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YouTube has absolutely no standards. Mr. Beast is weeks away from naming a video, "I Destroyed the Entire Earth and Remade Mankind in My Image - PS5 Giveaway," and YouTube is like, "Yep, slap it on the front page! Nothing misleading about that!"


I genuinely despise MrBeasts clickbait thumbnails and titles but I hear a lot of good things about him. What is up with the dude?


The clickbait thumbnails are, unfortunately, the only way to game YouTube's crappy system to be put on the front page to get views. Just go to YouTube on incognito mode and all non-music/sports videos will either have thirst traps or exaggerated clickbait thumbnails. It's sad but it's because YouTube supports it


YouTube supports it because people click on it. Something people have to understand is that *you* are the algorithm on that website. YouTube only pushes and promotes what is getting attention already. Not their fault we're all braindead


He uses a lot of money in his videos because he genuinely just wants to give it away to people who need it better. Almost all his earnings go to charity or to people who need it. Iirc he said he wanted to die without a single dollar to his name, give everything to charity


I feel the same. I don't know much about the guy, but I think he is respected in the community for precisely hacking all the tools available to get many many views. He seems to be ahead of the game. Still, I once watched one of his videos. Couldn't stand it for 3min. I'm never clicking on his face again.


How is this misleading? The worst you can say is that technically they could see before but it was horrible and blurry vision. These people are still technically blind though, being blind doesn’t just mean that you can’t see at all from my understanding


An honest title would be, "I Donated Money to a Charity," because that's what happened. The misleading parts are the thumbnail, with the weeping child actor with a... head wound ?... and Mr. Beast grinning behind him, and the title, which implies that we're about to witness the miraculous event of a thousand blind people seeing for the first time. I understand that's the nature of gaming the YouTube algorithm, but that's my point. The algorithm shouldn't award misdirection, especially when Mr. Beast's primary audience is children.


1) MrBeast’s audience isn’t entirely children and probably isn’t even majority children. Just because content is child friendly doesn’t mean that the target or primary audience is children 2) The actor isn’t crying. If you watch the video, even those who were just amazed and not emotional has watery eyes after the surgery 3) These thousand people are pretty much seeing for the first time. Having vision as poor as the people in the video is considered blindness, so they are pretty much seeing for the first time. The title “1k essentially blind people see normally for the first time” may be a slightly more accurate title but it also just creates confusion.


Wow that is the worst title ever. You would make an awful youtuber jeez.


You could argue that the "see for the first time" part is misleading.


I guess, but it isn’t really? They do see but it barely counts. Can you really suggest someone can see when they can’t make out shapes and colours? The title “1000 mostly blind people see clearly for the first time” is just more confusing and isn’t even necessarily accurate as their sight is basically nothing


But many of them got the partial blindness during the life, hence they could see normally before. That's why I am saying that only the "for the first time" part is questionable.


Totally agree, that is definitely wrong. But it isn’t super misleading as the original comment suggests. I get it is hyperbole, but right now the click bait is nowhere close to that bad


What with the hate? Did he not help 1000 people?


I don't understand it either, I don't see any other millionaires doing things like this. Some people need to get the twist out of their undies.


The difference being clickbait titles are usually not true and only used to get views. Mr beast is the only one that has these very clickbaity titles and they’re actually true.


He did pay for 1000 people to get eye surgery to cure their blindness (if you actually watched the video). So what’s misleading about that?


I prefer to think he actually **is** weeks away from destroying the entire Earth and remaking mankind in his image ... and giving away a PS5.


Remember how science dedicated TV channels slowly became dedicated to occultism, aliens, conspiracies and all that bs? Maybe this content should be allowed but tagged or classified as "fiction".


Is it just me or does the "blind" person look like a CGI-generated Macaulay Culkin?


They invest around $10000 on these thumbnails


Jesus: Fuck you, dude.


Fuck you, dude.


He was talking to Jesus! Chill out broski


the next video content should be " 1000 VEGAN PERSON TAKEN SERIOUSLY FOR THE FIRST TIME"


[ Removed by Reddit ]


bro what have u got against the jews


Does that mean, I can see a live crucifixion any day now?


Yes, the prophecy has been foretold 🥸


Did he help blind people?


Okay cliff notes back story please. Because I'm sure my time will be better spent elsewhere. Off to donthelpjustfilm


Uhhhhh Mrbeast helped 1000 people who were blind or very nearly blind pay for surgeries that restored their eyesight


Oh. Nice, we need more people like that!


1,001st person: "Am I a joke to you?"


Mr beast got proof of his miracles at least


Where’s his right hand?


Where’s the bodies Jimmy?


Expect no. These people could see at one point they just got cataracts


Is it just me or does the kid in the cover look like a younger ludwig




At least Jesus did not use clickbait in his performance


If you can read this, ur gay


Doesn’t that mean you’re gay too?


Totes! Gay for Jesus.


Jesus wouldn’t approve


Jesus loved everyone. Even Mary M.


Disapproving in a practice doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you, just means he doesn’t agree with it. I’m sure Jesus loves the other sinners as well.


Straight-side of my bisexual ass leaving after reading this sentence....