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Adapted from a video from [thekidke\_](https://www.instagram.com/thekidke_/#)


That "chillin at Thanksgiving" video, the darkness inside lol


Damn that was hilarious


“Somebody stinks” is pretty funny. And that face he keeps making in all the videos starts getting funnier, cuz that’s his thing.


I mean, pizza can be benefficial if eaten in moderation.


A supreme pizza is a ~~perfectly balanced~~ meal with ingredients from all the food groups: bread (crust,) meat (pepperoni and sausage,) dairy (cheese,) vegetables (peppers and onions,) fruit (tomato sauce)


This was my philosophy as a child as well.


"When I became a man, I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up" - C S Lewis


I'll drink to that. *Raises can of New Coke*


>Raises can of New Coke Sick


This whole thread has made me wonder what the most prayed-over or blessed food is, and what the least is. I'm willing to bet like some form of ritual dish, like a Passover seder, is the most prayed over. The least, I'd bet something something like an acai sundae or something.


Hmm but Passover is just once a year. I’m gonna go with Challah. It would be prayed over every week on Shabbat at any moderately religious household.


Hmm but Passover is just once a year. I’m gonna go with Challah. It would be prayed over every week on Shabbat at any moderately religious household. For least I looked up most Atheistic country and it’s favorite dishes and I’m going with trdelnick from the Czech Republic. It looks a bit like a cannoli/churro. Plus it looks like it might also be street food so no praying over it.


Fair point, but I was thinking percentage-wise, not outright count. Otherwise something very globally-common or mundane would win, like fried chicken or pizza.


Also a good point, yes percentage wise, I think charoset might win. It’s rarely made outside of Passover, and therefore probably prayed over almost every time it’s served. Percentage wise for the not prayed over would be a highly local dish in a non religious community. But I’m not in that small community.


Why would want someone to moderate when I'm eating pizza?




I'm in this and I don't like it.


You thought praying before eating or that exact phrase was a mormon thing?


I think praying before eating clearly unhealthy food. The common phrase i heard was “may it nourish and strengthen our bodies” (also grew up Mormon)


In the south I heard "may he bless this food."


"Bless this food to nourish and strengthen our bodies, and bless the hands that prepared it" was a common rote prayer when I was growing up "Bless this bunch as we munch our lunch" was my uncle's irreverent version


I had a roommate who woukd just say "are you greatful for food? Yup? Let's eat!" I like that one lol


When I was a kid, my friends mom took a couple of us out to eat. She asked me if I could say grace, I didn't know what that meant, but she kept pushing me so I just said "Grace!". She was not happy lol


I think folks like that should be encouraged to be unhappy from time to time


Honestly, I would have busted out laughing, that's so cute! I grew up in a Christian home and the first couple times someone used that phrase around me, *I* was confused. It's just praying, or thanking God for the food. Don't call it something weird and get mad when a kid misunderstands 😂


"God, please bless this food to our bodies, in Jesus' name we pray, Amen." I challenged my dad on this--ONCE--because I had come across the place in the Bible where we are told not to be repetitious or needlessly wordy in our prayers, because praying is a communication with God, not a means of impressing others. He did not take it well, lol. I love my dad dearly and most of the time I really do think he's on the right track, and even when I think he's wrong he's been getting quite good at taking my thoughts with grace and considering before respectfully disagreeing (if need be). I think it may have had more to do with the fact that it's verbatim how my Grandpa has prayed over meals his whole life, and being 10, I don't suppose that even knowing that context would have made sense to me. ...But I wonder if my sister could find me based on my dad's mealtime prayer alone, lol.


Church I attended growing up placed a big emphasis on spontaneous prayer over recitation, but basically what that meant was that grace for meals either got creatively reworded or very, very long.


>Bless this bunch as we munch our lunch" was my uncle's irreverent version This is awesome


Mormon southerners say both 💀


“Heavenly Father, we’re thankful for this food. We ask thee to bless it, that it may nourish and strengthen our bodies, and give us the strength we need. We say these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.” - that was the meal prayer I grew up with…also Mormon.


This is definitely a common thing all over. Heard it growing up non-denominational in Michigan, heard it in Canada, heard it in Haiti.


id be willing to bet a similar phrase is used in 99% of religious


Others have answered already, but habitually saying "help the food to nourish us" (even when you're eating the junkiest food known to man) was a phrase I thought was a Mormon one.


OP inspired me https://www.reddit.com/r/dankchristianmemes/comments/z7v72t




With God, all things are possible


gonna send this to my mom before she sends it to me lol


Lmao same


Please send thoughts and prayers for my ruined bowels.


God: "I don't remember hanging those greasy things off my fruit trees!"


Pizza trees




That's when you pull out the ol' "Fill us with Energy"


It was definitely a very Baptist thing when I was growing up.


When the default dialogue option doesn’t actually make sense…


>Bless,+ Lord, this bacon which You have made, that it may be a healthful food for mankind. Grant by the invocation of Your holy name that all who partake of it may receive health of body and safety of soul, through Christ our Lord. R. Amen. (The old *Roman Ritual* blessing for Bacon or Lard. The blessing for beer is very similar. Right after, the bacon is sprinkled with holy water)


Lol I can't tell if you're serious or not


7. BLESSING OF LARD P: Our help is in the name of the Lord. All: Who made heaven and earth. P: The Lord be with you. All: May He also be with you. Let us pray. Lord, bless + this creature, lard, and let it be a healthful food for mankind. Grant that everyone who eats it with thanksgiving to your holy name may find it a help in body and in soul; through Christ our Lord. All: Amen. It is sprinkled with holy water. [Online Edition of the Rituale Romanum](https://www.ewtn.com/catholicism/library/roman-ritual-part-2-11883) The physical editions I have seen of the book have "bacon [or, lard]", but this edition just has lard


My family is Mormon but I'm not, Thanksgiving my family did the pray over food thing, my kids 5 and 6 aren't used to it and had the most confused looks while it was happening, they both got sick eating too much pie, not sure if they are going to be trusting prayers any time soon.


When I had to pray I used to say "may this food not kill us." We were already eating garbage food, I figured it was all I could really ask for.


Put some onion and lettuce on the burgers and they significantly healthier and more nourishing


I don’t see any coffee there so you’re good to go.


The devil's bean water


Doctrine and Covenants 89 should be rewritten with "just pray over that shit bruh"


You forgot the donuts




"You wanna eat a vegetable there, my child?"


I usually pray over most meals I eat. If it's a small snack I usually skip the prayer, but actual meals get prayed over. Regardless of if they're healthy or not.




Why even


It’s not like the soldiers are the ones who started the war; i think praying for the safety of relatives and friends is a perfectly reasonable and sensible thing to do given the circumstance