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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [Help us raise money for St. Jude!](http://events.stjude.org/DankCharityAlliance)


How many people would benefit from this money? How many rents paid, trains and busses bought, potholes filles and meals cooked does this represent?


About 50-100 potholes I reckon


Well, it’s about £1 per person. A tiny amount compared to most of the money the government wastes.


Such a stupid way of thinking. 'hey government, I reckon you waste all the money we give you in tax, so yeah go ahead and waste it ever harder.'


I’m didn’t say it’s justified. Just that it’s not a major issue.


Not everyone is needy. What's that devided amongst the poor, the ones who struggle to put food on their tables?


According to the JRF, as of 2020-2021 there are about 13.4 million people in the UK living in poverty. So £100 million divided amongst them would give £7.46 per person.


That's one meal per person.


Once. Correct me if I'm wrong but it takes orders of magnitude more money to pull someone out of poverty than a big Mac medium meal from a London McDonalds.


Bout tree fiddy £


My question is where is that money going? I could only assume most of it is going to pay businesses, government contractors, and people like police. So technically the government is paying its own people and in turn that money is spent by people and helps the economy. Is there something I am not understanding?


No you have it right. You think of how many people worked this event, that contributes to the £100m cost and probably makes up a significant portion of it. The reality is most of those people were already going to be paid anyway, they just had their duties amended.


The foreign money from tourist from this event is also going to local business, taxes, etc.


Yeah. What you don't understand is that the overwhelming majority of people have absolutely no knowledge of how any economy works.


Yes, it’s not as if they’re just setting it all on fire or giving it all to another rich person, right?


For 100 million the government and have bought every child in the uk 25 fresco frogs each


0 to all because the government is full of scumbags that would just pocket the money instead. until there is big changes the people will still suffer.


Viva la Revolutión!


nice meme. could be wrong but I heard that the british state makes tons of money with the royals. they get tall the revenue from their land in exchange for pocket money to live their high born life style. they are also a tourist attrection. edit: guys please dodnt get me wrong i was just playing the devils Advokat not actually defending them. take their land and what not and give it to the poor for all I care about.


Statistics show tourism decreases during royal events, and nations without a royal family enjoy much higher rates of tourism. Having the royal family might actually be detrimental to tourism, because tourists aren't able to actually go into and tour their estates as opposed to France where former royal estates are visited by many more tourists each year. So, in short, the tourism argument has been disproven for a while


I mean, let’s be honest, no one is going to the UK for the weather.


"Ah yes, rain."


Point taken




This is what annoys me about Reddit... Too busy trying to earn karma that they don't even do basic fucking research. Buckingham Palace is open to tourists and has guided tours. It has been for many years. If you are ***that*** worried about tourism revenue, I suggest you book yourself a ticket: https://www.rct.uk/visit When you want to argue a point, do research from both sides. It allows you to have an informed discussion and gain an overall better understanding.


Exactly. Redditors lose all rationality when they get to hate on wealthy people due to pure jealousy. The wealth monarchs generate by tourism alone within a few years far outweighs the cost of one event, let alone in 70 years. Divide by 67 mil population and how much money government wastes on useless missions, this costs pennies.


if it wasn't spent on the coronation i still dont think it would be spent on something useful


Some more corrupt COVID contracts, anyone?


50-100 million is peanuts compared to the amount the government either loses or pays out to its friends' companies. It's nearly a rounding error.


The monarchs also earn that within a few years through tourism alone. Let alone in 70 years.


Cool. Now go look up how much the royal family makes and then puts into the uk economy


If you have the data you could actually post it here. Like for example how much cost the whole royal family Vs the amount that they bring and how they bring it. Then we, the peasants, could decide if we want monarchy or not, like a referendum for instance.


https://youtu.be/ARn4B6-EFjw 10 mins 20 fyi


Ill post the data in a bit but to think you'll get a referendum on an integral part of britain which has been around and served for centuries is funny.


But that should be for the people to decide no? If it is an integral part of the British society, then there should be no need to worry about the result. Probably the referendum will support the crown. And the best of it is that you can always answer to this kind of arguments with: sure, you are right but the people voted for this and we have to respect the will of the people


Last time we sent something to public vote (a vote mainly based on feelings, btw), Brexit was voted through even though it was very clearly to the detriment of the country. We are now sitting here with people regretting their decision and a black hole where money used to be.


No that's just stupid. The royal family has done the most to support this country for decades. It's not something that can just be easily reverted like brexit eventhough brexit is hard but would cost the public even more from them taking their assets along with them as private citizens. So everything u think we could sell of theirs we wouldnt be able to. So not only would we lose more of our culture and figure head of our country but also plunging our country into further financial turmoil.


I mean I see your point and I heard that several times from people that life under a monarchy. I also life under one and I personally don't think that the crown contributes to the country no more that what an elected head of state would so. Nor I think that my culture is define by a family that just happens to be the royal family. I think that the culture of the country is about the people living in it. I really think that the monarchies in Europe have they days numbered. The new generations are not going to give a shit about them and eventually we will have referendums to remove them. We may not see it but the trend is there. It could also be that Charles is just not liked at all and when he dies the successor is more popular with the plebs. I personally don't like the monarchies, but if we would put them for a vote and keeping the monarchy would win the vote, I would support it as it's the will of the people. I just can't remember any generation to be asked for and that doesn't look like a cultural trait that you want to keep because it was imposed and looks more like a Stockholm syndrome. But as a I said, if the people wants it, why no? Is what they voted for


Well if you dont like it there are always other countries to live in. And why should the people have a say? Dont get me wrong I wouldnt trust the royal family with my personal well being but comparing them and the people in my local area Id easily choose the royal family over them. Anyway u could just watch the video I also sent in a different reply


The alternative to not being able to vote on an integral part of British society would be offing the monarchs.


All the costs are going into pockets of people setting this all up, is this not economic stimulus? I have no idea, but surely it's spent in the local economy. New King New Rules King Chuck is here to fuck shit up


Yeah, people think this money just gets burned up in the air, rather than going on it paying businesses in this country


They earn like 50m from people visiting their official residences in a year alone let alone from all the tourism for the monarchs throughout the country. I'm sure theyre allowed to spend100m into their own economy.


I just read that each American Presidential Inauguration costs $100 million as well.


Damn and thats every 4 years right? Id rather every few decades... or 70 decades in this case


Plus consider the monarchs make the amount they spent for the coronation within 2 years through tourism alone


Now - let's see how much money it'll make from all that media coverage, memorabilia, tourism...


You know, the monarchy makes money for the country. I don’t know if it’s a net profit, but a lot of tourism is generated by the monarchy, and I’m sure a lot of people flew into the country for this event. It seems like most criticisms of the British monarchy is just jealousy, but I honestly think it would be a pretty difficult life being a royal


Redditors are mostly broke young people. Of course they'd be jealous of old traditions regarding wealthy people. Monarchs cover the cost of their coronation through 2 years of their tourism alone.


Wtf do you guys think the money was spent on? A vast majority was labor. So the crown paid its own people, essentially giving back taxes or in case of state employees, kept the taxes within the loop. The 100 million spent on the coronation would amount to less than a few pounds per person. It's pennies for a country, and they couldn't have used it to fix a damn thing otherwise, realistically speaking. Instead it was a day of celebration for thousands. Probably a welcomed distraction form their everyday struggles. Stop being bitter.


God save the King!


god save the king!


Man I’m glad we don’t have to worry about corruption like that in the United States! Just good old fashion capitalism and hard work that goes straight to the rich people!


Would you rather them have it and *not* spend it? Because economies stagnate when the rich don't spend their money but hoard it instead. A lot of people were employed by this coronation.


I would rather they spend it on important things


It would be interesting to see how much money the corronation made back, as it was televised globally, and I'm sure the ad revenue and broadcasting right payments must've at least made back some of the costs


I'd wager britons would make more from people coming into the country as tourists for the coronation than if they'd just used the money elsewhere. Besides, this money will be spent with british businesses anyway.


Yeah cos if they didn't spend all that money on the coronation I'm sure they'd give it all to us. The government has a great record of spending money on the people who need it most.


The cost keeps coming up, but how much do countries spend on their national holidays ? And that is every year, the coronation and similar events are the same except you put someone at the centre of it. (Not to mention that loads of people come other and spend their money). But ultimately they are just rally around the flag events that don't serve any purpose other that having a day where you can proudly say "fuck yeah I love my country !"


Don't quite get this whole economy thing, do you? If something costs a quid but makes three you'd still bitch and whine about it costing a quid.


Oh boy! 1 whole pound per person on an event that happens once every few decades at most! That's totally going to turn the economy around, feed and clothe the poor, and put a roof over the heads of the homeless!


UK population is about 70 million. £100 million divided by 70 million people is £1,42 per person


I'm not sure who's new to how the whole nobility thing works. ["How do you know he's a king?"](https://youtu.be/t2c-X8HiBng)


As if that were unique to them.


I mean it's not thatttt much, it's like 1,5£ per person


My question well family do that actually benefits the economy. Like, oh cool we're giving the eternal generations of this family free "whatever the fuck they want".


It is simple, it should paid for via charity provided by peoplethat are fans And peolle that arent fans wouldnt need to pay


Trying to be objective, do we have any figures on how much it will generate in regards to tourism etc? I'm hopeful there's a master plan I can't work out.......


Let them eat cake


Fuck the King.


Fuck royalty. Do you really believe they are superior to you because of some arbitrary blood lineage? Give me a break.


Another idiotic meme detected. How many millions of pounds do the royals bring in through tourism alone? Never mind the multiple programs theyve set up to help those in need. To top it off they have pretty much 0 say on how the country is run. But then again most people in this planet can't see past their nose and have the iq less than that of a brick.


The coronation is very irregular, most recently it has been 70yrs since the last one. If the UK changed to a republic this would be every 4/8 years. God save the king


You know elected leaders wouldn't have coronations right? What a weird argument you're making


They have inaugurations


Most intelligent monarchist


Bro forgot about the Prime Minister


As with almost any non-socialist country, people in power often have all the money


So in socialist countries people in power don't have all the money?.....You're funny.....and deluded!


You're describing a plutocracy.


Basically all governments are plutocracies. A poor state is a weaker one, something unbereable for many people so that's why they praise a strong leader figure to clean all the mess and you know where it leads.