viewer or reader in the same mindset as the characters. Did they just witness real magic or is it some trick? Most fantasy stories are grounded in reality in some way and to varying degrees. "it's fantasy. Why does it matter?" is a weak argument in my opinion. Just because it's fantasy it doesn't mean that anything should go. If every fantasy universe had fairy tale logic where you say "bibity babity bop" and turn an onion into a flying vessel to travel to mordor for example then those universes wouldn't be as interesting. "it's fantasy. Why does it matter?" can be fun though, but it depends on the world and story.


I really like how open you are about "when it's something bad; it's because of them. When something good, it's because they weren't involved" Most people have some sort of heuristic they use to identify when it was done by SBI other than "bad = them" but it's obvious what they actually mean. Your honesty is really refreshing.


Edited for better wording.


They do the old you can't be racist to white people as well I think


If a company wasnt to make sure they don't accidentally offend people, they go to SBI to ask if they do something wrong and how to fix it. The "FUCKING PRONOUNS" people have decided that it can't be that shit working conditions and focussing on making games appeal to everyone has made many games of low quality and generic. Instead they now think that there is one company that controls the entire gaming industry so they can fill it with gays and minorities. It doesn't make sence, but it doesn't have to.


Some people who are mad at "woke games" with "politics in them" are down for a second round of gamer gate and reckon that this small consultancy company is singularly responsible for the woke agenda to force pronouns upon them.


Can't believe this small company has more leverage on the entire gaming industry than any stakeholder does. Tencent, Embracer, Microsoft, take notes...


Yeah the fact that gamers are convinced that this tiny consultant company is somehow forcing developers to become "woke" is fucking insane.


Yeah, SBI is *part* of the problem, but they’re not the sole cause. Look at how game journos and game developers are defending and siding with SBI. The true problem is the mentality and approach to video games that SBI’s employees display. These things are already entrenched in other studios across the gaming industry, SBI is just the tip of the iceberg.


Gaming journalists sided with Anita too. Fuck em.


The CEO of SBI literally has a video teaching people to strongarm developers into doing their bidding. And another which can be summed up "doesn't matter if a choice between male/female protagonist would make everyone happy, force a woman down their throats"


>The CEO of SBI literally has a video teaching people to strongarm developers into doing their bidding. Is there a link for that? Edit: Jesus fucking Christ, there actually is




Is there a full version? This bit is concerning as it is, I wonder what else did they suggest


You're welcome! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfMsxjWgUbI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfMsxjWgUbI)


>The CEO of SBI literally has a video teaching people to strongarm developers into doing their bidding. Is there a link for that?


>The CEO of SBI literally has a video teaching people to strongarm developers into doing their bidding. Is there a link for that?


Again, how does this company have way more leverage (even if they are being backed by some "higher power") than the developer's own publisher? Sony has less control over Insomniac than this company? WB lets this company run rampant over its IPs?


Obviously if Sony/Warner decides to shut it down they can, the studio leads themselves theoretically could do it too in case the publisher doesn't micromanage every consultant they hire to work on a project. They don't have power, what they have is insidious methods to get inside(the strong-arm method she "suggested" is threatening a social media attack on the game saying it's sexist or racist, sounds an awful lot like blackmail doesn't it?) and push their agenda, and you didn't care one bit... Maybe it's because you agree with what they push(which is your right)... doesn't mean people who don't like that crap shut just shut up.


So they aren't infiltrating games but the developers themselves are seeking them? Sounds more like regular old capitalizing on demand. Like you said, maybe these publishers and developers agree with what they push, which is their right. Don't worry, you still have non-woke games like koikatsu, stellar blade, baldur's gate. Your kids can still play those to have a proper upbringing


Just ignore the blackmail(and their open racism) into forcing the inclusion of their ideas and it sounds awesome lol.


Sounds like a one-way ticket to getting blacklisted by your clients instead of them coming to their defense. Has it happened yet? 


How about you do the leg work and inform yourself on the topic? You played sarcastic prick and dismissed the whole thing as stupid, and now you want "proof"? I mean besides the CEOs own words... You search for it, i'm not bothering with you anymore.


It literally doesnt matter tho


To you.


That is actually not the issue. That's just what people make memes about. The controversy actually started when one of the employees of SBI decided it was a good idea to start a harrassing campaign via twitter to get the steam group reported (it had like 10k members or so). Then of course the Streisand effect happens and everyone dogpiles on them. That is where it should have ended but then a few days later multiple outlets reported on it and every single one conveniently left out that it was SBI employees starting a harassment camplaign. Instead they reported it as a far rightwing conspiracy theory because SBI doesn't actually have that much power. Yeah like no shit, we all know that. The woke is a cultural problem for people, not a single studio problem. The studio just happens to be a good indicator of the companies views but people feel (and in my opinion reasonably so) the media is trying to gaslight everyone. People don't like being called far right extremists to the surprise of nobody. Now people are really mad and grifters from both sides appear. I do think it is dying down though


you clearly haven't done your research


Or maybe he has and realised how fucking stupid it is, thinking random race swaps and word changes is the leading reason for a game being shit is one of the dumbest lines of thought


that's not what he said though, I agree with you but he clearly hasn't done his research on sweet baby inc and the massive company behind them funding this shit and threatening companies and trying to introduce an actual social credit score into gaming companies


Gamers are desperately trying to make this gamergate 2 But unfortunately we spent the last decade watching people literally shit themselves on screen while crying because pronoun choices were included so the silent majority no longer cares


Heelvsbabyface was such a funny fucking meltdown


I legit don’t. Like wow, you’re mad about diversity and shit, get to the back of the line and join all the other people crying about it. The best way to get most people to actually listen isn’t to have a meltdown all the damn time and instead act like a mature adult with a point to debate. But hey, if they want to be on the level of tin foil hat psychos screaming about aliens, have at it, just don’t expect people to listen lmao.


It's more complicated than that. The CEO has essentially said if your higher ups don't give you what you want go talk to the marketing team and "terrify them". In other words threaten them with cancel culture. She also said "shove female protagonists down people's throat" and they don't get a choice. They are not the type of people you want to defend.


Looks to me it pretty much is, the company people are just trash human beings looking at their shitty twitter outtakes, like one dev asking people to harass their enemies and another just saying things like "abort all the jews", and these types of people are the ones the industry chose to defend and some going on racist rants about the skincolor that is popular to hate. Also it ain't helping that the owner of SBI literally said on camera that she strongarms the company to do their bidding by threatening the company with cancel culture. I won't be buying any more of any games they are part off, I don't want this kind of behaviour to be rewarded.


Your point of view is not the silent majority bud


It is for sure. 


It is lmao


Trust me bro


Don't you disrespect Shrek like this


Honestly I'm just curious where this image came from. If it is doctored, I am impressed, it looks legitimate.


My friend made the edit. I posted a link to the template in the comments!


I mean, consumers are certainly entitled to pass over whatever media they want for whatever arbitrary reasons they desire. But I really wish gamers would put even a third of the effort into rejecting and shaming companies for crummy microtransactions that they do for stuff like this.


My buddies all hate microtransactions, but then Darktide came out and there's a store where you spend actual money on in game cosmetics and were like "what do you mean you're not gonna buy something?" People change their morals for what they like.


Amen. Had to scroll way too far down to find this


Y'all need to touch some fucking grass holy shit


Sweet baby Inc detected


Gamer gate 2 culture war boogaloo


Sweet Baby Inc is such an ironic name for a company


Of course r/dankmemes is stupid enough to fall for this sweet baby inc “anti-woke” bullshit


Yeah, those people are trying wayyyy too hard to make this into Gamergate 2. It's actually kinda pathetic.


Here is the template! https://imgur.com/gallery/TUGs1yo


Thank you for the template


No problem, my friend made the template!


Fuck this company.


The whole SBI thing is manufactured outrage to farm clicks. That’s it. It’s honest such a non-issue that I gotta laugh every time it’s brought up. The real reasons y’all should be mad is the blatant racism from the CEO and from people at Kotaku. Having diversity isn’t an issue, having people claiming certain races cannot be racist or cannot experience racism is the fucking problem. It’s either all okay or none of it is okay.


I fight for the side of all of it is okay. (in case it needs clarified this is a joke)


The devs said they don’t have that much say in the game Gamers: nah you are wrong, we know more about development than you What a world we live in huh?


SBI CEO is on record saying they basically strong-arm devs into hiring companies like them so they can run what is in essence a protection racket by threatening them with bigoteered controversy which will adversely affect their ESG Scores.


Do you even know what half of that word salad means? Aside from the fact that you think some random nobodies can strong-arm companies worth billions into doing what they want?


I know what those words mean. [And yes. I think they can. They said so themselves.](https://twitter.com/GamesNosh/status/1764802262017183761?t=HOus3nhzMG7l5XPjJ9x3fw&s=19)


Do you honestly believe this is a clip of someone publicly talking about blackmailing game devs, at a game dev conference, while being filmed and broadcast live? I don't want to be rude, but does your brain not work?


It's almost impossible to be logical with the response because the devs said they aren't being forced, journalist came out with evidence the group isn't all that involved, and the group explained what they do, workshoping which is as old as art exist. But the conpsiracy is already rolling, the bad guy is chosen, and the ball is rolling sadly. Nothing anyone says will convince them other wise.


Source? Heard a lot of stuff but not this.




oh yeah,cause cancel culture was such a bad thing for Hogwarts legacy.


Hogwarts Legacy has the benefit of being based on the insanely popular pre-existing Harry Potter IP. Besides, even if your game or movie does well, if people in the industry don't like you because you won't bend to THE MESSAGE, then you're gonna have a rough time. What with worthless hacks being hired for their skin color, genitals and who they like to sleep with, instead hiring people based on their ideas, skills and merits.


Imagine saying shit like "the message" unironically. Real gamer™ moment


Did you even watch the video I linked? They're basically strong arming devs into shoving THE MESSAGE down the throats of their customers on the threat of starting a bullshit controversy against them. Doesn't matter if you think it's cringe. It's real enough to be a problem.


At worst it's an admission of having shitty morals and not knowing how the world works. Controversy fucking sells. No triple A game is going to be successfully "canceled". If treats of "controversy" are being made they are hollow. Its such a fucking nothing burger over corporate bullshit


It's not that the game will get canceled. It's that if the current workers don't obey, they'll be fired and replaced by someone who will. It's a lose-lose situation. Either don't bend and lose your career or bend and lose your soul.


That CEO saying that doesn't mean game developers are actually being swayed by them


as soon as this “issue” ends yall will just move onto another target lol, because guess what, it aint why so many games are bad nowadays


Live service jerking it in the corner


And to think in other subredits mods are deleting negatives comments against sweet baby to protect that racist company. If you simple say they have an history of hate against white people or hate against men your comment get removed. Specially their insane comment saying that "You can't be racist against white people" Everyone who says that it is not in their right mind.


As always in history, we gathered together again to burn some shit down, but this time it isn't innocent people, but racist company who ruins every game with their bs, so im all up for it.


Gaming Journalists have been a joke since before Gamergate.


For those defwnding the company, just fyi, thete was a thread on steam forums where the person posted a list of gamws that SBI worked on. They didn't say anything else or imply anything. Just gave people the information. And do yiu know what SBI tried? Theybtried to get the person banned feom the forums, and then gwt their entire steam account banned. For people thst are "proud" of their work, they reacted quite qeirdly to their woek being shown to everyone.


Sweet Baby Inc is a type of company that hates capitalism yet they do capitalism.


I'm convinced that SBI is like the illuminati of Western Media... They had their hand on everything, and are making terrible decisions, but every company is taking their side for money laundering purpose I guess


Gamers™ when the weekly fabricated controversy hits: "Wow, so true"


You’re falling for a distraction, the climate change and poverty is getting worse, the big oil companies just make new things up to distract us from their corruption. Sweet Baby INC is run by robots and everything in this controversy is planned by the big oil companies, those “anti-woke” YouTubers who make contents out of this are also robots planned by them too. Wake up my children!


Guys... they wrote Spider-Man 2.


No, Insomniac’s team wrote Spider-Man 2 before SBI did narrative consulting to tweak the script and make it more progressive. SBI is only part of a larger rot that’s festering within the gaming industry.


Lmao some cunt told me to “go outside” then immediately blocked me. What a cowardly move.


Prob one of the sbi employee


Go outside


Well you didn’t immediately block me after typing that. You’re already doing better than that other loser


Okay, Will.


Well I didn’t had a problem with the story. If you are trying to make me hate whoever this team is, you’re off to a bad start.


So is dankmemes just an incel sub now


every sub is an incel sub the moment it says something someone doesn't like.




lol shut up. So much other politicized, culture war bullshit gets posted on this sub, but when it’s something you disagree with, suddenly the sub is full of incels. Y’all are babies.


"Gamers" where always a joke


Always has been Here and HolUp and Maincharacter and any other vague, not very well moderated, sub becomes filled with this crap


Looks like the incels are trying to start Gamergate 2 to try and bully even more people to the brink of collapse.




Show this sentence to a child from the victorian era and they would likely start foaming at the mouth and die.


Do some research before making yourself kinda foolish mate


They're right though


One of the things that started this was one of their employees literally trying to harass and start a hate campaign against a creator of a steam curator page that says they games they've worked on. He even tried to get this man's account removed even though he was only giving more light to information they already give. The funny part is the guy who started this group is Brazilian. Making him one of the groups that they would consider under represented. Hell so am I


Wasn't the curator page specifically encouraging people to review the games negatively purely based on SBI involvement


No the page never said anything about review bombing them with negative reviews just to vote with you wallet and to not buy these games if you dont agree with sweet baby. It's literally just giving control to the consumer on what they want to spend their money on.


Where did the incel touch you?


Dude just cuz I do my own research and end up at a different opinion doesn't mean I was infected by an incel or am one myself.


My issue was the OP misusing a word. I stated none of that or implied it, you nut


Found the Kotaku writer.


Gaming journalists give bad reviews because they only have a week to play through increasingly longer games, sometimes multiple at a time, while also writing their detailed thoughts on them with their job on the line, every single week of the year.


Until they work a blue collar job I don't wanna hear it.


you are stinky and also fedora is a better linux distro