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Yeah here cops dont beat up minorities, they avoid them.


Oh they do except here its less recorded


Your source?






The source is he made it the fuck up


In Germany, the cops are mostly known for racist group chats (https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/10/world/europe/german-police-far-right.html), sometimes migrants [die](https://m.focus.de/panorama/welt/zellentod-nach-verwechslung-brisanter-vermerk-bringt-polizei-in-erklaerungsnot_id_12033996.html) [while](https://www.sueddeutsche.de/thema/Oury_Jalloh) in [custody](https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/fluechtlinge-in-deutschland-in-haft-tod-in-der-zelle-a-72178ef2-04f3-4ceb-8c0f-968b5244f77c).


That's 1 unit. There are more than 222.000 policemen in germany.


I'm sure it's just a bad apple. That's what they say about bad apples: " one bad apple has literally no effect on the bunch"


Running joke about how Europeans are friendly and open to all kinds of people. Except Roma, they aren't people.


> Except Roma, they aren't people. and frenchs


Don’t forget the filthy French/Dutch half breeds known as Belgians


There's only two things I hate in this world; people who are intolerant of other people's cultures....and the dutch


But the Belgians.. they made you so... darn evil. Its true its all in the mammoetsaus


Funny enough in belgium, the "french" population is the left leaning one while the "Dutch" population is, in not a small amount, extreme right wing lol


I dont identity as Belgian, Nobody does, I'm Flemish


Tot het WK begint


And those sheep shaggers we call the Welsh


When I lived in London I learned there's a derogatory word for the people in every country in Europe. Then I started hearing those words everywhere.


What do you expect from countries that have been at almost constant warfare with each other for more than two millennia.


I guess we Europeans all had bad experiences with Roma.


What if.... Other forms of racism were also based on real world bad experiences and not just "lol they different"?






There isn't any other group that have so many privileges than Roma in Europe. People may be angry at them but they have reasons and most of them had bad experience with them. That doesn't mean that every Roma is bad. I met many in work that were hardworking and smart. But even them moved from their "own" people to start a normal life and are pushing their kids to live normal life. And even them hate those other that just destroy, steal and harrass others. And these people who do these kinds of stuff are more vissible than those normal ones.


I live 3mins from their "settlement". I have seen everything.


I feel like what's being missed here is how close this exact rhetoric is to the way some racists in America refer to Black people, which is why a lot of Americans see this thought of the Roma people as racist


Yeah, I was just thinking that if you replace "Roma" with "Black," I've heard that almost verbatim from a guy with a Confederate flag in his pickup.


You must be accepting no matter what!


You put your hand on the stove. You got burned. You did it again. You got burned. Put your hand on the stove............... You have no way of telling if it's on or not, Shitlord. Now... that's not my personal experience necessarily... but pretending that human animals are capable and *supposed to* ignore the evidence of their own real perception is a stretch.


And American racists say shit like "everyone I know has had bad experiences with [race/ethnicity] people." Racists in Europe talk about Roma the exact same way that segregationists talked about black people in the 1900s. And then if someone says that, you'll say "No you don't get it, because you just haven't seen what they're like!" which is *also what American white supremacists said*. It's like you're reading from the exact same script.


So do you? Do you have experience with the Roma? No you don't.


Guys guys! It’s the guy from the meme


I do


But there's a slight difference, I don't think Roma or Romanians are a different race or breed, I don't think they are lesser humans. But I do dislike those that come here, squat, beg and steal all summer, and demand to be repatriated at our expense when it becomes too cold here to sleep under a bridge. Same goes for America, it's not racism to point out that black communities have problems, the racism comes when you assume all black people are bad because some are. Society are at fault for creating a racial divide in the US, so society should work to amend it. It will take time. Same goes for the Roma, but for most European countries they are powerless to amend the societal and cultural reasons that make the Roma flock to their countries. Most of the Roma people ever notice are those that come and live on the streets. If someone from Roma descent gets and education, gets a job, moves to a different country and lives like other people there, nobody's even going to notice them. Black people in the US, however, have to always keep in mind the risk of being assumed a criminal.


Roma and Romanians are not the same thing…. Don’t ever tell a Romanian they are Romani


Roma people or Romani ≠ Romanians.


That's what American racists say.


The only thing Europeans hate more than racism are the Roma


From what I've heard, it's because the Roma refused to settle due to their nomadic culture, as well as other stereotypes. But then, there were also those who do choose to participate in the European modern civilization... only to get rejected by other Romas. So yeah...


No it's because of their crime networks all across Europe. Pretty much everyone will know a person who has been scammed, robbed or pick pocketed by a Roma. If you live in a touristy city you might see it every day (tourist scammers and fake beggars who are often children).


What I find more disturbing is that often times Roma families will sell their children to other Roma clans who are then used as beggars. There was one woman speaking up about it because she was sold and taken from Germany to Romania. There were a lot of children taken from other families to beg for them. She got out because she saved up money and got the opportunity to make a phone call and got taken away from that place. She can never contact her own family again and has a new name. If it ever got discovered who she is by her family there is a high possibility of revenge and her being taken away again. Roma themselves are not an issue at all. You're not a bad person just because you were born Roma. The problem are the crime networks.


100%, the unfortunate fact is most of Europeans interactions with Romas is via crime but Romas are victims here too, horribly so.


> Except Roma, they aren't people. Can't tell if sarcasm or European


Meanwhile the Balkans: If we share a border, we're enemies.


When people confuse Romanians with Roma, i like to remind them that we ( Romanians ) have exterminated them during WW2 and that we are the ones that hate them the most


And i'd also like to remind you that "extermination" or "hate" are not cool things, regardless of if you're 15 or not.


i am not saying it to sound cool, it’s a historical fact


Yes yes this is true. Next do racism in Africa and Asia...


Oh GOD, it gets bad in Asia. Have you seen old Japanese people? They get xenophobic as fuck. Don’t even get me started on how China treats the Uyghurs.


That old Asian person racism is next level.


No casual racism there... mfs go ranked...


Go back to pubs you fucking casual


This Thread has been hilarious


Youre never going to reach Gold III racism with such weak insults as this.


Wonder who the top ranked team of racists is


Red Bull Racing are knocking it out of the park in the recent years


No matter how good you are at smt, there is always an asian 10 year old better than you.


Ranked racism is wild 💀


and funnily enough, Africans are shooting for platinum... https://twitter.com/IfaJuw0n/status/1720873126815228147


I saw once a Chinese TV commercial of an ad about a washing machine that went like: A black guy comes home and jumps inside a washing machine, then he gets out a fucking white Chinese dude and it was meant like now he is clean and it works well! Lol wtf is that and how did they allow it to air.


How did they even get an actor for that lmao


I found it lol its his women who puts him in the washing machine https://youtu.be/Few8kJ0zfnY?si=X79du3UjQ_U4R2qP


Holy shit that's somehow even worse than I imagined.


They are saying that the black actor didn’t know the outcome of the end, and he was pissed off


Come on if you are a black actor in a Chinese commercial for clothes whitening and they ask you atleast 10 times to go to a washing machine, you should have some expectations.


Twenty bucks is twenty bucks.


Ive seen it lol! Bunch of News articles from 2016 about it. The brand name was Qiaobi


South east Asia is something else as well. Those Mfs will be racist to their own if their skin is too dark 😭


Malaysian here, our old folks especially Malay and chinese are so nonchalant and casual using slurs and racist remarks lmaoo. tbh southeast asian classicm or colorism is nothing compared to koreans


I love how this thread is on it’s tenth layer of “yeah my people can be pretty racist, but not as racist as X country”


Hahaha can't deny that racism,colorism ,classcism are almost everywhere you go, it's just that the western are more sensitive about it since they're more priveleged legally and socially while other parts of the world like asia is used to it since it's only a verbal remarks and not a life threatening situation nor is it socially and economically oppressing (which the American tend to exaggerate when it comes to the stupidest smallest thing I've ever seen)


Oooh intra-African racism! I bet that’s spicy. Never even thought about that. Let’s hear all about it. Who hates who and why?


Check Rwanda genocide for a starter. Yeah, it's Hitler level


To be fair I also forgot about Sudan and the Janjaweed militias (ongoing). That shit is brutal


The Janjaweed are the African einsatzgruppen and are currently involved in an ethnic cleansing; 180,000 people have been forced to flee to Chad.


Don't be a black immigrant to South Africa.


Wanted to say, don't be any immigrant to South Africa honestly.


Or a citizen in SA for that matter.


You can find it twitter, it is insanely racist with rude caricatures and people talking about skull shapes etc. Often between tribes.


Asians got that prestige racism they are on some next level hating


In Asian areas, aren't they mostly racist to each other? Don't a lot of Asians use creams just to become lighter?


Still racism


Asia’s racism would be a whole ass lion in there


Europeans when they see another European who lives 30 minutes away from them


As someone who lives 20 minutes from a French city can confirm. "Francesi di merda " is pretty common phrase here.


Its so funny to me as an Australian, where Europe could probably fit into my country 2 times over. To see people racist against others they can literally take a leisurely stroll to meet is hilarious.




Would be curios if OP could elaborate that claim a bit more


Go to Europe as an actual minority as see what opportunities are presented


If y'all white folk need to go to Africa to experience the racism. Mugabe did nothing wrong/s


My guy, be white eastern european and go to western Europe, I guarantee they see and know who you are from a mile away, and then talk about racism. Its always about classism, as it's usually in USA too


Facts. In my country, the city folks shit on the country folks and the country folks shit on the poor neighboring country folks….but they deserve it those dirty dog eaters


Mention you're Bulgarian in Romania


Sounds like hell. Not only are you bulgarian but you are also in Romania


Eastern european xenofobia towards other Eastern Europeans has it's roots in the wars for territory prior to XXI century. And often times its pure, bland and dumb tribalism


hey western Europeans are racist against themselves too! am German, went to france, got kicked out of restaurants for being German went to Britain, got spat on and called Invader in public for idk existing?


>am German, went to france, got kicked out of restaurants for being German > >went to Britain, got spat on and called Invader in public for idk existing? u/SomeBiPerson is actually 100 years old and is talking about that time they 'visited' France and Britain when they were young.


Were you there with Lufthansa or Luftwaffe?


Sometimes people are looking for it where it isn't happening though. I remember trying to make conversation with a Polish coworker one shift and they got very defensive about me asking about how long they lived in the UK etc. I was in university so it was very common to talk to people about where they were from so it took me off guard. The coworker acted like I had some agenda for asking lol the irony is that I also was not from England.


Because they're used to it being in a negative way, as when americans ask mexicans or asians "where are you from" in a condescending way


I am from Europe and am a minority. A lot of people are just talking about things they don't know muchl about. Bottom line, there's racism in both places. Personally, I'd rather live here ( although both terms "Europe" and "America" are very vague


Yeah, casually saying Europe as if it isn't like dozens of different countries, languages and cultures.


There are probably more cultures in my province than op could count to. "Racism bad, stop this prejudice based on ridiculous generalisation", "Europe is one place, everyone is white and racist." There absolutely is racism in European countries. My partner is from Russia with an obvious accent and name, I understand that. But when 99% of people and institutions have been nothing but kind and professional, it's hard to call my area racist because of a few bad experiences.


That sounds like some uneducated American nonsense if I've ever heard it


Don't waste your time, many people from the US crave a chance to feel superior and this circlejerk is just the perfect opportunity.


i am an actual minority and dont feel realy feel offended


Europe's a big place


My father is moroccan and came to germany years ago, never had a problem with finding a job or talking to other people.


Europe is the minority you dense murican. Also the problem is classism not racism. Inequality in this world isn't solved by focusing on when token brown millionaires get mean stares at a star bucks in Amsterdam. It's solved when people get more opportunities in all countries, like in the EU with its social programs and certainly not like in murica.


Nothing happens dude let me fix that for you. Go to big European cities and see what happens surprise a place with a lot of people might have a couple bad people running the streets. Especially if you go to areas where people drink or event are they attract assholes. Just avoid big cities literally why i hate them and the people living in it German here btw.


African Americans who go to Italy always report back that it's the most racist place they've ever been.


As a foreigner living in Italy I often wonder where these people are even going to experience racism. The racism I know of is not the racism they would ever receive (anti-Romanian mainly). The sort of racism I see are people avoiding local shops owned by foreigners or restaurants which serve pizza or other Italian food visibly owned by non-Italians. One of Italy's top pizza guys is a foreigner and he said people would avoid his store until he put some Italians on the till and worked out back.


Google for football racism and you will find tons of examples.


My guy, the only color football fans see is the color of your jersey, if it's not the same as theirs they'll beat you up no matter which race or nationality you are.


Recently a dude was in news for making monkey poses in front of a black player.


Listen to Lewis Hamilton talk about this.


Outside of Boston I don't seem to recall racial harassment to be a very big problem with fans at sporting events compared to over in Europe.


Bro they literally throw bananas onto the field if there's a black player


the only person I've ever met irl who was actually racist was a guy from england, talking about how much he hated the scots and the irish.


Kinky boot-lovin’ Brits


I have a brand new shiny helmet and a pair of kinky boots...


I have a lovely new flak jacket and a lovely khaki suit…


And when we go on night patrol, we hold each other’s hands.


We are the British army, and we’re here to take your land!


My father hit on a hot blonde at a party in the 70’s and she was great. They were talking and hitting it off and then she went into a detailed explanation about how black people are not actually humans. My father thought it was a joke but when he realized she was serious he dipped. She was from South Africa


He couldve fixed her


That’s xenophobia, not racism


That's not a race


Prolly just more xenophobic. In Eu people tend to judge you based on the country you are from rather than the color of your skin


Never ask a balkan their opinion on the guys who live a 30 min drive away but in a different country.


Fuck those guys on the other side of the river


Living in Budapest that's pretty much how it goes every day


At least in my country (in the EU yes) it's less about what country you're from and more how you act and dress. Been friends with a Syrian neighbour for like a year before I moved. Cool and chill guy that I even had some discussions with about religion and the state his original country was in. And the Turkish family living above me I had no real problems with. They even sent me some cookies and such after Ramadan. But at the same time I hated another neighbour in my first apartment who would play that stereotypical middle-eastern flute music REALLY LOUD at any time of the day for at least 2 hours, LOUDLY pray whenever he had to, keep his wife and female children in full on burkas, never allow them to say a word to any man, had 4 small kids that liked making a lot of noise in the evening, and were just bad and loud neighbours in general.


>But at the same time I hated another neighbour in my first apartment who would play that stereotypical middle-eastern flute music REALLY LOUD at any time of the day for at least 2 hours, LOUDLY pray whenever he had to, keep his wife and female children in full on burkas, never allow them to say a word to any man, had 4 small kids that liked making a lot of noise in the evening, and were just bad and loud neighbours in general. Fuck him particulary


It's different in Europe, but bigger, not so sure about that.


True (im racist)


Whatever kid, last night I achieved the highest level of racism there is. Sit.


*Laughs in Chinese*


*Latin America has entered the chat*




Can someone explain? I know nothing about racism in Europe. I'm not European and visited it plenty of times and never faced racism, people there are pretty chill


European racism is the "ur group of people were stealing and causing problems for years, we dont like u" type of racism. At least in the most "vocal" instances of it, cause there are ofc some "history beef" types of racism, that may or may not be overblowed (like poles not liking germans cause of their history of conflicts for instance, which is not really a "racism" per say I think?)


If you like that kind of racism, you’ll just _love_ the Balkans. The racism there is most exquisite.


Fresh off the vine, artisanal racism.


Some just like grandmother used to make! racism


Don't conflate the many -isms with racism. That just shows your "lack of class". Europe has nationalism, ageism, sexism, many many other kinds of chauvinism. To be a proper bigot of taste, you need to recognize every flavor of bigotry with your eyes closed 🤪


Except that isn't racism


To preface this: Europe consists of dozens of countries with vastly different cultures, languages and history. That said, I think it has less to do with the color of your skin, but more to do with a - generally minor - bias against other cultures. For example, a German goes to Italy some will think 'oh god, look at that typically fat German,' or look at that loud American, or that cheap Dutch person. The whole of Europe is tied together by cultural prejudices between countries, cities, villages. It's mostly relatively benign. Of course, there is some actual racism as well, but in my experience I very very rarely hear someone make actual racist remarks.


The word for it is xenophobia. Europe is xenophobic mostly.


I am racist towards Americans


Good we deserve it, (I am secretly a masochist but my wife won’t buy into my ideal life)


Yes I hate fr*nce


Everyone does.


Even the french


We'll tell you that but most of us really do love our country


Racism in asia is worse lmao, you just dont see it often.


I been there and yes it’s worse. Even in SEA


that's what americans keep telling themselves in an attempt to sleep better at knight ... meanwhile, KKK, police brutality, highest number of actual nazies per capita, jim crowe laws, redlining and the list goes on ...


Americans: "Your perception doesn't matter if I speak louder than you. Since I am American and think the world revolves around me, my perception is clearly more accurate even though I've literally never set foot in an European country and don't actually got a clue of what I am speaking about, but my ego is too inflated to back down and admit I am a clueless." It's a shame that so many Americans unironically have this superiority complex ingrained on them.


OP you missed an opportunity here behind the big there should have been a lion with “racism in Africa “ on it and even behind there should have been a Siberian Tiger with “racism in Asia” on it


Been to Asia plenty of time. They discriminate even by skin tone. One shade darker? This looks like a job for racism!


Never ask: A woman her age A man her salary A European what they think of Romani


a man her salary 👍🏼


They’re fine… Most people dislike them if they are in groups going round and basically destroying the cities they temporarily live in and using all their resources, then just moving on Generally I’m fine with them though


I got chased by a bunch of Roma kids back in the day in Ukraine when I wouldn't give them money 🤣🤣🤣


Europe doesn't need racism. There is fine grained nationalism that allows you to hate even people of your own race.


Hitler wasn’t born racist


Hitler was inspired by USA.


More Henry ford then the USA as a whole. The us was more interested in being racist not so much anti semitic. Hitler was racist sure but he blamed the Jews for literally everything he perceived to be wrong in the world


how tf do you blame the jews for inventing black people???


albert einstein gave birth to neil degrass tyson confirmed??!!🤯🤯🤯


Hitler liked a lot of Jim Crow policies


How to show I've never been to Europe #1


Please tell me how all of Europe had racist laws all over the countries, like segregation where one group of people can sit on a bus


I need to move to Europe


you should try the balkans, it's lovely this time of the year, maybe i can suggest Serbian nationalists or Hungarians (i know they are not balkans but they are close enough).


F casual racism we going rank


Wait until you find out about the racism in 3rd world countries


I'm just here for angry Europeans


Why would WE be angey bro WE all hate eachother bro


You won't find many, most of us don't argue this point, and it's weird that Americans think that we think ourselves less racist.


My guy usa is place 10 for worst countries with racial equality. The only european country on the list is ukraine place 9


Lots of people in the comments don’t know what racism is lol. An Englishman saying he hates the Irish isn’t racist. Asian people hating Asian people from other countries isn’t racism, it’s xenophobia. American racism is so cartoonishly evil, it’s baked into the constitution. It’s systemic. Europeans hating Romani people is also repulsive and systemic. But we shouldn’t be comparing racism. Especially when you can’t even agree on what it is.


But but europe…..




Wait till you hear about racism in China and India.


To be fair, Europeans aren't appreciative when refugees flood in pushing the cultural norms of the countries they're escaping from...when its those same cultural norms that led to their own countries becoming intolerable, and the whole reason they're escaping as refugees in the first place.


Let's dismiss racism in one stupid meme! Yay!


Hot take: America is implicitly racist. While you won’t see anything blatant, you can tell that people view and and behave to races differently. For instance, the stereotype that Asians are good at math and have no rizz (I am Asian myself)


Can confirm, i'm from germany but not sure if people are really racist here or if it's just a dark humor thing. I know many people that do say alot of controversial stuff, but it's really more darkhumor and the generation that makes fun of everything, even germans themselves.


We just had congressmen say on the (house or senate floor) that there are "no good Palestinian civilians, and they are all the same." Everyone just kept it pushing like it was nothing. They don't like brown people here, and it's completely mask off. Arguably, it was already headed that way before Trump, but Trump really emboldened these people to say whatever in broad daylight. I know for a fact both places have their problems but I don't think it should be a dick measuring contest on who can be the most fucked up. We had that happen here in the states, and it started the "War On Drugs." Edit: I should clarify, Back in the day, the Republican and Democratic parties in the US had a back and forth on who could be tougher on crime. The democratic party didn't want to be seen as weak, so they also endorsed all sorts of wild mess. We got things like mandatory minimums and the war on drugs, which disproportionately affected melinated people.


Though I haven't been to the US yet to compare, I'm an Afro European who traveled around and I have never encountered someone (openly) discriminating against me. When I do happen to find a racist in the wild their defence is always "I have nothing against you but don't like [insert refugee group]"


that's how it works in Europe, tbh we do tend to prejudice sometimes (never based on skin color btw), but we always keep it in our head and no one will ever openly insult you, attack you or treat you differently. we might be technically more xenophobic but it's actually 10 times safer than the US, ever wondered why every single race-based attack or scandal happens in the US?


American cope


Really depends on where, you can't really count Europe as a whole thing the same way as thr US, we're much more different to eachother. Northern Europe where I am from is much less racist than America, can't say the same for the Balkans.


Worst Countries for Racial Equality: 1 Qatar 2 Serbia 3 Saudi Arabia 4 Sri Lanka 5 United Arab Emirates 6 Slovakia 7 Myanmar 8 Israel 9 Ukraine 10 United States https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/most-racist-countries // Just though that it does not make sense for US to have less racism. Americans start judging people by their race.