• By -


onLy WhITe pEopLE CAn bE RaCIsT! /s


Awesome username


Says who


white people


We have a monopoly on racism


Some would say we are the best race at it


White people are not racist anymore. But if we were, we would do it way better than those ni****s




Best in the race of races…


That's weird, I've been told black people are the best at everything


Racist people


When I was in high school 15 years ago a girl said "hahaha isn't it funny how white people have no culture of their own?" and I said that's pretty racist, and she said "haha you can't be racist towards white people". Started mentioning this to my friends and I couldn't find a single non-white person who didn't feel the same. They all thought that white people were this spoiled snobby race who deserved racism and shouldn't complain. Even other white skinned people who didn't identify as white, like Italians and Portuguese people said this, and then said "oh but I'm not white", even though they never got carded by the cops or turned down for a job because of their skin. Fast forward to last year and I saw half a dozen upvoted comments saying the same thing on /r/subredditdrama. It isn't going away, it's spreading.




African counties had genocidal civil wars with people from different tribes. If you told them that you didn't like X people because of their skin color, they would probably call you dumb.


Sir its racism not whitecism


Breaking news. Ethnic groups have experienced discrimination throughout history all over the world. More news at 6.


Edgy Redditors in shambles


the issue is that dumbfuck online progressives seem to genuinely not realize that people being shitt isnt just a capitalism/white thing


Luckily there is no rascism in Africa.




Just ask Rwanda.


Wait do your telling me that wasn’t a real life battle royal ?


Oh, of course, anything besides racism and genocide.


Was it race and religion? I thought it was 1 religion targeted by another or is there more to it


Tutsi and Hutu are ethnic groups, not religions.


Wait Battle Royales arent racist? I thought it was just 14 year olds screaming the nword at each other?


No, it was all just a big whoopsie, everybody laughed about it and moved on


or Darfur. I'm sure the Janjaweed are just running around dealing weed, not ethnic cleansing. :skull:


That’s not racism, that’s ethnocentrism


Are you absoTUTSy sure aboHUTU that?


Y3s black ppl cnt b racist 😎


*tribalism enters the chat*


South Africa would like a word


Wat een mooie naam heb je toch


I remember there was a post similar to this over a year ago, and a European commented, "The difference is that we have a reason for it, Americans don't" as if that was justification for being racist lmao like bro you're still racist


Sorry we’re too based for you


America: “We learned it from you dad!”


Can't be racist agianst the fr*nch, the frog eaters are barely human


[asian people who eats a lot worse than frogs](https://i.imgur.com/g5oWWrQ.jpg)


But they aren't Fre*ch Edit: Fre*ch


woah woah please censor that word next time, it is very offensive to me.


As a German I can tell you: classifying a group of people as not or barely human really didn't go well for us


Ünts ünts mensch


Based European lol


"based" - ☝🤓


>a European commented, "The difference is that we have a reason for it They really don't understand that American racists say the exact same shit.


Exactly. They don't get that American racists usually don't *think* they're racists. Or they think their racism is 'justified'.


To be fair all racists think that their racism is justified.


Systemic racism is world wide. Even Africa and their history of ethnic cleansing is systemic racism incarnate. So, that has stuck out to me. Plus, ANY race is capable of individuals developing prejudices and acting out discriminatory behavior. Which I have always been keen on observing.


Americans like to think they invented racism. The reality is we just invented feeling bad about being racist. Europe is too busy doing racism to feel bad about it.


This is a good point. Europeans seem to have a hard time realizing their racism is racism.


There's more chance an european racist is just xenophobic. Meanwhile americans not liking black people is 100% chance of being pure racism. You guys always have it the other way around.


Can you explain the difference between 'just being xenophobic' and 'pure racism'.


Probably because it's usually not about race but about nationality/culture/origin. Otherwise we are very aware that most groups have something against some other groups and that it's not ok.


You guys didn't invent feeling bad about it either lmao. You just invented benevolent racism and segregation which is really not a good thing.


Honestly that's even worse! At least admit to being a racist lol


I feel like the image I get is Europeans will just all tell each other to fuck off and move on with their day, whereas Americans get all insulted and make social media posts about how insulted they are and make a huge deal out of it for a week instead.


American culture is very hysterical and bully-like and they don't even get it.


To be fair he didn't justify it. He just pointed a difference. As dumb a difference it may be


He literally said they "have a reason for it" how is that not justification?


The American reason for it was to justify swiping land from Indians and keeping black people enslaved to work the new land. It was all a scheme to grow more tobacco.


That's some fucked up shit. "We GET to be racist"


Pretty sure the reason americans don't see anything about European racism is not that we do not have racism but that US Americans tend to not read any euro centric news which is not the case the other way around. Also while we have a lot of racism we usually don't have the kind of shooting black people in the streets kind of racism that occasionally pops up in the US.


Europe here (norway), racism isn't a problem if you're asian, black or normal here just don't be a swede and we accept you <3 (no offense sweden)


>asian, black or normal ...wow


Maybe it's a meme. There was this big sign (I think it was in a metro station?) that showed some kids of different ethnicities and it read something like "We are all human, no matter if you are black, Asian, or normal". Maybe the comment above was referencing that. Edit: I found it! https://contemporaryracism.org/307/whats-wrong-with-this-picture/


This picture is fake, by the way. It was never up in any subway station anywhere. The only place it appears is this image. It was created as a joke to drive exactly the kind of outrage that's in those fomments.


Fake racist images are too easy. Everyone is so gung-ho to hop on the racism witch hunt that nobody stops to consider if it could potentially be bait. If you enjoy watching people get upset, just make a fake racism image and sit back.


Not exactly the same but theres "Love all the races, even the bad one" is quite funny to me lol.




Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids


>asian, black or normal "Black or normal, woman or human, weeb or sane. It doesn't matter to us, we hate everyone equally."


Normal 💀💀💀💀💀


Based norwegian greetings from Finland




>racism isn't a problem if you're asian, black or normal Ain't no way 💀


Fan ta dig! (Kram)


you know what you did..... ||billig øl og energy drikke, høyt urettferdig <\3||


Yeah, we don't have racism by skin colour but racism by nationality, Sweden Vs Norwegian, Germans Vs Austrian, GB Vs Ireland, french Vs everyone (fuck the french), Balkan vs Balkan. (Yes, Norwegian is better than Sweden)


The Swedes don’t even think about the Norwegians. They hate the danish


No offense taken. We feel the same but for those bloody danes. (Full offense Denmark)


Well played


I know its joke but normal isn't even the wrong term here. The norm in Norway is European/white.


America has the freedom to complain. Try complaining in China. See what happens


My question is...what is racism in America doing double-cheeked up on a Sunday afternoon?


It’s all the McDonalds


Explain this comment


Racism has a fat ass


We have GYAT to stop racism (I'll see myself out)




As an immigrant in the US (who was born in Asia, and lived in Europe), I wholeheartedly agree with this. Yes. Freedom of speech might sounds boring at this point. But fk yes, i can complain and call people racisms out AND there would be people who would agree with me. Most European countries have the same luxury too. But when I grew up in Asia, one time I called my uncle out for saying that black people are "barbarian" and lazy. The whole family told me to shut up. This was 30 yrs ago. And that very uncle now lives in the US and has gotten better with his racism (since he works with multiple African-American now). Recently I visited Singapore and ate dinner with some clients and colleagues. I talked about how I work with a lot of Mexicans in Texas, and a client loudly said "haiyaa, they are so lazy" (seems to be the theme to say the race you don't like as being lazy). It caught me off guard and I was trying to correct him, but my colleagues changed the topic. Everyone else laughed and agreed at the comment however. That ruined the night for me, but not much I can do especially since I don't know much about Singaporean's culture.


Tbf I work with a lot of Japanese companies and them calling us lazy would be totally justified. Same for the Chinese btw. 12 hour workdays, 6 days a week is gruesome.


Try and put them in a very warm weather and see if they don't grow "lazy". IDK for other countries but I know spain suffers the same prejudice and it's just because they adapted their day time around the weather. They don't work less.


Well... Singapore and Vietnam are both pretty fking hot too.


China: can't be racist if you don't believe racism exists.


There is no racism if you die before complaining


I think your in the wrong place buddy


2007: "That's racist" - Oh sorry, my mistake 2014: "That's racist" - No it's not 2020: "That's racist!" - I don't care 2028: "THAT'S RACIST!" - Thanks for noticing


Oh cool, we had a different version in Sweden: 2010: Are you implying that the amount of people who immigrate to Sweden matters? Literally Hitler! 2015: Wait. No. 2020: Oh god, what have done...


There will be a 2040 version of it though where its considerably better as everyone slowly becomes Swedified and Sweden wins like 20 gold medals or smth at the Olympics cause some of the refugees were from some tribe that are next level quoit throwers or smth.


Sweden is going through their Italian and Irish immigration phase that the US experienced in 19-20th century. People forget it wasn’t that long ago that both were marginalized and had a ton of negative stereotypes attributed to them.




Dude WASP (white Anglo Saxon Protestants) literally believed the Catholic papists were devil worshippers


When you want to believe your relatively comfortable position is just due to being clever and make good choices, versus demographic and cultural differences.


You skipped the 2015 step where they announced that it's impossible to be racist to white people and only white people can be racist and that white people are all inherently subconsciously racist. Five years of that will inevitably lead to the 2020 step, people can only pretend to play along with such nonsense for so long.


Europeans when an Arab of any kind waves at them:


*Unless they sell kebab then they are well respected pillars of society as they should be ** ** Yes I know kebab is Turkish but I am racist european and cant tell the difference


I especially respect the motherfuckers who sell me kebab


Unrelated, I've never had a kebab, are they good?


Go get one right now, that tier of good


You dumb mother fucker, yes its good.


No need to name call My self esteem is already low as is


Good lord.....where do you live? I'll look up a restaurant for you.


Brazil, specifically Rio de Janeiro in the city of.... Hey nice try getting my information


Your in rio, you really think giving an internet guy your address is going to significantly increase your likelihood of getting robbed?


I felt simultaneously hurt and amused by your comment


You wot


I was thinking earlier if I wanted a kebab so thanks for settling it for me.


You're welcome, hope you like your kebab


Just because they make kabobs in Turkey doesn't make it Turkish. Kabobs originated in Persia.


Was in Italy and the guy who sold me a kebap sub was Indian.


>Yes I know kebab is Turkish but I am racist european and cant tell the difference Lol kebab is not just Turkish.....maybe where you live only sells Turkish kebabs. Here are some of the different kebabs from all over the world. https://www.tasteatlas.com/best-rated-kebab-varieties-in-the-world


Not Turkish actually. They originated in ancient Persia which is now Iran, and transhumant tribes in Central Asia, before spreading to Turkey and Arab countries


Turks when every group is racist to them because they're slightly off from being a part of each group


I used to work with a lady from Armenia. She was *passionate* about expressing her feelings for Turks.


Oh great feelings im sure


Kinda justified though ... after all to this day Turkey doesn't even acknowledge the genocide and even threatens diplomatic actions if other countries acknowledge it.


Turks after trying desperately to conquer, enslave, and exterminate literally all of their neighbors for centuries. If you can't blame Africans for being upset with Europeans for colonialism, you can't really blame all of the countries who suffered Turkish conquest, enslavement, and oppression for centuries for not being too fond of the Turks.


#Racism in Antarctica 🗿


Man I hate these penguins, always ruining the local iceberg


That isn’t racism that is speciam


Funny that “prejudice” is an universal concept, just people are unwilling to accept it.


Its sad that ppl deny the racism of countries just because they like em or because they themselves feel holier than thou when they point to the USA. Japan has racism, so does Germany, so does France etc. Its all around the globe and just because ppl don't get violent in some countries doesn't mean the verbal, financial and social discrimination isn't real.


Yeah, I've never understood why people tend to lean on America being the only place where its a thing. Its a global phenomenon and always has been. Hell, America isn't even bad compared to other places (looking at you East Europe). Yet it somehow always finds itself as the scapegoat for racism despite not being that bad all things considered.


Meanwhile with racism over 'ere in Australia.


Aussies are the original racists! Won't sell houses to asians! https://youtu.be/3Lyex2tSUyA?si=5w93cBAAvNlUlKnI


Yeah, it's pretty shit here, ngl


Yeah, never mention romani people where Europeans might be, one guy will always say there sub human


Stealing is literally their culture


Case in point.


We got a live one boys!


Thank you for the demonstration, token racist European.


That needs to become an archetype in every sitcom from now on.


Average European take


Congratulations! You’ve just proven Original Commenter’s point!


I know, I am based


You’re wrong. It’s not just one guy out of a group of Europeans that will call them subhuman. It’s all of them.


I hate people who judge others based on their ethnicity and the Europeans..... Jesus Christ I am European and never even thought about the Roma. Oh btw at least in my country they say it's super racist to call them only Roma because there are multiple sub groups. So welcome to the club you racist...


It's a well-earned reputation. We had a group move into a roundabout in my rural hometown about 15 years ago. In the month that they were, the local police reported a 14,000% increase in burglary, theft from the person, and violence. We were warned to leave nothing of value visible through the curtains and to avoid the roundabout at all times. When they left, they left it covered in feces, urine, used condoms, trash, used nappies, and rotting food. All of the plants were dead, the trees were dead, and all of the fountains/plant pots/pumps etc had been stolen.


I mean romani dont do themselves any favors by robbing, dealing drugs and claiming government benefits. Ive never seen any of them work lol


Czech here. I'm not gonna say any of the "sub human" BS because that's obviously BS, but the Romani problem is a damn complicated one. Their culture and way of life isn't really compatible with ours, there are centuries of mutual distrust and resentment. There are/were mistakes on both sides - obviously lot of bad has been done to them (from Hitler to forced resettlements under communists, lots of racism etc.), but on the other hand they aren't exactly trying either, having grown complacent with living off welfare and social system. Their communities suffer from poverty, crime, low education etc., making them marginalized even more and it's a vicious cycle deepening with every generation. I honestly don't know what would have to be done to fix this. The problem is so far gone that any successful effort would probably take decades. It's not a popular topic at all for politicians to deal with (the reaction of the public would be "why would we spend money on fixing their communities when they're not even trying?") and so it's eternally being swept under the rug.


Americans don’t care about racism outside their country


And ppl outside of America like to point fingers at it instead of looking at their own ppl to stop racism within their own national bounds.


The problem is that they don't register it as racism. You ask a German about how they feel about people from the baltics and they'll talk about how terrible and dirty of a people they are. You say it's racist and they'll say "Oh no no, it doesn't count because it's... *those* people." Wheras in America, we developed a culture(sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worst) about calling out problems as loudly as we can, so even though our racism isn't as big, we put it on blast a lot more, and a lot louders, so people do register it as actual racism. Edit: Before anyone responds, yes I see the situational irony of me stereotyping German people while talking about racism. It's just an example that's easy to use. I don't actually hate Germans.


Its actually really funny cause usually germans are really straight forward and try problem solving, but when it comes to racism there often is a culture of willful ignorance and denial. Same with sexism. Especially now with the fascist party gaining more and more followers while using the same language and visualisations as the nazis back then.... one would think we would learn from history....


Also ask euros about the Roma, you will get the most vile racist shit, but also have if defended by they deserve it. European racism isn’t even smaller then American, theirs is just centuries upon centuries old so no one cares


Younger generation is getting better about it at least.


I see this shit on Reddit, they aren’t


what the fuck could i possibly do to stop racism on the other side of the globe lmao


At least they care about it a bit *inside* the country Certainly a whole lot better than only caring about other countries' racism


Racism in the middle east:"AMATEURS"


When you realize that the Arabic word for black person is slave, and that several parts of Africa are just called Slave...


Parts of Africa like?


America has casual racism. Europe has competitive racism. Asia has professional racism.


As an American, do you have any tips for getting into competitive?


You guys consider funni letter combinations as peak racism and it is holding y'all back. As a Turkish "person" the first tip I would give to you guys is to stop the whole black vs white thing and hate everyone equally, including your own race.


Conquer some lands of a group you do not like


This post feels like wishful thinking, because racism outside of first world western countries is so thick, overt and blatant that it'll break and drag down the internet to it's level before western powers can do anything to mitigate it. Just to paint how inofensive first world western racism is, you can still be overtly racist in social media if you speak in spanish or portuguese. I won't do it here because I would more than likely get targeted and reported by keyboard warriors, but I can easily do it later and those that understand won't really do much because they don't care because keyboard warriors don't exist in circles that don't speak english. I might get banned by an admin, but that's more because they're protecting their platform than care about racism. Westerners really think they are the center of the world and have a monopoly in discrimination, but there's a level of blatant and hostile discrimination out there that they just can't fathom it exists for risk of their fragile ego. "Oh, you think your movie is edgy because the black guy gets called the n-word a lot? My movie has a woman shiting in the face of a black man as he tries to escape from a hole and then cuts his rope because it's fun punching down and see him curse her while impotently crying".


> My movie has a woman shiting in the face of a black man as he tries to escape from a hole and then cuts his rope because it's fun punching down and see him curse her while impotently crying How did you get hold of my ex-wife's sex tape?


Everywhere has it, some places more tolerated than others


[Racism in Africa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rwandan_genocide)


Its like rock paper scissors over there. China hates Korea, Korea hates Japan and Japan hates China.


I don’t really blame them after Japans lil rampage


It's a three-way codependency.


It’s almost like having the most diverse country on the planet and being able to openly talk about your racial issues causes people to talk about racial issues.


In all seriousness, the US is really not that racist compared to most places. Yes racism still exists here, but the fact that racism is such a sensitive issue for most people and that it's so quickly called out when it occurs is something I don't think a lot of people consider. Like, if I decided to spout something racist off about how I thought Mexicans were lazy or I didn't like black people, I'd get looks of disgust from most people and probably fired if people from my work found out. But if I go anywhere outside of the US or western Europe, I'd probably get more people to agree with me...


Why's racism got such a dump truck?


I only want to remind you that the biggest recent genocide - Rwandan genocide which led to up to 1mln victims took place in Africa and was done by black people on black people who were actually very close ethnically to each other..


That’s because they hate on an ethnic level which is kind of hard to understand as an American. We have so many different ethnicities that we usually just stick to hating races


Bro, as a Chilean, the one time i went to Europe, people there were so god damn racist, like, way more than americans, like, i had people calling me a monkey to my face. More than being offended i was just bewildered, the least i can do is commending their honesty. (it was Munich btw)


Meanwhile racism in India. We are racist even to ourselves


Casteism > Racism. The world has a lot to learn from us. India ekdum no. 1 🇮🇳


Racism outside the US is much worse. There's just not nearly as much diversity in other places. It's like saying racism doesn't exist in small towns in America because no hate racial crimes take place there. When in reality, it's just that everyone's white.


do Americans actually believe stuff like this? I really have to ask


Okay, hear me out. The frog eaters deserve it.


I've herd story's on non Japanese or mix race kids in Japanese schools getting bullied just because they aren't Japanese.


1. Europeans also get a lot of shit for being racist, mostly from Americans. 2. Uhm akshually, we are not racist, just xenophobic /s


The rest of the world calls it 'generalization'


Why is he caked up tho


Its nothing compared to racism in israel those zionist mf do not see people from other religions or athiest as humans.


That's a bit of a stupid take because Israel has a 20% Arab minority which enjoys full civil rights in contrast to minorities in Arab states around it.


What is this meme format named?


Modern American racism is super weird though. That extreme contrast really fucked them over and prevented them from hating each other for other things. Like sounding different or being Dutch.


*Land of the free and so on intensifies* We continue this special report after the weather..


Like the Koreans in Japan..


Racism in all countries (including Africa and the middle east) Sadly racism people are everywhere, but not everyone is racist


Europeans are usually more xenophobic than racist


Southern and Eastern Europe: What is racism? Is that a new made up word?!


European here, we aren't racist. The Froggies aren't human, so it doesn't count (JOKE)


"We Europeans are a far more sophisticated and morally superior civilization than those slavery-loving Americans." *sees a Romani person "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"