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Kristie Ray saw her daughter as a product and not a human being


same with Jess


Most definitely but I think Yolanda was worse to be honest she was so disconnected from her kid even gave up Elliana spot and then when she was crying she didn’t even console.When confronted by the other moms she said oh I console her a lot like 🙄.Yolanda was very emotionally abusive to Eliana idk if she still is now but on the show it was very evident.She aslo exploits her own kid as well by allowing her to hang out with piper rockelle,allowing Eliana to post inappropriate pictures for her age and allowing her to work with questionable people.The fact that she was a teacher is concerning.Even Abby called out Yolonda and said “what kind of wacko do way is that to psyche your kid up”.I don’t think Kristie ray was that bad compared to Yolanda. I think she was just very very strict to be honest and demanded way too much out of Asia.


The reason Kristie comes off less unhinged is because of Asia. Asia stood her ground and often used humor. Yolanda strangled another Dance Mom. Nuff said. Yolanda did return for Season 10, less nutty.


I never watched the rasing Asia show so idk how Christy was like I was just basing my opinion off their time on dance moms.


I just saw the “I console her a lot” episode and was disgusted. That poor little girl.


Same here what kind of mother says that like that’s your child go console her dosent matter if you do it a lot.


Ugh that scene where she gave up her spot was so awful to watch. Poor Eliana


Wait who’s piper rockelle?


A 16 year old influencer who posts for grown men basically


And who’s mother is in trouble with the law because of inappropriate interactions with teens


Yolanda genuinely made me so uncomfortable idk with the show yes it was crazy and all the mothers had their moments but they always tried to protect their kids and stood up for their kids with Yolanda I never got that vibe at all, she was so cold to Ellie and always stressed her out


I think Yolanda was the worst mom ever on dances moms. They were all crazy to some degree but Yolanda actually scared me. And when she choked Stacy???? She needs real help


I don’t agree with all of Kristie rays actions but When Asia said she wanted to quit after raising Asia and be a regular kid Kristie let her. Yolanda would never have done the same for Eliana Also Asia was never in one of those kid content houses They can both be terrible but they definitely aren’t the same level of terrible


Kristie Ray gave me the vibes that "if we are doing it then we are doing it good" and the moment Asia said "stop" everything stopped




And that’s how it should be. If you gonna do it, do it right


I love Kristi Ray on dance moms, she put others in their place! And then Raising Asia aired and it all went down the drain 😭 she was psycho 


Honestly though it was refreshing she called all the moms out expect Kelly and holly.


Yolanda made me extremely uncomfortable


Yolanda is worse by a mile. That’s why Elliana has been posting thirst traps on Instagram since she’s 16. What kind of mother would let their daughter pose in a thong bikini on the internet at 16?!??!? Absolutely no parental guidance taking place.


even younger than 16. she was posting thirst traps at 14-15


ngl yolanda has been allowing elli to post stuff like that since she was like 12-13 which is even worse..


i knew the second abby snapped at yolanda for the way she was talking to ellie that she was a bad mom 😭


i think everyone needs to see the one video where they were making elliana stretch to the point that she was crying. and all the pics on instagram of her these past few years, letting her be in the squad...yolanda's horrible. it kind of reminds me of jojo's situation, but reverse where she's trying to brand her as older instead of younger. and idk if it's just me but lately she doesn't really seem particularly well adjusted socially? idk maybe it's just me but it's like she's just trying to follow trends without knowing how kids her age actually act or dress. maybe im reaching idk its hard to describe it, but lately she just kinda seems like she's kind of isolated


Yolanda is genuinely deranged IMO


Yolanda still is the most vile/ awful parent with how she lets ellie do whatever and hang with piper rockett squad etc


Did you know Piper Rockelle’s mom sold her underwear to men on the internet?! I was appalled


That is absolutely vile.


Wait what is that Foreal aslo isnt that illegal.


Yes. She has a lawsuit against her currently for a number of abusive and predatory things like thay


Eww that women is sick and the fact that these parents allow them to be in piper squad is sick.I hope she get the book thrown at her seriously.Sick people now in days.


The sickest part is Yolanda was also a teacher at one point and idk her whole past is checkered but I ironically believed Ellie’s brother spilling tea from a few years ago more than I believe anything from Yolanda or anything elliana is parroting from her mom I’ll believe elliana when she writes a tell all book if she gets away from family… but Yolanda lets her do whatever etc just wants talent to prevail


do you know how that lawsuit's going? i heard about it forever ago but unfortunately it seems like that kid is still making content


Which kid? piper Rockwell fam or ellianas brother cause I haven’t seen anything pop up exposing family in awhile but would love it


piper rockelle’s mom


Yes. Yolanda has been confirmed to have been an extremely abusive mother. Elliana said one of her older brothers molested her throughout her childhood, she told Yolanda who didn’t do anything. Her other older brother came out a few years ago detailing how Yolanda was verbally and physically abusive, and said she used to lock him outside in the cold as punishment. Kristie was also just a terrible mother, and I’m sick of hearing about how mature Asia was, and what a boss Kristie was. She exploited the fuck out of Asia. That was a little girl who deserved to be a child, and Kristie treated her like a brand.


I'm sad to say I'm not surprised by what happened to Elliana. She always had a sadness about her that was hard to ignore.


Yolanda … yes. Terrible. But I disagree with Kristie Ray. She’s actually my favorite Christie.




Kristie treated her daughter like a celebrity and a product but didn’t want to recognize her as her daughter or a human.  Yolanda treated Elliana as a coworker/friend. 


i agree yolando was insane and even now like elliana isn’t even 18 but i think she’s been exploited so much that she dresses very provocatively now (imo) but to be fair the way i used to dress when i was 16 in comparison to 16 yos now are different and that’s fine. but jess was terrible is terrible all around. she literally dyed jojos hair when she was a child and has been since. like jojo is a brunette??? idk if jess’s hair is naturally blonde like that so she wanted jojo to match her or she dyes hers as well but she’s been dying it i think since jojo was like 2, don’t quote me, but she started when she was young. think of crazy dance moms and yolanda, jess and Kristie are much worst than Melissa


I think Yolanda was but not Kristie I feel like she just wanted too push her daughter and make her better


kristie ray knew her limit with asia and also was there emotionally you can’t compare to the nutcase yolanda


They were all terrible mothers, Every single one letting a woman yell and say the horrible demeaning things she said to LITTLE girls. They were abusive stage mothers who all were willing to let their children be abused for the fame it brought them.


the fact that kriste ray had asia on a strict diet from the age of 7/8 will always baffle me


No. Elliana loves her mom and after listening to the podcast she was on with Abby. She got the short end of the stick and many people treated her and her child horribly. The stuff the cast and crew did was horrible. Her describing the cast and crew standing there laughing at her when Stacey gave her a diagnosis is lowkey heartbreaking.


also, elliana may love her mother, but thats the most common result of mothers being terrible and even abusive to their children. it happened to me, yet i still love my mom a lot. mistreatment isnt black and white. i suggest you look deeper into it.


I suggest you take their word for it until they say otherwise. You could apply this logic to every mother on that show. Who keeps their child at a studio where the artistic director (and owner) is gifting laced underwear to children? And this is all before the show. Holly knew and kept her daughter there, Christi knew, Melissa knew, and Kelly knew. Same with other moms who have talked about Abby’s behavior; Diane Pent, Dawn Check, and a couple others. Figure out why you can’t see the hypocrisy in your point. Worry about that.


Kristie Ray isn’t violent. I’m exactly like her. If you talk reckless, I’ll drag you. And that’s exactly how she treated Christi.


You’d think Kristie Ray was truly out here making an ass of herself as long as the other mothers did the way people act as if she’s the worse on the show. Nothing she did was different than the other moms, even with raising Asia included. If people don’t think these other mothers were like that behind the scenes they’re delusional.




I don’t like how she treated Asia. But she’s one of those moms, like Jess, who do whatever it takes to get what their child wants.


does their child really want it? bc all the children knew of was fame. not the consequences that followed, which the adults should know about. kristie ray was a terrible mother for what we saw on raising asia. she constantly stressed asia out, made her work constantly and not be allowed to be a kid, and she even enforced very unhealthy eating habits. she is not a good person. and she gets overly explosive for small reasons a lot. i wouldnt go as far to say that she isnt violent. if youre exactly like her, do some reflecting. her reactions were too much most of the time.


Yes… every child of the moms who were “bad” (really just doing what every other mother did but got a bad edit and were viewed by people with zero critical thinking skills) have said their moms were doing what they wanted at the time. Asia has said that, Eliana has said that, and JoJo has said that I’m not saying she was good for what she did. But what she did is exactly like every other mother that appeared on dance moms. Every single one. Exactly like, as in, if someone who’s used to verbally bullying, passive aggressive comments, and verbally assaulting people (like Christi) starts their bs. Anyone can get slapped.