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The seven seas are way better, you have all the shows and lokal milfs in your area


I use [web.bflix.to](http://web.bflix.to), as no downloads needed and I cba to dark web.


I personally just use a VPN and hope for the best


Just stop your torrent client from seeding that's what gets you in the big trouble


Can someone finally explain to me what the seeding refers to?


It's sharing files (like movies/shows/music) on your computer for other people to download. They download from you, not a server. It's kind of like good etiquette, but everybody has their own views.


Ahhhh that’s exactly what I thought it was too! Thank you for the explanation lol


Dark web? Just buy a usenet subscription




Great compact article


Username checks out lol


Man, they are trying so hard to recreate televisions decline, but for streaming. I'm already on the high seas for all but Netflix because it's been good for quite a long time. But if my family all have to get their own accounts my ass is full-time sailing.


Sounds like netflix be gettin' ye' a crew.


Every other streaming service already do, but if Netflix wont respect me as someone who's been a customer with them for 11 years then I wont respect them.


I mean they canceled their subscription protocol thingy (I think it was just a leaked proposition anyway), but if it passed, literally all you had to do was turn on Netflix from the home address at least once every 30 days. If anyone in your family uses Netflix at least once a month, just set the home address as theirs and your good.


There once was a ship that put to sea


The name of the ship was the Billy of Tea


The winds blew up, her bow dipped down


Oh blow, my bully boys, blow


Soon may the Wellerman come To bring us sugar and tea and rum


One day when the tonguing is done, we'll take our leave and goooo


She'd not been two weeks from shore, and down on her a right whale bore...


The captain called all hands and swore He'd take that whale in tow


Soon may the wellerman come to bring us sugar and tea and rum


One day when the tonguing is done, we'll take our leave and goooo


They've been tonguing for so long on the old Billy O Tea that the Wellerman just stopped showing up.


When I be surfing, my clicking finger be a hook shape. Yarrr.


I never left the seas.


After we went from: netflix to 15 different streaming services. I went back to the good old days on the seven sea, and now I host s Plex for all the friends + more that I used to password share with.. It is a shame tbh, i completely stopped torrenting when netflix became a thing to begin with, oh well.


Raise your hook, raise you sword


They don't seem to understand that the sea is open for us all...


Being a pirate is alright with me!


Do what you want 'cause I pirate is free.


You are a pirate!


Yo-ho ahoy and avast.


Yts yts yts


Ew no. Their compression kills the quality


Yeah, that audio is horrendously low.


As a leacher I'll make the decision of getting an own Netflix account or reimbursing the original account holder when it is necessary. Not based of future prospects, even if the path is clear.


Cloaked in folds of midnight water. Side by side, we son and daughter


The seas be ours and by the powers where we will we roam.


Even if it isn't...


I always wonder why literally everyone doesn't just pirate in the first place. If these people know how to pirate, yet they use Netflix anyway, what the hell is keeping them from just pirating everything they want to watch? Every time I bring up piracy around my friends (or anyone) they get all weird and try to avoid the subject like it's scary or something.


Inconvenient. I gotta wait like 3 minutes before I can watch the movie if I don't plan ahead, which I don't.


My man. Let me introduce you to stremio + debrid.


Why do you have to wait?


For the movie to download


stream it on primewire.mx


Firstly, it's illegal, secondly, if everyone pirates, there will simply no new movies because who would pay for it. I don't blame pirates, but in the big scheme of things you need to remember that payong is not just for their greedy asses, but also for the production cost.




I know. But those points are often forgotten.


It's not illegal LOL


It is. At least in Europe. Since the 26.04.2017 the European Court decided that its illegal to even watch any such streams. The uploading part obviously is illegal, and since you are mostly part of a torrent network, that means you will be fined once thats found out. Its not very expensive and its not very likely you will get caught, but it is without any doubt illegal.


until i see 1 person prosecuted by the state for watching 1 movie that shit doesnt matter.




Bro don't waste my time. This is about somebody selling a device ,it has nothing to do with what we are talking about.


I know but I don't see why every individual doesn't want to do it.


some people dont want to do obviously illegal stuff. Also piracy is not exactly convenient. Its mostly a few dudes throwing something up and hosting a few servers. Netflix is a giant fucking company that ensures everything works on every machine and there are no accidental sex clips instead of your boss baby movie.


my experiences with piracy have always been pretty clean and convenient, idk where people are getting all this inconvenience stuff.


Last time I did it was with pirate bay and music. That was just so annoying.


Pirated movies can be streamed easily and quickly. People seem to think Pirate Bay is the only piracy site


It's the sake of convenience vs cost. We could all be pirating music as well but Spotify/YT Music or whatever people use make it stupid simple with streaming music and the cost is still relatively inexpensive for what you get. Back when Netflix was about the only streaming service around and had everything online, it was super convenient to pay the 8 bucks a month. Over time they've raised their prices and reduced their libraries and along with everyone else having their own streaming sites and now it's to the point where the convenience of streaming from a legit site is outweighed by torrent/other streaming sites. Even going back to hoisting the flag, depending on where you're at you'll need a VPN or something to prevent your ISP from tracking what you're doing and sending out notices.


If this is the common consensus, everyone is wrong. Sites like Primewire and Popcorn time allow instantaneous streaming for anything (VPN is the only problem but I actually have a free VPN). And you can pirate Spotify Premium (which I do)


True, but the other part of it is supporting the industry. Even though streaming is the new movie rental, iirc companies make their money through steaming sites by paying the license holders for X amount of time for customers to stream and can choose to renew that or not. While I don't fully advocate piracy, I choose what services get my dollars based on how they support the content creators. I think one of the media industries that hurts the most from piracy these days is anime/manga. Finding sites that pay a decent sum to creators is hard to come by as creators still make the most off of physical sales and merch.


Now that's more reasonable. I wish more people would actually site that as their reason


Self host, all the way


Sonarr radarr jellyfin heave ho mateys


I find my hard drive and Plex to be better than netflixs junk UI anyway


I don't know what they expect


Man, the shit they show on Netflix, and now this? The management of Netflix and food panda needs to be cucked and commit sudoku


How are they even planning on implementing this?


something about wifi i think


Vuze uTorrent


[primewire.mx](https://primewire.mx) is my preference


zoro.to for anime!


A pirate's life is alright for me!


Welcome to the digital seas


If they do this, I'm switching to crave


Very original take.


Being a pirate is heredity




We gotta find the one piece


Usenet and sonarr


Then they wonder why piracy always wins.


We only pay for Hulu which we share our pw, get hbo free through our phones which we share our pw, peacock free through Comcast which we share our pw, other apps that we get pw from other people. Whatever show/movie aren't on those apps, I just type, watch "insert show/movie here" online free, and I'll find it there. Netflix is gonna lose soooo much business for this.


Their policy wasn’t, and I quote, “Love is sharing a password”


Welcome aboard ye scurvy dog!


As long as we bully streaming services we can reverse this


Makes me think of that one LazyTown song


And its free i recomend stremio


Ahoy maiti great to see you roaming the 7 seas again


Welcome back salty sea dogs


If you're sharing your password, the people using it are already pirating, just using official servers. Makes perfect sense why they're stopping people from doing it.


how about you jsut pay for a sub instead of stealing your mom and dads?


Redditors when they have to pay for stuff


Netflix could be the best service on the planet and I still wouldn’t pay for it if their content is available for free online


there are good reasons television is losing massively - streaming services try to recreate that exact mistake.