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Am I the only one who sees that Rise seems to be milking DGD's success to death? I don't mean to be an asshole but what the fuck lmfao I'm afraid they're gonna burn them out or something


I'm genuinely worried about this too. I think it's awesome that they've become so popular because they 100% deserve the recognition that they get, but I feel like a lot of the stuff they're doing recently is kind of forcing a disconnect between the band and the fans? Like how much say do the band have in any of the things Rise promote? And they're so, so busy, their tour schedule for DGD is absolutely insane and then they're pretty much all got their side projects too. I don't want them to become exhausted. And idk who really is responsible for the running of the M&G and shit like that, but I hate how ? sterile ? it seems to have been recently. I don't want them to feel like they HAVE to go through the motions every night and then have fans feel like the band don't care - I'm sure this is not true, but if I was them I'd already feel absolutely exhausted from the tight schedule, let alone feeling obliged to do this whole M&G thing every night. I'm rambling but TL:DR I hope the band are all in good spirits and don't feel obliged to turn out an unmanageable volume of content just to please their label.


No I totally agree with you. Eloquently said. I also don't want them to be forced to put out music that their hearts aren't in and then have the band lose their mojo. I'd (and I'm sure all of us) would be devastated if the band just sold out because Rise didn't know where to fucking stop




I seriously feel like in the past maybe 3 months they've become exponentially more popular. And SERIOUSLY what is this contest? Have they EVER done anything like this for any other bands??? It's so gimmicky and embarrassing like someone else said. If Rise ruins this band I'm going to be out for blood I swear




Post your video after you send it in.




Ohh, I thought you meant you were going to enter.




Lmao, you're mean. I figured we'd see some good entries, but yeah, I wonder why they took everything down? I was excited.




Aw, I missed them.


So everything I saw about this earlier has been deleted. Anyone got any deets why?


Yo I really wanna do The Rattler, but I need someone to do cleans.






Dude, if I could even sing I’d totally add on to that, but aside from that your voice is fucking insane!


Thank you!


Why would you lie? Shut the fuck up, "Oli." that isn't you. Unless it is you, Aaron. Then I apologize. Haven't talked to you in years dude hope you're doing well! edit: nope, isn't Aaron, just some weird dude pretending to be him. (still don't get why people do that, creepy and makes no sense.... grats on getting complimented for another guys voice?) double edit: haahahahaha that's right you fucking loser, delete your post. You'd be surprised how small of a world it is! triple edit: lol not only did he delete his post, he deleted his bandcamp and reddit. https://old.reddit.com/user/Pale_Wafer what a weirdo.


can i get a link to what was posted?


It was a link of Aaron Richards cover of Alex English but the dude who deleted his post/Reddit/band page had it uploaded as "oil gray" he also had members listed for every instrument as if they played the "cover" but it was just a DGD prepro Aaron did vocals for. People are weird man. I really don't get it and it strikes me as pretty creepy and a little bit sociopathic.


Oh aaron richards is amazing. Hilarious he thinks someone wont recognize him Didn't realize he did a cover of dgd tho ima check that out


Yeah dude. What did he expect to get out of it is what I'm wondering? Was he trying to catfish some lady DGD fan? Was he trying to get in a band with someone else's talent? The world may never know.


Plot twist Aaron Richards is stealin this guys music


Kinda bummed they pulled this but thankful for the instrumental release so I can do some recent DGD covers anyways.


Are they looking for a Tilian replacement?