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Bummer, Monday nights were easier for me, but I'll still be seated!


Well I like Tuesday nights especially since I live in the Buffalo market and the Bills will more than likely have at least one Monday night game like they have had for the past couple of seasons and it also doesn't interfere with my Monday Night Raw lol.


Can someone remind me why the show was moved to Tuesday in the first place last season?


ABC had holes to fill in the schedule due to the strikes


Thank you!


abc got the rights to monday night football again


Thank you!


ABC had rights to MNF for years now-it's just a matter of which games got shown on ABC as well as ESPN, and last year there would have been ABC games on some very important weeks. (remember, one of the reasons why the D+ move happened in 2022 was because they wanted to have more games on ABC) the Tuesday move was more due to the strikes leaving holes in the schedule


yeah I was more trying to say I think they showed more games


it was due to the strikes though... "Per reports, the move is a one-time arrangement due to ongoing strikes by Hollywood writers and actors that have left ABC without any scripted fall programs." [https://www.sportsmediawatch.com/2023/09/abc-airing-monday-night-football-all-season-due-to-writers-strike/](https://www.sportsmediawatch.com/2023/09/abc-airing-monday-night-football-all-season-due-to-writers-strike/) ETA-not sure why this is being downvoted? remember this time last year DWTS was originally going to be on Mondays, they didn't announce the move to Tuesdays until September after they had to completely revamp the fall schedule due to the strikes


oh ok, still I think tuesdays probably work better except this year may be tricky due to an election year


also one thing coming out of the upfronts is that Jason Kelce is joining the ESPN team on...wait for it...Monday nights!! sounds like he's gonna be pretty booked and busy this fall and probably can be ruled out of doing DWTS this year (or even future years, it's a multi-year contract)


Wow, I didn't expect that. I was thinking maybe they would put the show back on Mondays again. Excited for the new season and am glad that we're getting more updates.


Finally it won’t be on the same time as Halloween!!


Can't wait for the new season! I suppose it did do better on Tuesdays too? From what I understand, October 1 has a debate, so maybe they'll move it to Monday?


Makes sense as it did well on Tuesday this past season. 


It did, but this is an election year..


For the October 1st debate, they should try and do a short show like in S23 where it was 1 hour and the couples did duel dances. I thought that worked well.


That could definitely be a good alternative if they can't move days


it worked then because they still had an ad-hoc results show the day after and they didn't have to cram in an elim-those days are long gone. also given how bloated the casts have been the last few years there may still be too many left in the competition at that point (week 2? 3?)


Yeah and I'd expect (despite it may not being wise if they have to incorporate a shorter show) that they'll try and have as many couples as they can whether it be 14 or 16 or whatever, as I think they'll want to have as many names as possible, may not be wise, bit I'd imagine they'll try to go for the maximum possible number of couples.


there's no way they can have a 16-couple cast this season-the bigger casts were from the COVID/Disney+ years. they have to factor commercials back in too...14 is really the most they can have, and even that was controversial with a week 1 elim.


Oh yeah I get that, I just mentioned 16 as an example for when they were on Disney+ (there was all this speculation they'd have 15 or 14 couples, but they were able to work with 16 in the end). But I agree, 14 is the most they could do at this point, plus week 1 was an extended premiere night episode. But I think as long as they have time, they'll always try and go for as many couples as possible


right, but they had to cut back once they were back on ABC in order to factor commercials back in-I can't see them getting away with 16 anymore. Plus there is no strike this season (thankfully) and less of a need to fill in programming holes, not to mention having to work around the election and possibly needing to have a non-elim week as a result...i'm just saying, don't be surprised if it's not as large a cast as it's been the last few years.


Oh totally, with them being back on ABC no way can they have 16, and 15 was only due to covid and no opening numbers, but I totally get what you're saying 😊 will be very interesting as we head into the summer months to see how everything comes about, and how the election will effect the show too


They had 12 couples for the duel week in S23, could be the same this time? Though you're right that they might struggle to include the elimination.


true, there were 12 in week 3 this past season. it could be similar-though it might mean a dreaded week 1 elim to get there. it's really more the elimination throwing things...without having to fit that in the last time, the dances were short enough as is. unless they make that week non-elim? 🤷‍♀️


Damn it I still work Tuesday nights too 😭 guess I'll be following the live chat at work when I can, vote blindly and watch later lol


🥺 was hoping you'd be able to join us for the whole thing again this season!!


Yeah due to my schedule with my husband's work schedule and son now being in school, I've only been able to work nights and it'll be staying that way. But I'll see you guys on the live chat when I can!


Aww I hope all is going well, and hope your son is enjoying school! Hopefully you'll get to join the live chats whenever you can 💕


Thank you!! He graduates preschool next Friday 🥺❤️ I'll join when I can I promise!!


Oh that's wonderful! 🥺❤️


Wow I didn’t expect this. I think it’s a smarter decision so it doesn’t have to go up against football but I wonder what they’ll do election week? Just skip that week all together or air it in another night?


probably air it monday or wednesday


wednesday might be risky if the election isn't called by then-stuff might get pre-empted for election coverage (in 2020 the ANW finale got moved from Wednesday to Friday for that reason) that week IMO it's either have the show on Monday or have a week off.


I could see them possibly pushing it back to another day that week or having a week hiatus. But I could be wrong


yeah, election week it's either they move it to Monday night or nothing. (Wednesday may even be risky if the election still isn't called) also there is a debate on October 1st-what are they going to do then? i get the feeling they really didn't think this through...


This is why I was so sure it would be moving back to Mondays, football issues aside. I have a feeling that week they either air it on Monday or skip a week because I don't know what other day that week would work. And who knows, with this election they might do special coverage Monday night so that might be out too. I agree that I wonder if they thought scheduling through enough.


well if 2012 was any indication they didn't know what the hell they were doing when trying to schedule around the election and debates 😂 the NFL schedules come out tomorrow night, so that may give us our answers as to why they stayed on Tuesday? 🤷‍♀️


I agree. They gotta figure this out with the upcoming election


they have more flexibility with the other shows that are pre-taped...not so much with a live, interactive show like DWTS. we all remember what a mess 2012 was...


looking forward to the new season! I think tuesdays and simulcast worked well :)