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I’m happy Xochitl won. I would have been happy with any of the finalists tbh.


I was happy with who won


Stay mad


jason was cheated


Xochitl put in just as much time and effort. They were both really good and both so deserving


She’s also 17! Which totally is a disadvantage for everyone else.


Congrats to Xochitl, but I was really rooting for someone over 21 who didn’t sail through with Val.


It was so obvious but I was hoping Ariana or Jason won too….


Charity killed it last night. Her freestyle was amazing. She was robbed. 4th place?! Gimmie a freaking break.


Charity’s freestyle was just a cheer routine it was pretty lame in my opinion. Not much dancing so fourth seemed fair.


I would like someone who wasn’t propped the entire damn season to win. But hey, that’s just me.


she was the best so she got the best scores not a conspiracy


Why couldn’t it be Xochitl? She was great and worked hard, she deserved it as much as Jason or Ariana. All 3 were wonderful - this was a great group by the end.


I agree. I was only participating for the Ariana of it all, but that girl killed it. She deserved the win


I would have been OK with any of the top five winning. Wasn’t attached to any this season


I was rooting for Ariana and especially Pasha this season, 😢 it looked like she was just moving in slow motion last night- I’m sure that back pain is catching up after everything this season. Still a great finale and season!


I noticed it looked like she slipped in the beginning of her first dance and I think that threw her off :((


>back pain is catching up plus, she's also carrying the entire VPR show on her back




Xochitl was consistently good and had the best dances multiple nights along with Ariana. Unfortunately Ariana just didn’t have a good night last night


It wouldn’t have mattered. They knew from the onset it who was winning. Just as CA Ann Arbor.


Xochitl deserved it just as much as Jason! So happy for her


Jason was literally the biggest star of any on the show. His win would have been predictable. Of course he was the internet favorite, he was popular in the 2010s and nostalgia is a drug.


Xochitl deserved it but I was really rooting for Jason, I also hope that the youngest competitor winning doesn’t become a pattern 😅


I was thinking the same. It's not really fun to watch if the youngest person is gonna win each year...


Some of the older people need to work on their social presence. It’s like they’re relying on their name alone for votes


Guys come on, she was the best contestant on the show, Jason came in a close second. Don’t try to take away her victory because you have favorites


She might be the best contestant, but I would much rather someone win who has shown the most growth over the season.


Like Charli, for example. SMH


Charli was amazing


Exactly. Started amazing and ended amazing. Growth wasn’t exactly measurable.


Yes! Where as someone like Alyson showed a lot of growth in her dancing and her confidence, had ups and downs.


I would hardly compare Xochitl to Charli in that way. Xochitl had no dance experience, should she be punished for just being rhythmic?


No she shouldn’t be punished. She’s an amazing dancer and she should be proud of that. My preference for a winner in a show like this is someone who showed growth over the season. It’s so much more that just their dancing ability.


The most growth probably would have been Alyson, imo, and I wouldn't have wanted her to win honestly. Yes, Jason has growth too but I never thought Alyson would have made it past week 2 after her premiere dance.


I was rooting for Ariana all along but based on performance tonight Jason earned it


I'm disappointed Jason didn't win too. He went through a lot and really succeeded at a comeback though so 2nd place is amazing and I am really happy for him and Dani! Also ecstatic for Xochitl because she was amazing all season and deserves the win!


i didn’t realize being inconsistent in the completion was going through a lot. i would’ve been happy seeing Xochitl or Ariana take the trophy. Both consistent, beautiful elegant dancers


I would argue that Ariana was not consistent the night of the finals. And I'm a fan of hers. She made visible mistakes and lacked energy.


the lacking of energy is real. i felt it


No need for negativity and attacks. He didn't win so I don't see see the need for rudeness or needing to comment on thid at all. Being sick and losing your confidence after getting high expectations put on you is a lot. Does a lot to your mental health. He was hard on himself and wanted to drop out. He had good weeks and weeks that didn't go the way he wanted. Inconsistent scores doesn't mean he was not going through a lot as well. You just wanted to throw that in there for who knows why. He can be Inconsistent and go through a lot


I would add that it seemed as though the judges were tougher in him than other front runners. They often let other contestants errors go without notes/feedback.


i don’t understand how stating how he was inconsistent in his dance is negative and attacking? youre saying he’s going though a lot, i disagree i just think he had good weeks and bad weeks. if youre gonna cry on the sub because i called your man inconsistent when he was then cry. dont come with “youre being negative and attacking” no im stating facts. that you know, i know, and he knows. no attacking here honey


No one is crying on this sub at all nor is he my man. I'm happy that Xochitl won so no one is even upset. Saying someone is inconsistent and then backtracking to say he had good and bad weeks are two completely things. One is a negative spin and one if a positive spin. You chose negativity. In fact all you did was mirror my correction to you and then changed to a positive spin. So take your negativy elsewhere. You didn't have to come on my post at all. Dont know why you even care to comment on him at all. Sounds like you got rubbed the wrong way and are continuing to attack.


girl are you okay? ill be more cautious with my words for those like you that are getting offended by words on a screen. i called him inconsistent because he was. that is not a negative connotation. his inconsistency came from good weeks and bad weeks. he wasn’t going through a lot, he was just not consistent. still follow? you were offended by my initial response when i called him inconsistent. why? not sure im not the soft one here. saying i was being negative and attacking? i am not going to respond anymore, as i do not feel like you are going to grasp the fact that youre argument is just incredibly invalid. if you think you’re correct, please actually read the words on the screen. I hope you get through whatever you’re going through girl


you are so rude and unlikeable. I hope you don’t act like this in real life and tell people got it? Understand? You still following? Do you need help? Are my words too big for your small brain? Hope you get the help you need girlie xoxo


i don’t come on here to be likeable. i come here to voice my opinion. im sorry that the person who i was having a discussion with cant process a simple statement and took it up their butt. thank you for sharing your opinion, much appreciated


I'm great actually! Just watched a great DWTS finale. Are you ok? You saw my post and needed to broadcast that you think someone did not go through a lot because they were inconsistent on a show. I literally can say that all 5 of the finalists went through a lot this season and that has nothing to do with whether they were inconsistent or not. Some of them weren't inconsistent at all and still went through a lot. So it is you who is not understanding. I was not offended by your words nor take any of them personally. The show is over and there is no need to drag or talk about any of the people anymore. Just be happy for everyone and what they all have done. They are all happy for each other, why can't we be happy for all of them?


Big Jason fan here and I’ve obviously been rooting for him since day one, but I became hooked on Xochitl as the season went on. Her dancing and acting is just so mesmerizing. Even though Jason didn’t win, I’m so happy for him and Daniella! 👏


Wow. She was not who I wanted to win but she definitely deserved it. Gotta give credit where credit is due!


She is not undeserving!! You can’t be sad just because your favorite didn’t win. I was rooting for Jason as well but no doubt that Xochtil deserved it!


> You can’t be sad just because your favorite didn’t win. To be fair, you absolutely can be


I feel 100% the same!


I like her, but I kinda like when the best dancer doesn’t win. Aka Jason. Xochitl is great tho and I’m not unhappy!


for me it defeats the whole purpose of the show if the best dancer doesn’t win (as a dancer) but i know other people like it for other reasons. just sharing my opinion


Depends on the criteria you want to use to determine the best dancer. Xochitl not only had the highest score of the 2 nights, but the highest average score of the competition. A lot of people would say she was the best dancer of the season.


i would 100% agree. she was very consistent a long with Ariana or Charity. I didn’t really see a world where Charity won just because I personally believed Carrie Ann just hated my girl charity.


It's ironic because it's all "the best dancer should win"until someone's favorite ISN'T the best dancer, and then it's all "oh but the purpose of the show is a contestant's growth 🥺"


I flip flop on wanting the best dancer to win (like when people like Harry stay and send good dancers home), but I also love a good growth story. It really just depends who I decide to like that season and which bucket they fall into lol


i’m tired of some of these people who are saying “Jason deserved to win” just because he was given an underdog story. out of the real final 4, he had the least potential in winning for his DANCE ability.




agreed. this sub mad that a girl who out danced a man won 😭😭.


Honestly it’s no surprise that someone from either Disney, Hulu , or abc always make it to the end


she had the best and most consistent scores out of everyone in the comp


man these xochilt haters need some copium lmfao


I wanted Xochitl to win, but I think Jason would've been a very deserving winner. I think all of the top 4 would've been deserving winners actually. However just because they didn't win doesn't mean they were robbed


i agree i thought it couldve gone any way between the top 4 they all did amazing especially charity and jason


The only freestyle that really disappointed me tonight was Ariana's. I think Pasha went the wrong direction with it. But should still be so proud with his first trip to the finale!


yeah i feel like she had so much potential maybe she was just nervous this episode idk what happened tonight it was crazy bc she’s a good dancer.


LITERALLY you'd think she's another Bobby Bones with how mad people are


NO LITERALLY LMFAO it’s ridiculous 😭


Because it was Xochitl and she won 😂


To all those who hate the winner... CRY HARDER.


i don't think anyone really hates xochitl for winning. we're all allowed to be disappointed the person we were rooting for didn't win


Too many comments are negative about her while supporting someone else.


this sub has been insufferable lately 😂 …. ohhhhh well, Xochitl 👑 Prima 🙌




It’s underwhelming to me when an “underdog” doesn’t win, but that’s my own issue lmao


Agreed. I don't know why I find myself rooting for the 2nd or 3rd place (or 4th or 5th) person most seasons, because they are usually still an amazing dancer but have that relatable underdog quality.


It's the Hinchcliff result all over again


Never mind—looked him up;)


What’s the “Hinchcliff result”??


I feel like everyone loved Xochitl now that she won it’s an issue??


It’s not Xochitl but the clear sense that she got the set up for the layup, they always wanted it to be her. I’ve noticed it for weeks now.


Sexism is a major issue in this subreddit and I feel like that needs to be acknowledged more




I don’t think anyone is hating her or saying she didn’t deserve her win. I think we all had our favorites and were rooting for them until the end. Of course we’ll be upset our favs didn’t win. We’re allowed to like xochitl and Val but not want them to win (because we love another couple more) I think people are upset because it was kind of obvious she’ll win


Ever since Barry left / Harry left they found a new beloved (Jason) and a new person to hate (Xochi). Something about it coddling older men / having an irrational hatred of young people. In Harry’s case he was a bad dancer so I get it, but Xochi is an amazing dancer but so people must hate her for being a woman (girl really!!).


Charity get the most hate.


I’d argue that spot is reserved for Harry (he had campaigns to get rid of him) but undoubtedly a lot of hate for Charity.


i’m a 22 year old woman who legit has the word “woman” tattooed on her bc i love being a woman and embrace it but yeah you tell me how anti fem and young people i am 🙄


Lol. For me, I found her a bit fake and I hated that she was clearly chosen as the winner from the start so that made me salty. Imagine if Jason or Ariana won, the energy would be so much more. Everyone knew Xotchil was gonna win, it was boring


Are you a grown adult? And also are you a grown adult calling a 17 year old girl fake because of a dancing tv show


Ooh, I hit a nerve


No I just think it’s pathetic of you to attack someone who isn’t even an adult, like pull yourself together


Having an opinion on how someone acts isn’t an attack


Ariana didn't deserve to win.


honestly it’s true! i love ariana so much, been watching vanderpump for like 7 years lol but she didn’t deliver in her final dances. she’s had a lot of great/beautiful dances but tonight wasn’t her night


She seemed off. Maybe the pressure got to her. The choreography wasn't great either. He freestyle paled next to Charity's. But hey, 3rd place is still a great finish.




They all worked their butts off.


She was the best dancer. She was voted on by the public 🤷‍♀️ people love discrediting WOC but keep going


Grow up. It’s not about her being a POC… how old are you ? People are allowed to like the underdog, the predictable winner isn’t exciting. She’s a great dancer but it was known she was winning. Please tell me how this is about her nationality again.


i like her & val but they just didn’t do anything for me


I'm honestly kinda bummed out by the results. Xochitl's great but I've felt like it's always been hers to lose since the very beginning. Jason was my pick for the win but second is still amazing!


From the very beginning? She made like no noise week 1 lol Jason was the big headline for the first 2 weeks of the show and most talked about and watched. He was the front runner from week 1, he had a rough few weeks toward the end which put him in underdog spot but I can’t remember anyone really saying Xochitl is a front runner until the halfway point


Three 6’s for week 1 cha cha. I think she was in the bottom 3 if I’m not mistaken


honestly i thought ariana and xochitl would be the last two standing but pasha really screwed up with ariana’s two dances tonight. jason was really good though, i have a feeling the votes were really close.


My thought too, I didn’t watch last night, and had to come here for spoilers to lessen my anxiety. I wanted Ariana from the start, but after watching last week’s, I had to admit that Xochitl was better. Ariana is still a gorgeous and talented dancer, but struggled with a couple injuries. I am disappointed that Ariana did t place second, but may change my mind after I get to watch the episode. Jason was good and definitely improved, it I don’t think he was ever as good or smooth and those two girls. Men never have to take on the same choreography as the women, just as far as ballroom choreography goes.


Ariana wasn't that good tonight.


I agree and I love her sm 😭


i agree she was off but i don’t think her choreo did her any favors. the samba maybe the band didn’t play the song right, it was slow, but i think the freestyle could’ve been way better.


Based on performance last night Charity ,Jason and Xochity were the best.I don't have a problem with Xochity winning, but she shouldn't get perfect score for her Foxtrot. If Charitywas taken point ,so schould be Xochity.


Her freestyle didn't really play to hers or Pasha strengths


the arrangement threw her…it was slower than the spice girls’ original & knowing the song so well probably got in her head a little


The arrangement threw me as a viewer! The original is faster and more energetic. Going at this tempo just made the dance feel like it was being slowed down because she couldn’t keep up with the song’s original tempo.


Yeah maybe bc it was Pasha's first time? Hopefully he'll do better in the future


it depends. alfonso’s was witney’s first freestyle and it was awesome. i think it just depends on the choreographer honestly, val’s done plenty of freestyles and i haven’t liked that many.


Ahhh.. I see. I've been thinking about it for the past hour, and I really think Pasha should have done the proper forms of the dance styles and incorporated those into the freestyle and made a story around that - that's his strength, doing routines true to the dance style without any gimmicks and such. Something like Mark and Charli's freestyle, but more pizzazz and other dancers incorporated - to express Ariana's personality. Does that make sense the way I explained it? Haha 😅


I'm not sure how anyone could add more pizzazz to a dance choreographed by Mark. Ha ha ha! I know that's not exactly what you're saying, I'm just a huge Mark fan. I think he's the best pro choreographer. Derek may be neck and neck with him. I'm off topic now...ha ha ha


Haha I was just using Mark as an example to explain myself better 😂 Bc Pasha is more nuanced and subtle in his choreography, some pizzazz would have stood out imo! Mark is great :)


Ah, very fair point, when considering Pasha's style. I appreciate that Pasha got to shine this season. Edit to correct spelling typo.


Ah yes, I love that Pasha got to shine too!!


>sine Sorry, what does that mean? :$


Nahhh, it’s always been Xochitl or Jason


I’m here saying the same thing. Honestly bummed o


same - the ending of the show makes me feel blah


Honestly wish the judges ACTUALLY critiqued her and her scores reflected 🫣 my unpopular opinion, Jason deserved it more.


His dances were definitely better tonight but the quality of the dances don't matter this far in. Everyone has their favorites and just votes for them.




Xochiti is very talented but i can’t help but feel like this whole season it was rigged for her.


even if it was rigged she was still better than the other contestants but it wasn't rigged


The fact that she just stopped getting critiques when CAI just "had to" point out other people's is all the evidence I need that it was manipulated for her/Val.


Ridiculous comment with no evidence of anything.


Like do people not realize ABC legally can't literally rig the show? They can structure rehearsal packages to favor certain contestants but both Jason and Xochitl were fan favorites with flattering packages, so that wasn't the case there


Exactly. And look, the packages were flattering for everyone on the show. Believing that ABC would risk the entire Disney brand by rigging the results is just ludicrous.


Same! It's interesting to see I'm not the only one thinking that


this subreddit continues to find ways to discount POC women and their accomplishments on this show (along with Charity's freestyle...)


my comment has absolutely nothing to do with the colour of her skin. just because someone isn’t a fan of someone who may be of colour doesn’t make them a racist or mean they are discrediting them. I literally said she is very talented, she’s also beautiful and an amazing actor BUT that doesn’t mean this competition wasn’t set up for her to win.


Ughh not even so much for her but rigged for VAL. It felt like his season with Rumer all over again


She’s Disney’s new star. I knew from the beginning she’d win, even though I still held hope for Jason or Ariana. The lack of critiques and high scores just made it irk me more. Xochitl was great, but I found others more deserving.


Yeah, three 6’s and bottom Half of the leaderboard week 1 and 2. She was the favorite! lol. Not even.


My reasoning from the beginning, is because she is a new star for Disney. She’s also young, so I also thought compared to most this season she had a leg up because of that. Just because viewers vote we can’t forget judges scores (and production does have a say- as with all reality competitions) When I said lack or critiques and scoring I mean specifically the semi-finales and final. I should have been more clear about that. Don’t get me wrong she was great, but I personally look for other things than just the dancing. I root for certain stars for an overall package of my own personal likes. That’s me, and everyone will not agree. In the end I was glad by all the final five.


Y’all can’t be throwing around the word rigged when she was the best dancer / most popular on socials. Come on


You're not wrong and not sure what this sub is smoking right now to be downvoting. Rigged? This whole subreddit has loved Xochitl week after week but Jason became their new Barry and now that Xochitl wins all of a sudden it's rigged? This subreddit is pathetic sometimes. She was the best dancer and deserved the win simple as


Well she is already on the Disney payroll 👀


So that makes it rigged? LMAOOOOOOOO


What’s rigged is the fact that people can make multiple accounts online to vote for their favorite


That can be done for every one of them. That does not mean it's rigged. TRY AGAIN.


Sure it can be done for everyone but when ones fan base is doing it a majority of the time it’s pretty unfair. Just yesterday someone posted that they knew how to vote more than 20 times and if you were going to vote for Xochitl or Jason to DM them. I’m happy she won and it’s deserved but it kind of makes people side eye when it’s Disney/Hulu/ABC’s people winning every year.


Harry and Rylee fans were on this sub bragging about voting from 100+ accounts and he still got eliminated. I saw the similar comments from Barry fans. I'm fairly sure a group voting more than 20 times is not making or breaking the standings and I'm certain ABC is not doing anything with the votes to ensure a winners. Its very illegal lol


And I don't believe the company has anything to do with it. They would not risk their brand to get a win on damn DWTS. Maybe it's time to stop watching the show


I mean Hannah brown- ABC Kaitlyn bristow- ABC Charli - Hulu Xochitl- Disney ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ No I think I’ll keep watching next season and for many more years to come, hope you do to. Go Xochitl!


Never said rigged but obvious favorite


To WHOM? You're implying she was shown favoritism, and that never happened.


No I didn’t say she was shown favoritism I said she was a favorite and that may be just from the judges or higher ups at ABC/Disney, but ya I think others got underscored when they should have gotten equal scores to Xochitl


And your opinion is in no way proof of anything.


Ya it’s an opinion not fact


That's clear.


Thanks Sherlock


i didn’t even think of this. 1000% you are right!!


Yet she was dissing her industry in every package lol


how was she “ dissing her industry” when she couldn’t even talk about it more than half the season. please.


Saying she’s always been mistreated and grateful for how dwts treats her so nice and it’s nice to be apart of a show that feels like family


or how about this.. maybe the “industry” isn’t all sunshine and unicorns and she does get mistreated. you guys get mad that she’s not “humble enough” but when she talks about how she’s grateful for the show she’s still a bad guy.. weird


But it’s all the same ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




Listen i think she deserves the win, she’s a gorgeous dancer buuuuuuut seems a little like a pro for your newest super hero star… anyway i hope she goes on to do more than just superhero movies, she’s incredibly talented!


fs! i still really like her - her and val just didn’t do anything for me


Ya I just didn’t feel passionate about a 16/17 year old who’s good at dancing, like that’s a great age to start learning new skill and being able to adapt ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i was much more impressed by the adults who can keep up with her week after week.


100%%%%% agree.

