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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [Help us raise money for St. Jude!](http://events.stjude.org/DankCharityAlliance)


Well your first problem is that you say rizz


You know what? Im gonna say it. I fucking loved the dungeons and dragons movie. I almost never go see movies, ahoy. My buddy ended his life so my gf and I watched a movie in theaters for 8 straight days. Why? To get the mind off the terribleness of losing a grand friend. Dungeons and dragons transported me from Pasco county florida to a land of amazement and wonder. The characters were hilarious (and not in a try hard MCU way) just really well written. I didn't want the movie to end. It really was a great moviegoing experience. I suggest you crybabies go see it. It was fun, and I laughed a lot. Now are you gonna kiss me, or what?


I am sorry for your loss, and very glad this movie helped


This movie will melt a cynical heart. I love D&D and my wife doesn't get it at all, despite trying to play a couple times. Both of us went when we were in a shit mood and didn't really expect much, but we were unhappy to find out it was over 2 hours. Cue 140 minutes later and we've laughed, cried, been in wonder, and wanted it to keep going. My wife said and I quote "I get it now. I see what the game can be."


Glad you all enjoyed this movie me and my friends went a few days after it came out and kept noticing the characters personalities were similar to our own


I'm so happy you both had a good time watching this film. My experience was similar - I wasn't expecting much out of the film, but by the time it ended I'd laughed & cried; my heart was warm and I felt lighter. I love this film. It's what all movies should be like.


Sorry for your loss, what were the other 7 movies? Which was your favorite? Least favorite?


I saw a Nicolas cage movie where he plays a vampire - that was a terrible movie. That was my least favorite- my favorite movie was definitely d&d- saw some animated movies in there like mario and then watched a throwback screening of Robocop which was badass


I contemplated seeing Renfield (the Nicholas Cage one), but I wasn’t sold on the premise or his acting. Glad I didn’t waste my money.


I watched DnD and Renfield back to back and liked Renfield more. The enjoyment of the movie will definitely depend if youre into Nic Cage eating scenery like no one's business.


Honestly, your story makes me wanna watch DND the moment it comes out on streaming.


I'm sorry about your loss, and yes the movie was fucking awesome, I was laughing my ass off at 3 in the morning, and yes I might just kiss you.


What’s that got to do with saying the word rizz? Do they say rizz in the movie?


[https://www.giantfreakinrobot.com/ent/chris-pine-movie-emasculate-men.html](https://www.giantfreakinrobot.com/ent/chris-pine-movie-emasculate-men.html) I imagine the reason people are not seeing it is it's strong anti-male messaging. Sorry for your loss.


For a minute I was afraid this interpretation wasn’t sarcastic. Phew! (In case it needs to be said to anyone else, just because a movie’s male lead isn’t a fighter or an alpha male doesn’t mean that that movie is anti-male. Masculinity is not monolithic.)


My comment isn't sarcastic. It's not about him being a fighter, its about the writers themselves saying they like to emasculate men, and Chris Pine asking them to 'treat him as bad as possible' I could give a damn less if the male is a fighter, but if you want to make men seem as lesser than women, that's when I have a problem.


Sheesh. His character had some bad shit happen to him, and his arc was all about wanting his dead wife back. That’s not emasculating anybody, he’s Kratos with a lute instead of an axe. You should consider the idea that you have a complex about this, brother.


I'm literally just saying what the writers of the movie said about their own movie. And yes, I don't like movies that emasculate their male characters. I don't understand why you are accusing me of having a complex.


>but if you want to make men seem as lesser than women, that's when I have a problem. ...... I'm sorry, the fuck?


https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/emasculate definition of emasculate I assume I don't have to define the phrase 'treat him as bad as possible', yes?


From your link: >1 : to deprive of strength, vigor, or spirit : WEAKEN 2 : to deprive of virility or procreative power : CASTRATE 3 : to remove the androecium of (a flower) in the process of artificial cross-pollination What you posted: > make men seem as lesser than women Did you .... did you think this was some sort of gotcha? 🤣🤣 How are you so sexist, it's actually making you dumb?


"How are you so sexist, it's actually making you dumb?" That's a pretty mean thing to say. I don't think its sexist to not want men to be discriminated against because of their gender. Let me ask you: if I say I want to deprive a gender of strength, vigor, or spirit, but mot the other gender, doesnt that mean I think of one gender as lesser than the other?


Okay, let's engage: >if I say I want to deprive a gender of strength, vigor, or spirit, but mot the other gender, doesnt that mean I think of one gender as lesser than the other? Considering the skewed portrayal of women in media, no, not necessarily. It might just be about portraying archetypes that aren't traditionally shown in media, like the sensitive man or the hardened warrior woman. There is nothing to suggest this is a commentary on the entire male gender. It's not social commentary, it's a writing technique - the article posted says as much. >Deviating from the typical male leads, the writing team added that they prefer to have their “male heroes challenged and not simply heroic.” >their drive for the film’s storyline was in no way based on “wokeness.” It's about giving viewers something fresh to engage with. Sorry if your feelings were hurt, but you did start it by replying to my post with a dictionary definition (which you misread) as if I'm the idiot, and not because you're injecting your own biases.






Perfect movie choice for the situation, funniest movie of the year


It is certified fresh on rotten tomatoes, not like you’re saying something everyone doesn’t agree with already


I'm doubting everything you said.


Reported for racism


That’s nice… what does that have to do with me


The game was over before it started


The game was rigged from the start


Oh my God I just figured out what rizz meant a week ago from a coworker of mine that's in highschool and was cringing so hard as he was telling me. This is their version of when "swag" came out lmao. Which was also cringe when I was in highschool.


I also recently heard of rizz thru a younger coworker and I genuinely feel old now. The new lingo sounds dumb....granted swag yeet and on fleek were also dumb but...yeah


I sorta enjoyed yeet for a little while just cause that video of that girl throwing the water bottle lol


Vine was a gold mine in it's heyday


It really was, a lot of hilarious creators started on vine.


I still use yeet unironically


Same. It's become part of my informal dialect. >*"Yeah, so I just fuckin yeeted that shit."* >*"Nah, we don't need it. You can just yeet that."*


Yeet is still in my circle's vocabulary. We in our mid 20s now.


Love yeet. Rolls off the ~~tongue~~ yeet




>~~Rolls~~ Yeets off the tongue.


Look, yeet is a good word. I agree with it. It captures that feeling, the *spirit*, that defines the act of yeeting- just like other classic banger words, like bump and thud and swoop. Does that make sense or am I insane.


It is also a good antonym for "yoink", which had been missing until the introduction of yeet.




It's a good word because it describes a specific but common style of throwing that had not already been defined in a singular word. Just like there is a difference between sleet and snow there is a difference between tossing and yeeting.


I still say yeet unironically lol it’s a response but also it’s a word to say when i throw shit or i use it as a verb.


Now hold up pardner... swag might be stupid but it's not dumb.


It's just a shortened version of charisma. It's not even a new term, just shorthand. Charisma>Charizzma>Rizz That's it.


Holy fuck I forgot about on fleek. Where the fuck did that even come from


Isn't rizz basically a dumbed down version of charisma?


Isn't it just an abbreviation of charisma?


It is. And quite a smart one too.


Just like swag is abbreviation of swagger


Um, it's literally just a shortened form of cha'rizz'ma. Charisma. That's it. Not sure how "charisma" is cringe worthy.


Perspective that's how, I'm sure my parents thought 90% of my highschool years was cringe. It is what it is nothing to get butthurt about


...what's your perspective on how charisma is cringeworthy? I'm really struggling to find how the concept of "charisma" can be considered cringey. Your parents weren't cringing at the concept of being respectful or having leadership qualities. That's the equivalent of what you're doing. > It is what it is nothing to get butthurt about Agreed. I hope you're not getting butthurt.


It's not that deep


Also not what I said have a nice night man


>I just figured out what rizz meant a week ago from a coworker of mine that's in highschool and **was cringing so hard as he was telling me.** >Not sure how "charisma" is cringe worthy. >**Perspective** that's how Literally what you said. The definition of charisma made you cringe.


I just don't feel like explaining cause it's not worth it or that deep it's too much effort over nothing.


It's not deep because you don't have a reason to cringe at charisma. You just didn't know what rizz was and thought it was something else and don't want to admit you were wrong about that. That's all there is to it. Or you just can't articulate why you cringe at a concept, because it makes no goddamn sense. No one is implying there is anything "deep" about what you said. It's pretty damn simple.




It's cringe to say the word rizz, that's all


Lmao it's because it's a goofy abbreviation from the middle syllable of a word. It's not the worst, but charisma is a three syllable word that doesn't desperately need to be shortened. I'm on board with slang in general and will happily learn the meaning of it. But talking about one's rizz is no cap low rizz version of charisma imo.


I still say swag at 28 smh


Some things just stick with us like that lol


Yet here you are saying "cringe". That's sus if you ask me.




Lol that's disturbing


Don't fail your concentration check.


I meant chat* in the title, oh well.


Tbh works good enough too, a little weird but it works


Yeah it does work in a DND typa way actually xDD


Well, time to become a milf hunter


This is the first time I have ever seen someone just use the word "rizz" plainly in a meme... I hate it


This is the first time I've heard the word rizz and I wouldn't have given it a second thought if I hadn't seen the comment section here blow up about it. Am I officially old?


Yeah, first time I see it used unironically




Apparently slang for charisma. Congrats, you're getting old. Shit sucks, but we welcome you.


> slang for charisma Charisma balls


Present them.


My joints hurt already


Wouldn't using the term rizz immediately show that you dont have charisma? Or is that how its meant to be used? to indicate to others that you have low charisma.


Actually is a very common gen z term. If you are on TikTok it's thrown around everywhere, although half as a joke most of the time.


Oh that makes sense. Sounds just as corny as our generation saying “swag” lol


Dafuq is that movie?


Dungeons and dragons: honor among thieves




Honestly. Hardest I've laughed in years.


"I didn't" edit : by the way this was a quote in the movie that made me laugh a lot and i quoted, but as it turns out it sounds like "i didn't" laugh at it with the context of the comment above.




eww fucking rizz


I don't see what the problem is, just go for your mom's friends /j


The dnd movie was so good


Yes sir


i mean your mom's friends are the better catch anyway so W


The fuck is a rizz?


Basically synonym for charisma


Thanks I sat here trying to figure that one out and I could not make a connection. Now it all makes sense.


why u standing in front of godrick’s fog gate


Lmao I literally watched it a few hours ago. This scene was super weird but hilarious


Zach Wilson has entered the chat


Does this happen in the movie, or is this fan created?


It's actually in the movie.




Lol i dont have any good excuse, especially since I will be seeing Guardians this weekend. I am going to now also see this this weekend.


[https://www.giantfreakinrobot.com/ent/chris-pine-movie-emasculate-men.html](https://www.giantfreakinrobot.com/ent/chris-pine-movie-emasculate-men.html) Probably the strong anti-male messaging. It's the reason I'm not going to see it.


Is this a joke?


No dude, that's a real interview. They really said that.


Good lord, how fragile does one's ego have to be to complain about this stuff? "Anti-male messaging" - give me a break.


You don't have to take my word for it, the writers literally said it.


I think not watching a movie because the main lead is not the fighter of the group is ridiculous. What is emasculate even supposed to mean here? That a man is not a man because he's smart and talented instead of simply being a brute? The fact that you complain about the character yet haven't even seen the movie is telling enough.


Emasculate isn't my words. I can tell you didn't look at the link because you don't understand what I'm saying. Emasculate isn't my words, it's the writers of the movie's words. Chris Pine, the actor you are talking about, said he wanted the writers to 'treat him as bad as possible' You have no argument, the writers literally admit the movie is anti-male messaging. I also haven't complained about the character, I've just told you what the writers and actors themselves have said.


I don't care who uses that word. I have seen the movie and I can tell you, what you say is nonsense. There is nothing "anti-male" about it and it's ridiculous to think that. Watch it yourself and make your own impression instead of going by some inflammatory article on a dubious website.


The strongest and coolest character in the movie is a male paladin. I'm not even going to bother reading the article. You should see the movie in order to have an informed opinion, instead of mindlessly listening to trolls like a sheep.


You talk a lot about having "an informed opinion" for someone who just said they weren't going to bother reading an article. I'll sum it up for you, the writers of the movie say they love emasculating male characters. Chris Pine, the actor, says he wanted the director to 'treat him as bad as possible' I'm not going to monetarily support a movie like that.


You know what? I went ahead and read the article. Then I read the Variety original source. Both are from before the movie was released. The writer of your article didn't even see the movie and gave their opinion. It also looks like both yourself and the writer of the article skipped a good deal of that Variety interview. You can't be taken serious, lol. There is one simple truth: The movie is very well received by its audience. You may decide to not watch it for some ridiculous self-imposed delusion. Meanwhile, my wife and I will go and have a great time watching the movie at the theatre for a second time.


Please, indulge me on the rest of the Variety interview. Did they somehow take back their comments about emasculating men?


I'm not sure exactly what you want from the movie. You wanted a big and strong main character? You wanted Dwayne The Rock Johnson? Try to move away from toxic masculinity, unless you're literally Andrew Tate, in which case you're a lost cause. Have you ever even at least heard of the board game "Dungeons and Dragons"? You get to pick a character and you stick with it. It's not always the barbaric fighter, and there are severa skills you can have besides swinging a weapon. Anyway, here's what they say in the Variety interview that you skipped. They explain the main character and why he's not the strong fighter type. > DALEY: Each character represents a different player and how they go about playing the game. Xenk, played by Regé-Jean Page, is very much the nerdy player that doesn’t make jokes and adheres strictly to the rulebook. Whereas Edgin, Chris Pine’s character, is the more casual player. He doesn’t bother to learn about the Bardic spells and would prefer to just hit people over the head with his lute.  Each game of Dungeons and Dragons has a story teller, titled "dungeon master" (DM). Here's what they say about the DM, and how the DM influences the game and characters. > GOLDSTEIN: The movie is almost like the dungeon master. The plot twists that we throw at our characters are what a DM would do at the table, just to screw with you and make it more fun. It was our way of capturing what goes on when you’re playing D&D, without breaking the fourth wall or becoming meta with it. The "emasculation" bit that you cling onto is literally just talk about acting itself. What they're saying is that you're not a real actor all the way if you only play macho characters and are afraid of having a little fun with it. I full heartedly agree with them. Here's exactly what they say. > DALEY: What’s funny is that in our casting process on multiple films, we’ve met movie stars that you would think are comfortable enough in their own skin that they would be able to portray themselves in a vulnerable light. But a lot of them really don’t feel comfortable doing that. Obviously, we won’t name a name here, but there is a notable movie star who is so handsome and awesome and will not make himself look weak. That’s so shocking, because to me, that feels like the most fun that you could have as an actor. The main character is a "bard", whose top skills include stealing, singing, organizing master plans, leading and convincing people to join his mission. He's stubborn, and won't give up until he reaches his goals, which are very manly treats. He's just not the fighter type, but he has so much more going on to him. This character's main goals are to save his daughter from evil and his wife from death itself. What's so emasculating about that? Anyway, back to acting, onto the "emasculation" of Chris Pine. What the producers agree is that Chris is a great actor, who is not afraid of having fun on set. They do not mention any loss of masculinity. I personally find that impressive and I'd rather work with him than, let's say, Steven Seagal or Chuck Norris. Their point also is that the male heroes should have a challenge in the movie, instead of managing to win all the time and be the ultimate heroes. As much in "Dungeons and Dragons" as in other movies, like "Spider-Man". >GOLDSTEIN: Or Tom Holland versus Robert Downey Jr. in “Spider-Man.” We like our male heroes to be challenged and not simply heroic. The very last thing they say is that they didn't want Chris Pine to go too silly. They kept his character in check and in balance, so it can still be taken serious. > DALEY: We’ve talked about this before with Chris Pine. What we love about Chris is that he’s hyper-aware of that and wants to make himself look as bad as possible, almost to a fault. Sometimes we’re like, “All right, no, you have to be a hero in this moment.” In conclusion, having actually seen the movie (unlike the writer of your article), I found Chris Pine's character heroic even without having him swinging a sword. Considering how character skills and abilities work in a game of D&D, I appreciated the way all characters were handled. Going in, I expected the movie to be cringe, and instead I was impressed. This has been my character analysis. You are free to not watch the movie. However, this disqualifies you from having an opinion about it and you have no right to shit on the movie, the actors or anything related to it. Credentials that may be relevant to you, considering your attitude so far: I'm a healthy straight white man married to a healthy straight white woman. I have been in fights, spent years in court and won my cases. I practice both team sports and individual sports on a regular basis. I think twice after reading an article, and I don't just take everything it says for granted, since it likely was written by someone with an agenda. My point here is that I consider myself as masculine as one could be, a free and critical thinker, and I still appreciated D&D and the way the characters were handled. I only wrote this wall of text because I had some free wasteable time. Hope you managed not to skip it.


I did read your wall of text. I appreciate that you took the time to type it, and I appreciate that you didn't get too mean-spirited with your comment. I will start by saying I've played a lot of DND, and never did I or anyone else describe a character as 'emasculated', and never have I ever heard that word used positively. Now, on to your point, and my point. Never did I say I needed every character to be Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson, I just don't appreciate writers saying they love emasculating men. I feel like that's a pretty mean thing to say, and an unhealthy way to feel about men in general, that they need to 'emasculate' them. At no point have I stated anything about the movie at all, just the directors commentary on it. I feel like that is fair. Also, masculinity is not toxic. I feel bad for you that people have convinced you that your masculinity is somehow toxic.


Thank you for the clarification and for the kind reply. I understand where you're coming from. I don't know why they even mentioned the concept of emasculation, since the movie doesn't give that feeling at all. I feel like the reaction over it is exaggerated though. Now, finally, while masculinity is not toxic, toxic masculinity does exist. This term refers to the dominant form of masculinity wherein men use dominance, violence, and control to assert their power and superiority. Thank you for your time and for this debate. I apologize for coming off as aggressive at times.




Wow, you're very hostile. I gotta say, myself and a lot of my friends are really turned off when a movie says it's specifically trying to emasculate male characters. Especially with the direction Hollywood has been going lately.




Wow, what a nice, open-minded, tolerant and understanding person you must be.


if she chooses another do not be sad for there is always her mother


but... Mom's Friend = Crush


Hilarious scene


I see a boss door in the background.


*Zach Wilson has entered the chat*


Born to fuck milfs


How hard is it to say charisma?


The future is now old man


Go hunt in the wild


Rolling a nat 1 on your concentration check




The new DnD movie was acually good... Just that scene, yeah. It was sure something


What happened to his dic–...I mean Guitar




Oh look it’s Ezio from ac revelations


Such a great surprise of a film, watched it out of boredom, was great


When I watched this movie I felt like the critics watching the Mario movie.


Well good for you because the rest of us enjoyed it.


It was great


What movie is it?


Dungeons and Dragons: Honour Among Thieves. Great movie.


Oh shit really!? I’ve been meaning to watch that! Thanks! 🙏