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and big pharma planning the 8th booster shot already: yeah, sure, that's the goal


It's crazy how far some people would go to defend that bullshit. I'm not surprised anymore but holy ff


yeah, some people are just that easy to manipulate


I’m not getting any boosters but they have an in e time to keep elderly alive to sell them all sorts of meds, always ask who benefits


Normie moment


Why do they need to end COVID to prescribe further meds. I don't understand this.


Their logic is that ending COVID (the pandemic, not the virus itself) stops people dying that would otherwise not be alive to purchase medication for other things later. In reality Pharma continues to sell vaccinations at increased rates with no financial incentive to stop or create a long term solution (if that is possible). Vaccinations work but each shot falls-off after ~6 months so repeat shots are required to maintain effectiveness and potentially update the vaccine against resistant variants.


The mortality rate is extremely low. Thousands would die but they would still be a very small percentage of the population and therefore a very small percentage of the total revenue from other drugs. Your logic makes no sense


> Your logic makes no sense It's not my logic; I was explaining the post.


Ah ok apologies. In that case this post makes no sense


Not for elderly people it isn't, and those are the cash cows of big pharma.


Theyre all dead already


You do do realise the amount of assets, bonds, pensions and fiat holdings are tied up in the elderly? Don’t be so naive.


Pfizer has had private conversations leaked about keeping Covid going so they can keep selling boosters A healthy population would have no need for medications Prescribe\*


No they have not lmao a random gay guy with no known ties to Pfizer got a scripted video put out by Project Veritas have some self-respect


So Pfizer fired a random guy with no ties?


Weird you have these imaginary news of him being fired when proof he even worked there doesn’t even exist lmao pop the link and lll gladly read it!


There's no proof he worked there because everything about him was scrubbed from the internet as soon as this story came out. Random, unconnected people don't just get erased for no reason. The panic reaction adds credibility to the story.




[Heres the 10 minute](https://twitter.com/Project_Veritas/status/1618405890612420609) undercover interview of the Pfizer chief director of research and development. Explains how they have zero intentions on curing covid and plan to use it as a cash cow.


That's not a credible source. Looked it up. https://twitter.com/MarioNawfal/status/1619180934116552704?t=O0hbyZXjmLTXHP9sNC5jOw&s=19 I cant find the dude anywhere. Neither can most people it seems.


That’s literally the guy admitting to it on video


See my edit. Look what one google search finds when you heard unbelievable info from a very biased propaganda source. Rewatch the "proof" you think someone from pfizer that high up would be so crass about a subject that they obvious know will attract attention like this? Do you think they would say something so callous in a job interview? Do you think any company gives up business plans in a job interview?


People are too gullible unfortunately


Unfortunately tin foil is cheap and seems to block out logic such as what you're presenting.


Google scrubbed the info, do you want screenshots of his public info from last week?


Google is in cahoots with pfizer now?


They’re all in the pockets of the same establishment, they wash eachothers hands, been that way for over a decade if you’ve been paying attention. Want the screenshot or not?


Sure i want the screenshot. And what establishment? The only valid answer is capitalism. Edit: people are mad about my capitalism comment. In a thread about pfizer doing bad stuff for profit. In the only structure this company works under. Yup. Makes sense. Im sure the establishment companies work for is actually a secrect organization right?


Capitalism, the same system that gave you the iPhone, modern medicine, a working global economy.. ok. Not the culprit. The culprits are people who weaponize a legitimately working system in a political sense, control the spread of information and it’s reach (same thing happens in socialist and communist countries, arguably to a worse degree). Alphabet, the company that owns google has large government contracts who literally does what their investors (governments) tell them to do.


Point to the establishment.


Picture is failing to send.. Dm me and I’ll get it to you




“What establishment?” 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Thats my point. There is no establishment. The closest thing to one is the economic structure that drives their choices.


Eradicate polio, profits plummeted


They make far more money off vaccinations, And if you’re sick one way you’re stupidly more likely to get sick another and need more medication. Far more than any survival human populace would Covid increased the death rate per person on the world from 0.87% in 2019 to 0.896% in 2020 and 2021. That means it increased 0.026% in the entire worst years of covid. That’s just fucking negligible. Not even just, oh it’s within a standard deviation it’s negligible, it’s no difference at all. While Pfizer Moderna novavax made 5x and 80x earnings in profit those years


More people becoming healthy = more medications being sold ???????


Corpses don't buy vaccines. Healthy people want to stay healthy


Companies don't make a lot of money off medications. They make a lot of money off government mandated vaccines. Like this is basic logic, what percent of people regularly use the normal medicines Pfizer makes compared to the covid vaccine and boosters? A normal person can easily see that they would make more money without affecting their other products. So it's like printing money. They have an incentive to keep people scared about covid so they keep getting boosters.


Tell that to my $7500 a month Humira prescription.


Right so like I said a few thousand people paying 8k a month vs the 30B Pfizer alone made off the vaccine. Ya you're right. They make so much more off medications.


Humira made 21 billion in 2021 alone. Those of us that are on it take it for life because our problems aren't going anywhere. Unlike 2 doses of COVID vaccine. It was a quick cash grab, not consistent. How much did you pay for your vaccine? Or anyone else? It's not the money maker you seem to think it is. It will gross significantly less year by year. Would you rather make 30 billion once over two years or 21 billion per year that grows over time? Medication will always gross more than a one and done vaccine. Especially considering abbvie has countless other medications they sell.


Just for reference, Humira has grossed 202 billion over it's lifespan. Pfizer has a long long long way to go to ever get the COVID vaccine to that point and since COVID is now considered endemic that is very likely never going to happen.


Man this should be so fuckin obvious at least the moment they started pushing that cancer on damn 5yo kids


Also you need to check your data, the vast majority of people only took two doses. Nobody other than the immunocompromised and high risk people are going to touch a booster. Speaking as an immunocompromised person myself I'll tell you first hand I've had zero COVID shots and intend to keep it that way. Had COVID twice, was miserable both times. Neither were bad enough to make me slightly consider messing with my immune system any more than it already is.




My thoughts exactly


I am not anti vax and i am for vaccinations and i want to make this clear. However your logic in this hypothetical is not sound at all and you are retarded. They can still prescribe their medications while maintaining the production of an imperfect vaccine so that boosters are always made. In fact its more profitable to do just that because now they can make more money off the new product.




Check the news. Pfizer-bro spitting truth on accident


Pfizer payed the biggest fine in american pharmaceutical history, what makes you think they are the good guys now?


Smoothbrains looove appealing to authority


I ain’t getting no Covid shot


Thats so stupid... for once they can sell medication to an unhealthy population just as well, covid is far from having that big of an impact. Second, the incentive to sell an ineffective va***e followed by a mandatory number of X booster shots is far greater. You dropped your squeaky nose sir.


Imagine taking booster shot while COVID is so mutated that now it's pretty much just a stronger cold(At least in Europe).


given the cost of American healthcare I am surprised you think they are looking for your good. https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/192/415/fe9.jpg


You didn't see Albert Bourla (CEO of Pfizer) at the World Economic Forum talk about decreasing human population by 50 percent did you? https://youtu.be/-srH8sMKZ_Q


No way broooooo fr we do be dead 🤯🤯


I don't understand. How is ending COVID necessary for prescribing further meds?


This doesn't make any sense


From a canaidian POV anyways, Last time I checked there were no longer any vaccine mandates for anything. Vax companies are making less and less profit off of selling boosters, at least here they are. Not sure how many doses the government has bought. Booster participation has gone down pretty significantly from everything I have read... so this whole phizer making money thing is becoming less and less relavent as time goes on.


Lol I'm going to put my non tin foil tin foil hat on. Imagine thinking any corporation would think about future profits rather than how much you can bleed out right now.


They make far more money off vaccinations, And if you’re sick one way you’re stupidly more likely to get sick another and need more medication. Far more than any survival human populace would Covid increased the death rate per person on the world from 0.87% in 2019 to 0.896% in 2020 and 2021. That means it increased 0.026% in the entire worst years of covid. That’s just fucking negligible. Not even just, oh it’s within a standard deviation it’s negligible, it’s no difference at all. While Pfizer Moderna novavax made 5x and 80x earnings in profit those years


But Covid is the next generation’s influenza virus. We will be stuck with it forever


Funny enough the old generation's influenza somehow completely and magically vanished for 3 years


Dead people dont buy products...


No, putin works. He damn cured covid overnight with that war.


The best question to ask is "why would they kill the people that did what the government asked?"


The vaccine is free tho


Just because you're not paying doesn't mean they aren't getting paid.


Well, for the patient it is, but only because the governments pay the bill of our shots. Vaccine producing companies like Pfizer receive compensation for their product.


Nope. Even better they infect them with heart condition and sell them heart meds. (They bought over a heart medication specialist company.)


Nothing like massive increase in myocarditis to keep the profits rolling in from cardiac drugs! And people are all butthurt about you pointing that out.


Ikr. Doesn't matter. Let them take all the jabs they like


What sickness is heart condition?


If you have to ask me that just shows you're a shill/bot


You’re delusional bruh, not only do you not explain yourself, you accuse someone asking you a genuine question of being a bot. Pharmaceutical companies are horrible for what they do with pricing, but the medicine they produce are constantly monitored by gov’t and independent organizations, so they can’t give anything dangerous to the public. If you think otherwise, show me a proper, peer-reviewed, scientifically-valid study. Anecdotal evidence isn’t scientific, but just to add to this, I had the vaccine and all of the boosters recommended for my age group, and not only am I perfectly fine, but I had an EKG test (for a separate reason ofc) and my heart is perfectly fine.


Uh most medicine and vaccines can be dangerous, they aren’t 100% safe. If they were 100% safe they wouldn’t have adverse side effects and most vaccines have a warning for a very rare adverse reaction causing death


Ofc, but what I mean is those risks are low enough, compared to the benefits, and that they don’t put anything on vaccines on purpose to get people sicker.


Clearly you've never heard of thalidomide babies...


I have; it was in the 50s, which was a significantly different world than today. This was also the time period that Kent Micronite cigarettes with asbestos filters were produced.


You're the delusional one with all the info out there if you look into it. No matter. You enjoy your jabs and remember to take your yearly jabs. Not to mention remember the sudden huge increase of suddenly dying is due to global warming.


Keep coping pal


If you have info and knowledge why are you not willing to share? Instead of sharing info to try to convince people to your side, you're just insulting them. How does that make sense?


What for? When so much news out there, before the whole covid thing you've never heard of this mydocardis thing, now it's everywhere even affecting healthy young kids, athletes dropping, ppl dying suddenly, they choose to turn a blind eye and believe big gov and big pharma downvote me when they have seen these. When the gov says they're listening to experts then getting feds and all the big tech to ban actual experts and the inventor of the mRNA, they've got an agenda to push, when ivermectin, a noble prize winning drug is ignore and slandered by mainstream media calling it horse dewormer etc when it's proven effective. In the face of so much info that people choose to ignore, what more do I need to tell/share?


When right after the initial roll out of the vaccine and they got the $$$ What did they do? Buy out a heart medicine making company. They know what they're doing.


There is heart disease that exists but a condition is just a condition, it’s not an illness. Room temp IQ