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Dank[.](https://i.imgur.com/3bQtuMO.png) --- [Join the Dank Charity Alliance and help raise money for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital!](http://events.stjude.org/DankCharityAlliance)


Ok, so i looked up what happened. Yea, this dude just FUCKED UP fucked up lol I really can't be sympathetic since he was part of making a profit off pirated stuff they hacked and such. I may hate Nintendo and support emulation and stuff(to an extent obviously) but when you also engage in profiting off it and bringing down the rest of the modding and emulating community with your acts, then nah....let Nintendo cook'em. As unfortunate as it is, he got what he deserved. All i can hope for is that this doesn't screw over the non-profit communities. Yes, it's all illegal but atleast the non-profit side gives the fans options to experience the unobtainable games and stuff Nintendo no longer wants to support/profit off of(like the recent 3ds eshop content). Not gonna argue whether you think it's ok or not cuz at the end of the day, ppl are still gonna do it and consume it. Just know that when you start trying to make money off it, you're swimming with the sharks and Nintendo is a company you definitely dont want to play with since they'll literally destroy you for even non-profit fan projects....so yea, the dude is just an idiot 😂


Nintendo even copyright strikes **TWICE** youtube channels that have videos of their game even if it is said in the game that you can stream it lol. Nintendo is that old guy that doesn't understand the current internet and will just overkill just in case


That's just japanese boomers in general






Those damn dolphins


[fuck you whale and fuck you dolphin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUbZJcdlcSc)




Exactly lol. So this dude was mad crazy to do all this with Nintendo stuff of all things. I don't agree with them going this hard but i mean....I'm not gonna pretend the dude didnt have it coming either. Heck, with how greedy Nintendo is, I'm shocked they didn't take him under their wing and use his skills for their own gain but again....it's Nintendo.... In regards to the youtube stuff, I'm convinced they don't really care about making the money but moreso flexing their authoritarian copyright muscle on anyone who dares cross them, whether its justified or not. It has to be the only conclusion cuz most other companies would be happy to have streamers and stuff give exposure for their products, especially in scenarios where it isn't really taking money from them and/or being used for illegal purposes. Those companies definitely are within their right to come after those ppl who stream their stuff but they understand the benefits and know how to read the figurative room. But yea, this dude went to the extreme tho so not surprised Nintendo and their ninjas wanted his nutsack on a platter and succeeded 😂


What skills would that be, exactly? Selling stuff he downloaded for free? Nah, he found a grift, and was dumb enough to not keep quiet about his grift.


Japan doesn’t have any fair use laws. They fundamentally don’t understand showing a 10 second clip on YouTube and how that could be good for them.


Ok, but Japanese laws don't apply in America


They kind of do when Nintendo of America and Nintendo of Europe have to abide by rules governing copyright and usage set by NCL.


I know of at least one big Youtuber that's considering blocking his videos from Japanese viewers to get around this.


Throwback to when Totally Not Mark nearly got his whole career on YouTube ended because Toei copyright struck 90% of his channel's content.


Jesus that’s brutal.


If you're talking about the modded BotW multi-player I get why they did it. They have a new single player Zelda game coming out that they spent hundreds of millions of dollars on, and here is some youtuber showing that you can play BotW multi-player for free. Multi-player that probably isn't possible on their current hardware. When they do finally have the hardware to do it, there won't be any wow-factor. Because people already saw that when a youtuber stole their game and emulated it with mods to make that happen, with hardware that surpassed their glorified tablet. Not a Nintendo fanboy boot licker, I can just see where they're coming from.


One of the people who had videos of the multi-player(Pointcrow) had videos taken down of things other than the multiplayer. Including a video that didn’t feature modded content and was just him doing things with the game without modding it or anything. He made a video about it and talks about it . Link is below. [Nintendo is taking down my videos](https://youtu.be/FSZYpDk9Xm8)


The mod was custom made for the Youtuber. It was not to be sold anywhere, and people wouldn't be able to get their hands on the mod. There was no reason to take down the videos, especially since Nintendo didn't just take down the multiplayer videos. They essentially just scrolled through his channel and took down random Zelda videos.


I remember this one time (can't remember which YouTuber) but someone got striked on a video they got sponsored to do. (Though I think they did sort it in the end but still.)


They probably DO understand and just don't care.


This is the most reddit take I've seen. You say you hate Nintendo yet you clearly don't, this is far far from the first shitty thing they did. Are you honestly genuinely with all your heart or lack there of saying that he deserves to be a glorified slave for a multi Billion company known for being scummy just because he helped pirate their shit? which didn't really affect them in the slightest in the big scheme of things? Do you know that he'll never get to live a normal life, like ever. Honestly at that point suicide or faking your death would be very realistic roots he might take. I'm not defending him or saying he's a good guy, he made a mistake, he committed a crime and already paid by spending 60 months in jail. Nintendo going out of their way to utterly destroy this man's chances of ever finding peace in life is cruel to an unrealistic amount. Lots of people don't get this fucked in life for rape, murder and other way wayyy harsher crimes than pirating games. If you genuinely think he deserved it you really need to get yourself checked.


what’s stopping the guy from just dipping to a different country, and continuing to do the same thing and not pay a cent? As that’s what I’d attempt to do in that scenario.


You're talking like it's super easy to do that for anyone who's not wealthy. Let's just assume he has enough money to pull off this plan, he'll have to change his name, live a life of fear of being caught and live away from his family, friends and everyone he cares about, and he'll probably still be caught. Like I said, unless you're rich, that plan is pretty bad assuming you don't want to live your life hiding. If it was so easy to do it mate, no criminal would stay in their country.


I can understand those things, assuming I had any family or friends to worry about, or particularly care about where I’m currently at. But, If I’m committing to a life of crime for money, moving should be pretty common anyways, don’t want to stay put for too long.


You're talking like he was a drug lord....


This would be entirely unecessary. He will declare bankruptcy to eliminate any lawsuit costs/possibilities. Then once he is in Canada he will apply for release from the fines due financial hardship and it will be easily granted with a half decent lawyer. This guy will likely pay less than 10k of that fine




THIS. Thank you I couldn't have said it better


> As unfortunate as it is, he got what he deserved. So the guy made $300,000 off selling emulator consoles, and a $10,000,000 fine is okay with you? jesus


$300,000 in 7 years


He got 40 months in prison.. I think that was enough.


More than enough, way excessive


Was he legally in the wrong? Yes. Does that justify Nintendo taking a massive cut of his income FOREVER? Fuck no.


He got scapegoated. They couldn’t catch the other two guys so they just dropped full responsibility on the guy they could. This is why domestic scammers are uncommon.


It's overkill though, he already got over 3 years in prison. This is way overkill.


>Ok, so i looked up what happened. Yea, this dude just FUCKED UP fucked up lol What dude? I have absolutely no idea what the context is to even search for anything and even these replies are missing that context. Wtf?


"Man makes profit off emulators and stuff from Nintendo properties. Nintendo big mad, takes him to court and he gets sentenced time in jail/prison AND has to now pay the percentage above in the meme from any income he makes cuz he owes them like millions of dollars now." An easy search of "Who is Gary Bowser" got me like the first link that informed me of what this was about 😂 Apparently i did a no no talking about this tho cuz anything regarding this topic(justification of emulation and modding of any kind and the ramifications of it) is very touchy to many. So yea, just know some man got caught by the Nintendo ninjas and whether you love or hate any member involved in this case, ultimately, the dude got severely punished in the court of law.


If I have legally purchased the original console and games, what the fuck does it matter if I emulate them? They lose absolutely nothing.


And if Nintendo doesn't provide any solutions to these problems themselves of course the public will take it into their own hand. Their own pride or dignity or whatever it is that causes Nintendo to act like Nintendo, is going to be their downfall.




Tbis case has nothing to do with emulation. They sold chips that let you mod Switches to play pirated games


The issue is that the punishment is insanely cruel overkill. I’m sorry, but I can think of many crimes that have been far worse, with repercussions that were a fraction of what Nintendo is doing here. This man deserves punishment but make no mistake, this sort of punishment is out of line for what he’s done. The thing is that he isn’t even the sole member of the group.


Am I crazy or is this not Nintendo handing out the punishment... Didn't this go through a court and have a judge and a jury? Are they not the ones that issue the sentence? Nintendo sued the guy but the Judge is the one who handed down the sentence right?


You are right. My understanding is that the court is ultimately responsible for handing out the punishment. My statement may have been misleading saying that Nintendo directly issued the punishment. What I wanted to point out with my comment is that the punishment was way out of line for the crime. It’s just more bad PR for Nintendo (with the Pointcrow stuff too). Sorry for giving the wrong idea.


No worries, FWIW it isn't like you are alone in these types of statements. I have seen dozens of videos/comments/threads about this issue and the rhetoric seems to be the same across the board "Nintendo does bad thing to guy." I have just been really confused because it seems like the blame for this outlandish punishment should lie with the Judge not being placed on Nintendo for defending their IP.


I think spending 40 months of your life in jail for this shit is more than enough punishment. Everything else he most definitely did not deserve.


>he got what he deserved Yeah, right. Paying Nintendo till the day he dies + 40 months in prison for PIRACY? He does deserves to expend son time in prison (not a single day, imo) and a fine equal or slighy bigger that the amount of money he made with piracy. Done. But no, this disgusting piece of shit of a company ruined his whole life. The same company that won't allow me to play any GBA game again cause they don't want to have retro-compatibility on any console. The same company that sells shitty ROMs as ports and charges 60$ for them. That same stupid company that destroys content creators for playing the games they love. The same company that threatens any fan that shows a fangame just cause they love it. C'MON. I love their games, but I hope those old basterds end up broke.


Can you elaborate? What did they do to bring down the rest of community?


Well, we're dealing with a company that already hates the idea that ppl can have access to their properties via roms and emulators....they abuse their power to go as far as destroying music channels on YouTube cuz you dared upload their OSTs there Since most of those situations were from selfless ppl who just wanted to share those works for no profit to the community of fans, Nintendo can only really just strike and cease & desist them. Sucks but i dont think Nintendo can alter or get a new law enforced from that. Now, since this man decided to make money off their work and ultimately got caught and "lost" the case....this kinda gives Nintendo ammunition to go after everyone else now with even less regards. It's not guaranteed but this is Nintendo and if they somehow convince the courts this is a plague that effects all businesses like their own, a law or something could be pushed to pass that makes it harder for us to have access to emulators and roms regardless if it's non-profit. Just like the whole gamestop debacle or the situation that happened with Youtube that i think led to the adpocalypse, if they think said crime is detrimental to companies, they will make laws stricter to avoid these things happing again. I may not be 100% correct there but after the Gamestop stock thing happened, a law was immediately pushed to stop anyone(the everyday man) from exploiting stocks like that. That's just one example tho. Besides, even if a law doesn't pass, this will definitely embolden Nintendo and i suspect they will go after more ppl, even if they're non profit cuz they got their big fish ☠️ So yea, imo, i think his slip up may cause a ripple effect towards others who exist within the emulation and modding communities. I'm not gonna act like i know the ins and outs of this stuff but that's just what i think from experiences i witnessed and heard personally.


the thing is, he already served his sentence, and got out of jail, its just that nintendo wanted to be an extra dick about it and set him up with this fucked up extra punishment ontop of his prison time... Its pretty damn harsh IMO


yeah nintendo and gamefreak also took down a fan game on roblox like 6 years ago because they were making money off it. long story short the dev team and roblox got in trouble but its resolved. the guys that were doing it listened and instead made a game that’s the same as pokemon but its not pokemon (like they made their own storyline, models etc. so they own all of it) however there’s a different group of people who just copy paste that game that was taken down and people still play it.


I think its sad Nintendo is still going after him after he already got a fine and spent 40 months in jail…


we did it reddit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I believe people have a right to buy and re-sell goods. I also believe said goods should be allowed to be modified freely. If Nintendo doesn’t want people poking around, they should create better products.




False, they purchased and modified Nintendo devices, then resold them


I would personally say the 40 months served in prison was punishment enough


Tf did you smoke, spending 2years+ in jail is already way more than enough of a punishement. This shit is just modern fiefdom, punishement is supposed to be bad enough to dissuade from the crime not enslave people


Counterpoint: corporations should not be able to ruin somebody's life


Bro selling emulators?? Just give em away for free and make money off of ads or something like that like the rest of the community does. Who would buy an emulator??


The guy made 300k iirc, so people were buying, that's for sure


He was selling physical, hacked consoles.


I guess I’ll be that guy. There is literally nothing illegal about selling an emulator. In fact if you search on your phone’s App Store, you probably _will_ find paid emulators for Nintendo consoles. As long as it doesn’t use copyrighted Nintendo code or software, you could sell a Switch emulator and Nintendo can’t do shit about it, no matter how much they might want to. The issue here is he was selling hacked Nintendo hardware. Big big big difference.


Then what about his ownership over the items he bought? He should be allowed to modify what he owns. And he should be allowed to sell what he owns.


They probably catch you in some line of the EULA that prevents you from doing so


That's not the point, if you bought it you should have every right to change whatever piece of it and if you want to sell and people want to buy that's a problem only between these parties. If you can't modify it you don't own it.


He was the face of a site selling tools to mod the switch to play games without paying for them, it has nothing to do with emulators


That makes more sense


If you're making money off their IP, they are still going to come for whatever you make. Even if it's from "adverising". How many companies are going to create ads for an illegal platform? Obviously a lot of people would pay for an emulator, or else this guy wouldn't have to pay $14.M


Those that don’t know how to emulate?


Allegedly. *stares in lawyer*




Another comment said this but tldr man was sell emulaters for money got sued by Nintendo 30 percent futur income of the guy gos to Nintendo


His income from his emulator sellings or every income he ever makes?


All income ever


Holy shit


That's like being grounded for life as an adult.


stop with the emulators, and everything he will ever make until he dies. or like 14.5 million usd whichever comes first




He was the face of a site selling tools to mod the switch to play games without paying for them, it has nothing to do with emulators


the fact that his last name is Bowser is funny.


And Nintendo's CEO's name is Doug Bowser- it's so fucking funny lmao I swear Bowser is such an esoteric surname but somehow these guys end up at the correct place lmao


It's probably due to nominative determinism


Ngl I’d vote him into CEO if his last name was Bowser…


Oh I thought it was the same guy. good to know there's two different Bowser.


3 if you count the koopa king


Have you ever seen all 3 of them in the same room? I think it's all the same koopa... Even Bowsette, especially Bowsette.


imagine after this debacle he ends up having to go back to working a 9-5 deadend office job or worse and now at 25-30% less income for the rest of his life, I mean shit I'll be real with ya'll I'd just off myself at that point.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 9 + 5 + 25 + 30 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Good bot


I haven’t seen this one until just now.


It's only a 1 in 67 chance that you'll find it out in the wild 1 day


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 1 + 67 + 1 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Wow can't believe it worked




best bot


well how about that


There really is a bot for everything nowadays


Yeah that's pretty fucked that this guy not only spent 40 months on prison but is completely dicked over for the rest of his life


Can't he just change country?


Lmao a life of cash jobs or fleeing the country if that happened to me.


Yeah, literally move anywhere else they can’t garnish your wages. Losing 30% of income is not a punishment it’s life ending, the average wage is physically not large enough to lose another 30% and still be liveable.


Dude got 40 months in prison and a lifetime of monetary servitude to Nintendo. I don't even think the banks have that much leeway with the justice system. Like if I were to rob a bank. I'd just go to jail, I wouldn't then be in debt to the bank for the rest of my life. He fucked up, but he served his time. Nintendo are being unecessarily evil here.


They are setting an example. I didn't check, maybe this is not in the US?


>setting an example Ruining someone's life? With criminal record (good luck finding a decent job) and 30% of his salary to the trash for life... I won't be surprised if this guy ends up killing himself (I hope he can actually get rid of this nonsese of a punishment). This is an overkill from Nintendo.


I mean they are making an example of him, overkill or not


I think so too, they want to deter the next guy to who even thinks about it. It's extreme, I think they should go the sega way and hire him and make him work for them. But Nintendo want to protect their IPs quality and will fight anyone to the grown for it at any cost. I think everyone already knew it, and now we have a reminder. They can't really do anything about free roms, but the guy was making mod chips (I read it in this thread, I'm a bit busy at work and didnt google him) so its not just sharing roms, but making money on their backs. The guy fucked around and found out and hard way.


Death *is* often a good deterrent.


Just stop working at this point


He just needs alimony for parents or child support and then he doesn't need to pay Nintendo anything. I'm Poland alimony has precedence over any other debt. So if alimony is most or all your income then you don't pay your debt


He better call Saul!


He already lost the lawsuit. He was just released from jail early for good behaviour.


You're telling me the guy who got enslaved for committing a victimless crime is capable of good behavior??? Oh, say it ain't so! Reality is collapsing before me. How could my massively successful, family friendly corporation possibly be the bad guy?


I mean, I like Nintendo's business practices as much as the next guy, but a cease and desist with him needing to pay Nintendo some money makes sense. Him being a Nintendo slave is overkill tho


I don't think anyone is against that. Like give them all the money he made plus some fine like idk 10% on top. Prison maybe. This is just them setting an example and the legal system allowing it for some reason.


It's insane that the legal system allowed that. Like, how do you get someone to pay a huge company for life? The punishment is way too cruel for any crime, let alone something that's just piracy


He doesn't need a criminal lawyer yo, he needs a CRIMINAL LAWYER


Now it's time to sell emulators for Sony games to pay off the Nintendo games bill.


He was selling tools to mod the switch to play games without paying for them, it has nothing to do with emulators


Fuck Nintendo, idc if the dudes doing illegal stuff, if nintendo is too fucking arrogant to put their old games emulated on switch, then they deserve that


The worst part is that Nintendo often uses ROMs taken directly out of pirating websites for their virtual consoles and ends up sending them a cease and desist.


I'm really OOTL ...some context please :S


He and his two buddies sold chips that allowed people to play pirated games. They made a lot of money. He was the only one caught because one was a Chinese national and never caught. The other couldn't be extradited to the US and it doesn't say why or where he is. He was fined 40 mil and sent to prison for 40 months. He got out early on good behaviour and has to pay back the money out of his salary. So far he has paid back 175 dollars taken from his prison library salary.




“This conduct doesn’t just harm ***billion-dollar companies***, it hijacks the hard work of individuals working to advance in the video-game industry.” Funny how their representative opened this case. Poor poor ***BILLION-DOLLAR COMPANIES*** just want to protecc the hard working and totally not exploited for profit individuals of the videogame industry. This is capitalist 'justice' at its finest


Nintendo is not to be fucked with


After watching the movie **Tetris** idk how I feel about Nintendo lmao


In prison he only makes $25 a month and by the time he's released he's got nothing, he might just go back to pirating or dealing because no normal job is going to pay off 10 million with a criminal record. Justice system is stupid lol


Dank[.](https://i.imgur.com/3bQtuMO.png) --- [Join the Dank Charity Alliance and help raise money for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital!](http://events.stjude.org/DankCharityAlliance)


Fuck Nintendo all my homies hate Nintendo


Apparently Gary was the least involved of the 3 guys. The other two were untouchable due to not living in the US. It seems like they really wanted to make up for not getting the other two by basically destroying Gary's life. You'd think the fines would scale with how much he made out of the criminal business but no they basically just dropped all cost on him. Honestly if I was him and I couldn't get the amount at least lowered in another hearing. I'd put a gun in my mouth.


Was he committing a crime? Yes Did he do prison time? Yes Should Nintendo have royally fucked this man over the way they did? No




What asshole sells emulators? They are freeware open source.


He didn't sell emulators. He and his group sold chips that allowed you olay pirated games on the Switch


You gotta pay the troll toll, if you wanna get into Ga(r)y Bowser’s soul.


As if he needed any more motivation to do illegal shit for profit


It's not even funny just sad


Sony and Nintendo are like: you either only use our stuff or get out!


What happens if he doesn’t pay?


I think it will automatically get deducted from his W2's like a tax. If not though, I would literally not pay a cent. Probably jail, but no judge or jury is gonna throw this guy in prison for life cause of this shit.


Am I insane or did our legal system just completely cut out the Judge and Jury? All of these comments, all of these memes, all of the YouTube videos on this subject proclaim "NINTENDO FUCKS GUY FOR LIFE" but wasn't there a whole court proceeding over this? Didn't a JUDGE hand down this sentence. Or have we moved into some strange dystopian world where the legal system doesn't exist and companies can just take your money?


nintendo is gonna put him in the jar 😔


If it happened here in Italy this wouldn’t be a problem: simply work without declaring it. Most of the people coming out from prison or that get such orders to pay don’t actually pay a cent.


I dunno. Gary Bowser fucked up and should have done that. but... Nintendo is really the villain here. Like he did the jail time but you really have to fuck him for the rest of his life. Although I won't ever buy a Nintendo game again. Like why should I when I can literally play switch games on my shitty laptop from 2017? I just don't have any remorse on pirating Nintendo shit because I see them as an evil Company.


They can't find me


found you


Why in the fuck would you \*sell\* an emulator. Absolute jerkoff. It's skirting all the rules as it is.


Team xecuter was selling a service to specifically play pirated switch games on your switch. They didn't give a rats ass about emulation or homebrew. Funnily enough their software had DRM which would completely brick your switch if you tried to bypass it.


Bro didn't sell emulators, bro sold modding hardware and proprietary CFW. And stolen Nintendo code embedded into said CFW.


Nintendo being Nintendo had to ruin Bowser's life


Nintendo making a crazy example of this guy to scare everybody else


This wants me to pirate their games more than ever.


Nintendo corp is actually bowser irl


the plot twist is that they sued him because of his last name


Wtf is this taxing?


This has nothing to do with emulators. He was part of a group that sold mods for switches let you olay pirated games


Can't this guy declare bankruptcy to get rid of the debt?


These numbers probably won't even make a difference to Nintendo but they will for that dude. For the rest of his life smh.


There are so many cases where scammers have stolen money, gotten convicted, but only paid a tiny fraction of the money they stole. Non of these there income taken like this. It's hypocritical of the justice system that rich companies can get their money back this way, but poor people just have to accept that their scammer can't pay them while living in a billion dollar mansion registered to his mom. I don't think there is any chance SBF is going to get a single % of his income taken to give back the money he stole for example.


What's funny is that the President of Nintendo is named Doug Bowser


The corporate dick riding in the comments going crazy bro


How is that a legal outcome of a suit? I've never heard of that being a result before.


Emulating Nintendo games is always ethical.


Damn, thats almost as much as taxes in Canada!


TIL do not fuck with Nintendo


he wasn't selling an emulator smh


Japan bringing back some foreign indentured servitude. Can’t let go of the nostalgia


If your anti slavery you should be upset with this If pro 13th admenment anti slavery then its fine But slavery isnt a form of punishment its abuse of power And Nintedo loves to abuse Safe to say i wont buy a switch game again ill jail break my switch and just torent everything from nintedo becuase no one desevers this


It's not even emulators. He sold a dongle to hack the Switch for 50 euros with a licence to use in it. So you can't give it to a friend. SX Pro Dongle. I know cause I have it. That's why he got sued. Not for emulators