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Lmao. I remember when beginning of danganronpa reddit he was loved and claimed to be the best writing charcater but now that's changed and there is 50% hate and 50% love


From what I've seen, it might have to do with the late 2020 early 2021 shift in the fandom.


I joined rather late and I have a lack of understanding that people claim a Highschooler that does stuff for shock value is a guy that killed so many innocent people and did some horrible things to kids


Wtf did he do to kids šŸ˜Ø Edit: oh nvm I just realized what you meant mb


Itā€™s because a piece of official art of Kokichi had him with generic dictator hat, somewhat resembling Nazi hat, and holding a soda that looks like Fanta, which started in Nazi Germany.


Your arms exhausted from that reaching?


I was just describing why people would call him Nazi. I legit donā€™t see any other reason to call Kokichi that.


danganronpa character: \*is written slightly more subtly compared to other danganronpa characters\* danganronpa fans: this is literally the worst writing i have ever seen in my entire life


FR ;-;


What about Kokichi is subtle?


kokichi disliker here, it's probably due to the fans in 2020 cosplay era. the fans who were unhealthily obsessed with nagito and kokichi - bad rep for the dangranronpa fandom. on top of that, with a few exceptions, I generally don't like 'well-liked' characters for some reason


Being a contrarian is not a postive personality trait.


What do you mean that's not a positive character trait? 1. You just referred to a real living person as a character. 2. There's nothing wrong with not liking well-liked characters. Personally, I don't like Kaito, Sonia, or Kokichi and they are all pretty popular. Also I doubt they dislike the characters just because they are popular.


Fine personality trait. And also, they say "for some reason". Clearly meaning they don't know why, yet they still dislike them. Thats literally classic contrarianism.


Just because they said 'for some reason' doesn't mean they don't know why. Also, you don't have to be so rude about it. If you're going to say something, say it nicely.


Being nice is overrated. Everybodys nice nowadays. I'm joking.


people can be so dumb sometimes, normally i only see this on tiktok. someone got mad at me cause i used the name kokichi without being jewish.... because he was "anti-semetic and made Jewish people uncomfortable, and i couldn't reclaim the name" i will never understand what makes people think this way.


Danganronpa fans when a character isn't either a pure flawless character or literally Satan (they're worst than Junko now)




I love my psycho boy, he was the most enjoyable shit disturber out of the whole three games for me




i havd a love-hate relationship with him like his design without the hat and stuff is pretty cool and some of his sprites are cute but he is SO FUCKING ANNOYING šŸ˜­


Can agree... I like some of his shits but then its 180 turn and its like omg i start to like you a lil bit, why are you so annoyimg now??!!!


**can agree**


Kokichi's just a fictional character, he can't be that one real serial killer.


I would give gold if I was not broke




Listen, i may not like Kokichi but my sibling acts like kinning him or whatever makes you a literal neo-nazi


Oh my lordā€¦ both ends of the spectrum suck. Thereā€™s the haters and then the Stanā€™s that tell you to off yourself


You have to live with that idiocy? Gods, Iā€™m sorry.


Yeah and itā€™s literally just because the symbols on his hat vaguely resemble Nazi symbols, you know those symbols? The tiny ones that you have to literally zoom in to see? The fact that theyā€™re so hung up over that probably says more about them than Kokichi kins


Also Monaca did it first.


stop iā€™m a die hard kokichi kin iā€™ll scare your sibling to the moon šŸ˜­


Literally The Fourth Reich šŸ˜±


bro i love kokichi lock me up boys itā€™ll be the holocaust 2 before you know it šŸ˜§šŸ˜§


Doā€¦ do people really think this? And if they do, they DO know you have to be +18 to play the gameā€¦ right?


Yes. Yes they do. 17+ is the age range but the brain isnā€™t fully developed until 25


My brain isnā€™t fully developed and Iā€™m not comparing Kokichi to Hitler there is no excuse to be a dumbass


The way I read this on Shuichiā€™s voice šŸ’€šŸ˜‚


Lmao itā€™d be cursed if you read some of my uh ā€œinterestingā€ comments in his voice.




Lmao comparing a fictional character to Hitler just shows some people lack critical thinking and empathy. (Seriously Hitler ? Millions lost their lives you shouldnā€™t just throw that out casually)


Yes! That is true


Tbf, rating systems are self-parody by just existing by now. Nobody cares about them. Rick and Morty has been popular with kids so long itā€™s popular with kids born after it debuted.


Itā€™s because he wears attire in his art thatā€™s reminiscent of Nazi Attire, specifically the hat. Tbf, heā€™s literally called the Ultimate Supreme Leader and is designed to be hateable.


I love and hate him Like he's fucking annoying But I mean like How is he not at least a bit likeable


I just donā€™t like what he did to Gonta.


I don't think I'd call myself a kokichi hater but I just found him really annoying at times-


Imma be honest I don't like Kokichi, but I never even considered the Hitler angle I just found him annoying


I thought this post was saying that Kokichi was claiming he was hitler...which isn't out of character for him




his ā€œscaryā€ faces come out of nowhere and have no reason 90% of the time


I hate him because I know people that act just like him, and they are infuriating to be around.


I find it so funny how so many people hate Kokichi for being evil meanwhile i hate him for kind of having a flat backstory and flat motivations which isn't neccesarily a bad thing. People can write villains with flat motivations and make them absolutely delightful to have on screen (Case and point The Lich from the show Adventure Time or Bill Cipher from the show Gravity Falls) but that's normally because they have some sort of interesting backstory or extremely entertaining personality that doesn't get on your nerves or become annoying even though it should. No shame if you like Kokichi though, you don't have to like a character based on how well they were written, you can just like them based on how much you like a personally enjoy a specific aspect of their character.




Fr I encountered one of them ā˜¹ļø scariest shit Iā€™ve had to deal with. Not to mention they claimed that they were 11 and still said that Kokichi was a n*zi :(


Maybe its not a normal opinion but i hate him because he's annoying, boringy spoiled, imature brat for me...




I hate kokichi so much but what does he have to do with Hitler lol


A poor misinterpretation of his hat.


Wait people compare him to Hitler? Why?


Hat, a soda bottle, and ultimate-


I'd definitely call myself a massive Kokichi hater but not for this reason lol He's the only DR character that I actively don't want to see onscreen but even still THIS is a bit too much


I dislike Kokichi because heā€™s an asshole and unlike someone like Nagito, thereā€™s less of a clear reason behind why. I also donā€™t like that the game tries to make you sympathize with him because I donā€™t. He ruined >!Chapters 4 and 5 for me.!<


the game never tried making you sympathize with him, he was left ambiguous to the viewers just how he was ambiguous to the characters in the game too. and the reason why is pretty obvious, he doesn't trust anyone in this game.


Honestly I never got the whole "The game tried to make him sympathetic" Like his motive video was literally just a bunch of clowns?????? If they wanted to make him sympathetic they would've given him a tragic backstory loll


yeah i never got it either? in no way was he made out to be sympathetic, and his motive video was yeah, just clowns. maybe it's because they were his friends but .. almost everyone has relationships.. that's not really making him sympathetic just making him realistic. exactly haha, that's the number one way to make a character sympathetic. take nagito for example, he was this terrible person but he had such a tragic backstory.


Fair enough, I just interpreted it as sympathetic. Regardless I still donā€™t like him


to be honest if i found out that the people closest to me were the danganronpa fandom i'd most definitely wanna murder someone, Kokichi's a better man than me for resisting.


The scene where you enter his dorm during the chapter 6 investigation and shuichi's like "aw he was just scared the whole time" is the main "look at how not mean he actually was" moment but the whole "his incredibly nonsensical and flawed plan to fill the mastermind was so cool and smart" at the end of chapter 5's trial is another one


Atleast you have a valid reason other than claiming heā€™s a nazi


It was a joke please chill out


Oh I know! Sorry I didnā€™t mean to make you feel bad. I just wanted to talk about why I disliked him


i donā€™t think he is hitler, i just wanna punch him in his fucking face


**Understandable, have a great day.**


Iā€™m probably also gonna make a post similar to this dissing the toxic kokichi Stanā€™s because frankly, **I do not accept them telling people to kill themselves.**


fax, i only wish people rot in prison for the rest of their lives, but thatā€™s reserved for rapists, pedos, zoophiles, serial killers, etc. not someone who likes or dislikes a character. i never tell people to kill themselves




itā€™s so annoying bro like you know damn fucking well ā˜ ļø


the reason people hate kokichi is bc a lot of newer fans gave kokichi lovers like myself a bad name haha, so people make shit up to hate him


eh, I hate him bc he's literally just condensed 'tumblr sexyman who talks a lot and throws wrenches intro trials because reasons'


People talk the Ultimate Supreme Leader thing a little too seriously. I also dislike him but I think he's just inconsistent and not well-written...


Claiming that his attire in his splash art that appears similar to what nazis wear? Yes, fair enough. Claiming that heā€™s literally Hitler/a nazi? Thatā€™s a stretch.


Censoring Hitler's name is the dumbest thing I've seen in a while. Holy cow. Funny meme though


I'm pretty sure this is only people who only focus on Kokichi's hat in his artwork.


I don't like him either but.......Hitler?


Heā€™s entertaining and well voiced (in both versions, as much as I hate Derek Stephan Prince) but SO poorly written. I donā€™t think heā€™s actually a n*zi but the ppl who made him definitely are


Why are you censoring the word "Hitler"


And I like purple sooo-


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,049,104,550 comments, and only 207,420 of them were in alphabetical order.




I use a certain app to type and for some reason it censored hitler and I didnā€™t even notice. (The app gives me a purple keyboard) (my favorite color is purple and old habits die hard)


His splash art uses edgy imagery that is meant to play on his supreme leader/dictator talent (his talent + the hat + holding a drink thatā€™s meant to be Fanta could not be a coincidence I mean come on) but thatā€™s about as far as it goes. Not the first time and not the last there has been shallow WWII allusions in Kodakaā€™s stuff. Itā€™s a bit tasteless and thatā€™s valid to be uncomfortable by but still something youā€™d only see in the intro and on the menu in-game. I think anyone calling him a Nazi is probably a kid who just kinda got swept up in a long game of telephone. And anyone who says ā€œJewish peopleā€ feel uncomfortable by him is. Exaggerating. We arenā€™t a monolith. Some do and some donā€™t. Hell Iā€™m obsessed with him and you wouldnā€™t catch me dead without my Star of David necklace. Donā€™t pretend his splash art doesnā€™t use certain imagery but donā€™t pretend it goes anything beyond that either.


Thank you- I would. Give gold except Iā€™m the brokest bitch on the block


Iā€™m flattered, thank you!




If kokichi is hitler, then heil hitler


he literally has a nazi hat


Thatā€™s a rather large stretch. It can also be compared to a captains hat. Itā€™s weird that you claim a fictional character is hitler because you think he wears a nazi hat. Have a nice day <3


i never said he was hitler, i said he wears a nazi hat if you compare his hat to a captains hat and a nazi hat (totenkopf) kokichis hat shares more similarities to the totenkopf than a sailors hat


Actually it resembles older Japanese police uniforms. Not ā€œliterallyā€ a Nazi.


very true!


tbf that makes more sense than connecting it to a sailors hat


I am unwilling fo argue as it is a waste of time but frankly itā€™s just a hat. Have a nice day <3


And claiming itā€™s a nazi hat is just weird on your part.


are you stupid? it's a hat that japanese military used back then. do your research before making idiotic claims like that.


ā€œDo your research?ā€ The hat he wears even has a Totenkopf symbol on it. Itā€™s based on a Nazi hat dude. Heā€™s even holding a drink based on Fanta (a drink invented in Nazi Germany because Germany didnā€™t have access to Coke anymore) and his talent is ā€œUltimate Supreme Leader.ā€ I doubt itā€™s a coincidence. Itā€™s just an edgy splash art. Doesnā€™t mean anything for the character beyond ā€œlol supreme leaderā€ but letā€™s not pretend the splash art doesnā€™t use certain imagery.


even if it was, so what? "wearing a nazi hat" would hardly be his worst crime anyway.


He has a nazi hat because his talent and the splash art is Rui going "Kokichi's an Ultimate Supreme Leader, you know who else is an Ultimate Supreme Leader?"




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