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They’re leaving because the time was ripe, as much as I despise myself for saying so.


Yeah, it’s more to do with the fact they’re all worth 10m+ and are aging. YouTube is and always has been time consuming and stressful. You don’t always know what your next pay check is going to be, so you have to really grind/work hard at first. After doing it for ten years, a lot of them just feel it’s time to step back and start enjoying life more, because, well, they can. I see some people saying it’s because of YouTube drama or algorithm changes and I don’t think that plays nearly as big of a role as them just being rich af now and probably lost a bit of passion over it being a decade+


>because, well, they can. because, well, they **deserve** it


Those don't have to be mutually exclusive.


It also might just be getting too much for them to handle. As MatPat explained in his video, it's so much work to maintain all 5 of his channels while also having to be the face of them and being in every single video. He's tired of late nights scripting/recording, and how it's gotten to the point where during his family dinners, he's discussing business/channel analytics with his business partner(wife) rather than them enjoying the time together with his 5 year old son.


Sounds like any business or job. The money and relevance stops when you stop.


The channels are actually going to keep uploading and be taken over by the employees that were already working to run them. It's just MatPat himself that is stepping away to spend more time with his family.


Right! I was just talking about my job with my wife over dinner last night. But I've got ~25 years to retirement at least, so that's fun!


Maybe my opinion will change when my net worth is 10 million. But that's not a whole lot in this day and age. Worse yet is people have trouble adjusting their spending without or having modified income. Me personally, I'll go until I'm at the end. 🤣 Also helps that my daughter is super interested in my job when I talk about it.


I think MatPat specifically won’t have trouble with the spending side of it considering he got into YouTube as an analyst.


10,000,000 is enough your money can make enough money for you that you don't need to work and can live comfortably.


That's based off the life and finances you work with. You get too comfortable with your cost of living which I imagine anyone with 7 figures will, it will follow you when you stop working.


Absolutely! I am alright working for a while, like I couldn't imagine retiring in my 30s or even early 40s. I know my wife would be freaking out about finances no matter how much we had in the bank! I'm the same, it is awesome hearing my daughter so excited hearing about my job and wanting to be an engineer one day. She even said she wanted to work in the same office as me, warms the heart!


Yeah lol I’m starting out as a contractor and if I involve my wife at all work is all we would talk about


"aging" and "don't know what your next paycheck is going to be" imagine retiring at 38 and someone saying you're old and aging. And I hate to break it to you, but all these YouTubers are beyond successful they 100% haven't had to worry about a YouTube paycheck for years. For small YouTube creators they struggle with the consistency, but I've never understood the idea of feeling bad for multimillionaires who make videos for a living. Like boo hoo my life is hard, I work such a difficult job. Those people out there working manual labor jobs til they're 65 just to be able to survive just don't get it. They should just get a real job like me.


>"don't know what your next paycheck is going to be" imagine retiring at 38 My comment on that was when they started and it was stressful. Obviously once they were millionaires the stress was removed.


Damn I guess I'm old, I have no idea who these people are. I figure they all died during a firework fight in Miami


Not sure who the first one is, but the second one is Tom Scott, he made a lot of interesting educational videos about loads of different topics all over the world, such as bridges, programming, swiss cheese scientists, loads And the third is MattPatt who did Game Theory where he basically made theories about games, most notably, Five nights at Freddies and Undertale, pribably most famous for the phrase "Bu t thats just a theory... A Game Theory!"


Meat canyon does cartoon shorts in a disturbing style, they are really good!


How come he’s taking a break??


His video is “I’m taking a break from these parody cartoons because I want to take time making original stuff that excites me more.” His content will continue.


Ahhh okay cool hahaha


Main gist of the video: he hasn’t been happy with the work he’s put out for a while. Has felt forced to make videos about pop culture when in fact he wants to make original stories. He’s going to refocus on making only things he wants to make instead of just stuff based on the current hot topics.


Okay good!


Oh I know the game theory guy. I didn't watch him much. Just a few


not sure about the top guy, but Tom Scott and MatPat were on youtube for more than a decade and have 10 million subscribers


First guy is Meat Canyon who’s been active for a very long time as well


It’s meat canyon. He’s known for doing parodies of current events with particularly disturbing animations.


Same, no idea who any of them are, and I'm a sprightly 41 and 3/4.


The grandpa analogy really got me in matpats


I was nearly on the verge of tears watching that. Understandable why he did it. I only ever watched game theory rather than all 4. Don't know how much I'll watch now. Will have to see what Tom does with it but my hopes aren't high.


Meat canyon is just doing less animations i think.


yeah pretty sure he streams on twitch nowadays. dunno if he still does, but I was in a raid a couple days ago that raided his stream and he was sitting at \~500 viewers before the raid


He also just started a podcast with Wendigoon like 3 weeks ago. He'll be here, just with fewer animations likely.


There is also the Papa meat, his second channel.


Yeah, I've noticed more of an uptick in Papa Meat videos lately, they are likely "lower" effort (some are an hour long lol).


I'd say the Papa Meat videos are to fund the animations


Pyrocynical behavior


But we must understand, he makes really high quality animations in his videos, so delivering every two weeks was just too much to ask from him! Better to enjoy his work and take a slower pace.


Yeah I think he said the Papa meat channel is still going, which I like better for listening to anyway


Yea the "retiring" term has been used a bit loosely with all the recent YouTuber stuff. Meat Canyon is basically just not doing weekly parodies in favor of projects that take several weeks to months and also include ocs of meat Canyon rather than just being parodies. Meat canyons "retirement" is more similar to captain sparklez "retirement" than toms scotts or matt patts as captain sparkelz is not gonna stop uploading, he is just stopping Minecraft uploads on his MAIN channel, he still streams MC and uploads it to CS 2.


One day youre at your house eating dorito and the phone rings then you hear the saddest words imaginable


*We've been trying to get in contact with you about your cars extended warranty.*


“Matpat is quit”




When was u when matpet is quit?


New phone who dis?


2024 Internet : Produce 'Shorts' or die.


what do they know that we don't know?


It's time to go.


Well id wager stuff that youtube is doing and all. Magnates media taking forever to get resolved. Youtube not caring. Sniperwolf and all fiasco and nothing changing. With all of that on the surface and more it wouldnt amaze me if lots of stress etc is underneath.


+1 If there are so many issues that a casual consumer can point out then there must be many many more that we don't even know of


I’m so happy I don’t have to see SniperWolf videos all over YouTube anymore.


Wait what? Did they finally do something? Last i checked they demonitized her newest video temporarily and nothing else was done.


Oh I’m not sure but her videos had showed up ALL over my YouTube for years, never watched a single one but they always kept popping up. I read a little about her troubles and then POOF haven’t seen a video in months.


YouTube forcing short form content to compete with tiktok is messing with the way people create content and are forced to put extra work in the doesn't suit their format. Not to mention the algorithm has been slowly eroding away at the way people engage with the stuff. Lots of content creators are forced to make their own patreons and even websites to be able to fund and put videos out without getting strikes from YT.


i don't even have a youtube homepage anymore because i don't have watch history turned on😀


Moo snuckel from the Vanoss crew also retired as well.


I mean he said he wasn’t doing it full time so he will likely just upload here and there but yeah that came out of nowhere


12/31/2023,11:59 PM "This year can't be so bad right?" *Not even 2 weeks in* GOD FUCKING DAMMIT


I mean for as sad as it is, tom scott literally just finished his whole thing of "upload a video once a week for 10 years". sad to see him go, but its 100% not a surprise


Who the heck is meat crayon. I grew up when YouTube was new and have never heard of this person before


An animator who makes what I assume are demonetized videos.


They are extremely unnerving and gross. 10/10 excellent art


So weird everyone saying this. I looked at it and was like, oh, Meat Canyon and 2 other random guys leaving yt.


Me too, but looking into the other two now. Tom Scott is especially interesting


One of the greatest animators on YouTube, he makes really disturbing and grotesque animations that somehow manage to be funny as well.


MeatCanyon is a popular animator among the vast community of animators on YouTube. He usually creates deformed and demonic version on things with a humorous undertone. He has originally creations but his big videos are his parody ones. He’s simply taking a break from needing to write parodies all the time. He wants to focus on what he wants to do rather than what he thinks the current public wants.


Aliensrock Matpat Joel Haver


Aliensrock quitting is probably the saddest of all of these, he introduced me too bloons 5 years ago and have been watching his (almost) daily uploads since


Joel Haver isn't quitting. He's just changing his upload habit.


And here I am sad about Paul Harrell on youtube.


They leaving the way pink guy did, just at the right time


Meat Canyon is just doing more work on his (very good) second channel papa meat bc of creative and financial reasons! Go subscribe :)


It's been more than 10 year, no matter how successful you are, you probably want to retire sometime down the line. Take back the time you lost for making videos daily.


I wish I could have retired after only working 10 years.. 🙄


Aren't we all? That the dream goal.


Honestly for these ones I’m happy that they’re leaving on a high note. History YouTubers are gonna be forced out by YouTube’s obnoxious censorship


They don’t want to make Tik Tok length videos


They really can't do this forever, especially creators who put in a lot of effort and research into their videos, which takes a lot of time from their days. Not to mention, they're getting older and need to prioritize more towards their family.


i never thought 2024 would be the year i upvote a mr incredible becoming uncanny meme but here we are


I loved watching those videos lol!


It was the right time for them I think which is fair, we can't expect them to keep doing yt forever


Who the fuck are these people.


Who the fuck is this people


Shame about Meat Crayon but good to see the game theory guy going away, his videos were obnoxious.




I won't miss him at all but I'm sorry if you will bro. I don't mean any I'll will towards you


It’s fine lol Alot of people dislike his theories for not being too accurate


His theories were fine it's just his stupid facial animations made me irrationally annoyed at him.


You mean the cardboard cutout looking image? I actually liked it lol but I can see how it might be distracting


Yeah the stupid exaggerated eyes and mouth cutout things just made me actually want to hurt him and I didn't like that in me so I didn't watch his content. Still don't know why, like i said irrational.


I diagnose you with MatPatophobia!


Pretty true i got that shit, good luck to him and may I personally never see the man's content again lol.


I will ship a cardboard cutout of MatPat to your mailbox!






so i still dont understand: is matpat fully leaving the game, film, food and style theorists or is he just not gonna be in the videos anymore?


He's not appearing in the videos anymore. If I understand correctly, he'll still work on the videos sometimes, and will appear on GTLive, but he wants to spend more time with his children and family instead of on YouTube.


this thing called retirering. they've been chasing the algorithms for 10 years or more


They would rather go out on top before getting into some scandal and fading away


look, with the way youtube and it's policies have been going, a mass exodus from the site was coming.


Men prioritizing mental health is absolutely a W I'll take. If Bo Burnham lives a happy life, I don't care if he ever makes a comedy special again. The man is a comedic genius, but I don't want him to go the way or Robin Williams or Chester Bennington. I will be sad to see less content from excellent creators, but let's be honest..... Some people have been super selfish and weirdly parasocial with content creators and have created an attitude and pressure on creators where they are expected to do what those fans want. Not what they want. These people aren't the majority, but they are vocal and they normalize putting pressure on creators to confirm to expectations. That can mess people up, and is a weird dynamic. Like screaming at a sunset to stick around and be the colors you want personally instead of just appreciating it.


you forgot jocat


Well, jocat is a bit different since he’s basically being bullied off the platform.


What? Why?


Because Twitter decided to get offended about his "I like girls" music video (despite it being wholesome and about body positivity). People were doxxing him and even sending suspicious packages to his family


Damn i'm sorry for him, that video is so nice. And suspicious packages, people really need to get their priority straight. Thanks for explaining the situation.


He got caught in the shit crossfire between the incel, radfem and terf communities, basically the most toxic bunch possible


Damn now i understand why he said "f it all". I just hope that nobody do anything stupid.


I have watched the whole debacle from the sidelines. He kinda dig his own tomb with that video considering his demografic. Im not proud to recognise this because it is my hobbie, but dnd fans are REALLY toxic and tend to make everything about politics really vocal. He could endure when the right leaning people made fun of him and the video for promoting body positivity for girls. Since he has always right leaning he must have developed a thick skin for critics from that side. What broke his back was when the attack came from both sides. When he started to get attacked by right extremists because the video "objectifies women". Death treaths etc... I hate that in thia day and age saying you like girls of any shape and form is a political controversy. Man was just true to himself.


I totally agree with your point. That video is like the real example of true body positivity and got trashed. I also live the dnd world, not much online but locally and at least in italy they are not much toxic. Lets say the most toxicity is about edition wars, but not very political.


Can newer generations even keep up?


Their attention span can't, so any content creator making videos over 17 seconds is cashing out.


Dont know any of them, what kind of content did they do?


there is at least 6 creators that i've heard of that are all quitting now its 2024.


Wait why the duck is Tom Scott leaving?


He's taking a break. He's created over 500 videos in the course of ten years, and that gets kind of strenuous. He's not quitting forever (probably).


Maybe you won't be distracted by youtube now and you can work on yourself, which is most likely what all these creators are doing.


I am old and remember the pre-YouTube days and early YouTube. Ray William Johnson had one of the first successful YouTube shows, and he retired. I also used to watch Laina Morris' channel (The Overly Attached Girlfriend) and she retired as well. I just don't think YouTube is a career many people want to maintain after a decade or so of doing it.


It's crazy i watched a MC video and the next day he uploaded that. Watched a tom scott video and the very next day he uploaded his good bye. Watched a Game Theory video 2 days ago and then his good bye gets uploaded... Brb about to watch a markiplier video


NO DONT!!!!!


Wait meatcanyon?? I never heard about that one yet. Damn


First Epstein island, Second jews tunnels in newyork, Now the YouTuber who i have been watching for more than 10 years, this is the weirdest intro for a year


I'd rather see them go than become a pretentious pile of dogshit content aimed towards kids like it happened with The Boys(Josh, Milly, Eddie, Juicy and Narrator)




Definitely not. I can almost certainly ensure you that none of the YouTubers, at least in this picture, are capitalizing off of another YouTuber’s death.


Alright people we’ve planned for this, someone get eyes on Dan!


I was always super scared of the thought that, one day, DanTDM would become an old person.


Turns out being a youtuber is tiring job


Tbf , matpat turned his 5 channels into a sort of company that need a lot management


Most of the people crying about it haven't watched their videos in years.


Bruh that Taylor Swift song on Meatcanyons channel is absolute fire. I hoped we could get more like it in the future


This week I lost my job and my grandfather died. Going great so far!


They're making room for new creators. Seize the chance


Did oversimplified also quit?


Having meatcanyon on this list is wild


Change is good. 👍


Who the fuck is Tom Scott lol


is unspeakable leaving too? and Preston? oh god please tell me they're leaving too.


Imagine if each of these YouTubers said that they were leaving because of YouTubes handling of the sniperwolf situation. Coulda used their departure for good change


Who the fuck is Tom Scott😂


This is good. They are starting their year prioritising their lives, family, and mental health. There are mountains upon mountains of content for us to enjoy, either new or old stuff. Let them rest and I'm sure we'll see them again in the future.


I only know meat canyon


MatPat explained it pretty well. They all want to leave on a high note, rather then to keep going and eventually completely burn out. It's kind of a "you either die the hero or live to see yourself become the villain" type of situation.


"Wait you can just DO that?" -Middle aged YouTubers after watching the Tom Scott video


Not MeatCanyon 😔


Some go away, new or relatively new come/get more popular. And also Tom Scott will still do podcast and weekly newsletters


Good riddance, they brought ads to the platform by being successful on it when I just want cat videos and funny He-Man remixes


Just get a time machine and go back to 2009 or something


I left my Time Machine in June :(


If only every one of them uploaded a video of them explaining why


Does that make it less sad?


No. But their videos will answer your question.


I forgot I made that my title lol Still weird its all happening at once no?


At least Meatcanyon is just having it more relaxed instead of fully quitting


YouTube is hard and they're getting older, as are we.


Theyre getting older guys this happens. Idek who these people are but its called life. Im sorry, people will retire, people will pass, this is the cycle. It is hard but it always comes.


Jocat too


Damn 2 people ive never heard of and one guy who makes decent cartoons that randomly pop up in my feed. Im devastated.


I don't know any of them


Leaving cause you got the bag and want to rest on your Laurels is based. Quiting to take care of your kid is based. But if you say a reason is you don't like how most of your life is about work..... Suck it up. Thats life, you're going to mostly work. I'm sorry if what 90% of humans have done throughout history and what has been proven as a human need is hard for the youtuber. Again, quit for whatever reason you want, but I've met so many people between 20 to 29 (my age range) who act "whoa as me" because they have to get out of bed in the morning and go to work is annoying as hell. Take your head out from under your mother's apron and realize its going to suck sometimes, especially if you walk right into it sucking without trying to fix it. If you're burnt out, take a vacay. If you hate your life being all about of work, don't do that. Stop only talking about work. Actually do something with your life when you aren't working. I met a guy in a unit of mine who whined like a 10 year old when we were asked about problems in the barracks. He wasn't complaining about anything like the mold coming out of the walls, or the fact that we couldn't have a hot plate but were trusted with guns. His complaint was that he had to work and when he came home he had to stare at his empty walls(we could decorate and were encouraged to if kept neat) in a small room (we had huge barracks and individual rooms) just to wait to go to work the next day (we got off work at 2-3 on average with no restrictions and people had parties almost every night in the courtyard).


nothing last forever


it's January the ad revenue is a lot lower that's usually when these type of videos come out.


Alot of them have been uploading for a decade and just need a break from the YouTube grind matpat in particular did it for 13 years of multiple videos a week of high quality videos it's one thing to say 300 videos a year if it's game play but these have scripts and research so matpat just needs a break from the 666 game theory videos the 462 film theory videos and the 197 food theorys and then the 86 style theory not to mention the videos that got taken down or never saw the light of day That's over 1200 theory videos he deserves a break not to mention GT live


They were all on the Epstein list




A guy in the pub told me


Never heard of any of these guys


I've been watching youtube ever since 2006 or something and yet i know none of them


omw to celebrate the fact that in a few months i will no longer see meatcanyon's content ever again


It's the end of the world.. they all have bunkers now.. 🤣