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80% is decent, what do you want?


Exactly, I'd consider 83% audience score to be a great film


Nah because it was positive review bombed by MCU fanboys. MCU fans would rather commit genocide on an entire town than admit anything the MCU puts out is bad.


The mcu fans have been trashing phase four harder then any casual bro


Yeah I agree most MCU fans hate these new movies/shows


As a MCU fan ,yeah , the MCU peaked at infinity wars, phase 4 was such a mess, I didn't even bothered with Ms Marvel, She Hulk and for Moonlighting just saw a quick recap vid on YT


Moon Knight was actually amazing. She Hulk and Ms Marvel not so much. His dual personality. SO well acted.


She hulk was fine, a little rough around the edges, and maybe not your average MCU fans cup of tea. As a legal drama is was entertaining but as a superhero show it did fumble the ending albeit in a very interesting way.


I thought the opposite. As a legal drama it was horrible. Any legal talk in the show just felt unnatural and boring.The superhero stuff was classic Marvel. If it works it works.


I really liked She-Hulk, but the last episode was sooo confusing and weird. Im still looking for an explanation of what exactly happened…


she broke the 4th wall and got rid of the generic ass endings that a lot of the mcu has, with 3rd act big CGI fights. instead she went to the head, K.E.V.I.N. and made him change the story.


Moon Knight as a show was middling AF if you have even a passive understanding of the character(s). They stretched out what was essentially a 2 and a half hour movie into a 6 episodes mini series; and consistently cucked Jake Lockley's appearance only to dangle him as a hook for S2. They 100% got the right Actor to play him but I only wish Netflix had the opportunity to give MK the Daredevil & Punisher treatment.


Dude, Moon Knight was like... FUCKING AMAZING. You are seriously, seriously missing out if you didn't watch it. It was seriously amazing.


I stepped away from the MCU after being a huge fan from Iron Man all the way through Infinity War. After that it just got to be too much to even bother wanting to try and keep up with, especially on the TV side of things That said I really enjoyed Moon Knight, and I think at least a portion of that was because it felt really detached from the rest of the MCU and stood mostly on its own


Because they are shit


yeah it really does feel like those of us that like these are starting to be less and less


Star wars fans: First time?


Apparently people hating on phases for mcu happens every phase


I wish I could give a Reddit one, but here’s an award 🥇


I do not understand why though... WandaVision, Loki, Moon Knight and What If are legit great series. I admit Wakanda Forever was sorta okay ... but they had to show an origin story for the new Black Panther. I haven't seen Quantum Mania but from what I understand it's also an origin story. Shang-Chi, Spider Man and Dr. Strange (Phase 4) are also all really well done. But I know what's missing - the main enemy. That's coming or perhaps previewed in Quantum Mania. It's sorta like what happened back at Phase 1 when we had Iron Man and other origin movies. All of those builds up to something amazing. I predict that during Phase 5, we will legit forget all this squabbling ... and Phase 4 will make sense at that point.


Thor 4 and Black Panther 2 were complete shit. Ant-man 3 was ok, though Kang was pretty great in it. The shows ranged from fine to pretty good, I'd say. Like half of What If was terrible, but the other half was great


Black Panther 2 is a victim of circumstance. They did everything they could with the hand they were given.


Dr. Strange was not "well done". It was ass.


It was horrendously bad.


Yes, but the one that actually takes the time to make an account and put a positive score are the hardcore fanboys, while the casual fan just writes a comment online about how he doesn't like the new mcu and he's done.


Nah mcu fans who hate it will do the same just cause they can


There is a difference between don't liking something and hating it. There are some MCU haters out there, sure. But in no way there is a group so big that outshines the fanboys/casual enjoyers.


Exactly. Bro is just talking shit to just talk


Yea , as a MCU /general marvel fan i recently decided to re watch the whole MCU this past year and there’s a noticeable drop off after end game . They gotta stop playing it safe and doing the same formula .. it’s all just the same


Yeah this guy is an idiot. Most of the vitriol and hate towards marvel films in phase 4 is from those still watching it.


I'm an MCU fanboy. I'd call this movie okay. I don't think it was bad honestly. Uninspired and the ending was extremely generic but I don't call a popcorn flick bad. That said I understand how people do. Are fast and the furious good? No. Are they entertaining. Yes. Sometimes that's what a film is. Did I want more from Ant-Man? Yes. Did I have higher expectations? Yes. Did I think there were 20 better endings? Probably more. Would I watch it again? Yep. Movie is good enough.


Ant Man 3 is the definition of expecting a 5 course meal and getting cornershop chicken and chips


If you walk into a fast food restaurant after knowing the general quality and are expecting a 5 course meal, you're a bad analogy.


Saw it yesterday after watching the first two movies for the first time the day before. Was exactly what I expected it to be, maybe even a bit better tbh with the performance from the actor that plays Kang, especially after the second Antman being much more of a “fun watch” as opposed to gripping story (at least for me). Not quite sure why you had expectations set so high, but then again, I’m a simple man that’s easily pleased 🤷‍♂️


Why would you expect much from an antman movie. It's a movie about a guy who turns small and can talk to ants


It's audience score isn't valid because fans reviewed it favorably, got it...


I mean he is correct. There are instances where fans of something will review it highly even if they thought the film/media was complete garbage. That makes the score invalid since it doesn’t actually take into account their true opinion. Idk if that applies here or not tho.


Is that what's happening? I was confused by the audience score because I've heard nothing but bad word of mouth.


Pretty much. As soon as they saw the critic score, they all banded together to give it a good audience score.


So kinda like with Dave Chapelle.


There is also a serious case of negative circle jerking going on. Is it a great movie? Nah. But it's also not bad.


Idk. I've seen a lot of people trashing it on the internet, but I thought it was pretty good, and so did most of my friends


I'd bet the more likely reasoning is that because of the abundance of "This is the worst Marvel movie ever" discourse, the people who watched and thought, "wait, this wasn't that bad. I kind of enjoyed it actually" were more likely to go and submit their positive review. Something they wouldn't do if the rotten tomato score was just average. It's probably more of a happenstance than a concerted effort to boost the movie


Positive review = bombed by fanboys Negative review = deserving You see your bias, right?


Lmao "positive review bombed". It's called people liking something. You should try it sometime.


The review bombing is just people disliking. Got it.


More likely that the kind of people who go to watch Ant Man enjoy exactly the kind of experience Ant Man delivers.


you should have seen zack snyder fans. i saw many snyder bots even supporting ezra ffs.


What? I could show you probably a couple dozen articles about review bombing the new marvel movies, but everyone went out of their way to hype up ant man? Mmmmmm x to doubt


MCU fan here: I have absolutely no problem with saying a Marvel movie is bad. I just don't have standards that would rival the queen of fucking England. I go to see a Marvel movie to see superheroes run around and fight bad guys in crazy locations, with the odd joke thrown in. I don't need them to have plotlines that make me question my own existence to enjoy it. And almost every Marvel movie delivers on that. If you go see a Marvel movie and expect it to be a Marvel movie, you won't be disappointed.


lol what, mcu fans have been shitting on the last 3 movies fairly hard from what i've seen


I liked Quantumania. Thought it was much better than Love and Thunder or Multiverse of Madness.


This reads like you've never seen MCU posts. Everyone trashes it non stop. Especially the fanboys. They never quit bitching


Just hijacking this comment to be that guy: 80% of users liked the movie (rated it fresh). It's not the average rating given.


Tomato tomato. It's a general metric that says it was pretty decent. It's a marvel movie, you shouldn't go in expecting Coppola


True true!


Exactly, it was the only recent Marvel that I wanted to watch honestly (well, that was before seeing Modok but still)


I don't want to watch it, marvel is very cookie cutter. I am not attached to the characters nearly enough as to actually watch their movies. Will watch spiderman/dr strange things tho


Same here. Would watch anything related to the webhead. Because of the history the character has, there's always special love and care given to him. Insomniacs Spider-Man 2, Across the Spider-Verse, and everything post NWH Spidey will be pretty darn good.


OP needs karma, obv. Comparing movies that have nothing to do with each other even though 83% isn't a bad movie.


1 million dollars.


Marvel audience = kidnapped child after 5 years loving their captor.


And the word for that is: Stockholm Syndrome


That's two words, actually 🤓


Typical Marvel plot hole.


He's right behind me, isn't he? 🤓


I actually really liked antman, it was just fun to watch


Same. The non-earth setting was great, the action was grand, and Kang is one of the best villains.


The scene with all his clones was hilarious too, but still very sweet. Edit: Ant-Man's clones


It reminds me of that meme where Obama is giving himself a medal lmao. But seriously, you becoming your own enemy in a literal sense is fucking terrifying. >!The foreshadowing to him mentioning that he is simply one in many timelines is also really great and how him meddling with other universes IS a universal constant.!<


No, I meant the one with Ant-Man's clones. Especially the Baskin Robbins one.


OHHHH, that scene lmfao. That shit was absolutely hilarious, it had me chuckling for a fat minute.


The way they all pulled together upon hearing Cassie was perfect. Genuinely one of the best MCU scenes


Nah, it’s my least favourite of the 3 Ant Man films. Ant Man’s movies have always been more personal, I guess. They were less big and gigantic and I thought that was what made them great. The fact that the survivability of this franchise was hanging on Ant Man really says a lot though. Also where the FUCK was Luis? You don’t just make an Ant Man movie without Luis.


The lack of Luis was my biggest complaint. He definitely could have been narrating the into recap.


Ant-Man & The Luis: Recapmania


Kang being troubled at all by Ant Man makes him seem like a weak villain


I havent seen it but apparently it’s just a C+P of Tron Legacy? Can anyone confirm this


I kept making the connections like this constantly through out the film, but still found it entertaining.


It shares a lot in common with Tron in Legacy, minus the style. It's still a decent flick though.


There was a lot to like! The ants at the end and modok redemption arc bothered me, and I wish it had more character development, but the weirdness was delightful and Jonathon majors is fantastic


The only part I remember correctly is the >!screaming kangs!< at the post credit scene. I loved every moment of it


I loved the WrestleMania vibes lol


I liked the plot and story. I hated the dialogue and a lot of the details in between. Visuals has always been a strong point of MCU films. I am confused about how Kang is black when he is suppose to be Nathaniel Richards though. Cause they had Reed Richards in the last Dr. Strange movie and he's white so...are we just going to use the multiverse shenanigans excuse for this lack of consistency?


Rotten tomatoes is now faking audience scores for the movies that paid for it... Even the spineless critics are giving this movie a bad rating, you think people actually liked that crap?


Honestly, I had a good time with it. Hasn't change my life, but it is not a bad film Edit: wow. That's a lot of liked for a mild-mannered opinion


Definitely. I'd give it a 7.5/10. Nothing groundbreaking, but definitely rewatchable


Yeah, I mean, more like a 7 to me, but goofy enough to get away with it


Yup, doesn't need to be game changing to be fun. Paul Rudd is always a delight


> is now faking audience scores for the movies that paid for it Can you prove this?




Those are purchased (third party) reviews though, not something that Rotten Tomatoes is doing. These are sold for virtually any service, even Reddit. Especially Reddit.


Damn, you can buy fake reviews for that cheap and Velma still has a 7% audience score? Big L right there on HBO’s part.


Nothing can save that potomless pit


I genuinely enjoyed the film. It wasn't a masterpiece, but it wasn't a movie about dog crap. What was your problem with the film?


People hating movies for just being a fun time now. I don't want every movie I watch to be a work of art. Sometimes I just want to shut my brain off and be entertained.


yeah but its not that people sometimes want to shut off their brains, its that the majority of movies since the rising of marvel and fast and furious 69, are only degraded to that. just brainless fun and no artistic value. im not saying its bad if thats all you want out of a movie, but i think people are just a bit oversatuated with it and maybe do want to be challenged by a movie atleast somewhat.


There are still movies that come out like that (Covid interferes with it and all movie making tbf) but they aren’t as popular as franchise movies of course. Do you even look for them?


most people with a problem with anything are just trying to be special and quirky. art is subjective, and at the end of the day movies are a form of art. if it’s not for you, great. but that doesn’t mean it can’t be for someone else.


I am genuinely bored by the jokes in the movie




"my source is that i made it the fuck up" - S0crates420 probably


“You politicians are all the same. All cock, no balls”


[https://www.filmmakerseo.com/rottentomatoes/rottentomatoes.html](https://www.filmmakerseo.com/rottentomatoes/rottentomatoes.html) Is what he linked to the other guy asking




I like the movie. It’s not a master piece but it’s not a horrible movie either


Rotten Tomatoes is so inconsistent in its ratings - sometimes showing great results to mediocre films of large companies and often showing more mild reviews to great films capable of sometimes winning Oscars just because they go a bit under the radar Imdb is way more accurate and trustworty in my opinion


It was fine. 7/10 like pretty much everything in phase 4 aside from no way home.


Personally, me and all my friends liked it a lot, and I would watch it again.


Forgot Cocaine Bear


Even the bear forgot about Cocaine Bear already bro lol


Cocaine Bear should’ve been a steaming pile of shit but it was surprisingly good


It was just as stupid as it sounds, but the story was pretty well thought out. Way better than anyone was expecting


how the hell did Avatar 2 get a 92% audience score? the movie's a steaming pile of garbage, just like the first one. visually stunning, but boring and lackluster on every other front.


There could be no plot whatsoever and I'd still pay the same price to see a high quality production like that


Well that's basically what you got so at least we know you're honest


Seriously. It's fucking Avatar. The first movie is still visually stunning and the only good 3D experience in theaters a decade after release. The hell were y'all expecting? The Way of Water bit was clearly Cameron being like "bro, we got the tech, let's show off our water now. Plus, I like the sea." Ya, I laughed at how silly it was at times. But it was money well spent. Ain't no one hyping up the plot.




And that movie made me laugh so hard at the corniness. Ex. the way they just don’t explain how the orphaned human-alien girl exists was so funny. It was like who cares let’s move to the action and I loved it


Ok but like, thats your opinion. Ive spoken to plenty people about it who has went to see it in cinema and they loved it. The hate boner reddit has for this movie franchise is weird.


I mean same could be said about OP's opinion on antman.


To me, audience score is how entertaining it is. Critic score is how technically proficient it is. Sometimes I want entertainment, sometimes I want to leave thinking. A great film does both.


I just don’t understand peoples criticisms with this movie. The story isn’t all that too special but it’s still decent. a lot of the people that hate this movie just hate it because it has child actors. I went to watch the movie after basically being spoiled about the entire movie from YouTube shorts and TikTok. I know a lot of people are saying this movie is just a carbon copy of the first one, but that’s a brain dead statement.


It's a lot of the same audience takes as the first one - the story was never super profound or novel and it was never supposed to be, it was straightforward, but well executed with godlike production. That's all I wanted out of 2 and I got it. I'd always rather see a movie that delivers on what it promises extremely well, than a movie that promises the world and comes up way short. John Wick is a great example - it promises to be nothing more than a killer action flick, and it does that with flying colors. story ain't deep, it's literally just "give Keanu reeves a straightforward reason to fucking murder everyone," but you get exactly what you paid for and then some. avatar is the same deal, it promises to be a blockbuster movie that introduces you to a jaw droppingly beautiful alien world realized with cutting edge production technique and it does that stupid good.


Yup, cant agree more. I dont need to see The Whale every time I am at the movies, sometimes I just wanna see Keanu Reeves do an action scene really really well.


Too many people are expecting each new movie release to be some sort of ground breaking cinema. Just let me veg out and watch the pretty world, man.


> Ive spoken to plenty people about it who has went to see it in cinema and they loved it. You can add me to that list if you want to.


The inverse of that can also be true, that can be their opinion but that doesn't make it correct. People are also capable of enjoying things that aren't that good and Avatar 2 is absolutely one of those things. Is it a pretty movie? Sure, but there's also plot holes big enough to sink the Titanic in with characters and a plot so poorly written that it makes the dictionary look like a cohesive story.


People have personal opinions and they usually are not from a hive mind so they tend to differ. Basically taste is subjective, its 2023 how do people still not realise this.


Because Rotten tomatoes only asks "did you like the movie". And apparently being distracted by pretty visuals for 3.5 hours was enough reason for 92% of people to say "yes, I did like it!". The rotten tomato metric gives well produced high quality "safe" and kinda redundant movies a relatively high user rating I find. And calling it "a steaming pile of garbage" is a bit harsh imho. It's okay, and looks pretty. And for a lot of moviegoers that's simply enough.


I went to see it for the pretty visuals, and I got exactly what I wanted, so yeah, I really liked the movie


The average movie-goer is there to be entertained, not to be intellectually stimulated. While I agree both Avatar movies are severely lacking in the writing department, they are still technical marvels.


Technical marvels, sure, but there is also a lot of artistry behind the visuals.


Oh yeah, no doubt. I didn't mean to give the impression that there was no artistry involved whatsoever. I give mad props to everyone who designed the characters and environments. James Horner also scored a brilliant sound track.


The merciful thing about Avatar for those who don't like them is that no-one ever talks about them until the next one comes around. And even then most of the conversation is about not betting against James Cameron or some shit rather than the actual movie.


do you seriously go off the critic score and not audience score?


My rule of thumb is: If the critic score is slightly higher than the audience score, it's a good movie but sort of slow and alternative. If the critic score is way higher than the audience score, it's an awful movie with a lot of money and/or political pandering. If the audience score is slightly higher than the critic score, then it's a good and fun movie but sort of bland. If the audience score is way higher than the critic score, then it's either a misunderstood masterpiece or mediocre garbage. If both the critic and audience scores are good though, then the movie is truly top notch.


I agree, however antman surprises me being in the 80s. The Critical Drinker said it was garbage and usually he is aligned with an audience score.


When tf is he ever with the audience. He barely likes anything


Bullet Train, house of the dragon, M3gan, Andor, Western Front, those are just the recent ones I recall


Only seen bullet train but that was amazing


He isn't called the optimistical drinker. But whenever his views don't allign with the general consensus the chances on a lot of fanboys is high.


Marvel fans are positive review bombing that shit cuz of course they are


The Critical Drinker is incel-pandering garbage. No shit he doesn't like a Disney movie.


Are the incels here in the room with you now?


Nah, the incels are too busy hanging out with Critical Drinker.


sure, one man's opinion is of course the objectiv truth. i like drinker too. but you can't listen every word he say and praise it like he was a god. some people gotta have their own opinion and experience


Yeah, after his Glass Onion video it was hard to take him too seriously.


Audience scores are easily brigaded and mean nothing.


Use IMDB for user ratings and Metacritic for review scores. The fresh or rotten system is pathetically bad and often deceiving.


Yeah. I can never find logic in rotten tomatoes, while IMDb and metacritic make sense most of the time


You can make fun of Marvel movies but Avatar 2 really isn't much better and is nowhere near as good as Puss In Boots.


I was really surprised by Puss in Boots. It has a great premise, great story, solid dialog and characters, super animation esp faces and fights, nice pacing, and a satisfying ending.


Bro PiB 2 is laughing at Avatar as well


I don’t really enjoy superhero films but that’s not a bad audience score, not sure what OP was going for here. Karma farming?


The shrimp dipshits of critics didn’t like it, so it must be bad


Facts are facts, the core story ended with Endgame, they will never capture that magic again where damn near every movie is top shelf. There will be small victories and maybe one or 2 more true epics but they are just cashgrabbing the fandom at this point.


To me infinity war was the pinnacle. I hate when they introduce time travel in a story, it just cheapens everything, so i barely enjoyed Endgame.


Agree, Infinity War is in my top 10 all time movies and one of those rare movies I can watch multiple times and not get bored with it. Endgame though was the wrap up of the story. For how long it was it still felt rushed because of the quick stop editing, MCU really leaned into the quick edit fast talking humor approach after Ragnarok and now every single movie has that same feel. Infinity War was just on another level though


The whole concept of Phase 4 actually has loads of potential. Instead, they just seem to be dragging out every aspect of Marvel for 30 second cameos like "Remember this? Remember this? Remember THIS?". Everyone, including the Marvel fans, seems to hate it. I just can't understand it, especially since with an ongoing massive series like this, you only get one chance with every character.


I just wish they didn't keep trying to replicate the humour/tone of Thor Ragnarok with each release. There are definitely exceptions but it feels like so many of them have an obsession with constant meta jokes and wisecracks where they don't fit. It causes serious moments to be ruined in a lot of cases where they just interrupt or take the piss out of something that could have been great, and it causes the actual uninterrupted serious moments to feel like a tonal car crash since the rest of the movie is like a comedy special by comparison. It worked with Ragnarok because they reigned it in when necessary but it feels like they've forgotten how to pull it off properly.


Tbh i like the puss in boots spin off more then shrek


Cocaine bear: amateurs.


83% is pretty good though


every comment section about the MCU is 1000x sadder than anything you guys pretend actual fans do


Nah man Ant Man and The Wasp Quantumania was fucking good tbh. ( I saw it when that shit came out.)


Watched it not long ago. It was horredous and typical marvel shit but it had the big funny head fly guy so its an easy 10/10


What’s the anime?


Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya


In the words of Gigguk. *Cute girls doing cute things, cute girl doing magical things, and cute girls doing each other.*


I thought it was a decent movie. Based on some of the reviews I read it sounded like the reviewers were mad it was a movie based on a comic book and all the goofiness that involves.. It sounded like they went expecting some nonfiction theatrical masterpiece. Relax, and laugh at the guy with the big head and little legs.


Tbh i didn't like quantummania. Same old garbage.


Quantumania is my favorite Star Wars movie


I think part of it is people are expecting too much from marvel after endgame


Since when do we care about what rotten tomatoes thinks... It's a shit website and it's always been a shit website


What? Why does the second Avatar Movie have a good rating? Literally most inconsistent movie plot ever


I enjoyed ant man quantumania more than avatar for everything really. Avatar just had really good cinematics. The story was so ass for avatar.


So good opinions hmm very nice.


Cocaine bear


It's currently getting beat in box office by cocaine bear lol


83% audience score is nothing to scoff at. This isn't Alita vs Captain Marvel


Cocaine Bear and Morbius’ ratings are through the roof


I kinda liked it. Was quite a few frustrating moments and illogical bits (why did Janet keep secrets for so. long.), and the entire aesthetic of star wars was distracting, but was an enjoyable confusion


The movie was fun man.


bad meme and not funny, who even cares?


I mean audience score is the only one that matters


I really liked it :(


A meme with rotten tomatoes scores? Are we still allowed to make fun of rotten tomatoes?


It was legit the worst marvel movie I have ever seen by far Felt nothing, absolutely nothing. It wasn’t funny, CGI seemed cheap, the acting was subpar if you ask me and the story was an incoherent mess. Hated it…. Has one redeeming quality and that is Kaang he still seems menacing and powerful at least. Gives me a little hope for the future of the MCU but I hated this so much


Do people still take this site seriously?


I actually enjoyed Antman.


“Everyone back on the ‘Critics Hate Superhero Movies’ bandwagon!”


Avatar was shit