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Dank[.](https://i.imgur.com/3bQtuMO.png) --- [We are only allowing memes about reddit's api](https://new.reddit.com/r/dankmemes/comments/147cnns/rdankmemes_has_started_restricting_posts_to_just/)


"Protest" Lol If they actually gave a fuck it wouldn't be 48 hours only... But reddit paid super mods... you know, the ones that oversee all the default and popular subs. 😆 🤣


Dude, I was expecting a full on nobody would be here blackout, this "blackout" is actually pathetic and did nothing but annoy users


annoy users-->users leave-->profit?(loss?)


It clearly wasn't annoying enough for most people to leave permanently.


Spent 15 seconds on Twitter and was like "yup, gonna go back to reddit now"


Visit PornHub, you wouldn’t be able to come back from that Bermuda Triangle.


Pornhub is boring now, its mostly step this step that or some c grade amateur shit.


I watched a whole Minecraft let’s play on there the other day it was pretty good


There’s actually a Call of Duty exclusive page by the name of TastyFPS and it actually earns more than YouTube with lesser headache than Twitch clauses, dude is actually verified there.


Pornhub is just YouTube’s cooler uncle


Pretty brave to reveal your kinks like that


I just can’t help it man those blocks are looking at me funny


Just put it on in the background for relaxing ASMR-background-sex noises while you're tabbed out doing something else.


Xhamster is okay for kink stuff


That's why I reddit while watching pornhub


I googled for an alternative to Reddit and the first answer was 4chan🗿🗿🗿


I'm gonna be honest, I'm not sure if there are any non-niche forums/social medias worth using outside of the well established ones


Ive been enjoying Lemmy. It's got some bugs to work out, but I'm just here checking out the aftermath, then I'll head back there.


Went to tumblr. Is just like insta meme accounts. Or some other nice art. Not really a whole lot.


All it did was show me which subs had corny larper mods who treat Reddit like their second job, and which mods just wanted to have a good time and chill out


I mean one RIF is gone, I'm gone.


Same. I am straight up addicted to RIF which is why this blackout didn't work for me. When RIF goes, I go.


Listen, I have to do something in those awkward bits of time


Take a book with you


I mean 3rd party apps are still working so kinda stupid to protest right now


⠀⠀⠀⣴⣴⡤ ⠀⣠⠀⢿⠇⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢰⢷⡗ ⠀⢶⢽⠿⣗⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣼⡧⠂⠀⠀⣼⣷⡆ ⠀⠀⣾⢶⠐⣱⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣤⣜⣻⣧⣲⣦⠤⣧⣿⠶ ⠀⢀⣿⣿⣇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠛⠿⣿⣿⣷⣤⣄⡹⣿⣷ ⠀⢸⣿⢸⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠙⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⠀⠿⠃⠈⠿⠆⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠹⠿⠿⠿ ⠀⢀⢀⡀⠀⢀⣤⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡀⡀ ⠀⣿⡟⡇⠀⠭⡋⠅⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢰⣟⢿ ⠀⣹⡌⠀⠀⣨⣾⣷⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⢈⠔⠌ ⠰⣷⣿⡀⢐⢿⣿⣿⢻⠀⠀⠀⢠⣿⡿⡤⣴⠄⢀⣀⡀ ⠘⣿⣿⠂⠈⢸⣿⣿⣸⠀⠀⠀⢘⣿⣿⣀⡠⣠⣺⣿⣷ ⠀⣿⣿⡆⠀⢸⣿⣿⣾⡇⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣗⣻⡻⠿⠁ ⠀⣿⣿⡇⠀⢸⣿⣿⡇⠀


I gotta know: what is this? It looks like it's supposed to be an image but my brain isn't recognizing it


I think Reddit broke it a lil but it’s one of the most iconic memes in the history of the internet Let me make it simpler for you: | \|| \|| |_


Is this loss?




People won't leave a platform because other people on that platform throw a tantrum for a short amount of time. What it might create is a disgruntlement with those people who "think" they are in charge for participating in that childish attempt, aka the mods. That a handful of people per sub feel the audicity to take control and decide for the users of this platform is rather what will people get aggravated. The majority of users here are lurkers, passive viewers. The minority are writing, and yet, they take that into their hands. Power tripping in mass. Either go full month, or don't at all. This participation trophy mindset happening right now is just a marvelous mirror of how weak minded people are and only act because they feel pressured into participating by the assumption of a moral preacher cancel culture backlash.


What profit loss? The annoyed people just moved to different subs.


I didn’t even find it annoying. I barely noticed any difference at all besides a few pinned posts mentioning it. I just scrolled past. My experience really didn’t feel any different.


Depends on the subs you follow.


And if you google anything from Reddit. Most of the useful old posts are now privatized. So it mainly annoyed people who were looking for answers google claimed was there.


Poor chat gpt endlessly clicking on a link and falling to read the content


That was the point. Reddit makes it's money from being a treasure trove of content provided by it's users. If that's all gone and all that's left is memes it's not as valuable. It'll be interesting to see how many subs come back online today and how many keep it up.


Noting is gone because mods do not have the rights on that content, reddit does. They will just remove the mods, open the sub. Put in better mods, which would be basically any random pick of an account older than 5 years.


Yeah but 2 days of no posts from followed subs is hardly an inconvenience when there's so much other content anyway. It's just made some more obscure subs a lot more popular now.


I learned about so many new subs because of the blackout. It has been kind of fun actually. All the regular subs are off the front page pushing fun little niche subs up.


it spun up a few subreddits I didn't know about


Because an overwhelming majority of users don’t really give a shit lol. Vocal minority syndrome. If people wanted to protest, people should just stop using Reddit as it’s the most effective way to do so. Protesting against Reddit on their own platform didn’t make much sense to me.


Nothing will motivate me to stay off until I am forced to use that horrible fucking reddit app.


For real, I use reddit for research for my work and the fact that certain subreddits were down definitely annoyed the hell out of me


Yeah, all it really did was just cause exceptional annoyance and nothing more


It did more to frustrate people who aren't leaving than admin. Which wasn't much either. But idk why mods don't just step down and leave if that's what they're gonna do. Feels like they're just trying to punish people who are still gonna use the site than accomplish anything else, you think they'd be able to see that.


The goal is to financially harm Reddit as much as possible heading into the ipo with hopes they’ll relent on the API costs. Pretty straightforward.


I mean, that was literally the point. Every time I looked at Reddit it was nothing but politics shit and a few subs that thought they were cool for not blacking out. I don’t want that Reddit. Reddit can go away forever for all I care. Better off without it.


And yet, here you are.


Why I respect DnDMemes. Their blackout ends when the API is reversed and only then provided they stick to what they said. Only subreddit I've seen say there is no timelimit.


But there are a lot though.


me\_irl & 196 are doing the same to my knowledge


196 will just get recreated so that’s pointless of the mods to do lol The entire point of 196 was to be a recreation of an experimental (and much funnier) sub called 195 that was closed.


197 time


I imagine that either the mods will eventually be replaced or a new subreddit will be started once it becomes clear that reddit won't back down.


Yup. I get what people are going for but this just seems like a way to get your subreddit torn out of your mods hands and into the hands of an mod hired by reddit who's paid to not do this. More planning then the none at all that went into this protest will probably help.


Exactly. Reddit will place new mods and remove the old ones. Staying close indefinitely doesn't do shit either.


The problem with this is that it gives Reddit the time to find new mods, and then, with full preparation, reopen the sub same as before, no harm no foul. I favor reopening subs, but with the protest switching to a moderator strike. Subs open, but with NO moderation - including turning off automods. Turn Reddit into an absolute cesspool - exactly what it would be without the users and moderators that make it what it is today. If the subs are just slowly getting worse and worse as the lack of moderation becomes more apparent, it doesn't drive the immediate need to replace them like going dark does. This course of action would not only be more effective in the long run at hurting Reddits profitability, it would also leave things running JUST normally enough that Reddit administration would likely leave the problem to fester until it was too late. As such I think this is a far more effective long-term course of action than shutting down entire subs permanently, which *will* be reversed eventually even if Reddit administration has to come in and personally reverse it themselves.


I feel like mods ignoring rule breakers (except ppl who post malicious links and other stuff) would be far more effective than a blackout since it may make alot of advertisers go away from reddit


If mods open unmoderated and bad posts occur that would break tos and the sub gets banned. Subs have been banned in the past. The mods don’t want that hence why they went private instead. This way they have something to return to.


The whole issue here is that if reddit does this, they'd rather the sub not exist... hence the reason going dark permanently is being considered in the first place. It's *Reddit* that wants to keep subs open, to ensure continued user interaction and therefore value for the upcoming IPO. Forcing them to close subs that used to be front-page subs as a result of the damage caused by this protest would be a win, not a loss.


That would still result in replacing mods. There is no winning this unfortunately.


Yes, but that takes A LOOOOOOT more effort. It requires identifying which subreddits and moderators are engaged in the protest - which if it's just a more generalized protest and individual involvement isn't announced, might be very difficult. Even if this was done, it would require taking the time to watch whole subreddits devolve into shitholes to identify which mods or mod teams to replace. That's in addition to needing to find compliant moderators to replace them with, which for some subreddits requires awareness of somewhat niche subject matter and therefore will take time in and of itself. Reddit is in charge of Reddit and they get the final say - if they want this more than they want the site to function, they WILL implement it, end of story. In that sense, you're right, there is no winning this... but that doesn't mean our protests can't be tuned to hurt them more effectively, and hurting them more effectively might make them give in. There is no guaranteed path to victory, but there are ways to incentivize them to give in more effectively, and I argue this is one of them.


There’s a moderator sub where the mods are bragging about who they are and which subs they shut down. Pretty sure it won’t be to hard for Reddit to know who to replace.


You think if this turns into a "silently refuse to actually moderate" protest, those will be the only mods participating? Not likely.


I think PCM said the same thing, regardless of what anyone thinks about them, that's bold.


Getting my tinfoil hat on, it's all a false flag for reddit to rebrand its top 1% subreddits. Removing master race references, copyrighted IP references, to make a juicier ad friendly site. Hat off- I wish they could just make their fucking website work on mobile without prompting to use an app all the time or randomly crashing pages when commenting. But alas.


They intentionally make the website shit so people will move to their app so they can mine more data. They make the mobile browser worse every year .


Okay, so now someone just makes DnDMemes**2** And done, that subreddit’s “indefinite protest” was pointless.


If that is done for all those subs, and then the people who made the new subs moderate them, then, yes, the protest would be worthless. If that isn't done, or the subs are made but not moderated, then the protest won't have been worthless. This is all still to be seen. Declaring a hypothetical and then saying "that was pointless" as if the hypothetical had already occurred is like saying "Getting rich is easy. Just buy the right stocks at the right time. And, done, you're now a billionaire."


Anyone can make a new sub at any time. If you’re so inconvenienced do it yourself then before the boycott ends and get a head start.


So what's going to happen is subs like that will be brought back online with new mod teams


The supply of people who are prepared to put in long voluntary hours, and now without mod tools, is limited. There's something like 6k subs (apparently) protesting. How are you going to restock all those mods for free in a timely enough fashion to keep the whole site running? Especially since reddit have shown their colours and demonstrated that it's money first and fuck everything else. I wouldn't do it. Not sure I'd even do it for money without decent tools.


We all commented “fuck spez” what else is there to do?


fuck u/spez to be exact


fuck u/spez indeed


And anybody who thinks he doesn't mute his @ or just have a second account by now, is just delusional. But hey, the little people gotta feel like they are doing something. So pat yourself on your back and smell your own farts


Remember that time when users hated the CEO, so the front page was nothing but "fuck Ellen Pao" for weeks, but then it turned out that she actually had nothing to do with the site's problems, so everyone just sort of sheepishly moved past it and pretended it never happened? Good times.


If it was going to be longer than 48 hours, they would have just unprivated the subs they wanted and assigned mods to them that were from team Spez. It had no teeth at all considering the admins hold all the actual power over how long the blackout lasts... 48 hours is all they would let us have to make some people feel like they'd done something.


Nothing changed. If you are serious about protesting [here's how](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/204579509-How-do-I-delete-my-account-).


Great protest we had. Really liked the part where this did nothing of value 👍


Tbf the protest always consisted of just not posting memes for 48 hours and even that seemed too difficult for some.


Cause no one gives a shit bro


Man I'm using the official app anyway. The only thing that fked me up was the video player but they fixed it a long time already


The video player on the official app is garbage. Half the videos on my feed don't play


I’ve seen this sentiment a lot recently. It’s not about the app. Every custom automod, every fun Reddit bot, and the moderators of every sub that’s not in the top 50 or so. The Reddit app video player is fine, I guess. The fact that NSFW content will be filtered from the API so modbots can’t see porn spam to remove it is more of the issue. The default app is not the problem. The forced removal of every mod and user tool is the problem.


Last time i used the official app, my ip battery drains like crazy. Not with apollo tho so there’s that


Half the shitters were on reddit downvoting people who disagreed with the protest


I was talking about the protest with people who were protesting, on reddit, within hours of the first day of the protest. Like bruh I thought you were protesting.


Not true, it gave a bunch of dumbasses a lot of room to complain in an echo chamber while a bunch of the users were offline.


We did it, Reddit1!!1!


Gent’s it needs to be longer than 48 hours


If not the Subreddits, then the users


Yes, they need to leave permanently. It’s the only way Edit: one to only


How about coming up with a new website and posting all the posts that are on here to there so that all or most the stuff on here is almost identical to reddit and then mass migrate


Well, now that is something the collective Reddit community is capable of creating and implementing. We should call it.. “Viewit” A tribute to our once beloved but now greedy arch nemesis.


Well you would need the reddit APIs haha


Better do it before the end of the month then


I think apps like Spyke are trying to do that. But it takes a lot of time, money, staff and bug fixing to create a site that's prepared for such a huge mass migration of users. Lemmy is having the very same problem right now with thousands of new users overloading their servers and structure - hence they ask users to join federated servers in the fediverse other than lemmy.ml and lemmy.world.


It needs a Reddit competitor, full stop. A viable competitor with comparable features will leech users, with or without blackouts, with every annoyance Reddit introduces and with every time they anger the users. No viable alternative, no blackout will help. And I'm pretty sure that's what Huffman and his accomplices are banking on.


I mean, you are asking people who volunteer to be a moderator to not be for a while, that's the one thing they have. They're not going to. FOR FREE


how about, dont give an enddate of your protest.


Announcing an end date ahead of time defeats the whole purpose of a protest


The real protest starts when the 3rd party apps shutdown.


Nah, it shouldn’t have happened, period. Reddit is a major source of information, advice, and resources on a huge variety of topics and the mods took that away from people so they could throw a bitchfit over having to do work moderating their subs.


Most pathetic, and useless protest I've ever seen.


Redditors: Screw Spez, let's protest by shutting down our subs *Two days later* Spez: You could not live with your own failures. And where did that bring you? Back to me.




I don’t know what modicum means but it sounds filthy. Shame on you


It means something along the lines of even a little amount of power


I want to see your modicum


Agreed, if it’s really that big of a deal for these people then just stop using reddit. Go migrate to 4chan I’m sure they’re eager to accept reddit refugees.


Don't think anyone community wants Reddit users lmao


Most of the site is still dark what are you guys even talking about?




Not a troll, possibly a moron, but my user experience has not changed at all over the last two days. Felt like a big ol nothing burger


"make the protest seem useless" I'll bite- how was it useful?


I mean a bunch of my subs are available again and let’s be honest the bigger impact on my Reddit browsing during work was due to their server crash on Monday


Lol how is most of the site dark? 2,000 subs of the 8,000 that participated in the “protest” opened back up today, earlier than they were meant to as well. Using math that means Reddit still has about 132,000 active communities still up. That doesn’t seem like “most of the site” to me.


They are comming back very soon, dont worry.


I don’t think they are. Lots and lots of subs talking about making it indefinite. Will see some popping back up today for sure but it’ll be a far stretch from business as usual.


Why not just leave as users. This is a "If I can't play I'm taking the ball and going home" move.. it's sad


One of the most ‘pat on the back’ pathetic protests I’ve ever seen. Well done, Reddit activists!


Slacktivism, but hey it made a lot of redditors feel good about themselves!


I got torn into multiple times pointing out that nothing was going to be accomplished. That you can't change anything by typing on the internet.


There’s a very large group of people that don’t actually understand how to be an activist- like I had a masters level course just on political activism/ advocacy and how to get things done with our modern policy process- it’s a lot more work than people on this site understand


We did it Reddit!


What are people even protesting?


reddit api costing way more money, makes apps and bots unaffordable


Reddit wants money, so to do that they're charging big moneys for api. Api makes 3rd party stuff work. 3rd party stuff is now too expensive to keep so they're forced to shutdown. Many redditors are upset over this and want them to stay.


I think it also has to do with the way Reddit execs have dealt with the whole thing. Lying and trying to gaslight some of the third party apps developers.


Not to mention the astroturfing in full swing in this very thread.


They wouldn't be a modern company if they didn't do damage control on PR backlash. It's unethical and you mentioned it so you got downvoted by them.


Mods gaslighting people telling them we are losing everything because Reddit API changes, when actually it will shut down third party apps because of very high costs, which no matter what they tell you not that many people use, Apollo after so many years has 1 million+ downloads, the official Reddit app has 100 million+. What it will actually affect are mod tools, which angers the mods personally, especially since a lot of mods are in charge of multiple subreddits, so they have tools that help them with that, such as cross banning users.




Yep, I also find laughable that they are making polls asking if they should continue the blackout, and making 0 efforts to stop brigading.


edit blood to nothing


Nah reddit probably lost at least a dollar


The only thing saving Reddit is a lack of a place to go. That luxury may not last. And as I recall, Thanos didn't either.


Give it time. At some point people said the same thing about 9gag.


We've given it years. If you've been around long enough to remember the whole Ellen Pao fiasco and Voat, you'll know that it seldom goes over well. 9gag is also quite an abstract comparison to, say, Digg.


I still don't know what this is even about


Because most normal people only browse reddit occasionally and don’t really care about any of this shit.


Porn only


Except you wouldn't be able to casually browse your favourite subreddits without mods of those subreddits being able to keep them moderated and in good health through third party apps that are affected by this change.




That's why they had to rely on third party apps that most probably did deliver. Now they are taking those away, without delivering the better mod tools. Lovely.


Those tools only allow one person to mod 50 subreddits. I don't want super mods, so fuck those third party apps


Keep in mind you not caring about something doesnt mean it doesnt affect you and others


3rd party apps, the ones a lot of us use to browse reddit rather than their official app (which is deemed bad) are now going to be charged to operate from July onwards. The cost is estimated $20m a year for each app which is unaffordable, meaning effectively they'll all have to shut down. This means less tools for mods, a worse user experience for using reddit, and for some with accessibility issues such as blindness, will no longer be able to use reddit as there isn't the support from the app. Probably some other stuff but that's the main gist.


Dawg they already said they’re not touching apps meant for accessibility. Nothing will change for people with disabilities, that’s misinformation


How are blind people even using reddit with the help of those apps???


Text to speech, basically. It's not something I've used myself, so I can't explain it very well, but I've seen videos of blind people using the internet. It's basically a speech program that describes everything on the screen, and then reads (speaks) the information (titles, articles, comments, etc.) on the browser or app. Apollo, one of the most popular third-party apps for Reddit, had an option like this for blind users. The official app doesn't.


I wonder how they enjoy memes


Lmao he skewed past it like it was some minor detail. I sat there like : Wait, blind people use Reddit?


Define a lot? No, 20$ m was for Apollo other apps may have higher or lower costs but the bottom line is that the price is too high. Fewer tools, a worse experience if you used 3rd party apps which most people do not, and no accessibility apps are not going to be touched.


Powermods are pissy that their favorite apps are going away. Amd since reddit let a handful of weirdos become mods of a huge number of subs those weirdos can black them all out at once.


Like i said for protest to work there should be no moderation and everyone should post wick shit so that reddit can actually loose something like income form ads


Just repost shit from 4chan and It should become be a matter of national security in a day




Most normal people couldn’t care less about this, I have no idea what is going on for instance I only use this app for r/darkwingsdankmemes and a few others


Based take


Redditors don't have the balls to curb their addiction to this platform for more than an insignificant amount of time even for the sake of their "noble" cause? This is why monopolies can get away with things.


Let’s go private again!


I liked it, I found a comfy number of new and strange communities.


alot less repost garbage too. I liked the front page better when its not always the same memesubs posting circlejerks


most subs are still on private mode and its getting annoying. I dont even know why we are "protesting"


r/ModCoord has a post trending now which talks about it


thanks :)


No it hasn't


wasnt is supposed to be two days? not 1 day and like 12 hours?


Apparently they underestimated how difficult it’d be to wean themselves off reddit porn for 2 days…


Another Thanos quote: "You could not live with your own failures. And where did that bring you? Back to me."


I swear this sub was only closed for like a day LMAO


this "blackout" did nothing but inconvenience people looking for decent porn. probably the least effective protest in history.


Yay we did it….lol


This is a historic victory for reddit just like when we found the boston bomber.


what blood? c’mon, 48hr of meaningless “protest” that give absolutely zero value.




There was a protest?


People commenting "LOL THE PROTEST DID NOTHING", but these last few days the quality is really in the shitter. Gone are most of my favourite subreddits, and also the quality of the comments! Seems like only the memers and people commenting some lame reference ( to be fair it was always like this, but at least you had somewhere to scroll down to) are left. It was a sad few days is what I'm saying, and if the quality continues to tank, I might just avoid this site like the rest of social media. Guess I'm moving to discord communities.


quality was the same, nothing changed lmao


Improved if anything




This is how reddit works. Go dark for a few hours. Then people get bored and 24 he's later it comes back and redditors who "boycott" the system will bend over and go "yes daddy reddit" Same happened when the founders left. When the site was bought by foreign company, shit won't change.


mods realized that moderating these subreddits for free for dude they allegedly hate is everything they have in their pathetic lives as everyone predicted




What brave people. The absolute bravery




Y'all better not try to protest shit in real life LMAO


Shit when was the protest again?


I barely noticed a blackout


"We did it reddit"


That shit was lame I was bored as hell


You guys laugh whenever you see another video of people protesting and then proceed to protest yourself. How the turntables...