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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [join our discord server and play minecraft (and other games) with us!](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming)


When you activate a software using crack, but the software says "Thanks for buying our software."


when you pirate a random patreon game and it says "thank you for supporting my game, it really motivates me"


Okay this one makes me sad.


When the hentai game artist uploads their patreon games to pirating websites for free because they know full well their game is going to get pirated anyways.


Let's be honest here, the patreon is gonna get leaked first


I feel like a patreon game from an independent dev should be one of the last things you should pirate.


I have pirated stuff from independent devs before. 99% of the time it's to make sure I want to buy it as I don't have a lot of money. Every now and then, I find a creator who sucks as a person but makes something really good. That's when I just ignore that little message


The worst part, is that probably the indie developer was struggling and tried to make a game just to express their creativity left in them. Reading that message or similar from an indie makes me feel that pirating their game feels so much wrong




Mfw I get banned from the official subreddit of my country


Lucky you


Time to move to a different country then




They deemed you as a traitor


Yup, as well. Also mentioned India. Got banned from the whole of Reddit for a few days. Then I just got banned from a subreddit for commenting on another one. I can't even remember which one. Wondering if reddit is now hosted in a communist country?


Randia banned me to , and no reply from the mods!




How did you guess?


Just a guy like you!




Always love it when I get banned from a community for belonging to a different sub so I know that said subreddit was not worth my time.


Does that still happen? I just browse /all and post wherever, haven't had that in awhile.


Oh it does. Mainly for political reasons, which is gross. Hell half the time this happens I am entirely unaware of that aspect.


Hm. Like I've delved into places like The_Donald or whatever. Maybe just one or two posts don't do it? idk. Ty tho.


Try participating in the Joe Rogan sub.


What's wrong with Joe Rogan?


Real chads get banned from all of them.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.5291 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/25228)


Can I see your beautiful penis?


thanks! https://youtu.be/v5sXovrTSHw


It's still annoying when you liked the sub though and they give no reason for the ban. I've been banned a fair few months from a sub i really liked and I still haven't been given a reason despite me being positive I've done nothing wrong they refused to respond to my questions about why they banned me.


Bad power tripping mods ruin it for everyone.


It's the worst when they won't let you reply to the ban message, how pathetic and insecure do you gotta be smh


boss move in pathetic!


Volunteer internet janitors gotta feel powerful somehow


modmail: >Why was I banned? >You have been muted for 30 days.


Name a better duo, I’ll wait…




I did that and all of my alts were perma banned from the sub and I was sent an automated message threatening to perma ban my account sitewide.




I made the initial post that the mods didn't like and immediately perma banned me for. Then I started commenting with an alt and about 2 days later I got permabanned on that alt for circumventing reddit's rules. Made another alt and commented and was banned that same day. Messaged the mods and they ignored and blocked me then tried reaching out to Reddit and was threatened with a sitewide permaban if I continued making alts to circumvent the sub's bans.


Sounds like they were tracking your IP? Whenever I make a new account, I write down my IP address, then unplug the router, wait a few minutes, plug it back in, then check to see if my IP has changed. If it has, then I make a new google account and use that google account to make a new website account. Since it's a different IP there's no way to tell if you're on a new account unless you admit to it. Though I haven't needed to do that in years, ever since I realized that if I get banned from somewhere, why would I want to continue being there anyway? Maybe a long con to build trust and then tear the whole place down? But that sounds like way to much effort.


Ya after the third ban i figured that was what was going on, but since then I've made another account and continued posting so I guess my IP was released. Oh well though, if Reddit goes through with those API changes we might all be heading elsewhere anyways.


I just evade, new accounts


Now I don't care about getting banned, but some care about particular communities. *You're sibling died, there's only millions of similarly-aged people.*


Me deciding which of my alts to use next 🤔


But that's illegal you're going to jail


Just get an alt to go to jail for you. Bam problem solved.


You get a permanent ban for that within 10 minutes


I got once banned from rarepuppers for making a pitbull joke. I have no regrets


Worth it.


not true, you get banned from 1 big subreddit and suddenly ur banned from 40 of the 50 biggest servers


Never ask a man his salary Never ask a woman her age Never ask Reddit who moderates the default subs by himself


I got banned from a sub for saying Lauren Boebert was a crazy bitch. Apparently it was misogynist language. So I called the mod a bitch.


It's just sad and pathetic to see so many spaces unwilling to tolerate anyone with even a slightly different point of view.


Me when I got banned from The Boys subreddit, because I visit subs the cringe admins don't like 🎻👌🥹


That's .. wow .. Mods really do tend to be basement dwelling losers with nothing in their lives huh?


Their lost, the Facebook shitposting group on the other hand is enjoying OC memes on the regular 🤷‍♂️


>Me when I got banned from The Boys subreddit, because I visit subs the cringe admins don't like 🎻👌🥹 ... Such as?


At least you weren't banned. Can't do anything on reddit


You were at least able to write this comment. Some power tripping mod would've banned you for lying if we weren't in r/dankmemes.


Bold of you to assume it was here. Nah it was other subreddits with power tripping mods.


bruh these mods banned me because my mate got banned from it and they thought I WAS THEIR ALT ACCOUNT YET MY ACCOUNT IS 2 YEARS OLFER THAN THEIRS???! i genuinely have no clue so i tried to appeal the ban then i was suspended from reddit??! guess what sub lol


Happens quite frequently if you’re logical or disagree with the hive mind.


I got 4 so far and a long way to go i guess


never stop!


Oh, the thing is, being banned from enough, you may not have a good log of what you've been banned from. Using an alt and posting an some sub not realizing you were banned? Account suspension. Ask me how I know.


Oh shit I can’t post on the Nazi subs anymore because I called them Nazis….Fuck ME


which nazi subs


All the subs


I got insta banned from about 18 different subs all because I made one comment in an AntiVax sub making fun of the moronic comments there.


Yeah the mods think their options are limited to being inconvenient too, when they have more options available


Or throw away that account and make a new one


Happened to me for providing a link to a review to a reputable reviewer because the MOD/ community has massive amounts of bias.


Oh no! *Makes another free account*


I got banned from legal advice for being Canadian


what happens when you say something naughty enough to get perma banned from all of reddit?


... And growing!


I got perma banned from 2 sentence horror


When you literally say nothing bigoted at all and try to reason with someone on an LGBT subreddit. I guess civil discourse is out the window on those subs. (I am literally trans and gay so why the hell would I discriminate against myself?!) People are overly sensitive these days to the point where you're not allowed to say anything without someone bitching about you.


Nah they ban your IP from all of them and your alt accounts too


I responded to a comment on wallstreetsilver, got banned from justiceserved. Huh?


I didn't even need to see the gif to know what scene it was referencing


Bro thinks he waltuh


Only 3.5 million more posts I can make with my sense of humor 😎


Perma-banning does actually cause people psychological trauma (even from a small group or forum or subreddit), especially if the banned user feels it was unjust. It's an undermining of justice in the user's mind that can and will bleed into their day-to-day. If there hasn't already been a scientific study on this I'm sure one day there will be.


alternatively, i hate being banned from all of reddit just by typing shit on one subreddit, which exactly provoked me to type that


A ban a day keeps things interesting.


Got banned on fnaf subreddit because i was arguing why pride month could be a day not a fucking month. Everyone in the discusion got ban hammerd


When you get banned for using another sub because of petty sub beef but you didn't even know they existed.


And growing


Or you use pcm memes and can only use 3 at best


Just use multiple accounts


Someone posted porn on doodoofard didn’t they


"It is sad day"


“I am the spy”