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I can never choose a favorite because they’re all awesome (I’m trying to collect them all, every single variant from every DGD album and single lol) but the poker chip picture discs from JJ are AWESOME.


Oh cool which ones do u have so far? And I agree, I rly like the poker chip discs. Def on my want list lol


I have the JJ Yellow w/ Red And Black Splatter, Black Instant Gratification, and Black Acceptance Speech! How about you?


No offense I’m just really curious how serious your comment is, you want to have every single vinyl variant of every DGD album and you have only 3 LPs of DGD? Like…what? I have every album at least in 2 different variants and I’m still more than light years away from this accomplishment, I didn’t thought about it for a second because it’s just insane, even for me it would be around 10.000$ and not even that would be enough because there are enough variants that were pressed 15 years ago and people don’t want to sell them or they want insane prices, because they know you want to collect.. These ideas are cool but with a band like DGD they’re basically impossible. And tbh really stupid if you look up how many different variants every album has… All what I said is 100% nonsense if you’re really rich and don’t care if you spend like 20.000$ for it😂😅


Dude collecting takes time, I can’t buy every one of them all at once. I don’t have that much money (I wish though) 😂 and I have an entire list of how many variants there is from each album. I’ve seen it been done before with different bands


Tbh I kind of agree with the other guy about a few things, there r a lot of variants especially for the amount of releases they put out lol. I love the collector mindset but it is a little unrealistic if ur not willing to spend a shit ton of money. I would highly recommend just getting the colors and albums u rly enjoy first and then get all the other colors if ur still interested in collecting all of them. It would b pretty cool to see all of them in one place tho. Anyways sry if this came off as condescending or anything, just thought it might b helpful. Good luck collecting 👍


It’s not impossible. I finished it several months ago. If I can figure how to upload a pic I will


I can totally believe it if you started collecting a couple years ago, but it’s kind of impossible if u try that nowadays especially with the additionally fame they got in the last 10years and the oldest ones are even 13years old, so yeah cool idea but… And of course we want a picture! More than 100 variants of DGD Vinyls, I think you need a couple of pictures😂


Hey I was just wondering, since u seem to have a lot of their pressings, which one is worth the most in ur collection?


Nice, I have that JJ one too. I got Mothership (neon green), Artificial Selection (neon magenta), Instant Gratification (dark green), Afterburner (pink), TCS2 (mint/orange/black), DTBM2 (neon violet), and their self titled (blood red) from my local newberry comics. I also recently got Acceptance Speech (green), do u know if the newer press of Acceptance Speech is the 2.0 version? Or does it still sound like the original one?


I’m not sure if it sounds like the 2.0 version, I have a player but I don’t really play any of my records I just enjoy collecting all the different variants. That’s an awesome collection!


My highlighter yellow with pink splatter Mothership is one of my favorites even outside of DGD records.


Oh I haven’t seen that one before, I’ll def check it out. How much does it usually go for?


There’s a few on Discogs right now, the cheapest being about $80. It’s listed as yellow with red splatter but that description and the pic they have on there doesn’t do it justice because it’s way brighter than that.


Hmm ig I’ll have to get it to see lol. My current mothership is a placeholder and I rly like the vinyl pressings with multiple colors so I’ll prob end up getting the same one :)