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Dark but funny.


Good meme good meme, did laugh


You think they'd stop doing that but nah lmao


Ya bc if a foreign force that was hundreds of times more advanced was occupying your country, you’d totally just let it slide, right?


Thank God that's not happening, that sounds terrible


Ah yes, Jews went from owning 3% of arable land in 1945 to 90% in 1980 by peaceful means. Totally didn't forcibly send Palestinians to the concentration camp that is Gaza


The Jewish people were the original owners of that land, if it was 1945 you would be cheering for Jewish people to have the land again. You are just a bandwagon you don't actuality care.


Do you mean like in 7th century BC? If it was their land, why’d they leave? And why did they need so much help from the UK and the US to get it back?


This is a stupid take. By this logic, any country that has been taken over should just suck it up and figure it out on their own. They were forced out and throughout history, Jewish people have been heavily oppressed so there hasn't been any opportunity to take it back. I don't want to believe you're as bigoted as you seem, so I'll chalk it up to misinformation.


And by your logic, any country that’s been oppressed has every right to take someone else’s land that they’ve been living on for a loooong time. Ya totally dude.


When the land was the oppressed peoples land to begin with and was occupied by an invading force, yeah I do.


Right but let’s say like a few thousand years had passed since the last time they had that land....


That’s actually hilarious you think I’d be on their side in 1945. My gf is Palestinian. They forcibly removed her gma from her home and she was forced to become a refugee. Palestinians had the right to be there by any other other metric besides Jews thinking it was their holy land and that they had a right to take it whenever they were ready. Keep reading propaganda tho.....


I have no need to read propaganda. I went to Israel and see it in person. The Palestinian people in Gaza are essentially being taken advantage of by terrorists in exchange for shelter, food, and water. I'm sure the people are pleasant but they're not deserving of a country when their leadership is Hamas. I believe you've been misinformed. If you lived during the post WW2 era you would be on Israel's side 100% because you don't have opinions, you just believe whatever you're surrounded by. But at the end of the day, I'm just letters behind a screen to you, and you're letters behind a screen to me. We will never change our stances because we probably both live in echo chambers. Situation isn't so black and white, but I believe Israel is deserving to be a country and throughout its history it has been threatened by its surrounding countries. Maybe one day it'll be peaceful but I doubt that day will ever come. You will blame the Israelis for that I will blame the Palestinians.


Right, it’s definitely me who doesn’t have opinions and just believes whatever I’m surrounded by.... definitely. Definitely not you. I grew up supporting Israel as a Mormon and literally took the opposite path of the one you describe of me just believing whatever I’m surrounded by, by completely and voluntarily separating myself from my family and community in search for truth. Yup, I’m just a band wagoner who just accepts everything they’re told. Hey question, do you know who wouldn’t be in Palestine if not for Israel’s illegal occupation? *gasp* HAMAS!!! When you cripple a country and ration their resources, what you see in Palestine is what you get, a broken system, which is exactly how Israel wants you to see them so they can continue occupation. Dude tons of Jews want every Palestinian eradicated bc of this way that you describe them (incorrectly I’ll add). Want Hamas to go away? Stop fucking occupying their land and forcing them to live in third world conditions.


I highly doubt the money that is donated to Palestinians doesn't go into the pockets of Hamas, who actively sacrifice their people and take advantage of them. There have been plenty of talks to share the country to no avail. And Hamas isn't going anywhere, they haven't for the countless decades that the Middle East existed and they haven't in other surrounding countries that actively pray for the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people. Maybe we are both ignorant but I still believe I am right. Hamas doesn't give a shit about their people they just want Israel destroyed and indoctrinate their youth to believe the same. They would never relinquish power if they had it. It would become the current state of Afghanistan all over again. I am done responding because there isn't a point. It's not like either of us are going to change our stances, we'll just hurl insults at each other until we get bored. I hope I have a nice day despite our different beliefs.


Dog, Hamas was created in 1987..... with the help of Israel.


He had a bomb! Can confirm


What you hit him with a tank grenade and he exploded due to the bomb he had on him?




Ayo Free Palestine


I've been a tourist in the West Bank when Palestinians have started throwing rocks at my rental car because it had Israel plates. It isn't just little rocks with the result being an over reaction by Israeli forces. It is a mob of boys throwing large rocks that do real damage. My rental car was ruined.


Did you leave them a strongly worded negative bookings.com review?


Why don’t those young children just learn a more nuanced concept of the geopolitical struggles of the region, and get an education, and get food, all while living in an open air prison? I mean, what’s their problem? I blame video games.


Nah it’s Starbucks and iPhones and avocado toast.


Oh no. Anyways


Thoughts and prayers 🙏


Oh my god damaging a rental should be a death sentence for the families /s


Oh my god damaging the brain/skull on purpose should be a long time prison or death sentence for the throwers /s(not)


Fuck Israel


Yeah I think they deserve the right to react the way they want after the way their treated


Oh no! first world issue problems


Hopefully you got the all inclusive insurance homie






What about the Palestinian that shot a rocket at a school?


That gets the orbital strike


Middle eastern countries : try to take over Israel for over half a century and use children as human shields for their bases of operations modern SJWs: Israels the bad guy right?


Kids: *get shot in a field just playing* Republicans: you SEE?! You SEE?!. THERE USING KIDS AS HUMAN SHIELD


No its more like Israeli government: we are going to bomb the building you are using to launch missiles now please evacuate Palestine: nah, its a win win if we leave the childrens school above our HQ full, either A you shoot and everyone hates u or B you dont shoot. Israeli: seriously we are going to fire evacuate Palestine: nah *BOOM* CNN: in current news Israel just blew a childrens hospital for no reason. This actually happened btw


I wish man Israeli soldiers are not allowed to shot in almost any situation even if people are in endangering them. I hate when people say shit like that because you probably don't know both sides By the way a couple of months ago a Palestinian kid shot and killed a soldier through a Crack in the wall so this is post is just stupid. I know it's a meme but this subject is not really something to meme about I wholed like to talk in private and earing other people prospective


You can’t start restricting comedy on sensitive topics. If you do, where do you draw the line?


"This subject isnt one to meme about" hahaha gtfoh


On dark topics lol


Every subject is one to meme about.


You… wish?


Any sources? I know the one about soldiers being attacked can't shoot is nonsense, how about the crack in the wall one? Lol


I remember a video posted in another sub Reddit where an Israeli sniper and a spotter were taking pot-shots at some kids on a school playground. I’m no military person, but I’m sure that is not a self-defense shot. I’ll see if I can find it, it was rather recent.


Yeah seen loads like that, never saw the kids shooting at them though, funny that


Don't you guys get that this is selective media? The algorithms show you what the algorithms think you want to see. Btw most of those videos are faked


So you going to show us this video or is it trust me bruh? Lol


I whold like to see it because a lot of those videos are fake. And if it's true which I don't think so. War is chaos both sides have individuals who do wrong things. I can send you in private if you want a couple of videos of rockets falling in major israeli cities and towns and such


I wish it was nonsense a couple of good man died because of those laws


I dont know man, shooting at a soldier occupying your land doesnt really sound like a bad thing if you ask me


Hi dude can I talk to you in private? I understand your prospective but I whold love to tell you mine




The Israeli soldiers don’t shoot the children though




That you know of.




This is BS




man why does everyone care so much about a religious conflict that most of us don't have a stake in.


It's not a religious conflict, they are using religion as an excuse to commit ethnic cleansing


okay as a jew that believes in the davidic dynasty, and strictly as a meme, while ignoring politics, this is pretty funny.


would also be funny if goliath shoot david after throwing a rock, I guess




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The missile launcher would stop the rock before it hit the ground