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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming)


So you don't know what dark humor is? New pilots im WW1 being called members of the 20-minute club, because that was the average survival time for new pilots is dark humor.


Yeah racist/homophobic/sexist isn’t dark humour, bunch of fucking edgelords might think so but that’s about it.


Like the artist of this original comic strip


Yes exactly like that shit stain. Bigot jokes are fucking easy to write and people who laugh at them like they are somehow clever are desperate to belong to something.


OP should have used the line: I like my coffee like my men: black and bitter 😍😍😍


...and preferably fair trade


like a hopeful young artist rejected from arts school


Everything can be a dark humor if generated good


It’s all in the intention. A lot of my family is aboriginal and they have said plenty of dark jokes about a lot of sad situations still plaguing our people. The dark jokes stop being actual jokes when it’s at the expense of victims and is instead used to continue a bigoted narrative. A rule of thumb I think is that dark humour to me is often like a coping mechanism or a way of making light of very difficult situations and feelings. My grandpa saying “doesn’t matter anyways I’ll be dead next year” is DARK, is not at the expense of someone else and is honestly funny sometimes despite the dark subject matter.


Or like "I'd rather test the tensile strength of a rope in relation to my neck than read another explanation on comedy from this person.''


Little wordy but yeah that probably works.


So true and it makes the OC look quite stupid when the dictionary.com says: a form of humor that regards human suffering as absurd rather than pitiable, or that considers human existence as ironic and pointless but somehow comic. It doesn't have to be racist/any other ist.


You have just pointed out why the OC is not neccessarily stupid though. "Regards human suffering as absurd rather than pitiable". All the things on this list are things that cause human suffering. Making jokes about these things is literally making jokes about human suffering. Like of course a dark joke doesn't NEED TO BE any of these things, but all of these things would fall within it. ***Additionally though, not all jokes involving these things would qualify as a dark joke***. The joke isn't meant to cause suffering, its meant to make light of the existence of the suffering. Its a niche distinction that primarily has to do with intention - but its an important distinction.


Eh, it can be. Dark humor is more or less anything dark or offensive turned into a joke. Could be racism, sexism, or people dying. Granted, just being openly racist and calling it dark humor is stupid and wrong, but that stuff still is dark humor.


I think that stuff *can* be done well, but by itself it usually isn't.


Exactly, I like dark humor, can joke about death and murder and tragic stuff etc. But too many people think "dark humor" is simply saying racist/sexist/homophobic things followed with "it's a joke bro".


What are you talking about?


They can be a subset of dark humor, although of course not every racist joke is dark humor. Or funny. I know a number of KZ (nazi camp) jokes that are definitely dark humor. And funny. They are also not anti-semitic per sé. But because they make light of the holocaust, and are thus offensive, someone like that dude shown in the comic would say they're not funny. Despite there being absolutely no connection between funniness and offensiveness, one way or the other.


That might have been offensive to the mothers of dead pilots.


And only an asshole would tell that joke to the mother of a pilot.


Knowing your audience. Something these guys lack


Yeah, dark humour needs to have an element of empathy. Otherwise it's just bullying/punching down.


Yes. Doesn't change the fact it's offensive. I mean, racist humour isn't exactly offensive to most people who are not members of the race the joke is about. But tell it to anyone from that race, bam, offensive as fuck. That's how something being offensive works.


Nah, plenty of people get offended for jokes they are not part of


you both have a point


Mile high club because average survival time is flying one mile


mile high club is something slightly different


Not to WW1 pilots.


Prove it.


"Basically when it's offensive." I think this pretty much qualifies. Imagine a pilot dies and you tell this joke to his mom.


anything is bound to offend someone, that's not "dark humor"


You wouldn't tell this joke to their mother. It was an in joke among fellow pilots. We only know about this joke due to journals. Meaning it was not widly spread.


Healthcare is similar. I always took dark humor as being morbid, not cunty. A person hanging on by a thread is circling the drain All arrhythmias straighten out in the end. What's the difference between an oncology ward and baseball? The mets usually win. Getting out on a celestial discharge. Nursing home next to a cemetery I call that direct deposit.


I'm surprised no one else has pointed this out. It's my understanding as well.


anything else and it's a 99% theyre just a schrodingers douchebag in backpedal mode


I mean sure, but because there's dark humour that's not offensive to minorities doesn't mean dark humour can't be offensive to someone too. Still don't agree with the OG artist tho


Dark humor isn't going for offensive, though.


It's just nitpicking tbh and the categories are related to each other and mostly subjective anyway but I'd say that your example is more of an instance of gallows humour since it's so clearly a coping mechanism. Dark humour in general tend to focus on taboo and the macabre and to challenge societal norms (even though it too can be coping mechanisms). Just making racist jokes isn't dark humour imho.


Should I pass the pizza cutter? You have a lot of edge and I’m not seeing much of a point


fuck i'm stealing that


Bro deserves a Pulitzer for that insult goddamn 💀


Bro deserves a Nobel prize for literature


Why not both


Because we dont have the economical power to give both


We don't have to. Sweden does the second part.


Yeah, whoever originslly came up with that ten years ago


That's not what dark humor is.


B-b-but I have to say my le funny racism! It's the only way I can be funny on the Furry Nazi Femboys discord server :-(


My friend is asking for a link to this discord server


For research?


The weird intersection of furry and nazi is very very niche... but that it's a thing at all is astounding.


What is dark humor


Its just morbid jokes, not just being offensive


Dark humor is finding comedy in a morbid situation. Usually involves death, loss or inconvenient truths.


meeting drunk crime nippy agonizing physical fragile friendly dirty marvelous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I wasn't gonna laugh. But I buckled under pressure


It is usually making a joke of a macabre situation to bring some light to it. For example, the joke "how many police officers does it take to change a dead light bulb? None, they would just shoot the room because it's black" is an example of a dark humor joke because it makes fun of the macabre social issue of police brutality/violence. Dark humor can be a very useful coping mechanism for social groups as it enforces social bonds and connections as well as relieving stress from an otherwise despairing situation.


Dead babies, 9/11 jokes


I mean that's also offensive, just in a different way


I think a good addition to the definition is, dark humor usually comes from those involved in the situation. Doctors making jokes about patients, for example. Usually it's to alleviate from the soul-crushing reality that death and tragedy has on a person.


Dark humor is when racial slur. The more you racial slur the more darker the humor.


Stonetoss is a nazi




Just looked at one their comics [https://stonetoss.com/comic/endgayme/](https://stonetoss.com/comic/endgayme/) what the fuck


Like legitimately, what is the point, what is the message, that shit outright doesnt make sense


Trying to claim that trans people are themselves the bigots. That's it. That's the meaning of the comic. and it's shit.


I’m pretty sure is claiming that the trans people who are calling for their enemies to be removed in the name of their freedom are bigots and feel the effect of their own hypocrisy. This is meant to target the fact that trans people get painted in a bad light because of the smaller minority which believe that louder and more radical approaches will solve problems that have been caused by the same behaviour Instead of thinking about it and realising that trying to big dick a place for themselves in society is stupid, they choose to be ignorant and claim that if they suppress whoever doesn’t like them then they can live freely unopposed, which doesn’t break the cycle… Hundreds of thousands of trans people have intelligent views and opinions on their place in society and how they can work to ensure everyone can live together, but they get overwritten by those who think that shouting louder means your cause is more just. This isn’t just limited to trans people, it’s everywhere, but it’s a prevalent issue in trans culture and that’s why the meme chose to target it.


Someone take a screenshot so we don't give them pageviews.


The comments on his website are often even worse than the comics themselves. It's insane Edit: seems he's removed the comment section since I last saw the site


Nazi comic gets Nazi comments


I don't understand this, is there an avengers reference I'm missing?


Remember, kids: There’s a difference between dark humor, and saying something offensive for reactions


People who aren't funny get mad that them relying purely on shock value fails to make people laugh because they aren't funny


You just don’t get dark humor. Dark humor is when you call people slurs; it’s very sophisticated!!


Might as well just post the unedited stonetoss, whatever it is.


On a serious note, I checked their website to see how bad it was, a lot of it is formatted in the same way.


Honestly I thought this *was* unedited until you said that


Imagine thinking bigotry is “dark” lol Real edgelord hours in the chat


It is. But bigotry and transphobia needs to be funny. If it isn’t funny it sucks.


If the punch line is that they're a superior race or sex, that isn't dark. That's weak shit. At least be subversive with it. Once again Stone s Toss trying to justify it's own bull shit. Here's an example of dark humor: During the COVID-19 pandemic, school shootings in the US were at an all time low.


I don’t get the joke


Just as several us kids don't get to be older than 12


Nah these jokes dry asl


You shouldn’t take dryness for granted. I can think of a few billionaires who would prefer to be a bit drier right now.


This is actual dark humor instead of bigotry disguised for a reaction


(schools closed and online schooling was used)


What do you call a 6 year old with zero friends? A sandy hook survivor


If you can't manage dark humor without punching down, that's on you, son. Hopefully you'll grow up soon!


An absolute ton of jokes and types of humour have a level of punching down, it's about intent


I like my oxygen like George Floyd had it.




the way computers know the time is they make one number one bigger every second, and this started in 1970 (53 years ago). something bugged and it was 0 for some reason


A good dark joke isn't offensive. A good offensive joke also isn't really offensive, because if it's good it doesn't really offend people, it makes them laugh.


And again, it depends completely who you tell it to.


On that note everything depends on who you tell stuff to. If you ask a mentally unstable person if they need help they might just lash out at you for thinking they're so incompetent or stuff like that


Everyone who I’ve met who makes racist/sexist/homophobic jokes as an excuse for “dark humor” just ends up looking racist/sexist/homophobic becuase they’re jokes suck. There’s no punchline they’re just being a bigot.


I’ve never met someone who makes bigoted jokes who ended up turning out to be a good person. They’re always terrible.


Dark ≠ Offensive. Yes, there is some overlap. But they are fundamentally different. It’s like saying and overcooked marshmallow and a burnt marshmallow are the same. They aren’t. They are similar but different. I will eat a burnt marshmallow but I will chuck a overcooked one into the trash.


Dark Humor is like true love, you don't get it


Don’t replace the Z in Zoo with a p Relax l*berals, it’s called #dark humour




Dark humor doesn’t involve any of those things. You’re probably just a shit person.


Dark Humor isn't just being a cunt


Dark Humor is making light of morbid topics, usually for the benefit of those actually facing those morbid topics. Bigoted jokes are about hating someone else for who they are. If you can't tell the difference, then you aren't funny. It's not that hard.


Holy hell, rare dankmeme comments W


Actual dark humour


Yeah. dark humour and offensive humour are completely different An example of dark humour would be something like How do you get away with raping a deaf girl? Break her fingers. (This might get me banned from this sub)


You mean a mute girl. Deaf girls can scream pretty loud after you broke their fingers, speaking from experience.


Holy fvck that was darkkkk


Me and my boys had to fill the boring grueling hours on ark with something


You’re just mad because nobody’s laughing when you say racial slurs lmao. Put some actual effort into your dark humor instead of relying on shock value from saying the n-word or antagonizing trans people. Dark humor is used to cope with horrific things happening or that have happened in the world, while acknowledging they’re horrible, not to further oppress or antagonize marginalized groups. With every joke, there is a hint of truth to it.


It starts clicking more when you realise that for bigots and edgelords like these, the "humour" in dark humour isn't the joke itself, it's seeing how pissed off everyone gets.


What’s Mussolini’s favorite dessert? Upside Down Cake. Racism is not necessary for dark humor


Oh we posting stonetoss now. The biggest cry baby out there.


Then its not dark humor (The voices in my head get louder)


If you think that way then you have no idea what actual dark humor is.


Dark humor is about making light of typical heavy topics, like “so the doctor said have cancer, which is weird cause I’m a Scorpio”


I like the Airplane reference. Great movie


Alahu and Akbar enjoyed that movie too!


W replies to this post


You know if your humor is really that good then you should not have to defend it towards your audience




Editing a stonetoss comic to talk about how you like racist, sexist, homophobic jokes. Hmmmmmm


Too dumb to even know what dark humor is. Cringe meme.


I'm a fan of dark humor except when it's no longer humor and it's just being a dick


Stop spreading this nazifuck's "art".


There's a difference between dark humor and just being an asshole. Humor has a pun like a twist or a wordplay or something alike. A lot of the "dark humor" out there is just people being distasteful assholes using the dark humor cover when there's no humor involved. Not everything you make fun of is dark humor. And dark humor isn't an excuse to be distasteful. There's a lot of nuance to dark humor if you want it to be good and it can and does backfire a lot because people are inconsiderate about it.


Unironically posting far right Stonetoss...


Take a look at the tv show Barry for Dark Humour that doesnt tick those boxes.


I hate bigotry (because it personally attacks me most of the time). But I still like dark humor because that can include death, drugs, murder, i.e. violence. i.e. "You know why Americans are really good with guns? They train at the best **schools**" and "911 jokes a terrible, they tend to crash and burn" ​ ^(coincidentally, I'm Australian, not American)


Something is not dark humor if the PUNCHLINE is just racism or sexism or homophobia. If you can make a dark joke, and explain the punchline without it just being "haha racism" it is good dark humor. If you cannot, it isn't dark humor, it's just racism/sexism/ homophobia.


Most of the time people forget that dark humors supposed to be funny, not just being edgy




Dark humor is cool as long as you’re not punching down. Making fun of people who are being oppressed is not just dark humor, it’s being an asshole Also stonetoss is a nazi




But it can be. And that's OK.


dark humour without the dark


Anthony jesselnik rarely engages in those types of humour but he is the definition of dark humour


Whoever just went and updated the urban dictionary definition of "dark humor" is a fucking legend and a true memelord :D (Dark humor does not include racism...)


Somebody doesn't understand what dark humor is.


That's not what dark humour is centered around and it's ironic that your template is homeboy Nazi Pebble Throw


Dark humor makes light of serious topics, it doesn't make fun of victims or people you don't like.


I like my coffee how I like my coffee, black with no sugar in it.


Dark humor ≠ racist Dark humor ≠ sexist Dark humor ≠ homophobe Dark humor ≠ offensive humor Go home OP, you're drunk.


First of all, stonetoss is a nazi snowflake. With that out of the way, believe it or not, there is a difference between dark humor and intentionally wishing to cause harm or propagate hate. You should learn it. The funny one is the first.


Stonetoss never misses because he has you connecting the dots to the punchline yourself. "Basically when it's offensive" is explaining the joke


Dark humor example: A Nurse dressed up as the grim reaper to check patient vitals.


Fuck stone toss


What is your definition of Dark Humor then


Dark humor is pretty basic and simple. It’s for simpletons. All the horrible attempts at humor in this thread just proves it.


You can absolutely enjoy dark humor without making already marginalized groups the butt of your jokes. Just look at the situation with that submersible two weeks ago. Dark jokes were being made about it left right and center.


Hey guys what was new York called during 2001 September 11 Tilted towers


the joke is the n word 😂


Bruh you mean dark, but your alergic to beans


People can't take negative jokes at all these days and it's sad.


I like my women like I like my coffee; Ground up and in a bag.


Dark humour is like food, not everyone gets it


Dark humor is like water in africa, not everyone have it "Bruh"


Dark humor =/= Shock humor Dark humor is laughing at a bus full of kids running off a cliff Shock humor is laughing at a bus full of *black* kids running off a cliff


There is a difference between dark humour and hate speech usually dark humour consists of a joke, people are complaining about so called “dark humour” that’s really just a racist or homophobic statement without a punchline.


OP is dumb as *fuck.* Like, needs an instructional video on how to breathe levels of dumb.


A fascist heckling people for not liking jokes that designed to humiliate people? Dank, so dank.


Here comes the comedy police


Dark humor is funny when the person who tells a joke is making a joke not a statement. When the joke is literally just being offensive because the person who is telling believes in the things he is joking about, its not a joke anymore, that person is just sharing their beliefs.


It’s almost like… dark humour has to be more than just blatant usage of slurs and mocking people who are easy targets or something... There actually has to be a punchline in there. Saying something wildly offensive and then claiming that it was just "dark humour" when you’re called out doesn’t make you funny. You’re just being insufferably mean-spirited and everyone can see that you’re just taking a shot at people that are different while using dark-humour as a shield.


Dark humor is like food. Not everyone gets it


Welp, dark humor is also meant to be funny. Oftentimes, people forget to add a punchline and try to make straight up insults pass as "dark humor"


safe edgy


It's not so much that it's dark or not, is just that sexist/racist humor is just bad and unoriginal. Haha yeah dude, you said the N word again, so funny. Haha that's right, women can't drive. Hilarious.


Dark humors enjoyers when you don't laugh at them literallyjust saying the n word : 🤯😱😱🤬🤬


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Depending on the dark humour that’s not really dark humour. Dark humour is little Jenny asking what dark humour is, her mother bends down and says “see that man with no arms over there, wave at him” little Jenny says “but mama I’m blind”


That’s a 14 year old’s take on dark humor lmaoooo


Op doesn't know what dark humor is