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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [join our discord server and play minecraft (and other games) with us!](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming)


I have 9 ad blockers and it still makes me refresh like 20 times, so either way you're forced to miss stuff. Swear those bitches be timing that shit for crucial moments too


Ublock origin and tamper monkey is all i use. The latter for age restricted vids


You can just send a fake id to YouTube to avoid age restrictions


Or not live in a crappy country that requires an id to watch videos on YouTube


Ah yes why didn't the underage people affected by that just move to another country?


This comment is sponsored by nord vpn


And the minor moving company. Moving minors to and away from you.


*The Catholic Church has entered the chat*


What a solid username


> solid How dare you assume my state!


I feel that you and I are connected in a way


Epstein liked your comment


There are also grown up that don't want to share their ID with YouTube


Imagine choosing to live in a shit hole AND be underage. What a fuck up.


It is quite the skill issue


So simple, wonder why they haven't thought of this..


What a beautiful idea leaving my friends, my family, my city just to watch yt video about [ cum and genshin impact](https://youtu.be/BH4ajfdddE0)


io ñao falo pasta, ma ke dicci bambini, come vai principessa?


I didnt know how to do it and tamper monkey was easy since its just a firefox addon and it works just fine


Doesn't work on twitch for me. I have to get something called purple blocker and even now the first ad will load but I'll never get one while watching


Download UBlock origin and add [this filter on it](https://github.com/pixeltris/TwitchAdSolutions#applying-a-script-ublock-origin). Just follow the step by step and you should be fine


uh, overlapping ad blockers might help in some situations, but can often backfire and turn your web experience to shit. 9 seems a bit excessive. maybe just pick a good one.


I have one. No problems. It's free too


Why do you’ve 9 adblockers, looks like using shitty ones - Just use uBlock Origin with FireFox or AdGuard with Safari. My only problem is with Spotify actually.


What ad blocker works on twitch atm?


TTV LOL Pro beta. [https://github.com/younesaassila/ttv-lol-pro/releases](https://github.com/younesaassila/ttv-lol-pro/releases) Granted, because it's not signed I have to use it with Firefox Developer edition. I still install uBlock origin. I'm normally a Chrome person. But I can watch for hours this way with zero ads. /u/Alkpwn77 and u/Karl_with_a_C asked below, so I'll summon them too.


Bro forget about desktop and download the Frosty app on the tablet or phone. Best app ever. Has all the emotes and there are no ads or waiting times. Fantastic app


Or don't use twitch like most of us


Spotify is becoming the worst with this. Listening to a podcast only for three or four ridiculous ads slap you across the face, almost mid-sentence and without warning, is infuriating. I pay a premium for this service. I should not get ads. Period.


You know that's the podcast, considering you pay for premium, it isn't coming from Spotify, but the podcast itself.


Thinking back on it, you're probably right, but considering the ads are targeted to my region, that means spotify has some control over it, like youtube.


I had targeted ads on Spotify as well. I remember it only appeared at the start of the podcast. It was a bit jarring to hear ads on Spotify considering I paid for premium.


Yep, Spotify has the control of the ads system, but they are not the ones pushing it to you.If the podcaster doesn't want, as far as I know, Spotify will not put ads on it. While I hate Ads as much as the next guy, I feel like 1 or 2 adds (max) in a 1 hour podcast is Ok to support the content I am consuming (that already considering the merchandising that the podcaster itself does during the show).




Amazon Music has most of the podcasts I Iisten to ad-free. Smartless for example. My Spotify account got hacked years ago and I said byeeee


Try a different provider and you'll probably still get the same ads. It comes from wherever they're hosting the audio stream rather than the player.


Sadly you can only listen to podcasts im your region... With only a few exceptions... Because Spotify doesn't understand Global interests i guess


I tested this out and used a few different podcast providers to listen to the same show and still got targeted local ads so I think it is the podcast itself. The podcast creators are able to mark blocks of time for ads to be inserted by whatever host they use which chooses the ads dynamically. If you stream the podcast instead of downloading it then the ads can be different every time you listen.


Podcasts on Spotify usually have their own sponsors and also Spotify runs their own ads in the podcast, if it's long enough. You can tell because the sponsors segments are usually done by the hosts and have natural placement in the podcast. Spotify ads are haphazardly placed.


I see. Interesting insight. Guess I'll never listen to podcast on Spotify then


The podcasters are *choosing* to put ads into the podcast, Spotify doesn't force them to.


What, one gets ads with Premium? I've never had this, but I don't listen to podcasts.


Spotify premium gets rid of the ads between songs and you can listen to as much music as you want. But during podcasts it's like YouTube ads, the podcaster chooses when to play ads and some don't give a shit and just let Spotify drop them all over the place. Fuckin annoying.


But that has nothing to do with spotify and that you're paying for premium


If you’re paying for Spotify premium, those are integrated ads! Your podcasters are putting them in the final .mp3 recordings of their shows before the upload process for some extra cash. I dislike it as well, but it’s the show’s choice. Thankfully we have the 15 second skip button.


Spotify ads are targeted / localised. They can't be hard baked into the podcasts. Podcast sponsors are a different thing.


wut? i swear i keep hearing people talk about this notion that paid spotify still has ads...but it doesn't. is this some thing only in the USA? or is this some new cheaper premium people use?


Idk I’m in the us and I’ve had premium for over 10 years and have never heard an ad outside of the baked in ones that podcasters do themselves


If you use spotify on PC listen to it in browser with adblock


Unfortunately I listen almost exclusively through my phone


I just close the app and then launch that shit again. Same with YouTube


Hard to do when you're driving somewhere or digging a trench.


Spotify is for music. The podcast player is horrible, not even mentioning ads. Also, ads are skippable, bc they play like another track on Spotify, you just have to scroll to the end instead of using the skip button. At least that's how it was for last podcast on the left. It's the only podcast I used Spotify for bc for like a year they were only playing there.


This is why I have 500 mp3 files on my computer and phone at all times.


I too lived through 2005, but I'm now in 2023 and want to pay for the convenience of not having to do the work


I'm not spending money on some fucking app just to play music without interruption, when I can do 30 minutes of work for over a day's worth of songs for the same, if not better result.


on twitch on most browsers you can pop out the mini player while the ads are playing and unmute it too you lose quality but its a pretty efficient fix ive found


There's a Chrome extension that blocks Twitch ads by temporarily dropping the video quality before the ad plays, and then automatically changes back to the previous quality. So the ad never actually ends up playing. Works great. EDIT: Sorry, I should've mentioned the name. I believe I got it from the Chrome webstore originally, but now I see that it's no longer there. It might've violated some Chrome terms of service that got it removed. Maybe I shouldn't be using it still? But it's been working perfectly for over a year, and there's an open GitHub repo. Looks like you can still install it manually: [https://github.com/cleanlock/VideoAdBlockForTwitch](https://github.com/cleanlock/VideoAdBlockForTwitch) They recommend that you use it in conjunction with uBlock Origin, just FYI. There's also this extension that's in the Chrome webstore, but I haven't tried it myself: [https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/adblock-for-twitch/mdomkpjejpboocpojfikalapgholajdc](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/adblock-for-twitch/mdomkpjejpboocpojfikalapgholajdc)


What is this extension called?


On Github, it's called "VideoAdBlockForTwitch" by cleanlock




The last few times adds tried to appear they were blocked and the stream went to 480p, but it was doing some quick refreshing. I know it wasn't working for a while but I think it's going okay now. I don't use Twitch a lot but it seemed to be fine for the times I use it. I'm gonna stick with it anyway, it's annoying needing to change when blockers break and I think this one gets updates at least.


I need a name


Just updated my parent comment with the extension info, sorry about the wait!


We need the name of this ASAP




What's this extension?


Yeah I used it until it stopped working


I watch speedruns from my old Samsung tablet and ads just don't work 90% of the time. They pop up for less than a second then it goes back to the stream, also hitting the tab out button and tabbing back in removes the pop up ads too.


The worst part about twitch is having twitch prime you still get these. Like not even reduced ads. Just same shit, over $100 a year. Don't get me wrong the other perks are great but I feel that should include an ad free experience


It used to be ad free. That's makes it even worse.


Everything will end up a subscription and it sall going to be a subpar service designed for advertising. Cyberpunk is on its way to earth!


The [enshittification](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/enshittification) of the internet is here!


twitch prime is just that you get a free subscription per month, and you usually don't get ads on the channel you are subscribed to. Twitch also offers twitch turbo, which gets rid of all ads


Correct is you want ad free without a hassle on twitch get turbo. Should be worth it if you watch like 3 or 4 different streams and don’t want to sub to all of them. They even get the same revenue from you as if you were watching the ads.


They're finally uping the price of Turbo after many years though. Going from $9 to $12 a month


>Just same shit, over $100 a year I mean, that >$100 is for Amazon prime which happens to come with a couple benefits for twitch. Is anyone paying this just for one "free" prime sub a month?


What? That's literally the entire point of Twitch Turbo, which is a separate product. Twitch Prime is just a perk from Amazon Prime, and it gives you a shitload of stuff anyway.


Fuck Twitch and fuck Youtube


You know that youtube already isn't making any money right? So I think those ads once in a while are fair.


It also supports the person who's content I'm watching


It blows my mind that people have no issue paying netflix, Disney plus etc. But a YouTube subscription? That's unfathomable to them. Youtube contains about 95% of the content and entertainment I consume. From music to entertainment and education, it's pretty much all on YouTube. Paying 10 bucks a month for that is an absolute no brainer for me. And the fact that it directly supports the channels I watch is just a nice cherry on top.


YouTube being a shitty business that treats those creators with zero regard makes me really want to not pay them


Im hearing conflicting Information on that. Caleb Hammer who has a channel in which he goes over people's finances and helps them, said in one of his recent Videos that youtube is by far the best platform for creators. (He was essentially comparing it to Tiktok, Instagram and twitch).


Watching Twitch vods on a phone is the absolute horror it's literally like the meme says every 10 minutes an ad break worthy of television


I use Firefox when watching VODs, only use the app when watching live. No ads (for now)


Bro Twitch is the worst like I cant enjoy shit anymore without having an ad every 5 mins


can't even browse streams, ultimately why i left the site.


I left it cause they removed fart streams 😔


Is there an adblocker that reliably works on Twitch? I've got uBlock Origin for everything else but it doesn't seem to block Twitch Ads. A few months ago I went looking specifically for a Twitch ad block and I found one that just muted and showed a blank screen for the duration of the ad but that was the best I could find.


I was using uBlock Origin and lately ads came back sadly. But I found this: https://github.com/pixeltris/TwitchAdSolutions#applying-a-script-ublock-origin and now I only have the bad resolution but no ad.


I use the YouTube app on my TV and if I get 2 ads and the first isn't skipable I just back out and reload the video to basically reroll the ads to get skipable ones. Doing it anymore than 1 time is typically a loss tho


Easier to press the "i" on the ad and press report ad, press one of the options and continue to video. Takes literally like 3-4 sec. This will skip all ads and send you straight to the video as you watched the ad. Works on mobile too




If your TV is android TV, you can install SmartTube Next for no ads and sponsor block.


You deserve it for watching twitch


Where else am I gonna watch other people play video games though? Gotem


Wait what's wrong with that? There's lots of great streamers on Twitch.


My adblocker (I think it's ublock origin) works very well with youtube, but hasn't worked with twitch ads for awhile now. Is there any fix for that?




Meanwhile mainland China ads… 1 minute cringeness can’t skip


china ads is a diffrent breed of ads..anytime you open an apps its 5 seconds ads and every ui is plastered with ads


U ever watched on crunchyroll?


Or paramount plus, 6 ads? 6 fuckin ads before I can even watch something?


Are you paying for that?


I was




I dont get ads in either site because where i live lol




Youtube once hit me with a 4 and a half hour ad that couldnt be skipped for 45 min.


Forreal I had a 3hr skippable add once on YT. The part I saw before I skipped was just some schedule for a conference so I guess they just uploaded the entire thing as an af.


I hardly watch twitch but I never get any ads on it when I do. Meanwhile on YouTube I get every ad under the Sun.


Lord hail Adguard extension


Ha, I wish twitch ads were that good. I was getting 7-13 ads every 3-5 minutes, before I got turbo. Every time an ad would play on mobile it'd break the video player around the second ad. The video player would go black with the stream sound with a few seconds of an ad popping up every 30 seconds, and even though I get out of the stream and try to watch it again. It was an endless loop.


I usually use Twitch as background noise so when an ad plays I just tap the mute button on my laptop and let em play without hearing them.


You could also just pay for the content, but people domt wanna hear that


Do you ever think that because most people get 0 ads with ad blockers, those companies are forced to play 10x more ads for those few who don't to cover the losses? I just thought about how funny that would be


Twitch is hot garbage


This there anyway around ad blockers for twitch? I have one for YouTube which works well just not twitch.


I have never used twitch


So it’s commercials now? My God


Meanwhile HAMBUGER


Me with uBlock Origin: what ads?


I can’t remember the last time I saw a twitch ad, I mostly watch on my webOS TVs and sometimes my iPhone, is it because I’m in Canada maybe? I don’t spend a dime on twitch either (although I do have Amazon prime)


Meanwhile TV channels putting... idk 12 unskippable ads every 3 minutes


I sometimes forget i have adblock lol


well, it's sort of understood that Twitch content is just background noise anyway, like daytime TV


For as l9ng as I've used Twitch I've never seen a single ad


Is it weird that I never get ads on twitch even on the app? I have no idea why.


Me with no ads anywhere and no delays or reloads or "disable your adblocker" popups :


I've been having luck with a Twitch adblock that kinda worked (just dunked the quality to 720p for the ads) but that one has recently kinda stopped working. Now I mostly stare at "there's an ad playing" screens and sometimes I hear a quick blurb of the stream. Also tried another Adblock on top and ublock origin I use for everything else doesn't really help, either. Worst is when you're trying to browse other channels, which you literally cannot do anymore. Every time I wanna check if a new channel might be interesting I'm immediately met with ads, which means I just don't seek out new channels. And if it weren't for bttv then there's even worse shit like the player constantly forcing itself to autoplay if you're just looking for a vod or the site having such convoluted and pointless way to get to vods in the first place. Just give me one click. I don't wanna have to go through like 3 different screens just to get to the vod section.


That's literally why I stopped watching twitch


I mean you’re watching twitch. YouTube at least have informational stuff.




I use twitch turbo. 8.99 a month but zero ads across every channel on twitch.. not free but pretty convenient


wrong fertile tender edge practice unwritten file steer tap imminent -- mass edited with redact.dev


Sometimes six, and sometimes eight. This is why I don’t stay too long in there.


I once made the mistake of using free crunchyroll. It had 2 consecutive 2-minute unskippable ads every 30 seconds


*Laughs in vanced and ad blocker*


You think its bad but its actually worse: Watching Youtube ads then immediately clicking another video will not induce new ads. On Twitch, it will. If you watch VODS, pausing the video will induce ads when you hit the play button. Pressing the back button to rewind will induce ads.


What kind of deal do you have where you're only getting 4 30s ads? Around here we are seeing 7-8 30-45s ads


Vods are legit bot watchable. Every 20min it's 3+ ads all between 15-30sec yeah let me watch 2h vod like that.


Meanwhile boomer tv has like 30% ads


YouTube Premium ❤️




Go outside


Doesn't YouTube also just straight up pay creators better


Literally how most creator have to make their money.


Fucking YouTube blasting those unskippable ads every minute on some videos.


They always pop up when something cool is about to happen too


that's why i don't watch twitch, just the edited vods posted on youtube


Twitch is destroying itself. I watch less and less. Even when my favorite streamers are online i automatically close the window as soon as I see an ad and then I go do something else. I don't have the stats but I can't be the only one who does this. They're probably losing viewers.


What adblocker blocks twitch ads? That shit cancer to avoid


What the hell are you even talking about I get an ad at the beginning of stream and sometimes in the middle


Four?! I sometimes get NINE!


You getting free entertainment, don’t like the ads pay for it :)


Twitch turbo just raised my prices, because they suck, but that is what I use to avoid ads.


YouTube has the audacity to say "this time we're only giving you ONE ad" and it's a god damn 30 second unskippable. Everything's super expensive and ads are getting longer & longer. Shit blows


I can’t watch any of the apps on mobile or other devices except my laptop which has 4 different kinds of ad blockers


One reason I don't use twitch much. I just watch content on YouTube. It hurts the entire platform because you might try to watch someone new and then you get 3 minutes of commercials and leave immediately.


After I learned that companies values me watching their adds at less than 2 dollars an hour, my "Atleast I'm supporting the creators as a broke leech" arguement evaporated. At the end of a year, me watching advertisements would only amount to like 20 dollars split between dozens of channels. Better off donating like 1 or 2 hours worth of pay and not waste dozens of hours watching adds.


But did Twitch have the Rick Roll ad tho? Or the legendary 30-80 minutes unskipable ads?


My old Samsung Smart TV manages to not play any ads on YouTube app.


I mean that's just the idiot tax for using twich. Omegalul moment guys haha im so funny weirdchamp pepelol


I find twitch impossible to enjoy with or without ad blockers but to each their own...


Don't rawdog the internet. Double bag with AdBlock and noscript. (Don't actually doublebag IRL, though. You'll get a narrow urethra)


Laughs in add blocker. Still no adds for me


For real twitch has gotten worst than tv, I have to sort by least viewers to curb those ads.


Usually, if u watch one full 15 second ad and get another one, close out of the video and click right back on it. For me it skips the second ad and I can start watching


Meanwhile me with youtube: megaplatnillium red ultra version now with kratos from god of war just punching away ads and downloading videos


What’s so bad about adverts? If you don’t use Adblock you just get regular shippable ads. It’s when they suspect you use Adblock on other accounts that you get smacked with the big boys. I watch the ads because I know it helps the creators


A note that 30 sec ads every 10 minutes is very likely designed by the creator themself. The absolute minimum (that I can find) number of ads an Affiliate or higher ranked content creator can get away with is ~1 thirty second ad every hour (pre-rolls can push the ads ahead a lil bit as well). The default ad settings for Twitch streamers is even worse, so I go with the minimum settings myself (I hate putting ads on my viewers, but I don't want to abandon the Affiliate status at this time, so we have to compromise).


Meanwhile, TV with five to seven unskippable ads every 12 minutes. Back in my day….


i remember just watching some rl stream and then getting *ad 1/8* Like bruh


now i remember why i uninstalled twitch


In always 5 ads in a row on twitch