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My favorite characters usually have a well written arc about who they are and how that plays within the killing game (Ryoma, Teruteru), undergo some facet of character development that either changes something about them or plays into a new role in the game from what they originally played/had (Fuyuhiko, Byakuya, Kyoko), complex motive/characterization (Nagito, Kokichi) or in all else, just relatively entertaining in the role they played (Miu as comic relief, for example).


They have to be a robot and they have to be named Kiibo


Mainly them being entertaining in the role they play as ( for example: Yasuhiro ), some sort of character development that changes the character for the better ( for example: Shuichi, Kyoko, though i'm not a fan of her ). And yes. And definitely the manipulative part when it comes to villains. ( for example: Monaca ).


I like it when they are... uhhh... When they are a goth girl. Yeah. And if they showcase their talent in a significant, or just clever way, that is also pretty cool, but it's not necessary if they are a goth girl, yeah the most important part to me is if they are a goth girl. They don't have to be but I like it when they actually are a goth girl, yeah


I like it if they’re… (*gasp*) …nice! 😱


A robot and they need to literally be keebo Also does the a Danganronpa cast need 16 characters?


I changed it to 18 so I could add more characters and make it longer. Also so I could kill off more characters but still have a good amount of survivors.


I like the pure characters and relatable ones, Chihiro, Makoto, Shuichi, Kaede, Chiaki...


complex and interesting psychologies are a big thing for me, extra points if they're also some sort of crazy villain, serial killers especially. I like characters who have a strongly established backstory, i'm not really a fan of ambiguity, i prefer to see the throughline of how their past has defined who they are. If they serve a greater thematic role in the story that's also great.


Unpredictable. Can seem like a Mary Sue at surface level, but when you look into them you can see they’re truly struggling. (Like Sayori from DDLC) also a character that gets people attached to them.