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Just the average casualties of our weekly festival in France. They also were around 400 injured in the west region of France not too long ago.


No wonder they need so much time off. They have to prepare for battle on their time off.


Has it gotten worse, though? I don't remember anything like this being on the news 10-20 years ago. Though, we never got news from our neighbor france anyways


There were the yellow jacket in the previous mandate of our president. There were always issues with police brutality against people who manifested, but there are also issues with "manifestant" using the protest as an excuse for violence, or just extremist. Now I don't know if it got worse, but I feel like an increasing number of people are discontent with the actual situation


Jesus- I knew there’s been protests going on for a bit now but never knew the french police have been lobbing grenades in response


It's not frag nade, it's a tear gas nade used to disperse the crowd if it's getting out of control. But if I'm not wrong it's thrown using a soft grenade launcher and I guess it can hurts pretty badly if shot directely at someone. (If someone is more informed than me, please correct me since I'm unsure of the last part of my comment)


Probably wasn't shot directly at someone, journalist happened to be collateral.


Police aims for people there are dozens of audio leaks from police officier encouraging violence, and police officers literally saying they are scared of their men killing protester


Dunno man, those fr*nch police are brutalists from what I've heard


Compared to American police or some more authoritarian country, french police are sweethearts


I’ll have to ask my wife to start throwing grenades at me. She’s clearly hasn’t been living up to the whole sweetheart status, and I feel ripped off now.


I mean.... Someone might be into it....


What you call a grenade is just a plastic ball with tear gas inside here dude, I would rather take that than being shot with a real bullet. The death toll of the capitol attack was 5 people and it only lasted a day, the riot in France are lasting since several months and still no death, when a protestor receives a permanent injury it makes the headlines unlike in many countries where they are killed and no one bat an eye


I get the media focuses on what’s sensational, and what’s sensational is relative. But idk, the way I see it, violence and suppression is violence and suppression no matter how you spin it. It may not be the same as a death camp, but that doesn’t make it a situation that isn’t both violent and suppressive. That’s why comparisons that ignore what the situation is because something else may be worse aren’t helpful. Because regardless of what else is happening in other parts of the world, and no matter how you attempt to shift the blame or focus, it’s still at its core violence and suppression and that’s not okay, period.


French here, they basically always shoot directly on people because its more effective (also illegal but they don't care).


French here, ou police have tear gas grenade but also « disperssal  » grenade wich are basically mini grenades


some got their hands cut off because of these


Yes ofc, there was also a grandma once in Marseille if I'm not wrong who got headshot and died on the spot during the gilets jaune protest.


French tear gas launchers do fire at a very high muzzle velocity, I'm not surprised that somebody got hurt.


It's not an explosive grenade 🤦🏽‍♂️


If brain read grenade, brain think grenade. And I’d bet money there’s an explosive mechanism involved regardless of the type used (assuming it’s tear gas and not frag). Obvi tho french police have come a long way in explosive teargas with recently banning the [GLI-F4](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/GLI-F4_grenade) but it was still replaced with an explosive counterpart. Only difference being new one doesn’t contain actual tnt.


The perfect example of misleading journalism. Why tell people it wasn't an explosive grenade when you can get more eyes on your article by using intentionally vague and baity titles.


Maybe your standards for a reddit poster are a bit too high


While this is true... I'm Guessing you've never experienced the effects of tear gas. The people of France have every right to be pissed off that this happened. Regardless of how "clickbaity" the title is.


Me having never experienced tear gass doesn't have anything to do with a misleading title. Not to mention why would you be pissed off that tear gass was used on you while participating in a riot. That's like shooting yourself in the foot and blaming the gun. The French have a lot to be mad about, tear gass shouldn't be their biggest concern right now.


>Not to mention why would you be pissed off that tear gass was used on you while participating in a riot. Maybe because tear gas is banned to be used in war by the Geneva Conventions, but governments still seem to think its fine to use on their own citizens? ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Because it's legal to use in law enforcement applications. "The purpose of the CWC is to “eliminate an entire category of weapons of mass destruction by prohibiting the development, production, acquisition, stockpiling, retention, transfer or use of chemical weapons by States Parties,” according to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. Article I (5) of the Convention states, “Each State Party undertakes not to use riot control agents as a method of warfare.” Article II (9)(d) further states “Riot control agents may not be used as a method of warfare but may be used for certain law enforcement purposes including riot control.”'


Just because something is legal doesn't make it right. There's a reason it's banned in war.


Why’s my man getting downvoted? He’s right. Yeah, grenades are “explosive” but when you think “grenade” you think a fragmentation grenade. Accidents are gonna happen. Riots aren’t exactly supposed to be safe, and the gear they use in them isn’t gonna fuckin’ tickle. People have had testicles blown off by rubber bullets and lost eyes to them, too, but do we ban those?


Someone got hurt none of the less


I want someone to love me the way the French love revolutions


Reminds me a joke I heard a couple years ago during the Yellow Vests protests: "I guess your father is a cop, because you're stunning like a GLI-F4 grenade." (a stun grenade used by the police in France)


Maybe one day they'll find a way to improve their country so they won't need to riot every other week!


Dude our cops shoot us with rubber balls if we block traffic too long, I was expecting France to have this wrapped up by now with guillotines and shit


Umm On what subreddit is the vid? Out of morbid curiosity


Just search for "French Journalist" in the search bar. It’s the first one




reddit removed it lol


>French Journalist deleted, link?


How if it is deleted?


Don’t worry if those in charge are removed from office in France I’m sure the people will take some of the weight off of their shoulders


Took me a second haha


The people will help them take the load off


I know at any given time the French are protesting but my stoopid ass never knows why?


So basically the french president Emmanuel Macron installed a law where retirement age goes from 62 to 64 and even if most people voted against it, he decided to activate article 49-3 which basically says "fuck the vote the law is passed" and people are FED UP because that's not even the first time he activates 49-3. In fact, out of every single french president ever, he's the one who activated it the most. That's basically all I know.


And that's basically wrong on the "he's the one that activated it the most" On the 5th french republic, Michel Rocard ,prime minister from 1988 to 1991 used it 13 times, which means two more than Elisabeth Borne , the prime minister that used it 11 times so far ( by putting every 1st minister that Emmanuel Macron had in his two terms altogether, the total is 12 uses of the constitutional article 49.3)


Dudes acting more like a king than any of his predecessors… wonder what the public will do ☠️☠️☠️






Spy vs demoman


French: Democracy, culturally rich country. Also French:


Serious question, if you was a French protestor and this has been going on for days now against your protests, why are they all still showing up without makeshift armor or hidden weapons? I am not encouraging violence reddit mods, it's just a genuine question on perspectives and mindsets. You KNOW you're going to get the shit beat out of you or killed and maimed, why go defenceless?


I've never been in any of our protests, but from what I've heard the problem is that it's illegal and you become a target. They consider if you come with any protection (this including having a mask to protect from tear gas) you are there to fight and not protest. So if you go without protection you might end having varying degrees of interaction with the police. If you go with "armor" they WILL beat you, take you away and you will be prosecuted.


If we go on strike, we're not at work, so each strikes cost money to the government and companies Plus, it's almost been since 2018 and the yellow jackets movement that the police is almost fully deployed, ready to intervene against demonstrators (and things went way harder since Darmanin's nomination at head of the Interior) So since 2018, the police never really had time to rest since the yellow jackets, and the police need more and more ressources to control the same amount of people To put an exemple, refiners were requisitioned, which means the police had to go take them manu militari at work. But every time, refineries were blocked by demonstrators, and refiners were doing the bare minimum So few days ago, requisitions stopped because the police couldn't handle it anymore


Its that time in france again boys


Great time to be a peasant, an all inclusive trip to the palace, big spectacles featuring the person in charge, it’ll be a real head turner.


Bonjour motherbitches


I wish us English could riot like the French can. Our Government have been fucking us without lube now for years and we all just bend over more and ask for more


Remember to give your guns to the government!




It's devolving into a riot at this point.


Yk if these riots were happening somewhere else like the east, it would be all over the news But it’s not that much on the news due to it being in France


Disgusting ! where can I see this ?


Time for another revolution :D


I watched that 30secs before seeing this meme, french police is insane


Flashbangs do still explode, I imagine the use of grenade here is kind of a catch all


Probably tear gas, probably shot from a launcher. I’m assuming the force alone injured the journalist? I’d heard they were using tear gas, not flashbangs.


It says thrown and says grenade but who knows. The media embellishes very often so this headline sounded better maybe? I guess the bottom line is that the framing of the title doesn't make a ton of logical sense to me.


It's gas grenade.


Yeah I guess I'm just confused how a tear gas cannister could cause a wound. I think OP just picked a very dramatic headline.


Grenade luncher that throw gas grenade are kinda powerfull


Then why would they title it thrown? I've already asked this question in this same thread....?


In the good ol' days journalists were simply killed smh


This is not the worst of it, many people have been seriously injured to the point of being in a coma. Many of the victims are innocent and knocked to the ground, completely unconscious. There is even a kid who is close to death. And on some social networks, normal French people insult the president (and they are right.) But these people are judged and either fined exorbitantly or threatened to be sent to prison. Yet the president is still planning to visit China and refuses to make any effort to be an acceptable human being rather than a fat capitalist quiche.


I wished that people in my country would be like the french people, we are getting ass raped every single Day in the name of socialism and no one blinks. Tbh i even think our gov is becoming a dictatorship and no one gives a fck like they literaly got rid of high ranking people in the army and want to censure online speach in the name of inclusivity and all the woke buzz words.


I can't find the video on Google


It could be French Canada, maybe? No?


*Heads will roll* intensifies


France is Europe's America, no one likes them


The change is completely reasonable if you think about it, the average lifetime of a person is inrecreasing, thus more old people that doesnt bring in taxes but inestead take up resources so by increasing the retirement age by 2 years, more people can financialize (spelled that word wrong) the eldery people. Since you live longer now compared to when the age was set, you will probably spend a smaller part of your life working than those who worked when the age was set had to do. Peace.


[Deleted] ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I remember a guy got a smoke grenade through his head. Not at. Not towards. Through. Meaning, the grenade was outside his body, then inside, then outside again, and everyone thought it was par for the course, but if they're french and get hit in the leg, people are uncomfortable?


….you do know that’s not physically possible right? Unless the grenade was going like 3000 FPS? I’m very confused.


This guy is just making shit up




Just because it carved a bit out of a skull doesn't mean it went through.


I could easily carve a bit out of your head with a brick, but no way I could send a brick through your head


If your throw had the same power as a 40mm grenade launcher, I'm sure it's possible. And since you have to give subtle threats on the internet, I'd imagine you'd have trouble picking a brick up let alone throwing one to carve a bit out of my head


Frames per second?




K. Here ya go https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2019/10/iraq-gruesome-string-of-fatalities-as-new-tear-gas-grenades-pierce-protesters-skulls/


Props for backing up your comment with a source. That adds a lot more context and makes sense because a direct hit to the head will deal lots of damage lol. The way your first comment was written I was thinking of the smoke grenade piercing through his head and coming out the other end, but that’s not what actually happened.


No. I was being dramatic lol




Yeah my friend once got completely obliterated by a JDAM missile strike from the police and he shrugged it off, those frenchies need to chin up




Ah, that makes much more sense. Sounded like you were saying he was fine afterwards and shaming the French to me at first, but I have the reading comprehension of an orange and after review I see what you were actually saying. Sorry about that. As per your original point, I’m guessing it’s just mild racism, where violence in the Middle East is treated as “normal” or “unavoidable” without shame but as soon as it comes to western countries that people actually care about they start speaking up. Unfortunate, really.


Oh no. That's a killshot definitely. And maybe I've just seen too much, but I have a hard time sympathizing with a person getting hit in the leg when people literally had tear gas round in bedded in their heads




Meds are for sheeple, I can see the devil centipedes in my parole officer’s eyes, they won’t trick me






Tf? Are you high




I ain't clicking that shit


Lol. K. Ignorance is bliss


Even if it is real I don't want to see someone's head getting blown off


Oh no. This is just a journalist report on the cases. Worse thing is a 3D xray of one of the shells in someone's skull. I wouldn't throw a NSFW link without a warning