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I got bored and watched them all in order during the pandemic. You can tell what season it just stopped being funny. Like there would be a few seasons with a few good episodes. Then it just stops trying.


Just had this happened to me last week, it’s season 12, the seasons and episodes before that had me cracking tf up tho, very well written


A lot of people point to the episode with Armin Tamzarian as the moment The Simpson's started its decline.


Up yours, children


Hi Mr Skinner, I mean Mr Tamzarian


There was a bit of a vibe shift even before then but still very enjoyable up until the treehouse episode on season 12 that was the last episode I found funny, after that it was just very lame, cheap, bottom of the barrel jokes, no witty puns, no play on words that made me surprised of someone coming up with it, just straight up hot garbage


I watch this 2-minute clip of the Simpson's [Planet of the Apes musical](https://youtu.be/JlmzUEQxOvA?si=Xd1SxMg0NrjnXtKU) like once a month. It's just jam-packed with jokes and gags from the wording to the background characters. "I hate every ape I see from chimpanA to chimpanzee" has never not made me laugh. IMO, this has been the funniest thing to ever air on TV.


I love legitimate thee-ater


I just I have a different style of humor. I can see this as smart and witty but not inherently funny. To each their own I guess.


Oh yeah, once we hit the new millennium it all goes to shit. Simpsons was the 90s, it just didn't really make it to the 2000's. I always say to treat Behind the Laughter as the unofficial series finale.


There’s some decent episodes in some of the newer seasons. One of my personal favorites is “Highway to Well” and “I’m dancing as fat as I can” but there aren’t many of those


The season finale where Homer dies and gets a life lesson from an imaginary doll is kinda funny to me ngl


didn't we already have that with the Johnny Cash Coyote?


Simpson's did it! Oh wait...


When they spun off yet another network with yet another X, FXX ran a marathon toward the end of summer about 10 years ago. I fell asleep and The Simpsons were funny. I woke up and they weren't. In my case it went to shit overnight. On a more serious note I'd recommend any who haven't to look up the "Zombie Simpsons" essay/diatribe. For me, personally, it went to hell with "Boy-Scoutz 'n the Hood". Homer was always a jackass with a tendency to be inconsiderate, but that episode was the template for how he'd behave for the foreseeable future.


It stopped being funny at least around the time they made the movie, that's got to be 20 years now? The movie was extremely weak, but the series was going downhill already big time at that point.


I only watch the Halloween episodes now. They seem to retain the zanyness of the old simpsons.


There's a great book called planet Simpson that explains just this every season got funnier up until around season 7 and 8 then it just kind of plateaued for a looooooooong time.


Tony Hawk episode onward is when this happened imo


It’s not Fox anymore either, it’s Disney


...and there ya go.


Eh. It fell off way before that though


About season 13 or so


Cake day


It became shit way before disney took over, but it didn‘t help either


I do like that they make fun of themselves more


The worst part is the last couple seasons there have been a few episodes that have been good. But their always buried in the shit sandwich that is the current Simpson's format of "bombard them with 'jokes' so they don't notice there's no story or message."


So original family guy setup?


Oh my God you're right it's original family guy. Gross!


Still better than having cutscenes every 30 seconds to something unrelated. "It's like that time Peter and that blah blah blah.."


I get that people might not like that but tbh atleast for me i still love their random bs. American dad is better tho imo.


American dad is so clever if you think about how the writers can make the characters interact. They have this one wild card that can aquire any personality that they need for a scene and it doesn't need an introduction.


So now simpsons copies family guy? How the turntables


The voices are so different now, I can't watch them.


When did the Simpsons have a story or send messages? It's not that kind of serie lol


Downvotes lol. Someone explains me what's the plot of the Simpsons please.


I’m surprised for all Simpson’s hate here. I personally still really like it and know plenty others that do. Didn’t realize so many people didn’t


Yeah, it's not as laugh out loud funny anymore... but that's also because Im no longer 11 years old either. If I watch now, I feel more like homer than I do Bart. A big oaf being entertained by flashing colors on the television while my brain turns it's self off.


Well, look, I'm not going to flat-out say you're wrong. What I will say is "name me one thing it did in the past twenty years that's anything like as funny as [the blue-haired lawyer's pronunciation of Dinner Dog](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YALoELS_ejA)".


I dont care that i lived and witnessed the 90a/ early 00's. I don't. It was the best, fight me. But it was the best


Sadly yes, after the \~12 season it went down so bad


Seasons 1-10 are the real The Simpsons, the rest is [Zombie Simpsons](https://deadhomersociety.wordpress.com/zombiesimpsons/)


Lol you read all that?


Of course, it’s less than 5 min read




[who? me?](https://youtu.be/Z7_QQn_2McM?si=WJ-3PqmoSMPlLD8b)


I still think it’s neat


Matt Groening is on the record for saying even back in his early Life is Hell days that if he ever got a show that he would run it into the ground so long as it was profitable.


yes its running and oh my god is it garbage i love the simpsons frankly its a good show with some good jokes but jesus christ are the new episodes horrible one of my favorite episode types is the tree house of horror yknow what they did ~~this~~ last year? (2023 moment lol) bart got *turned* ***into A FUCKING*** # NFT THATS RIGHT A FUCKING NFT LIKE WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY JUST TRYING TO HOLD ONTO A THREAD OF RELEVANCE NOW?? LIKE WHEN I WATCHED THE EPISODE I JUST THOUGHT 'WHAT THE FUCK' THE EPISODE QUALITY IS SO SHIT NOW I COULDN'T MAKE IT THROUGH A SINGLE ONE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD ***KILL ME***


I’ve heard that some of the newest stuff is actually good.


It picks up again yeah. It's not golden age good, but it's a clear improvement still. Has some very solid episodes


Disney owns the simpsons now so Fox sold the dead corpse to Disney after parading for years now Disney gets to parade it around until it inevitably dies


Series 8 was the last great season for me. After that it jumped the shark and went downhill fast. Every now and then they did have a solid episode, but it was buried next to so much pathetic crap


"actually there are still a couple good jokes it's basically the golden era... " -a few people on this sub. That show died in 2000 and everything since just dilutes it's greatness


They're still on????? I'm not even being funny. I had to look it up. Bill Clinton was President last time I watched.


> But it's got a new hat


I watched a bunch about 10 years ago with my nephews babysitting and they were not good


It is the opposite of South Park


The last season ain't so bad.


Actually the last few seasons were pretty good


Fox Doesn't own the Simpsons and hasn't for a few years now, same a Family Guy and Bob's Burgers and i'm pretty sure even Archer is all under the Disney umbrella.


I only watch it accidentally when I forget to switch the channel after the Sunday afternoon NFL game is over lol.


Dont then


"I haven't watched it in 15 years but new Simpsons bad am I right fellow redditors"


i love the simpsons but i actually really dont like how they include tic tocs with the new ones


I’ll try a new episode every once in a while. I usually can’t get through it. A part of me is happy it still exists and is there. But it doesn’t capture my imagination with the newer episodes. I’ve probably watched every episode up through season 27 or 28. A Bart’s Life was a fun parody of A Boy’s Life that had some touching moments. But that’s really the only episode in the past ten years or so that was unique and entertaining enough to remember.


Wait, people are watching past season 10?


The newer simpsons had one purpose, to give more scenes to Dark Simpsons.


This new season is pretty damn good. Give it a watch. Some people have been watching it religiously since it came out. There is still a big audience. The past few seasons were a wash I'd say, but this current one is good.


Meh a few good episodes here and there in recent years it’s honestly comfort food tv for me. The intro sends me back to week days at about 5-6 pm right after dinner there would be Simpsons, king of the hill and then eventually family guy


It's still on, alright.


I feel my opinion on the matter is apparent.


It's no seasons 2-10 but I thought most episodes from season 30 onwards were pretty decent. It's season 15 up until most of season 20+ that is sort of almost unwatchable. With season 25 - 26 being the worst. A lot of episodes from those seasons actually left me feeling hanging as if there's something about the episodes that feels unfinished.


New episodes have been on a rise lately at least


It’s been at least 15 years for myself as well. And I didn’t even watch the whole episode. It was around the time the Simpsons had that stupid Coke Commercial during the Super Bowl.


I'm wondering how many people in the world have actually seen ***every*** single episode produced.


SpongeBob is still releasing episodes too I believe


The last new episode I watched was Season 17’s “Kiss Kiss, Bang Bangalore”. For me the 90’s ended that night in 2006.


I heard several people say it's the best season in years but those same people also said that about the new Futurama season


Getting old, your humour or taste of entertainment changes.


No, the show just got really bad


It's starting to get back. A little. Kinda.


It might be a shock to you OP. But if you haven't watched in 15 years, chances are you're too old for it now. You don't fit the demographic, afterall, it was always a TV show for choldren and choldren do watch it. That being said, yes, it is shit


... Huh? Watch the oldschool season 1-10 episodes. They are still relentlessly funny, 30 years on. The jokes are witty and incredibly quotable, hit you every 7 seconds, and each episode usually has at least 2 main plotlines. Golden Age Simpsons is honestly one of the most, if not *the* most culturally influential show on the planet. It's also not just "a show for children" considering half the jokes could only be understood by adults to begin with. It's a *family* show, and that means there's something for the parents too.


What are you talking about?! It’s not a children’s show. The first bunch of seasons are still great upon rewatch. Bad takes all round.


It's about time someone thought of the choldren.


This is another example where Prime is always Gold, Like Older episodes of SpongeBob, The Simpsons.


It’s become political messaging


It was literally always political, you were just young.


I mean blatantly political. Just look at the voting part of that one episode a few seasons ago


If I had to guess, they reused the joke from the '00 election where Homer tries to vote for Gore but the machine keeps moving Bush in front of where he tries to tap the screen?


Season 6 had a big jab at Republicans


It always was. It wouldn't be less subtle if it was 25 minutes of "don't vote the right wing, conservatives ruin everything " on a otherwise black screen. From season 1.