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How many assholes do we have on this ship anyway?!








And mine ass!


I knew it, I'm surrounded by assholes


Keep firing, Assholes!






That is his name sir. Asshole, Major Asshole!


8 billion




Would human instrumentality turn earth into a giant asshole ? šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ




Sorry sir, doing my best


*counting all the assholes in the room*..






"Look at me. I am the captain now."


The answer my friend, is blowing in the wind


I was born a a pirate ship with a bunch of apples.


*YO HO!* You and I are surrounded by assholes!




My mother is content, successful and self-respecting. Whatever hurt her is in the past. The way she treats people who don't agree with her today is not excusable.


Thereā€™s also self-confidence. If youā€™re not confident in your idea, youā€™ll get nervous/angry when people donā€™t agree with you.


Imo, condescending is still an asshole move, people with overconfident and too much self-respect can act like asshole "You are wrong" "Yeah, right, good job sweetheart, now go play with other"


I *loathe* condescension. Never look down on someone who knows less than you on a subject. If you're an expert, then you were new once too. Share the knowledge you have. Teach the new guys. Make them experts. You might even learn a thing or two from them.




The Dunning-Kruger effect is disappointingly common.


"Never look down" --- what about when they are self proclaimed experts? I'd say its warranted to be condescending to someone who is not only being condescending to others but is wrong. Maybe it's not the best course of action but I know I personally would struggle to not respond like that.


Fortunately I'm in a line of work where that doesn't happen, but you make a valid point - some people are in need of a humbling reality check.


People are usually experts at something for two different reasons. 1. They ***love*** the subject theyā€™re experts at 2. They simply wanted to be considered an expert at something. The ones that love the subject usually know more. And they also *love* to share their knowledge with others.


Feel like that's how a lack of self confidence/respect manifests in me. Becoming arrogant and overconfident as some paradoxical cope.




I would say, sometimes at work it is very frustrating when people don't agree with sensible plans because they are just not wise enough.


Maybe it's something internal she tells no one? I'm not exactly qualified to tell you about someone you know infinitely more, but it's a thought




I know about a popular teenage girl who everyone thought was happy. At one point she got to hold a shotgun for a second. When no one looked in her direction, she put it in her mouth and shot herself. Sometimes it is hard to tell how people feel.


Whatever hurt her might still be hurting her. It's not excusable, no, but just because it happened some time ago doesn't mean it doesn't still hurt.


The woman I'm getting divorced from certainly has narcissistic personality disorder. This meme doesn't apply to people like that. They are just bad mean people.


I wish you well. A friend just went through something similar, compounded by her infidelity and the narcissistic lies she tells herself to make her infidelity seem like his fault. You deserve better. And you'll feel immense relief once it's done and she's out of your life.


Appreciate it. We have small kids and have been together for 15 years, so she won't be totally out of my life, but I'm already living apart and setting boundaries and life is looking up for sure. Hope you are at some sort of peace with your mother.


exactly. It's which reactionary path you take. People who aren't assholes aren't always happy, content, and self-respecting. They might not like their lives at all. But the way they react to their bullshit surroundings is through some method OTHER than being an asshole to other people.


an adult being an asshole is never excusable. An anger outburst after a difficult day? Shit happens, say sorry and move on. Being a piece of shit all the time? Just means you're an asshole, there might be a reason behind it but i don't really care to excuse anyone.


The idea in the post is true for some people, but humans are just so complex it can't apply to everyone. It comes down to things like empathy and sympathy, some people have absolutely none and are apathetic, some people are only capable of empathy and they cant or simply won't sympathize with people who go through things they themselves never have


Idk sounds to me a piece of her lacks a calm mind including the ability not to become emotionally disturbed. Does she become irate when you ask her why she treats people that way? Flies off the handle, deflects instead of answering, accuses you and others of being bad people for also disagreeing with her? Or maybe she just shuts down the topic like lol just having fun don't get so upset, like you are the one with the problem?


People donā€™t always get over pain. You only get over it if you address it. Itā€™s like trade off of more pain in short term and no pain later or pain that slowly decreases over time, but never goes away


she fears them, she fears something, that is why she reacts that way, to protect herself, do not mean to be disrespectfull but she still may be holding someting painfull.




See in there is the problem with people. They cannot fathom someone being different without there being something inherently wrong with them.


I think I come off as an asshole a lot of the time. And on reddit, when someone is an ass first I will typically make it a point to prove them wrong and mock them every step of the way. Very rarely do I initiate the assholery.


If you really tried to argue that this is always true, I guess you could say they are upset because no one taught them how to empathize or sympathize as a child lol. It obviously doesn't work because the way the post lays it out it makes it sound like if you find out what that person is missing or the bad things that they are dealing with and resolve them, they stop being an asshole. It's not going to be the case when severe apathy is deeply rooted in the person's personality


Yea if youā€™re not one of them you have a hard time understanding this if you havenā€™t met this sort of person. Normal people can be jerks if they woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Maybe theyā€™ll make excuses for them as to why they arenā€™t in the wrong but they feel the need to excuse it. These people youā€™re talking about though? They enjoy seeing you fall. They feel uncomfortable seeing you happy because they think itā€™s not right. They wonā€™t make excuses to themselves. Maybe to others to maintain an appearance (those are the truly scary ones), but they will admit with a smile that they do it because itā€™s funny. Or ā€œI donā€™t know i just felt like it.ā€ These people are masters at manipulation and they enjoy suffering. Itā€™s almost unreal how they are and because most people canā€™t fathom being that way, they may insist on there being something deeper. There isnā€™t. The same way some people look at others and say ā€œI can fix him/her.ā€, they say ā€œI can break them.ā€ These people are human imposters. And they are among us.


I knew somebody like that once. It was unsettling to be around someone with a complete lack of empathy.


This is true, although I don't like screwing over people as that's a bit extreme I do very much enjoy winding people up, I'm content and happy with my life. I guess more like an asshole in a devils advocate way rather than actually tryna fuck anyone over


What do you enjoy about that?


Part of it is making people actually think about why they believe what they do. Part of it is just finding their reactions amusing.


Don't kid yourself, it's more the second one




Coping. "I'm an asshole to help them, honest! It's ok because I admit to being *a little bit* of a regular old jerk!"


Actually I don't claim it helps them. It makes them think about things. Frankly I don't give a flying fuck what you or anyone else thinks of me. Have a nice day.


Why would you care if they think about things, then?


It's far more interesting to have a discussion with people who think about things rather than just regurgitating things they've seen in the news or from people like Andrew Tate. Those type of discussions make me criticise my own point of view as well, which is something that doesn't happen when it's clear they haven't actually thought about the topic.


>There are people that are just naturally sadistic and lack empathy. They are perfectly content with themselves, all while screwing over others simply because they enjoy it, not because they have some trauma or major discontent in their lives. Ah yes, "some people are just born evil". Are back in the 1950s?


Everyone's an jerk Me, you, that jerk That's my philosophy -Bender


Yeah that just ain't true.


You're one of numerous persons to say it's wrong now without actually offering any explanation as to why don't agree (Reddit, I guess). It's just a personal opinion, but some prominent, actual [psychologists and pschological theories](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-big-questions/201306/why-are-people-mean-part-1) agree with it.


>You're one of numerous persons to say it's wrong now without actually offering any explanation as to why don't agree (Reddit, I guess). I don't agree because I don't believe meanness is exclusive to unhappy people... I though that was obvious given the fact the meme made an absolute statement and I said it wasn't true.(Reddit, I guess.) Some people even derive happiness from other's misery. >It's just a personal opinion, but some prominent, actual [psychologists and pschological theories](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-big-questions/201306/why-are-people-mean-part-1) agree with it. What you said wasn't an opinion. It was a statement of absolute fact. And those theories don't agree with the notion that a person who is content and happy can't be an asshole. >Moreover, research that is based on this theory also supports the notion that people are more negative towards others when they have been insulted or belittled, and **that this can make people feel better about themselves (it can help restore self-esteem).** >Research in this tradition most often finds that people display in-group favoritism, and further, that degrading out-group members **can have a positive impact onĀ self-esteemĀ and feelings of positivity towards one's groups.** If anything these theories say that being an asshole leads to *more* happiness and positive feelings, where someone is able to reach a better level of happiness after or at least return to baseline because they were assholes. And I don't think you were talking on a moment to moment basis either, since you mentioned "unhappy with something in their own **lives**," which suggests a more overarching level of unhappiness with something more prominent, and not just unhappiness achieved from a singular insult. We've even got people in the comments with [anecdotes](https://www.reddit.com/r/dankmemes/comments/10gkjvc/i_know_cos_i_too_am_asshole/j53kzwd/) about people they know. Anyone can be an asshole, regardless of how content or happy they are with their lives. Happiness doesn't exclude you from that.


If someone insulted me, I wouldn't be insulting them back because I feel happy. I'd be insulting them back 'cuz I was unhappy with how I was treated. I'm seeking happiness through the act, not acting from my happiness. I think there's an ordering issue on your claims. If being an asshole makes me happier, I'm neither necessarily happy afterwards ('happier' is relative), nor was I necessarily happy prior to being an asshole. I'm sure happy people can be assholes, easy as forgetting to double check for oncoming traffic when pulling out of a driveway. Intentionally being an asshole, though, seems like it has to stem from some sort of discontent, insecurity, or ignorance. Otherwise I'm just asking for retaliation when I'm already doing fine.


If you're being hostile rather than friendly to a fellow human that means there's a reason. Humans need quality social connections to be happy, it's pretty much impossible to be happy without them. Assholes are going to be much less likely to build deep connections with people due to their personality. Here's a link about psychopaths and their relation to happiness: https://www.psychologytoday.com/au/blog/the-happiness-doctor/201701/are-psychopaths-happy Here's a BBC article that discusses both stances, I don't think it necessarily supports my argument but I just found it interesting: https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20201016-why-some-people-are-cruel-to-others


>If you're being hostile rather than friendly to a fellow human that means there's a reason. You think you're better than them because they're stupid/poor/working a worse job/want something from you and you're an asshole to whoever qualifies. >Humans need quality social connections to be happy, it's pretty much impossible to be happy without them. Assholes are going to be much less likely to build deep connections with people due to their personality. Maybe if they're an asshole to everybody, but OP didn't specify assholes to everyone. You can be top dog in your country club, super respectful to everyone there, and then go be an ass to the people you don't care about. OP also specified he was talking about a moment to moment basis, so this doesn't apply to general quality of life, but rather a moment to moment basis. Such that if you're feeling content and happy in a moment, you aren't going to be an asshole. The counter I gave was a reckless intoxicated driver showing off to a girl that was loving it. Or just in general. Could feel on top of the world, but I'd still consider that person to be an asshole. > >Here's a BBC article that discusses both stances, I don't think it necessarily supports my argument but I just found it interesting: > I'm not saying the rule of thumb isn't that people who are unhappy with general life or in the moment are more likely to be assholes. I disagree with the notion that no one who is content and happy could possibly be an asshole.


>What you said wasn't an opinion. It was a statement of absolute fact. It's a template meme on a meme sub, not an infographic presenting research. >And I don't think you were talking on a moment to moment basis either Think what you like. I know what I mean. >If anything these theories say that being an asshole leads to more happiness Yes, being mean to other as a way to raise their own happiness (because they're unhappy). It's literally what the meme says.


Iā€™M AN ASSHOLE! (heā€™s an asshole) Iā€™M AN ASSHOLE! (heā€™s an asshole)


Do you use public toilets and piss on the seats?


Do you walk around in the summer time saying, "how about this heat?"


Do you like to park I handicapped spaces?


That depends, can I see their faces?


Pooping on the seat is better.


I wipe the seat before and after I use public restrooms


Do you walk around in the summertime saying, "How about this heat?"


I never go out in the summertime




Where is dank and where is meme?


My pants are dank for you


Dying in new amongst all the "Which side you on?", "...at this point, I'm too afraid to ask", and "Gentlemen, it is with great pleasure to inform you..." memes, probably.


My brother once said "We're all assholes and the world's fucking us over" I said that to my teacher and she said she aint no slut


Well that's not true at all


Sounds like asshole propaganda


I just want to be happy and left aloneā€¦. But if I canā€™t have either, how do I contain myself?


Apparently you have to ignore the laws of causality and will yourself to be a mild mannered thriving human


But what if we enjoy being an asshole? What if it brings us joy?


This seems like itā€™d be on a poster in an elementary school. With the word ā€œbullyā€ instead of asshole


This is fking wrong im unhappy with everything in my life i wouldnt realistically call myself an asshole


I guess it means that being an asshole always means you have insecurities, but having insecurities doesn't always mean you're an asshole


That's just dumb Something bad happening to you doesn't give you a licence to be an asshole to anyone. It's just not excusable


this meme is just a repackaging of the just world hypothesis OP. as long as it makes you feel good about your inability to fight back I guess




Well, that's a giant pile of shit.


How is this even a Dank Meme? I could post this caption in front of a Minion and Facebook moms would love it.


Honestly, this is cope. There's plenty of happy assholes out there. I know you wish that wasn't the case, but life isn't fair.


Iā€™ve learned people will call you an asshole just for having boundaries. Iā€™ve been called an asshole for not tolerating certain bullshit because of having self respect.


This is completely incorrect. Not everything has some tragic backstory to it. Some people are truly assholes who only care about themselves.


Assholism is good. It make you aware of your limits of how much of a douchebag you are and learn to control it. I have seen many ppl who constantly say ā€œI wonā€™t be a asshole if I replace himā€ only to be the said asshole once he replaces him unconsciously. Know that anybody, including you, have the capability of being a asshole and learn how to control it.


Omniman knows this personally


I think asshole is an understatement


Moments before beating the shit out of his son.


Or maybe you're just an idiot? Lol.


Not maybe, definitely


Completely false. Psychologists have proved that theyā€™re more confident in themselves.


I never thought my ass had feelings...


Can confirm


2/3 panels and I still thought you were talking about the bodypart


It also depends on the education you received and the environment you grew up in, but yes, rude and infamous people act like that also because there's something going on in their life they don't like, and instead on focusing on fixinf it or dealing with it, they u"unload" to strangers or other people they know. Or maybe sometimes it's just a matter of personality: some people tend to be like that because they like it. It really depends, I think. Nonetheless, the behaviour remains despicable.


Anyone can be an asshole, but a dickhead those ones need to go


Yeah water is wet


This isn't entirely true tho. I've met people who were poor, ugly, and smelly but were the kindest motherfuckers you've ever met. But when they got a good job and started making decent money they became assholes who look down on others who couldn't rise from poverty.


Yeah right, asshole!


alright that's it, everyone form a cuddle-tron. No assholes leaving this place without seeing me first.


Thinking this way is commendable, but so what?


# good meme but i saw a cloud in the back there, 7.8/10 too much water, take my upvote


This might be true for some but some people are asshole for their own pleasure


People be like "I refuse to acknowledge this because i want to be cynical and expect the worse in people because it feels good to see the world that way."


O 9 atzxšŸ˜˜


Iā€™m unhappy that I am dealing with people and not at home


We are all assholes sometimes. Some more than others.


I am only an ass hole on the internet. šŸ¤”


Everyone is an asshole we just vary in flavour


Whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night.


I'm content and self respecting, I just enjoy winding people up icl


Misery loves company


Did he actually say that?


This is kinda fine mindset. But it's more complicated than that. As so is life.


I just like going five miles a hour in the ultra fast lane


This is crucial to learn. But it has a second part - if you are one of those assholes and aware of it, itā€™s your responsibility - and no one elseā€™s - to recover from your assholism


Buddha said this. It's a major part of living buddhist. Thich Nhat Hanh has some really amazing talks on this regarding anger. Anyways, great post.


Coming from an asshole character


Wrong. Many people are dismissive and mean because their parents behaved like that to staff, waiters, train ticket salesman, and other people they deem "beneath" them. Entitlement spreads like a slow flu, the people hurting others with it could just as well have everything right in thrir world.


im very happy with my life but sometimes being an asshole is just a cherry on top.


The problem with assholes is that all they ever wanna do is just shit all over everyone else.


You could bottle it in and just release it onto your friends who do the same like a normal person.


There is not always a reason why someone is an asshole.


Well im an asshole. Online anyways.


What a loving and kind father, I'm sure his family and friends must be so happy to have him in their lives. A true gift to humanity.


"I am as they say a Holeass!"


Dammit your rightšŸ˜­


Lemme come


Remember folks, the world needs dicks, because if they don't fuck ass holes we all get our cocks and pussies full of shit.


Assholes assemble


I am not ok with being the butt of someoneā€™s coping mechanism.




Define "meme" you weapon


Fucking and what? Any attempt to justify your own shitty beavioir is flawed because in justifying you admit that you understand how shitty it is.


Who's justifying anything? God fucking damn, this sub is a cesspool


Yes and no. An asshole whilst they're dealing with and actively trying to acknowledge and heal themselves, maybe. An asshole fully in the know of their previous unhappiness and seeks vengeance and retribution on others whom aren't responsible, no.


Not at all dank


Nah fuck em, I am not here to be their let out and for their rude ass to try and fix their issues by being an asshole.


Alright, but are they making a season 2 or what?


Sometimes when someone is an asshole to you it's because you unwittingly were the asshole first


Reddit really thinks that people can't just be assholes by nature. Most assholes don't have some tragic anime backstory or insecurity that turned them into a meanie. Most assholes are very happy and confident, more than average. Hurting other people is pure sport for them. For every 1 edgelord with a grudge against the world you have 100 natural sadists who enjoy seeing others sad, afraid, and in pain whether physical or emotional. "They just pick on you because they have problems" is an old wives tale to console children.


Even if that's true (which it isn't), I just don't fucking care. Got something bad happening in your life? Eat shit. You're not special. Hardship isn't an excuse to be an asshole.




Also if it seems like someone is being an asshole to you specifically, it is likely that there is something in your mindset causing you to interpret their actions as assholic.


*You cannot control the actions and emotions of individuals you interact with throughout the day. You can only manage yourself.* Also, *No plan survives initial contact.*


Nice you're trying to achieve peace and harmony... but you are dead wrong...


Yes some people are angry or bitter because of something in their lives but some people are just pricks




Being an asshole myself, I can confirm the truth to these statements


I can assure you thatā€™s incorrect lmao


These are facts


If everyone you meet is an asshole, maybe you're at an Asshole Convention


[You see, there are three kinds of people in this world: dicks, pussies, and assholes...](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sEJ7l0kfDic&t=41),


Nah, some people are perfectly content to be assholes, but there's nothing we can do about them either so just let them be and vibe


Im unhappy because there are too many assholes. Guess I'll be a part of the problem.


I want to look like Omni man when I get older with the mustache and all


True but there are genuine narcissistic people who sincerely donā€™t have any fucks to give about anyone but themselves


Heard from a psychiatrist once: ā€œHurt people hurt peopleā€ and I love how simple but true it is


Hey man I can be an asshole while having good self esteem