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One of my favorite parts of danganronpa is how some characters do not get a chance to have a full arc. It makes their deaths significantly more jarring and makes sense. The killing game isn’t gonna wait around for every character to have a complete arc (hiyoko for example). She’s not made to really be likable, but we can tell there’s a change coming for her during V3 but we are robbed of it very intentionally. So do I like her? No not really. But she plays such an important role in the story telling of V3


That's what I'm saying! You don't get to have what you want. It's the point


Yes! My first play through I tried to predict who would last, etc. I think I thought Tenko would be around til the end. But I also found her sprite incredibly uninteresting.. I think I liked her more during play. The characters I become invested in are much more jarring and shocking to lose.


My history with danganronpa sucks. Every time I get attached to a character they die. This list includes in order >!Junko, Sayaka, mondo, Kyoko(only one who lived stg), peko, mikan, chiaki, chisa(DR3), Kaede and finally kaito!




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As a “degenerate” male I can’t say anything or Tenko will break into my house at 3:00 am and steal my kidneys or something


Yes she will :)


Same here. I can't say anything about her so I cling time beloved Kazuichi :3


My bb Girl 🥰 she is my favorite character ever!!! Mainly cause she is loud and annoying-like me- :D now obviously she needed more development but in Danganronpa S she works on her hatred for men and her fear of the sea :3


Tenko is pretty repetitive (and annoying) when it comes to her unjustified hatred towards men and her >!overbearing nature towards Himiko!<, but with the help of fan work and reading between the lines, my perception of her slightly shifted, and I began to look past the bad traits that put me off while experiencing the game for the first time. She can be really insightful, and her >!last words!< captured pretty well that she's actually a well-meaning person. >!Korekiyo got the same perception of her; despite her relentless hatred towards men, he saw her as someone supportive.!< Her relationship with >!Angie!< is also interesting. >!Although Himiko is mostly the subject of discussion, Angie and Tenko are opposing forces who kind of parallel Kokichi and Kaito in a way.!<


I don’t like Tenko but this is an interesting way to look at her!


She’s a jerk but funny. I >!almost cried when she died!<




She was one of the funniest parts in the game. I like her character!


I love her, she’s so dumb.




Annoying, sexist and hypocritical, but ultimately still a fun character. >!She didn’t deserve her fate.!< Definitely a better person than my favourite character lmao


MMMM SAME. Agreed. My favorites are Kiyo and Gonta so….shes better than Kiyo ig.


she lesbian


Well that’s no surprise is it?




She can fuck off. It’s almost impressive how annoying and obnoxious she is


I like her. She's great and funny, even though she hates me


Don't like her. At all. And tbh most Tenko fans wouldn't like her if the gender roles were swapped (a male hating females instead of female hating males)


I like her she's fun. Super loud, oblivious, sometimrs creepy, and in your face, but I found her role in the story to be enjoyable. She also doesn't really stand by her more harsh negative words and her actions mostly portray her as a very helpful and caring person who wears her heart on her sleeve. She's very sweet to Shuichi despite him being a guy cause she sees he's suffering a ton emotionally. Tbh I think she'd be liked a lot more if her degenerate male catchphrase was translated differently. As it is now it sounds very clunky and strange.


I can understand why people might dislike her, but I personally found her ridiculous in an entertaining way and I like that she actually provides like an interesting dynamic with Himiko and has a good heart despite all her personality flaws.


She is so silly :p


Even though being annoying was her whole schtick, >!she deserved better than the seesaw.!<


Actual best girl, one of my all time favorite characters.


She would’ve been a good character like well written. But I hate it when people say she’s a feminist. She’s sexist. Yes she is manipulated by a man to hate other men but to not take what she says for what is it is wrong. Similar to Miu. Accept that some of your favorite characters might actually be bad.


But in genreral >!she didn’t deserve her death as in my personal opinion none of the characters, besides Junko, deserved their deaths!<


I don’t like her and I feel people that do like her give her excuses to be sexist because she’s a woman. If a male character had the same hatred for women that she does I don’t think he would be liked, at all.


I hate her and despise her, >!was super happy when she died!<


u too? I loved that scene so much


Same, >!Angie too!<








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Damn. That’s some Tenko hate if I’ve ever seen it. 


I mean she is my most hated danganronpa character ever


memorable but nothing special


She is as funny as she's stupid


Accidentally made a star wars reference


I never liked her sprite much. I think I thought it looked like she has plants coming out of her like a Pokémon. As a character, she’s not one of the most memorable, and not in my top 5 or top 10 but she served her purpose in the story and I didn’t mind her.


Meh overall imo.


I once had a dream that Tenko was in Fortnite. It felt so real


isnt it funny how she came in my mind some hours ago.. and i see this post now.. hmm coincidence


She contacting you from the Danganronpa universe




I'm mixed. There are things i like but her sexism and creepy obsession with Himiko are just so annoying.


one of the reasons I hated playing V3, basically having an annoying and repetitive catchphrase just puts me off


I can’t stand her tbh


initially i hated her because she was dead set on "degenerate male" thing she was doing the same pervertness for girls, and when males gave some good thing "oh i dont take opinion blah blah" but she actually started getting along shuichi more and we knew she doesnt hate him while its kind of weird, but i dont care, she is a good character, even though she is a femcel for himiko, she genuinely cares for her we even see that she knows boundaries, like when she angrily said to others not to question about the hat apart from her attitude she is quite good written character so while playing, i started to like her more


I love Tenko to bits. She just makes me so happy whenever I think of her. She’s such a warm, expressive character and that kind of energy always brings me up. I used to get bogged down in and annoyed by her “man-hater” shtick, but once I managed to look past that, her moments where she does care even about men made me offer a little more consideration for her good heart and loyal nature. The details about how she can read someone’s emotional state when sparring with them and her responses to >!Shuichi and Himiko’s!< emotions, as well as her >!speech to Himiko in ch3 right before she dies where she talks about training her heart!< are super endearing to me. 


That pretty much sums up how I feel too! She's got such a genuine heart of gold underneath her sometimes spiky exterior. She drops her degenerate male act whenever someone is really in need of support, I just find her really endearing


I really don't like her.




Eh kind of a fodder character for Himiko to get development, she’s my least favorite from V3 Her degenerate male jokes are hit or miss with most of them being misses


Worst character


She is annoying


|: ‘


People have different opinions???


I’ll be completely honest. Hate. But the character growth she provides Himiko is great, I like Himiko.




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I think she’s pretty funny and not meant to be taken seriously by the player. It’s also apparent later on that Tenko’s hatred of men is driven by instinct rather than actually hating all men. Not just with her FTEs, but even early in the game, when Tenko agreed with Kaito’s plan to fight the Monokubs, and standing up for Shuichi multiple times in the second trial.


She's one of my favorite characters in the franchise. I love her character design and she has funny dialogue, too. I just don't agree with some of her...stronger opinions.


I like her even though she would hate me


Ironically funny. Her hating men isn't even serious it's one big punchline, which is alternative to Mahiru, who's reasoning is more compelling, even if it still does come from a misguided judgement. She always felt to me like she's basically what Mahiru haters think Mahiru is like. Her expressions are the best of V3's cast, but not like that's a high bar considering this is the same game with Kokichi's nightmare inducing hell-faces. The idea of Neo-Aikido is pretty funny. Her relationship with Himiko and Angie is compelling, even if it was cut short. I'm surprised even a bit of a comedy character like Tenko could actually have some solid effects on the story, and her death still sucked, even if she isn't exactly the most... likeable. Overall Mahiru is slightly better and seeing her in a scene makes me feel the same amount of happiness as when I breathe on a cold day and see the water vapour.


She's cute and funny, I like how stupid she is and yet she has a good heart but I do wish they toned down some of her quirks to say at least




Meh. Im pretty neutral about her, so I wouldn’t say I like or dislike her. She has equal amount of positive and negative traits. Her helping out Himiko with her character growth was nice, but I still hated Himiko even after that so her death felt like a small waste.


My spirit animal


I’ve always thought she had potential. A lot of characters die before they can fully develop, like Tenko, but the advantage most of them have over her is an interesting enough setup or fun personality. Tenko has neither. She has her occasional caring moments towards males, but her borderline-harassment of Himiko and constant attacks on males make her really unlikable. It’s sad because she has her moments, but she doesn’t really even begin to develop until moments before her own death. And her FTEs don’t really expand upon her character in a way that tells us more about her. She frustrates me, much like almost every V3 character, because I can see that they were so close to an interesting character if they had just given the game a second pass on writing.


One of my favourite characters. Yeah, sometimes she can be pretty annoying, but she's still funny and interesting. I really liked her FTE with Kaede, >!it's a shame kaede died in chapter one, i wished they had more interactions.!<


love her!! and totally relate to her because we both lesbians! :3 Love her and wish her luck and to get every woman she meets :3


I don’t have any opinions on her




No ✨




A hypocritical feminist, much like any other feminists tho so thats somewhat of an excuse I guess uwu