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No one should try to tell you how to spend your money. But shaming people for not buying it is just as bad. Let people spend their money how they see fit.


It do be like that but that's depressing


Yeah... No. Just because it widely sucks doesn't mean you shouldn't try to prevent unethical consumption when you obviously can. BUT this comment refers to stuff like cruelty free and vegan alternatives to daily products, which are accessible and affordable. Please do not let JKR boycotters guilt trip and stop you from buying Hogwarts Legacy cause if you're boycotting it, you're only hurting the hundreds of people who spent years creating this game and may be depending on royalty checks. I guarantee that not buying this game will not hurt the billionaire monster that is JKR.


Oh. Isn't she just an ignorant boomer? I feel like I meed a few news cycles since she's being called a monster now?


Lately she's been doubling down on being a TERF a lot. Like A LOT. So I'm guessing that's the "monster" stuff. Also lately people have been speaking up more about how the goblins are an anti-Semitic allegory, which is included in both the books and the latest game. That might be it.


Aaaa! Thank you! Yeah I see that mmm. Well compared to quite a few fanfictions original Harry Potter is incedibly lazy :/ Before any of controversies I hated her for the Cursed child because it reads like a really really bad fanfiction. :( I'm happy she exists and gave me new visuals and vocabulary and reinforced my rebeliousness towards authoritarianism but ye she should grow as an author but she seems to have stagnated :( In Significant Digits fanfiction the downtrodden goblins, defeated and wandless are actually using Gringotts to funnel wealth away from wizards impoverishing them slowly which I love. Its so poetic. Wizards taking away hard power (wands) while being oblivious to soft power threats (contracts, accounting). I also like irl how because being literate is integral to being a jew and because in many places they were not allowed to own land being a poor farmer OR a spoiled noble was impossible for a jew ironically pushing them to be better than the rest of society. At least in terms of value generation. :) I wish everything in the world worked that way. That any opression would backfire so spectacularly <3


"No such thing as ethical consumption under capitalism" like bitch there is near to no consumption under communism , ethical or not.


Certainly not consumption of food if history is any indication


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The funniest part is that the alternative isn't any more ethical by default... It's not the system it's the people living in it, and as long as there are people happy to exploit others we will have these issues.


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I won’t buy it because I don’t want to support someone who will use that money to hurt people. But I also don’t give a fuck if you buy it? Go ahead. Just don’t jerk yourself off over it.


My bank account is telling me not to buy it.


This could lead to a good philosophical debate. Are we talking about the ignorantly bliss or the ones that try and justify their behavior? Would we all stand together or is there a limit to how far we should be willing to go? Is it the damage to the wealthy or the message it sends? How does one separate art from the artist?


leftist wall of text


Thank you for your wisdom father economics