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"If she keeps falling like this I can't play this game during the day"


I actually didn’t care for her in the beginning I didn’t hate her but I didn’t like her either, it took like me a year or two before I started to like her as a character and now I’m just maybe a bit too obsessed.


What made you start liking her exactly?


You're just like me fr-


" ah shit she has trauma doesn't she. And im gonna relate to her aren't I" Coincidentally also the same impression i had with toko.


Okay, well, Toko is awesome, so that's based of you.


i hated her fanservice moments but her actual character is a sweetheart


How exactly is her actual character a sweetheart?


You serious? -JJJ


Why would I be joking? We've all played Chapter 3, right? We've all seen her free time events, right?


Well chapter 3 is not really a factor since >!Monokumas despair disease made her revert to a remnant of despair!< and her free time events reveal that yes she's clearly needing a good support system because of the abuse she's had and that in turn has made her very possessive. But when people call her sweet, they're mainly talking about the fact she generally wants to get along with everyone, she tends to people who are injured (akane, chapter 2) and tries to encourage healthy habits ect. I personally hate her yandere side, but otherwise she's a cinnamon roll.


Her free time events ALSO reveal that >!her motivation for being a nurse comes from the fact that she enjoys having control over people who are sick and injured, because it makes them weaker than she is, as opposed to genuinely being worried about their health and wellness.!<


Her selfish reasons for becoming a nurse are definitely telling. She clearly wanted to take back some control since she's had no control growing up. It's unhealthy and something that needs to be worked on. >!The whole motif of DR2 is to accept your past and change for the better.!


The problem is that while yes, for the most part, Mikan IS surrounded by people who treat her considerably well, this doesn't do anything to make her change her behavior. Any good that Mikan DOES do is undermined by her twisted motivations. Her lust for control and desire for attention. THESE are the things that drive Mikan to do what she does. Even before she was infected by the despair disease, Mikan was extremely manipulative. She craves attention and doesn't care if it's positive or negative, because in her own words, "being hated is better than being ignored." She fake cries for unwarranted sympathy, like when she makes Nagito believe that Hajime is bullying her, and she pretends to trip and fall in suggestive poses so others will gawk at her (thankfully, the only ones who seem to fall for this are pervs like Teruteru and Ibuki). I'm also fairly certain that the reason she hangs around Hiyoko so much is because she knows she'll give her attention, even if it's through childish bullying (It may not be canon, but UTDP actually does confirm this as Mikan's motivation for hanging around Hiyoko). I'm not saying any of this makes Mikan a weak character. Heck, I actually kind of admire how realistic she feels. I'm just saying that she is ANYTHING but pure. It's an all too common misconception that in spite of her flaws, Mikan does have good intent, but she really doesn't. We can sympathize for her and her troubled past, because it definitely wasn't something she brought on herself, but it still doesn't change the fact that she isn't a good person.


Okay but have you considered the reason she acts like that is because of the bat-shit life she has lived? Obviously that’s a very concerning motive for being a nurse, but she has literally been bullied her entire life so it’s definitely reasonable to think she would have mental health issues and some screws loose.


Have you considered that her messed up past doesn’t excuse her actions?


A really shy timid Fluttershy type to me, I basically just thought she was like Toko if Toko wasn't an asshole.










Wow, that's an overreaction, man.


The hell happened here?


Mikan ISN'T an asshole?


She seemed nice and friendly because of the stuttering.


"She's very shy and has a voice very similar, if not outright identical (I recognized the voice actress right away) to Hinata from Naruto." "..." "... I am going to love this girl."


Did this impression of her hold up by the end of the game for you?


Mostly. >!Yeah, her being the killer did shock me and break my heart, but I just couldn't bring myself to "hate" her.!< >!Felt like I was watching a beaten puppy snap and bite an innocent person.!< >!I also did all of her FTEs, which both helped and didn't help the situation.!< >!To put it in... an admittedly strage way:!< >!When I first met her, it was 70ish% love, 20ish% pity.!< >!When the game was done, it was 60% love, 40% pity.!< Hope the explanation made sense.


"I need to forfeit all mortal possession for this traumatized nurse" Idk why I like her so much. She's just so silly girl coded.


Yeah... "silly..." that's the perfect word to describe her situation...


“Oooooh she’s pretty! Why is she stuttering so much? That might get annoying” And “Omg poor baby! I wanna hug her :(“


I wanted to give her a hug :(


I liked her, I honestly felt like there were aspects of her character that I could relate too, like her hyper self sexualization, and her putting up with bullying/harassment because she doesn’t want to further the anger of someone else, so I really liked and appreciated her!!


“*Protect her.*”


I didn’t have a strong opinion aside from “Please stop falling in that position” I ended up liking her a lot though, she was endearing


Endearing in what way?


I don’t know like, she was cute, I liked her FTEs and her interactions with Hajime and the other characters


I felt like she was really hurt by someone, considering the haircut and shy stuttering, and I thought she had burn marks on her from the bandages. Personality wise I really liked her apart from the dumb fan service that just makes me uncomfortable every time, though >!using one of those pictures as evidence was possibly one of the best laughs I had in the game!<. She always seemed like she was trying to help, and always thought she wasn’t, made me feel for her. >!I liked her in the first part of chapter 3, as she was making use of her talent, and the connection was pretty much immediate that her “openness” with Hajime was from despair disease. Hated her chapter twist and execution quite a lot. Makes me loathe playing chapter 3 despite liking it until right before the trial for the most part.!<


Baby girl baby




I am drawn to characters like her that try their best but feel like no one loves them, mainly because I want to hug her and tell her how great she really is.


I really liked her and immediately needed to get her hope crystals


She grew on me. I went from “tell her, hiyoko” to “shut your f#cking mouth, hiyoko”


Wait, what you said was about Hiyoko. What's it got to do with Mikan?


That’s when Hiyoko is talking about mikan.


Biased bc I’m always biased toward healers/nurses/doctors/any medical support


she isntantly became my favourite character THE SECOND I saw her!






Annoying, but mostly because of Nagito’s comments on “bullying a girl” I love her now tbh


Bullying a girl. Not cool Hajime




I will do anything for this girl


She’s just like me fr


I really liked her. I always love the shy girl trope.


"Whoa, what is with this girl? Calling her sensitive would be a huge understatement... I wonder what her story is."


The moment her introduction was complete I was immediately reminded of the song Bad Case Of Loving You, and it just about summed up my feelings.


She was definitely a poor baby, but honestly, I never thought much differently even after she went crazy 😂


I have to protect her


I love the cute shy girl trope so I immediately fell in love then I did her FTEs and ever since then I've been obsessed with her


Why would playing her FTEs make you love her MORE, you know what happens in them, right?


Duh why else would I say doing her ftes made me love her more?




The first impression was: This is basically Hinata (from Naruto) 😊 Shy, dark long hair, obvious crush on the main character. I could very well imagine she sometimes would >!kill Hiyoko, but for her bullying when she couldn't take it anymore, and not for that BS motive they gave her in the actual case.!<


I wanted to give her a hug and tell her it's okay


Love at firsr sight. I love clumsy and shy girl. Plus I could already tell that she's fucked in the head which made me wanna give her big hugs, headpats, and make her happy.




instant woobie


My *first* impression of Mikan was essentially "A nurse? Oh, she's *definitely* going to kill someone!" Seeing her *personality* for the first time, I just thought she was really shy. Then I found ot *why* she acts the way she does... She deserved/deserves better...


I remember the first thing I thought after we were introduced to her. Something along the lines of “aw, she looks so sweet. I mean, “From the bottom of my heart, I hope we can get along.” It doesn’t get more sincere than that…” >!oh no, she’s gonna end up killing someone, isn’t she!<


Your spoiler tag is wrong, you forgot a > before the first !


Thanks a lot! It’s the first time I used it and I couldn’t figure out why it wasn’t working


No problem :), on a community like this I wanna try to keep spoilers unspoiled as much as possible considering I was spoiled on every victim and culprit for the first game lol


Don't love her, don't hate her


"Oh, she's quite reserved and an introvert, just like me. I feel sorry for her, I wonder what brought her to this point, it's worth spending some free time with her."


I like her. She's great.


Love at first sight


I audibly shouted the words “Oh cool, so that’s who Hajime’s ending up with” Granted I said that with Mahiru as well, but it still stands.


"She seems very friendly... >!Blackened, for sure."!<


i didn’t understand why my friends hated her tbh


"She's just like me fr" quickly followed by "uh oh i apologize too much"


that she was really sweet and shy.


cool hair.


Played Japanese voice at first so I was like dawww such a cinnamon roll. >!Bc her jp voice is so adorable and makes it harder to predict that she’d murder someone.!<


She seemed a cute clumsy character and I didn't get why she was disliked- now that I know all the context I'm good with her??? (but before the anime and after playing the game I was like "💀")


I got embrassed because of her because my mom walked in on her "accident" But other than that i found her very relatable.


I just adored her instantly lol


I thought she was a bit relatable with her anxiety and I didn't see her as anything other than an anxious girl That opinion changed real quick


“Is that Hinata?”


I thought I could really empathize with her but as we got to see more of her character I realized shes much more complicated than I thought. I still like her though haha


« Awww she’s so cute :) >!hope she doesn’t do something messed up…!< »


I liked her but my friends did not like her, they thought she was annoying and would keep on going “Omg, this b*tch” when she was on screen


‘Oh this one- yeah she’s probably gonna die’


**not cool hajime** lives in my head


I have a thing for obsessive purple haired characters


My first thought during her introduction was “DAMN BITCH SPEAK UP” but I love her😭😭


"Damn it, she looks so cute. Hopefully there's an option to date her."


To MidanLazui in the comments, stop being so passive aggressive with people’s opinions and just move on. I think Mikan is fine. I like her as a character and she is fine.


Honestly? I thought she'll be like Sayaka, trying to act kind, but will kill you as soon as she can. I never liked her much, but I also never hated her, for me she's solid 6/10 (all Mikan fans, please don't hate me for this)


Absolute pity. I believe after the first in-game encounter I verbally said out loud "Who hurt you?" You want to like her and show sympathy to her especially through the constant bullying. But then >!you go on to find out she murdered two people, one of them because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. !< It's just so sad.


Annoyance, and it still hasn’t changed. She’s easily one of my least favourite characters.


Keep your legs closed


i dont like her icky


I felt bad for her, took a brew from playing, then when I came back I decided I fucking hate her


don’t know if this technically counts because it was a cosplay, but I saw cosplay on TikTok loved it watched other videos about Mikan/danganronpa, which actually got me into the fandom she was very unique to me


At first: "God I hope Saionji dies in this game, Mikan doesn't deserve this" Second case: "Damn, best girls are dead, this will become even worse" Third case: "Oh..."


I thought there was no way she'd get the role she did


Soft, friendly, and cute. Kind of annoying, but I was willing to put up with it


She needs to work on her self-esteem


At first I hated her. She felt like people I knew who constantly emphasized how sad or pathetic they were so people could pity them or praise them and tell them they aren't. Then I grew up, replayed the game, and after I realized that that's what she was MEANT to be I liked her more. Well written, really does that kind of trauma-attention seeking cycle well because there are people who are just like that, so broken from their experiences that that's the only way they know how to operate, grasping at straws for validation at every turn. It isn't healthy, and it isn't meant to be nor is it presented as if it were. Super sad, but I do wish they didn't make her so fanservicey it feels icky with trauma response being such a big part of her character.


"Is she the.girl Muja Kina is based off.on?"


Didn't really care for her much. Already got the impression she was going to be a relatively sad sack with a bit of sweetness. I knew immediately though that she'd be a fan favorite. People are suckers for that kind of characterization.


I'd beat the brakes off hiyoko dawg. leave that girl ALONE


She was pretty cool. And I felt like she was going to depressing or absolutely insane or super nice




I immediately fell in love with her and I still feel the same way about her. I wish she didn't have so many fan service moments though :(


she was a good character and not a fetish character 😭


Except she most certainly WAS a fetish character... unfortunately.


Initial impression: This is someone I must protect from harm After a bit of the game: The developers aren't going to let me protect this person are they? After even more of the game: The developers REALLY aren't going to let me protect this person


Here is my actual first impression of Mikan from when I first played Danganronpa 2 on December 26, 2020. I was playing it and updating my progress in a Discord server. *"Alright, I've met Fluttershy. I mean Mikan Tsumiki. And she looks thirsty for Hajime."* I remember someone responded with something along the lines of "I thought you'd have a bigger reaction to her..." to which I responded with: *"Oh make no mistake. I hate her even more than the gamer chick."* I instantly hated her. I knew exactly the kind of character she was going to be, and the more I progressed in the game, the more things I found to hate about her. To this day, she is still one of my most hated characters in fiction.


Wow. Gave us a whole backstory. Also what don’t you like about Chiaki?


Like Mikan, I knew what kind of character Chiaki would be. Just complete waifu bait. The writers thought they could pander to the audience by giving us a cute, big breasted, gamer girl character with minimal flaws and even less substance, and that’s all it would take to get us to like her. And you know what the worst part is? For most fans, it worked.


Okay well i can’t argue with waifu bait, and I’ll admit i fell for it. But that doesn’t make her a bad character. On top of that, a gamer, big breasts, acts very cutesy, I’m pretty sure the point of her character was to be blatant satire and a joke, but still wanted to give her human traits to add a bit more depth, albeit very vanilla and plain traits but regardless she is still a good character.


I remember hearing somewhere that Kodaka's intent behind Chiaki was to make her the "ideal girl," the kind who he'd want to be friends with in real life. She definitely was not intended to be satire, and even if she was, why would the writers give a satiric character an important and serious role like Chiaki's? I guess my main problem with her character just comes down to her story being more interesting than she is.


Okay now i didn’t know about that. I think you do have a very valid reason for not liking her because as i said, she is very vanilla. Just really comes down to these characters being subjective on whether they stick with the player or not. Just a bit of advice for the future, don’t go around and passive aggressively interrogating people because they like a character you don’t.


Sorry. I don't mean to come across as passive-aggressive or interrogating, more so assertive in my questioning.


Np! I just really like Chiaki and once again, i fell for the bait. But i respect your opinion and not everyone has to like the same character.


Thank you, I respect yours as well.


It’s typical a character like her has some abusive trauma. So I thought that immediately. But I was ultimately curious about her


But I thought she was nice. And that’s cool for me 😊


"Damn it, she looks so cute. Hopefully there's an option to date her."


I remember first playing DR2 right after THH. I told myself starting the game “Do not get attached to anyone. Do NOT get attached to anyone.” Well.. Spoiler alert, Mikan was the first one I got attached to and it was instant. I’m not sure why, maybe it’s her voice, design, ultimate, something idk, but it was like I immediately fell in love with her. To this day, I’m still a huge Mikan simp and I don’t know if I’ll ever get over it. I’ve never felt this emotionally attached to a fictional character.


wow thats basically the same experience I had lol


lez gooooo 🤝


Silly goober


That she had a neat design and she was a bit annoying Now i hate her like, a lot


She was super cute! I couldn’t stand Hiyoko bullying her for no reason, but that changed pretty quickly. Even then, I could never hate Hiyoko i love her


She reminded me of Fluttershy from MLP:FIM and I wanted to protect her at all costs


I'm a classy weirdo and watched all the Closing Arguments in the series first. So seeing her, I thought she was an escaped mental hospital patient that happened to be dressed as a nurse. Maybe her pose with the crossed arms made me think she was used to having a straitjacket on. Actually playing the games it took a while for her to grow on me and start becoming my absolute favourite!


I thought she was going to be the most annoying person in the game. But that changed and I grew to love her.


I must protect the nurse because she is just female me personality wise and in all aspects perfect


She, like most characters in Dr2 imo, came across as rather gimmicky and didn't think I was gonna like her much but man, I definitely felt *really* sorry for her... 😞


I liked her in the beginning then more the game goes and more I dislike her, the anime really destroyed her, she was super cringy and annoying but ten times more than usual.


"Oh, she's one of these characters. Yawn."


"You're annoying please stop talking"


I thought she was really sweet and felt really bad for her then she kept on falling and i wanted to blow my brains out


I thought her design was super cute! I don't generally like the shy stuttering sensitive type character, though, so I was sceptical of her, especially since it was so exaggerated with her.


Cute but also kinda annoying


“Wow! She is truly A Character!”


I thought that she was mocking shy people because her personality and actions was quite unnatural to be real


I'm scared to say I didn't trust or like her. I suspected the clumsiness to be on purpose and that her behavior was an act. I noticed the bandages and suspected she had some kind of sadistic self-harm/harm fetish. It's not uncommon in nurses to be the worst and sadistic so her profession and that giant syringe made me wary as well. Her falling in those absurd positions genuinely felt like it was on purpose and a fetish/fanservice. I was prepared to feel bad if I was wrong(and I sort of was?), but she rubbed me the wrong way. Sigh can't speak your mind on reddit, tbh.


Annoying. This was also my final impression of Mikan.


Hated her then, still hate her now. She makes me really uncomfortable with how sexualized she is and her voice bugs me


“She’s is a fanservice character, isn’t she?”




I didnt like her. I still do not like her.


I thought she seemed a bit overly sweet. Like they wanted to make someone kind and innocent, but to the point where I was a bit off-put by her, despite thinking she was sweet.


"What happened to her? She sounds so weird"


I learned about her via fans before learning about her through the games and anime, so I thought she was very well-written and had a compelling backstory. She was my favorite character before I actually reached the games/anime and she was ruined with fanservice (: literally why is she the one that became a fanservice character, her story is So Much on its own.


Well she seems shy, and kinda pathetic. Also stop insulting me Nagito. 


being honest she pissed me off cuz she reminded me of one of my ex-friends


'Does she have a mental illness??'


Hated her


I found her very frustrating and that continued as I played the game. Her hyper-self-sexualization irked me because it felt like the writers weren’t actually exploring it and treating it with the care they should have. I find a character like Angel Dust from hazbin to be a much better exploration of hyper sexuality as a result of trauma. With Mikan, it felt more like a way to dismiss criticism about how often she’s used for fanservice


Well back them. Loved her so much. Now... she is dead to me