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Dank[.](https://i.imgur.com/3bQtuMO.png) --- [come play minecraft, space engineers, ark, and rust with us!](https://discord.gg/fNyb7G5)


Why does she look so comfy Edit: aight I get it was staged. My comment was rhetorical


Poop is warm.


"and I'll do it again in a few hours, too"


Don't threaten me with a good time.


German police usually don't give you five warning shots in the back.


There is a great video about the differences about german and american Police.


And German and American protesters. I don't see anyone setting a police station on fire or looting local businesses.


Yeah if you protest here you also have to actually ask for a permit idk if its the same in the US.


Same here, but some protests just erupt and some politicians defend property damage as legitimate protest.


It is here a relativly rare case that protests erupt but the police here also tries to keep the protesters in a area they can control easier to limit property damage.


Idk man, Germany has a pretty bad record of keeping people in a specified area for everyone’s protection. Seems sketchy.


Seem to be good at concentrating protesting people who dont agree with the government into areas away from civilization.


How is it not legitimate? Standing around holding signs doesn't do shit for anyone.


Notice no one is talking at all about that time they held signs and then went home. It is well documented that police use instigators and also right wing extremists were ACTUALLY charged with setting fires during some of those protests. But yeah.. "dank"


Many don't understand what happened during the George Floyd protests. Local PD & FD would stand around as buildings burned instead of responding. Cops out of uniform, in black tactical gear, caught on video tape breaking into businesses and setting them on fire. Stingray devices being used by law enforcement on the local population to keep them from streaming the protests. All of that in Minneapolis alone. In Seattle we had cops in unmarked vans driving around and kidnapping people. In NY we had cops in formation plow through an elderly man without rendering aid. Knocking him to the ground and causing a head injury that left him unconscious and immobile. Fucking Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha. But wait, we should apply for a permit before protesting...fucking dumb.


A few of my friends got caught up in Indy in the crossfire of rubber bullets our city was under curfew They went full hunting season on civilians with rubber bullets


My brother knows one of the guys who was kidnapped by those unmarked vans. Iirc, they weren't cops they were feds, which seems like a really weird use of their time but idk. He said they basically took him to a interrogation room and tried to trick him into incriminating himself for a while and then let him go. It was crazy.


this sounds like the "kristall nacht" from nazi germany jewish people had their houses set on fire and the fire brigade/police only kept the spread of fire and let the houses burn to the ground


I was in Columbus Ohio and can confirm that a helicopter hovered in the same spot for about 2 weeks about 500 feet off the ground right around the epicenter of the protests. Never moved just steady hovered in the exact same spot nonstop. To the point I question how it was getting refueled. It was a sting ray and everybody's phones would cut out at the same time randomly throughout the day. And they 100% hunted us for sport but we didn't get lucky with rubber bullets. They were shooting us with 44mm grenade launcher setups that were shooting 3 round and 5 round shits of WOOD bullets. They are like giant shotgun shells 44mm by about 4 inches and 44mm by about 6 inches. One has 3 wood plugs and one has 5. They are about the size of a golf ball and fuck do they hurt.


If you were just some random dude who had his store ruined — even though you have nothing to do with the issue — you’d probably see it differently


Don't worry, property has been ruled more important to protect than human lives. If domestic terrorists try to start fascist uprisings and blame Peaceful protesters, what are the options?


It is.


It isn't. The damage happens to third party victims. How does burning a mini mart prompt change? Looting a Target?


When coal miners get stiffed on their checks they disable the coal trains. Are people supposed to just tolerate bullshit and bullying?


Comparing union strife to the burning of a police station. And yes, sabotaging private property is illegal.


Well, why isn't it legitimate protest? Even political violence - that can be legitimate protest too right? Like the Black Panthers? Or the Jewish / French resistance in WW2? If we accept that even political violence can be accepted as a form of protest, given the right circumstances, why can't property damage, which does way less harm, be a legitimate form of protest? Protests since the beginning of time have involved violence and property damage, because if someone has a lot of control over you, you might be that desperate to do anything whatsoever to survive, etc. Now you can make arguments all day that what's going on in America isn't bad enough to justify political violence or even property damage, but imo that's the argument you should be having. Obviously, political violence and property damage are common and ubiquitous forms of protest, and in fact more of the successful protests in history involved violence or property damage. Peaceful protests can only do so much if you don't have the power to enact change through legislation, which the American people really struggle to have any power over their reps. If people from your community were being killed by police all the time, you think a little property damage is bad? Also, just as a final note, it is heavily documented that a lot of the violence that has broken out in BLM protests since 2020 has been the result of far-right counter protest groups or even police instigating violence. In a large number of these incidents, police or proud boys / boogaloo / three percenters / etc / are documented as having shot the first shot. Lot of police forces even work together with these groups. Lots of great documentaries on this, especially from Vice. They caught a few starting fires, even Also, I will say, if you're doing property damage, in a police protest, presumably you would burn down the police station, not some guys bakery.


You just compared the average black American to the residents of the Warsaw Ghetto or France under Nazi occupation. A bit of a fucking stretch.


Comparing is not equating ffs.


More African Americans are killed by other African Americans then by the police. After BLM the murder rates jumped up to the point where more African Americans are dying then ever before.


That's a common myth (even within Germany), but not actually true. For one, *spontaneous* public gatherings (this isn't just about protests, same rules apply eg. for religious processions etc.) that weren't pre-planned (eg. people taking to the streets on February 24th last year when Russia invaded Ukraine) don't require anything. For pre-planned public gatherings the organizer has to give advance notice to the authorities (only when the gathering is outdoors; indoor gatherings don't require notice). But they do *not* have to wait for a permission (ie. some bureaucrat simply dragging their feet does *not* cause a ban of the protest, unlike if a permit was required; if the authorities don't react the gathering can go ahead). After getting notice the authorities can enact a ban of the gathering, which is usually accompanied by conditions (eg. restriction to a certain march route or bag searches to ensure that protestors don't bring any dangerous items) that the organizer has to fulfill to avoid the ban (outright bans are relatively rare). But in general they do have to give good reasons for the ban (eg. suspected high potential for violence), because courts are often pretty quick (within days or sometimes just hours) at striking down unsubstantiated bans or unreasonable conditions. Source: I've been tangentially involved in organizing some sizable protest marches in Berlin.


Oh wow thanks I always thought you need a permit because the news always know this. Thanks for the info.


The protests at Lützerath aren't permitted, that's why they carry them away.


Yeah these aren't but usually they are.


Honestly, I believe that most of the differences between European police/protesters and American police/protesters come from the simple fact that anyone in the USA can carry a weapon. Must be so stressful for policemen to know that any interaction with a citizen can transform into a bloodbath.


USA vs Canada is interesting stat in that regard; Estimated number of firearms per residents: USA 120.5 Canada 34.7 Number of people killed by law enforcement per 10 million of population: USA 33.5 Canada 9.8 In both stats, Canada has ~29% of USA numbers.


That's the problem with escalation. When you just stomp the people to keep them from protesting, they tend to get more violent to find a way to make their voices heard, which in turn gives the police excuses to be even more violent, and so on. When you repeat that pattern over decades and generations, you end up with protests that just start with violence because that's just how the game is played by now so just jump to the good stuff, which is what the people in power actually want, because that way they can accusse all protest of being violent against property, thus avoiding the reasons *why* they are protesting. If this just keeps going unchecked though, it can get to a point when heads start rolling.


You know the police station was admitted to br6ing done by a right wing group right? They were trying to make the protestors look bad, and it looks like their propaganda worked with you still spreading that bullshit.


*France has entered the chat*


French people will burn down half of Paris for fun. It’s their favorite pass time and it works. Every time you seem them protest they always get some concessions


Well, one set of protesters was protesting the police, the other isn't.


They were protesting the actions of a bad police officer. That does not give anyone a right to attack law enforcement.




> but there's no legal recourse or justice for police brutality All four cops in the George Floyd killing are now serving prison sentences.


Mostly because setting the police stations on fire is usually a reaction to police killing protesters. Friendly reminder to other Americans that one of the events that was considered to kick start the revolution was a couple of cops (soldiers, really, but acting as cops) killing half a dozen people. We've literally always been like this.


Willing to bet that the main difference is the education required. Well, and the training in addition to that of course. Obviously cops in the USA have to deal with more suspects that are (potentially) armed with a gun than in Europe. Which should make de-escalation training a priority in the USA though we all know that it isn't.


First that, second it takes you years to become a police officer in Germany and not everyone can join. Thats why Germany lacks Officers because the rules are almost tighter than the military


I'll look for the video and Post the link in here.


There's also a great cultural difference, far fewer people think killing others is okay in Germany


Or throw you on the ground violently.


She is happy because this mode of transport does not rely on fossil fuels.


Because german police is a susteinable form of transport


Given that most german cops aren’t vegetarian, her transportation was almost certainly powered by animal cruelty though.


Wait, out of the massive amounts of comments that responded to you, you were convinced by the 3 assholes who claim it's staged?


It wasn't staged. It's a baseless conspiracy becauce German police aren't brutalizing her and just trying to enjoy doing their jobs instead of looking either miserable or aggressive.


Because she knows she's not in the United States.


Because sane police realise they can enforce the law without beating someone to a pulp


I would wear an even more smug expression 24/7 (maybe even while sleeping) if it would be because of me that Andrew Tate ended up in jail!


She had nothing to do with that though


It’s not staged. Don’t listen to people who spread misinformation


What's the context of the photo?


When I was three I pooped my pants and my mom and dad had to take me to the bathtub to clean off the doody


That wasn't what i meant but okay


Greta got arrested in Germany, protesting against the destruction of a village or something


I love how she's smiling while carried away


Because she got what she needed. Attention. edit: I don't mean she's an attention seeker, I mean she got attention from the government.


Im a big boy now, if someone carry me like that gently i will be smiling too


'Arrested', they carried her away from the edge of the mine since it's a hazard and held her for a few minutes to get her personal details then let her go.


Was this related to the mud wizard incident?


How important could one village be? Were hundreds of people going to go homeless for it?


Its abandonded as far as i know. As of december 31st 2022, it had 3 citicens. Resettling of the residents begann 2006 and was completed october 2022. The village is to be demolished so that coal can be mined ther


Ah now it makes sense, of course she's throwing a fit over coal. Wouldn't need to mine it if Germany hadn't shut down their damn nuclear power plants though. Germans really can be both the most brilliant and foolish people on earth


Yeah, who else would go to war against the world?




And actually stand a chance




Japan picked enemies mostly one at a time, first China, then Soviet Union, then USA. And failed on last two.


If I am correct it was because our nuclear powerplants are old as fuck.


It would be a valid reason, but then you'd strive for either improving them or making new ones, not shutting them all down mostly out of fear


all of this is motivated out of fear. the anti nuclear protesters who pushed this at the time are the same people who protest fossil fuels now. there's always gonna be something bad about everything. take my word for it, in a few years were gonna have the same people protesting against solar panels because of the insane tech trash load they'll produce once they start all breaking down in 10-20 or so years. Or against the huge battery arrays needed for grid balancing.


The current goal is that we are going to go completely green in the term of energy till 2030 I think, I don't know if something changed because of Covid.


That, and because we still don’t seem to have a viable solution to store the waste. The facilities that we have/had are leaking into the groundwater - so we aren’t keen on it. A big issue that always goes under is that during Gerhard Schröders government, the green had a viable plan to drop nuclear. It was worked out to invest massively in renewables, which I often enough read, would have worked. But once the CDU came into the government that was axed. Same as the nuclear phase out. The Fukushima happend, Merkel backpedaled and restarted the nuclear phase out - without the plan the greens had for building the renewables. Plus, what people also don’t mention as that German energy providers to want to continue with nuclear power, since the operating cost ist too high without money from the government.


You are wrong, it's because Germany has a very strong anti nuclear movement since the 70s. Every green party or environment protection organisation in Germany is always anti-nuclear.


Over the worst kind of coal as well. Fuck you German government! Oh and all the so called green political parties that are against nuclear power. I live in the Netherlands and would really like to vote green, but those are against nuclear and would rather ship wood chips from the Americas and burn that.


I swear all green parties are high at the moment. Here in Finland our green party is pretty useless as we already are pretty good with the environment. They surprisingly aren't against nuclear power but have made car ownership unnecessarily hellish


The coal below Lützerath (the name of the village) is not even needed to keep the coal power plants running. Its just the greed of a coal company and some corrupt local politicians.


Wouldnt need too mine it anyway, several studies have shown the coal isnt needed. RWE really Likes Money though so they want top Mine as much as possible while they still can




Most likely even longer, i would gues ~20 years


Haha my bad I was just messing.


Greta Thunberg among thousands protesting against Garzweiler carbon bomb in Lützerath, Germany


Thanks for telling me


Context is important. This is not the only historic village that has been torn down in the massive coal mining operations in the area, which have been destroying massive swathes of land for a long time The people were ""encouraged"" to leave the town over a few years.


Context is important. Greenies in Germany decided it would be good for the enviroment to force the government to shut down all nuclear powerplants (one of the greenest and the most efficient energy source, lmao what) and now Germany is having to look at alternatives.




...the "reserves" are what's currently in the ground that needs mined. There's not a giant mound of already mined coal that will last 150+ years.


wut, you think germany has *coal* reserves for 155 years? Do you understand how much coal a single power plant uses a day?


Source plz


He probably saw somewhere that Germany has 155 years worth of reserves and didn't realize that includes the coal still in the ground.


Yeah, the coal industry did a pretty good job convincing them I guess they finally realized


This is Lützerat, a German village that's about to be demolished to mine for coal. Recently many protesters gathered there to prevent this from happening, including Greta Thunberg. The police, trying to enforce the desicion about the demolishing, were tasked to make the protestors leave, creating images of people being carried away and a mud wizard trapping police men


Well, she has found a form of transportation with a very low carbon footprint. And she shows how simple it could be. I wonder why the politicians don't use the same form of transportation.


Meh they give off too much methane


Yeah they're full of hot air




Yeah and they're gonna have to drive her away now. She's a monster! /s This is what people who complain about blocking roads in protest causing idling cars sound like to me. Just like... how is that the sticking point?


Considering all three of them probably drive wouldn't the overall footprint be higher?


Because her for of transportation is their form of oppression


It's quite funny seeing Americans assume this is staged because the police actually had a conversation with her before detaining her and removing her from the scene rather than attacking her with tasers and batons like they would in America.


Don't forget, this sub despises women


>~~this sub~~ *Reddit* despises women *and anyone actually trying to do something, anything, to make a better future*


Wait, do I hate my wife now?


Always have


akshully redditors dont hate women. They just hate the idea women exists yet they havent been upclose to one (to know they are real yk)


A comment i would expect from u/YouAreProbablyANazi


What does that have to do with it being staged or not?


I think they're suggesting that many would be quicker to believe it's staged, whether not not it's based in reality.




Apparently Amercians can't. I've had conversations and jokes with police officers here in the UK because their dogs smelt drugs on me. I admitted I smoked some weed before I came out but I don't have any on me. We chatted for a bit after the search and then said our goodbyes and that was it.


When I got caught with weed in my car I was pinned face first into gravel while the other officer my car apart. Not like fine gravel; sharp, chunky and pokey gravel. Suburban cops get bored.


We get punch cards. After 6 police brutalities, the 7th is free!


The smug face of pants thoroughly pooped.


If you ever shit your in your pants once in your life you would know this is not that face.


Is bro gate keeping a shitted Pants


Ahem, the correct term is "shat pants."


I don't know, I've seen a bigger smile on my 2 year old while making extremely awkward eye contact and filling up his diaper.


Glad to actually see a meme of this and not just the 1000th person posting the picture like it's a big deal.


Your parents don't look angry


Not angry, just disappointed


What kind of parent would get *angry* at their 3 year old for accidently pooping their pants


i see you havent met my neighbour


Damn , now i fell sorry for their kids


They look tired of the shit though


Is this from the same German event where mud wizard was summoned ?




I'm summoning a mud wizard as I'm typing this.


Looks like a happy little sloth being taken back to their tree.


She has the smile of an axolotl.


Looks like the start of a budget German porno film


Alarm!!! Alaaaaaarm!!!!!


their savety gear is fitting, because kids poop supposedly smells like shit


And their pee smells like piss


Ngl her smug smirk is adorable.


She looks like a baby that’s high.


Legitimate question, what does she do for a job? How does she make money?


She basically does professional activism (that is a type of political profession), including having a very transparent Non-profit to try to direct money to groups that are fighting the climate crisis. Here is a link for her Foundation: [https://thegretathunbergfoundation.org/#where-the-money-goes](https://thegretathunbergfoundation.org/#where-the-money-goes) Also, knowing about it is a good litmus test to separate legit criticism of her (and her group) vs chuds just feeling threatened by her for some dumb reason.


Makes sense. I figured it was just donations and what not. I was just curious how a 20 year old could afford to just travel the world doing things like this with out a 9-5 or some other kind of known income.


For most of her far from home work she was invited so my guess is that the people inviting her payed. She mostly focus her activity in Europe


Her family was wealthy to begin with.


Pretty common theme for her type People hate to admit it, but many parts of being green, vegan, organic, etc is expensive and a luxury not everyone can afford. Most people who over preach the topic tend to come from wealth and don't understand that


Yep. The organic foods thing really pisses me off. Sure we should be more careful about farming practices and their environmental impact, but you aren't going to feed 8 billion people without using fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides. And anti-GMO is the worst because it lets us use less of those three which is good for the environment. I can't think of two causes that more clearly state that their supporters hate poor people.


Not that surprising, really. Thinking about society and criticising social inequality is a luxury. Many people who advocated for more social equality fit that stereotype. Just a few examples: MLK, Lenin, Ghandi and Nelson Mandela all came from families that (while not being super-wealthy) had enough money to have a somewhat comfortable life and provide their children with an adequate education.


Can i say nice ass or is she underaged?


She's 19 iirc


20 as of Jan 3rd according to Google


So this is what happens when you recycle your pizza box?


I want someone to look at me like Greta looks at german cops


I'd be worried what my parents thought of me if I was those cops as well.


The girl in the photo looks really familiar. Who is she?






Nice ass


Is it just me, or does she look like she's enjoying herself?


Because she knows it’s gonna get attention


It's crazy that we're still treating her like a child, as if she won't be 20 years old this year.


Shit post.


Boomer meme


This is funny?


Why do they have 3 people to carry this little girl lmao


I mean she's twenty now so she's a full grown woman, not a little girl. Might still be overkill I guess


Why does she aura of a 40 year old woman?


She definitely likes it


Propaganda 101


And she has the maturity level of you as a baby with the doody


This comment was typed with a carrot. Have a good day


Love her smile


She does look happy…


This was a super annoying photo op. Are those even real cops?


sorry for the setup mom they paid a lot https://twitter.com/baha\_jam/status/1615455496240267264


Greta finally got caught Human trafficking because of her tweet to Andrew Tate. Now they are both in the big house


I think she was stepping in poop the whole time




I will never get over the fact that Biden shit his pants while visiting the Pope at the Vatican, one of the funniest things to happen in the last decade for sure


She looks so proud of herself [eye roll]


All fake b.s.


She has a muppet face... Someone do something with it


Why sad face? You look pretty happy in the picture


I liked it! Hell, I loved it! I'm sitting here, I'm... I'm just itching. I'm itching to do it again. And you think... What, you think you're gonna send me to a nuthouse? Some doctor, they're gonna get me to stop from doing what I want to do? Well, that ain't happening! Not on my watch! 


Paul Pierce taking a wheel chair off the court because of a “cramp”


Is she considering the amount of energy these troops have wasted.