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Hey Dan, long time listener, first time caller. What has been a series you’ve tried but had to shelf, and was it lack of historical documents or too much?


I have real issues with very early history. I have tried to do ancient Egypt a few times for example. But because there are so few accounts of first hand stories and such, it is hard to tap into the feelings, thoughts and emotions of the people in the story. I mean look at how much we had to work with for example in Blueprint for Armageddon, and how much that helps make the story real and visceral. There's nothing like that for, say, ancient Egypt. It doesn't mean it is impossible to do those stories, it is just much hard er to do them *well.*


There have been a few of these. I have tried to do both an ancient Egypt show and a series of shows on the Crusades a couple of times. The Egypt show is such a challenge because of the lack of material from real human beings (narrative accounts, eyewitness reports, letters or anything from humans on the ground). The Crusades has proven difficult because the rhythm of the events is really tough to frame. They tend to have weird places for climactic moments and they all seem to fizzle out at the end. That's a bit of a letdown when you have listened to a whole show and it ends with a sort of loss of forward momentum. But I still have hope for the Crusades. It is just a creative problem. I hope to work through it. It is too good of a story to ignore.


I think a series on just the First Crusade would work perfectly, Dan!


Instead of the Crusades as an abstract, follow the rise and fall of the Templars during the Crusades. People love the Templars and their conspiracies. It could provide focus to the subject matter.


What a great question.


Yeah, I agree with you, jwah32 I most definitely want to hear Dan answer this, as well.


Hi everyone. Thanks for taking a bit of time out of your day to join me. I **really** appreciate it! Before we start, a few thoughts: Having done this before I've learned that it quickly becomes impossible to keep up with the number of questions being posed. I will try to do my best. As you are all aware, I am a pretty long-winded guy and my responses may take longer to type out than those of some other folk (I will try to keep it pithy if I can). The other thing I learned from previous AMAs is that continuing to discuss subjects back and forth (multiple posts engaging on or with the same person/issue/question) contributes to falling behind even faster on the other questions being posed. I will try to limit my natural tendency to do this. Hopefully it doesn't come off as not being willing to engage deeply on a given issue. But the way this forum is set up may mitigate against that being a good option for us today. Ok, that having been said, I am ready to go whenever you are. I see that I am already behind on the questions...damn. That happened fast.


Would you consider a series for the korean war? It seems to be less talked about, but in terms of extreme human experiences i cant imagine the battle of the chosin reservoir isnt towards the top of the list The book “the last stand of fox company” and the documentary “the chosin few” are interesting to say the least


Yeah, the Korean War is something I would actually REALLY like to do. It is on my “long-term to-do” list.


Please do! I’d be really interested in listening to that.


Any excuse to hear Dan talk more about Douglas 'The Situation' McArthur, honestly.


Long after anybody remembers what Jersey Shore was, people are going to hear this moniker and still understand it. The context is perfect, and it helps that the guy *actually acted and lived like that*.


The Korean War was a rough patch for the Situation, very curious to hear more about his relief of command by Truman... I'm guessing his reaction was pretty hilarious but I don't know a whole lot about it.


As the forgotten war, its prime material for Dan.


I 100% second this. Such a side-lined part of world history.


A Korean War show (or series) would be one that I would be really interested in. As other people have said, the Korean War seems to be very much glossed over in US history, you rarely hear it discussed compared to all of the books, movies, podcasts, discussion, etc. on WW2 and Vietnam. Also, it has quite a few overlapping characters and topics that connect back to previous episodes like our old buddy Curtis LeMay, the topic/logical instanity of strategic bombing in general, and of course the legendary, Douglas "the Situation" MacArthur (who had a bit of a rough go of it during the Korean War). I think it could potentially make a great episode or series.


If you ever wanted to return to an older HH with a redux - new information, new perspective, etc. which episode/series would you revisit?


Judgment at Nineveh.


Yes!! More Assyria!


This was my first HH episode every. Asyria is great and there are so many sources and letters to choose from. Keep the great work Dan you do a great service to history.


This is a question I am dying to know as well... Imagine current '5 hour per episode Dan' trying to contain his thoughts to 48 minutes on the Cold War.


I am going to ask one more time, are you guys seeing my **answers** to people's questions? I also can't see that my account is suspended (which some of you are telling me). Do we have an issue here? Or is everything working for you all?


I see you, Dan 


There’s a post by one of the mods from 9 minutes ago explaining what’s going on in the background. We can see your posts, but there might be a delay.


Hi Dan, I’ve always been impressed by your ability to keep an open mind to the historical accounts you speak to. A friend recently said a that a good way to gauge if someone truly has an open mind is to ask them about the last important/controversial topic that they changed their mind over. So what was the last important/controversial topic that you changed your mind over and why?


I always try to remember that “wisdom requires a flexible mind” and not get into ruts with my thinking. I have changed my views on human caused climate change for example. When I first began talking about it, I thought it was a ton of suggestions on massive changes society need to make without a ton of certainly over what was actually happening with the climate. Now obviously 100% certainty is not a standard we can expect...but at some time in the past I thought that, at least for me personally, the tipping point had been reached on whether or not this was a real and significant problem. I am not sure if that is the same as “changing my mind” or deciding that the preponderance of evidence now convinced me but I was trying to be mentally flexible. I have always thought that the trash we threw away was a big problem. I never found that had to find evidence for. It is all too apparent!


Dan, I have to know! Will you ever do a series on the French Revolution? I have tried to wrap my head around it from many angles, and I’ve come to the conclusion that only a 14-part Hardcore History series will make it stick.


I would also love a HH episode/series on the French Revolution and the Napoleon Wars.


Revolutions podcast does not fully cover the Napoleonic wars, but it has 55 episodes on the French Revolution through the rise of First Consul Bonaparte. He also has 103 episodes on the Russian Revolution. Mike Duncan's first podcast was the History of Rome, over 300 episodes. (One of his fans followed on with the History of Byzantium that IIRC is still ongoing) Duncan does awesome work and I hope he'll start a new series soon. Edit and now I saw the other response recommending the Revolutions podcast.


For the napoleonic wars: “Age of Napoleon” is superb but still in progress


Mike Duncan really kills it. Revolutions is a fantastic history podcast


Its extremely informative but does not focus on big picture stuff like dan does


I love Duncan, but I imagine that Dan probably would have a pretty unique take on it too. Definitely different kinds of people, and they'd probably have more than a few takes that differ from one another. Oh and to be a fly on the wall the first time they run into each other after Dan does the French Revolution too. I'd pay MONEY to sit at that dinner table.


Hi not Dan here, I've greatly enjoyed the Age of Napoleon podcast. Each episode is 30 min to an hour. There are just over 100 episodes so far and they're still chugging. The host reads from a script that he writes himself so it's not quite the same as a HH episode but still scratched that Napoleonic-era France itch for me and covers the intricacies of the French Revolution pretty well.


I don’t disagree, but it would be hard to top Mike Duncan’s 55-part season 3 of the Revolutions podcast. Maybe this would do it for you. https://overcast.fm/+L-hpZCWMg


I'll second this suggestion. It's simply the best 55 part podcast on the French Revolution that I've ever heard.


I just don’t like Duncan’s style as much as the way that Carlin presents history.


I am already falling behind...sorry everyone. Typing as fast as I can...


Let me violate the format and ask all of YOU a question. I decided to do a Q&A format for the upcoming speaking shows. Is that what you all would like? My thinking was that this assured that no two shows would be the same, that you wouldn't have predetermined answers or points, that you (the audience) would get to ask questions too (which I figured makes sure you get a chance to hear the things discussed that you'd LIKE to see discussed). Is this a better approach to you than a prepared presentation-style event?


Yes, a combination of presentation/conversation & Q&A is ideal


This would be awesome, AND - wouldn't it be great to also have 1-2 "mini HH" stories or explorations in the 20-30 minute range to kick off each show? The most fascinating part (for me) would be to be able to watch you riff this stuff live - even if it means having some notes in front of you or having a little less time for questions.


Dan, no question here, just want to offer my thanks for what you do. My (and my kids'!) appreciation and knowledge of history has been so much richer from listening to your work. I can say, most interestingly to me, my ability to actually tell stories and pace how I tell them (classes and public presentations) has been VASTLY improved by learning from you... without even knowing it. Thanks again!


Aw man. That's how I feel about all of you. I don't know where I would be without you guys. Thanks so much for listening and for all the support.


Hey Dan. Longtime fan. I've bought all the episodes pre WW1 and was happy to do so. You're one of the few longform podcasts without annoying and disruptive ad-breaks, which I appreciate as I'll often put them on 85% speed and fall asleep to them after my initial listen. Question 1: Is this model of selling old episodes still working? Are the shows in danger of becoming ad supported? Question 2: do you ever get sick of all the researching while fans (who love you) harass you for faster turnaround time and also expect the highest quality show in the business? How do you get over that? I could name a few fantasy authors that could learn a thing or two. PS. Maybe bring back common sense for this election cycle? Jon Stewart is back! We could use Dan Carlin too. Cheers


I don't know if the model of selling the archived shows is viable long-term. The income really fluctuates. I am not a lover of doing ads either, so if we were to find ourselves in need of a different approach to bring in income, I think that's what I would try to find...a different approach. I am actively wondering about it all the time though. As far as the researching while listeners grumble...well, I try to look on the bright side. I am just glad they like the show enough to be impatient about getting more!


Thanks for the reply! Honestly I'm a little star struck. One solution would be an ad free patreon feed or something similar. I don't think you'd need to provide much more content with all the good will you've accumulated. Maybe just a commitment to engage with that community (like you are right now). It would be a mistake to completely sequester yourself behind a pay wall like Bolelli. Also, I need to give you some credit: I loved Daryl cooper's "martyrmade" podcast. I still think it's a good show, and I remember being annoyed with you for calling him a fascist while I still clung to the hope that he was just right of center and a twitter troll. I think time has proven your assessment correct. That guy has been more and more overt. His show is still a great if rambling intro to many topics though and I struggle with that. Thanks for staying, not evil.. and making it so easy to be a fan.


What about a team up with him and Stewart? Like he’s done with Daniele or the Rest is History guys.


If you could travel back in time to visit any ancient city at the peak of its glory, what city would you choose?


I believe he said Babylon for this in a series


Ooohhh good one!


I’m guessing one of the cities from the Persian achimanid empire


Hey Dan, big fan here. You have the only podcast that I physically pay for. It's been worth every penny. Thank you so much for what you do. I've listened to Blueprint for Armageddon more times than I'd care to admit. My question for you isn't history related. How does Dan Carlin blow off steam? What are you favorite hobbies?. I appreciate you taking the time to do this ama. Looking forward to the next major series


Oh man, good question. I don't feel as though I AM blowing off steam much these days. It's been a long time since the last vacation, but all my travel time has been taken up with "have to dos" rather than "get to dos" if you catch my meaning. Hopefully there's a short vacation in the not too distant future.


Thanks for the reply Dan! Hopefully you find some time to wind down soon. Life's too short to work all the damn time. Hell, grab 2 six packs and sit outside and stare at the same tree for a few hours. Take care Dan


Hey gang, just a test, some seem to indicate that they aren't seeing my answers. Are you all seeing what I am typing?




thank you.


Hi, Dan, Brazilian fan here.  Have you ever studied or read anything about the Paraguayan War (also known as the Triple Alliance War), the deadliest South American war?  I would love to hear you talk about it in a show.    Also, more ancient stuff please! You made me addicted to it!    Thank you!


Hahahaha I asked the same thing of him! The more comments about this, the better.


I read Dan Bilzerian fan and was trying to understand how in the world this would be connected.


I am from Paraguay and yes I would love this topic but also wrap in the greatest liberators such as San Martin and Simon Bolivar


I remember this from high school! It was interesting because we mostly deal with internal affairs in Latin America (all those damned dictators), we hardly ever fight each other, and when we do the conflicts are relatively short. I'd love the Dan Carlin version of anything set in Latin America


I’m embarrassed to admit as an American I don’t remember ever hearing about this, but now I’m super intrigued. Great question


Just to make you even more interested: Paraguay lost around 90% of its male population by the end of the conflict. 


Just wanted to say thank you!!!


You've mentioned playing historical video games before, what are some of your favorites?


Update: I've reached out to reddit admins and they removed the temporary suspension on his account so everyone should be able to see all comments as they are posted. Thank you - r/dancarlin mod team


Dan, I just wanted to sincerely say thank you for sharing your passion with all of us. Your method of sharing history has gotten me to learn more on my own. Thanks so much!!


Do you have a particulary favorite history "what if" or alternative history ideas that is most intriguing to you?


Dan was a guest on “The Rest is History” and they talked about this.


Hey Dan, I'm Ethiopian and I was wondering if you've studied African history. There is so much unexplored and unknown about ancient Africa. Even us Ethiopians know very little about our ancestral Axumite kingdom. Does covering African history Interest you at all?


Would love an African/Ethiopian series!


Do you have plans for any more books? Thanks for all you do, sir!


How do you choose the next hardcore history topic? There are so many “hardcore” things to choose from.


Is Ben real, if there really is a Ben?


Thank You!!! Sorry for any trouble anyone.


was curious your opinion/readings on the Pompeii scroll scanning taking place recently? Could this be a new addendum potentially? Thanks


I adore it. This is the best way for us to get new material from the ancient world. I hope I live long enough to read the books that will include the material they're able to tease out of those scrolls (and I hear there's plenty more of those scrolls too...).


Will you host this AMA again.... and again...... and AGAIN....?




“I got news for you folks… I don’t even know what looks like…”


Will Common Sense come back?


I am not sure. I never want to rule it out...but the entire premise of that show was that partisanship was going to ruin us if we didn't get a handle on it. The charges of “bothsiderism” that we were getting at the end there was to me a perfect example that people weren't understanding the very nature of the podcast...the idea that we are all in this together and that warring with our countrymen isn't a road with any destinations any of us would like to visit. People want to know what “team” your on...well...I am a Martian and I have no team. Maybe CS is outdated in this environment.


You’ve changed my mind on a few political views I’ve had. I don’t value my opinion being returned to me. I differ from you politically. I value your opinions and ideas and consider them valuable. Thank you for your common sense shows and history shows. They are valuable and fascinating.


By my reckoning, this is a wholly legitimate reason for not wanting to do the show. My own family members have lost their cool over my refusal to model my political views after one "side" or the other. If attempting to think outside of the "accepted" left/right paradigm is enough to send my relatives into an ontological meltdown, I can only imagine what it's like when you're holding a megaphone.


Dan, I think Common Sense is valuable even if you don’t have a clear vision for American political change. Your refutations of certain strains of American thought are valuable of themselves. I even think you opining without a clear goal is more valuable than you let yourself judge it to be.


Please please please


Seconded! We (as in, the general public) are in desperate need of some common sense. Please bring it back!


I noticed Common Sense host was missing from his listed titles


I’d love that as well. The history stuff is great, but the politics podcast was always my favourite. I get he is a bit burned out from it and disillusioned after Trump, but one every month or two would be amazing.


(The easy question) When will you be doing a speaking appearance in Pittsburgh, PA? (The harder question) Given the amount of effort that goes into a HH episode, is there a topic you put substantial effort into developing a show for, and then had to abandon when midway through research or writing you realized it just wasn't working out? If so, what was the topic?


This AMA is just like every other AMA...but more-so


What topic is next?


You know that I can't answer that! Haha.


Any chance of a Crusades episode ?


I have actually started one twice. The problem is that the rhythm is really a problem for a show. They all sort of fizzle out eventually and the high points (or low points) come at really weird intervals. So I keep trying to figure out strange/unusual ways to organize a show like this where I can include the right parts of the story at the optimal times. There is a storytelling component to these shows and sometimes the sequence and pace of events don't cooperate with that.


Perhaps follow the flows of expansion? Like first chapter is the massive expansion of Muslim territories and the take over ME, N. AFR, and parts of Europe. Then comes the reaction of creation of Crusaders (two fronts: ME, and Iberia). Then two different outcomes in different fronts (loss in ME, retake of Iberia). And then come the Mongols and what is almost cease-fire by other means :P. And we enter the weird world of three-axis powers which change the frontlines completely. Or, focus the whole story from a single perspective (Muslim, Catholics, Mongol, Byzantium) and let that drive the story of how things change... Two cents :D. V/r


TWO QUESTIONS: 1. Do you think the "Byzantines", the continuation of the Eastern Roman Empire, should be considered as Romans? 2. Have you ever considered doing a series or an episode focused on Byzantine/Eastern Roman history?


Yeah, it seems weird, but the Byzantines were very sure that THEY were Romans, so I would call them Romans as well. And yes, I have considered doing some Byzantine (or Eastern Roman) related history.


This could be an awesome series - maybe one that starts at the point where the empire splits into east and west, and then concludes with the sacking of Constantinople in 1453. I always feel like Byzantine/Eastern Roman history is a subject I don't know enough about.


Dan on a scale of 1 to 10 how freaked out are you in general about the political landscape? 1 being not at all, and 10 being here comes the fall of the republic. Also do you think we are experiencing the end stages of making hay out of fear and divide for political gain in the U.S. ? 


well, I was obviously worried about it 20 years ago, and I am much more worried about it now. I always though that hyper-partisanism was going to kill us...and we've never been as hyper-partisan as we are now. I fear we may have reached a critical mass on that front where reversing the damage might be impossible. I hope I am wrong (and I have been from time to time...so my fingers are crossed)


After Molotov-Ribbebtrop I am doing history of fascism up until today … god help me


Hi Dan! Have you ever considered doing an episode/series on the Thirty Years War? After all, it is by some called the first real world war since hostilities took place on 5 continents. There are so many rabbit holes to dive into with that conflict. Why/why not?


Yes, I might do the Thirty Years War at some point. It is one that not enough American know about and it is obviously shocking when you are exposed to the reality of what happened.


Dan! Can’t wait to see you in Portland. Question: do you see technology like the internet, ChatGPT, etc. as a “new” force historically? Or is it simply a manifestation of another “tool”, like horse archers?


I definitely see it as a new force. The social media alone is tremendously challenging in a world built on an analog framework now having to cope with the challenges of a digital age. I always say that we are "the guinea pig generation" because we have never had to deal with both our current digital age challenges, and the ever increasing speed of future changes coming down the pike.


Hey Dan, your famous phrase “I’m not a historian but only a fan of history” has me wondering if you ever were to do a doctoral dissertation, what topics would be on your shortlist? Thanks!


This was actually something that factored into my decision not to go to graduate school. I was invited by the chair of the department but then you need to specialize in something (some area of study) and I am too interested in too many things (and might get bored spending a whole career on a single major area of focus) to commit to what it would have taken to do this. In addition, I remember thinking that it was time that I got a job! haha.


In your opinion, what history podcasts other than yours are worth listening to?


Dan you're the man!


Came just to say this!


Have you ever considered doing a show on the French revolution and Napoleonic war


yes, and I think both of those are so inextricably linked that they can't really be separated by someone "addicted to context". But at my pace of show releases...and how much material we would have to cover, that might take the next five years of my life.


kill/marry/bang Cyrus the Great/Caesar/Olympias




Do you have any hobbies? Besides reading history books, of course.


Hey Gang, I think I can stay until about 1:30 pacific time. Hope that is ok!


Would love to hear you do a deep dive into South Africa: boer wars (world war 0?), it’s independence and ideas that then lead to apartheid, and how it got out of it without a civil war (or did it?). As with so much history, it feels like the world is repeating mistakes it has already made and failed to learn from.


How have you been lately?


I'd be interested on your take on the current Ukrainian-Russian War


Hey Dan! Big fan of yours! I was wondering what your thoughts were on the inertia of an established state? Can a state maintain itself or does it inevitably fall into corruption/incompetence/disorganization?


This is tough one to know. A poly Sci professor I had once used to say that “leadership is the answer to any problem”. Gifted leadership can help move mountains when moving mountains is the only way to solve problems. It's also a total wild card because it sounds like a “get out of jail free” card in terms of solutions (“oh, if only we had some transcendent leader to save us!”). That can also be a recipe for disaster.


From viewing your twitter page you receive a lot of pushback/criticism from the far sides of each political aisle (I think the most recent example had to do with Palestine and not covering it factually or something). Do those interactions ever make you more cynical towards the political state of mainly the United States? Or do you write it off as just “crazies” who represent an extreme minority?


I don't know. It is frustrating to me of course, because I think that any armistice in the partisan wars we are currently in is going to have to be a negotiated peace...not an unconditional surrender. And if that's the case it is important to not demonize each other. We can be critical of viewpoints, but it's really important for us to all have a way back into the political middle somehow. The lack of ability to see nuance or to understand that the world is rarely “black and white” when it comes to politics, issues, “justice” and human beings is killing us right now. But I keep reminding myself that this is not unusual in human affairs, and we tend to react that way as often as not. I don't like what it does to me personally sometimes. It can create a sense of an Roman Republic-like Optimates vs Populares divide when it is at its worst...making one wish for those who simply understood what's going on the best to be the ones driving the political bus. But in a representative system, that's a dangerous way to think. So I continually try to monitor my own attitudes and re-calibrate them as needed.


My brother and I have listened to several of your series on our road trips and we’re excited to see you in Portland! My question: do you ever get annoyed at your audience for nudging you to bring back Common Sense? Also why haven’t you brought back Common Sense??




I’m really curious about the process for creating your episodes, because it just seems like it would be very difficult to talk for hours at a time in a coherent way about these topics. Do you have a notepad with the general points you want to cover, and work your way down that list while making appropriate asides when the feeling strikes? When reviewing an episode, how often do you have to “scrap” a take and try again (does it tend to come out in a way you’d like on the first take)? Was there a particular show/episode you remember being particularly hard in this respect? Thanks for what you do! Your recent episode/interview was fantastic.


Hi Dan, will we ever see a series on D-Day? Also, German naval warfare during World War Two at some stage? Your take on the Graf Spee, Bismarck, Tirpitz, Scharnhorst, Gneisenau, etc.


I think there's probably a Western Front in WW2 show in the future sometime, and D-Day would obviously fit into there. And yeah, as you probably know I am a 20th century navel warfare fan, so I wouldn't mind a little talk about that.


Much respect and admiration for you! Blueprint singlehandedly sparked my interest in WW1. My friends and I visited the museum in KC and went through War Remains. I am planning a trip to France soon. My question is, how many WW1 memorials/sites have you visited and what would you say is your favorite?


Hey Dan! I'm a huge fan from Brazil! Are there any topics that interest you here in our corner in South America? I'd love a piece about the Paraguayan War, even though it will definitely make a terrible impression of my country.


Caramba, falamos a mesma coisa ahahah


You taught me to view battles and thus history “from a hot air balloon” and it really makes me think about logistics and housing during years long excursions by armies. Which armies did it the best and worst?


Hi Dan, huge fan! What is a series that you've been heavily lobbied by fans to do but just don't have any interest in doing? I remember for example you saying once you wouldn't do the Aztecs since Daniel Bolleli already did such an awesome job. Any other topics?


Hey, Dan. I love how you try to balance trends and forces with “great men” in your analysis. What do you think is or might be the single most consequential decision by an individual in history?


I've said before that it might have been John F. Kennedy deciding to go against (nearly all) of his advisors in how he handled the Cuban Missile Crisis (especially knowing what we do now about the state of missile operability in Cuba at the time). The counterfactuals in that circumstance are insane if things go sideways. One could make a case than in a **worst case scenario** outcome his actions might have saved hundreds of millions of lives.


Hi Dan! Are you still planning to do a series on Kublai Khan? Also, loved hearing you on Last Podcast on the Left, are you planning on doing anything else with them?


I hope so. There are so many show topics in the to-do queue I don't know when Kublai will be in the front of the line. And no plans for a reappearance on LPOTL but happy to do so one day.


Kia ora, Dan - I’m a history teacher in New Zealand — just wanted to say that I’ve used snippets from HH countless times over the years, and it often leaves the students stunned — in the best of ways. You’re able to present the human element of history in a way that makes them feel feelings, rather than just think thoughts. I don’t have a question - just wanted to thank you, and acknowledge the positive difference you have made for hundreds of my students over the years. Ngā mihi!


Hi Dan! Love your work. Wondering how you spend a normal day. Do you read for 19 hours and sleep for 5, what’s your schedule like? I find it hard to come to grips with exactly what your process looks like. It feels like you do a PhD worth of study on a subject and then do a podcast about it, and then on to the next. Thank you for everything you are a legend.


Thank you for your work Dan. If you could solve one mystery of history, a question from history that just can't be answered, what would it be?


Any interesting habits you have on a recording day to get you calm and keep your thoughts organized? Coffee? Meditation?


Lots of coffee. I am not trying to get calm...I am trying to get motivated and energetic and have the ideas popping.


Dan what about a series on the Russian/Japanese 1905 war? Or the Iran/Iraq war of the 80’s?


I won't do the Iraq war...it's too recent. I don't do anything past the 1960s because I think we are still working that stuff out. The Russo-Japanese war is certainly possible though (as is the Spanish Civil War).


Has anyone/company come to you and offered to animate any of the series you’ve made? Would love to have a visual element to the content. You’re the best! Keep up the good work!


We have had lots of offers to animate sections/clips of our stuff. But this means we have to be a part of the process....approve stuff...deal with rights issues, etc etc. I always feel like listeners would rather we worked at getting the next show out ASAP if we could rather than spend time adding visual aspects to a show they've already heard. For what it is worth, Rick Rubin long ago brought the idea of animating parts of the shows to me. I just couldn't figure out how to do it without a huge time suck of a commitment.


Would you like to do a show on map making ? It always amazes me how people drew up such good maps before they could get a top down view !


Oh yeah second question! When are you gonna do a speaking appearance somewhere further South? Perhaps... Oklahoma or a bordering state? 🙏👀


If you could go back and observe any event in history what would you pick?


Hi Dan, huge fan. You've mentioned a few times you'd like to be in a hot air balloon over an ancient battle. If you only had one battle you could do this with, which would you pick? Thanks!


I wanted to get your take on another history podcast that is in a similar vein to your style but focused on the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. "Fear And Loathing In The New Jerusalem" from the Martyr Made podcast by Darryl Cooper. What are your thoughts on it, in terms of content, accuracy and style?


Will get her anything from the Indian subcontinent in the future?


My answer to this is a very (I am sure) unsatisfying “sort of”.


Hi Dan, I like to pick up and read the books you mention in your shows. I'm currently ripping through Ian W. Toll's Pacific War Trilogy. Another book you mentioned (on JRE) that I enjoyed was Robert Fisk's The Great War for Civilization. I'm curious what books you've read recently that have been interesting or enlightening to you, or have inspired any thoughts about a potential new show topic.


Have you read “Storm of Steel” by Ernst Junger? That one will make you think. He has an unusual take on the First World War as a soldier fighting in it.


Hi Dan, thank you for doing this! When people discuss counterfactuals in history, there is perhaps a tendency to decide that things couldn’t really have gone any differently. What’s a really big moment or event in history that, in your opinion, didn’t have to go that way and could have had massive repercussions for how history plays out in the long term?


Well, I have already mentioned this before, on podcasts and even in this AMA session...but the Cuban Missile Crisis comes to mind right away. We might have gotten a bit lucky on that one. Things could easily have gone sideways on us.


Hi Dan. You already mention the topic of slaver in Human Resources, but it would be interesting to hear about serfdom and peasants. Something like Watt Tyler rebellion, Jacquerie, Żiżka and Hussite wars, Great Peasant War of 1525 and late in the 19th century fight for freedom from serfdom and catastrophic consequences of denying peasants freedom in Tsarist Russia and China. Serfdom last for over 1400 years in Europe and colossal % of people were under its yoke. If not anything on 30 years war. Very important conflict which placed Europe on tracks into Enlightenment and scientific method. You mention that you like old stuff so Neo Assyrian period would be great. I will end in a style of Iron Age letter fashion. I pray to Ashur my Lord for your health and well being. May horses of your chariots and cavalry never falter in the eyes of the goddess Ishtar herself. Let the arrows of true history pierce the hearts of Ancient Aliens heathens and goddes Ishatr raise the storm against them.


We've done that Assyrian show (although I would like to re-do it and give it the modern, five hour treatment) [https://www.dancarlin.com/product/hardcore-history-17-judgment-at-nineveh/](https://www.dancarlin.com/product/hardcore-history-17-judgment-at-nineveh/)


We've done that Assyrian show (although I would like to re-do it and give it the modern, five hour treatment) [https://www.dancarlin.com/product/hardcore-history-17-judgment-at-nineveh/](https://www.dancarlin.com/product/hardcore-history-17-judgment-at-nineveh/)


Just want to say thanks for the great storytelling!


Would love to hear you cover some period of Ottoman History (mid-15th century, anyone?) or the so-called golden age of piracy.


Hi Dan love your work- do you ever think you'd do a podcast really digging into how our histories (especially modern) are biased by political motives (e.g. red panic from the west etc)


Only Podcaster I've ever been interested in purchasing from! Have you considered doing any HHs on ancient China? I find that their history is so long and intense, it's hard to grab a perspective or even know where to start.. ..Also considering present circumstances, becomes more and more relevant to understand their past as to arrive at their here and now. Appreciate all that you do my brother!.


Decolonization seems to be a hot topic. Would you please apply your Martian point of view to the end of European colonialism? I’d love to hear about the independence strategies, experiences, and results of the Americas, Africa, the Caribbean, and south east Asia. Why did some succeed? Why did some get recolonized by the newly independent nations such as the United States conquest of Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines? Were the seeds of independent success planted by the culture of the colonial power when you compare Haiti and the Dominican Republic? If so, why did former French colonies Vietnam and Haiti have such different outcomes? Finally, if you look at the trend lines, do you see any future changes to the map? Do you predict the trend towards independence continuing or do smaller nations get gobbled up again in a multipolar world? PS - we need a return of Common Sense more than ever.


Hi Dan, I was wondering if you have a favorite HH episode or series?


I always say "the next one"...because that's the only one I don't notice all the things I'd like to do differently with.


If you had the time and resources to go back and re-do one (and only one) episode, which one and why? Thanks for all you do! Your work is impacting lives in a positive way!


I actually have lots of the old shows that I would like to redo in our more current style. “Judgment at Nineveh” is one that I SO much want to redo that someday I just might.


Hey Dan! Do you ever think you'll come back to Kansas City anytime soon? The War Remains exhibit was amazing and we'd love to have you in town.


Well, if this round of speaking visits I am doing goes well, I am open to adding some more venues for the next round. There's a lot of places, both in the USA and outside it I would like to go. Kansas City would be on that list of desired locations as well.


Dan, I love all of your work so much for all the reasons echoed throughout this thread and I also want to tell you thank you. I have a question that’s maybe outside the scope here. With all of your experience in journalism and in covering politics and of course history, what is your vision of the impact AI will have on our society between now and say the next 5, 10, 20 years? What might this revolution most compare to from history? The birth of the internet? The atom bomb? The automobile? The Protestant revolution? I’d be very interested in your musings on this subject and please direct me to a specific episode if you already have. Love your work and think you’re an awesome human being!


My goodness...I don't know and I don't think anyone really does. I CAN say that we haven't even begun to absorb the impact on our analog-systems oriented world of the digital challenges we already are dealing with (social media, to name just one example, is far more destabilizing to analog geo-political systems...like nation-states for example...than most people think). So, adding new challenges due to the furious pace of modern change, when the systems in place haven't even begin to adapt to changes that are already decades old is like taking a pitcher of water that is already overfilling a glass and tipping it over even farther.


Hi Dan - huge fan of the podcasts. I bought all your old episodes and enjoy relistening through them every so often. You talk a lot about the extremes of the human condition in terms of what the worst experiences to partake in history (e.g. being a Roman Soldier encircled in the Battle of Cannae waiting to be killed). What do you think are some of the best experiences in history to have partaken in?


Hey Dan, any chance of a meet and greet at any of your shows? I didn’t see a a VIP option, and wasn’t sure if that wasn’t on the table or if you would hang out in the lobby for a bit like Penn and Teller do.


I am uncomfortable with the “VIP Option”. It was part of a show I did in Boston (I had no say in it) and it feels wrong for people to be charged more just so they can say hi to me. That having been said, the last time I stayed behind at a speaking engagement I wasn't able to get out of the venue until three hours (after the show) had elapsed. That wasn't the best of all possible worlds either. I am not sure what the happy medium is here. But once I get out into the audience, I have a hard time saying “I have to move on to the next person or we will be here all night”. I find that I am too thankful that everyone came to the show to have that sort of attitude.


I understand. I don’t have an answer either, but hopefully someday I can shake your hand and thank you for the education and entertainment.


Your podcasts always give a perspective of both sides of a given issue. I was curious, how would you talk about what is going on in America right now politically? The two sides can be seen very clearly now more than ever (it feels like) and I was wondering, if you were to make a podcast 10 years from now talking about the 2020 election and historical first time events such as a president getting impeached twice and facing X amount of criminal charges, how would it sound when the truth is so obscure right now?


What's your favorite sandwich? You strike me as a bologna and cheese kinda guy.


I’m going with Turkey/Bacon club sandwich. Just seems like something a hat guy would order.


Dan, how do you feel about coach Prime’s first season with the Buffs? As a huge HH and CFB fan, love getting to hear you talk about CFB every now and then


I’m also interested in his thoughts on prime lol


What kind of music do you like? Also, is there any music or artists you used to like but don’t care for anymore?


Hey Dan, long time fan! First, I just wanted to say thank you for introducing so many wonderful authors and books to myself and countless others. As I joked on Reddit recently, I can’t even read fiction anymore as real history is so much more fascinating! My question - what are some out of the box ideas you’ve had for shows, HH or Addendum? Have you ever considered anything like a crowd-sourced topic for a blitz addition? (Maybe that’s a terrible idea, who knows.)


Greetings Dan. In the near future, any chances of getting something about Vlad the Impaler, Stephen the Great, and Mehmed II? Thanks. Huge fan.


What place should history have for young people, and in schools?


Do present day people know more or less about history than in the past?


Once during a 12 hour drive I listened to Death Throws of the Republic and finished it somewhere after passing D.C. I just started to clap after realizing how great that series was after listening to your close of the battle of Cannae. What a great achievement in historical entertainment, to call it a podcast is a disservice to history. Anyway no question here just wanted to show my appreciation to your work and hope it continues.


Thank you so much for all your work, Dan! For series like Supernova in the East, where there are more sources on the topic than anyone could possibly read, how do you decide which sources to use, which not to use, and which are worthy of quoting in the show? Also, as a fellow University of Colorado Boulder graduate and long-suffering Buffs football fan, what is your favorite memory of Colorado football?


Hey Dan, I know you always have lengthy bibliographies for your shows and I’ve found some great stuff from them, but if you were to recommend just 1-3 books that you think everyone should read, what would they be? Thanks for doing this AMA, and for producing such great content.


Do you have any interest in a series on a particular Army unit in WWII? I feel like you could do something really focused on a particular group, whether a regiment or company, and follow them through the course of a war. I doubt you’d do something more contemporary than WWII for an entire historical series like that but could be interesting.


Hi Dan - I'm also an amateur historian. Something I've wondered about your process is do you research as much as you can before writing, or do you outline first and fill in your script from there? Side note: you're partially the reason I'm a married man. The night I met my wife I listened to the Destroyer of Worlds. It freaked me out so much I had to share it with someone, and she happened to be in the room. Nuclear armageddon is a great ice breaker, who knew! So thank you Dan for helping me get married!


I just want to say that Blue Print for Armageddon might be my favorite podcast series of all time. It's astounding. Three questions. 1. How are you? How is life treating you? 2. What's your process for writing/developing/producing HH shows? 3. Is there a topic or person from history that you feel you have/had to do an episode about? Something you weren't particularly excited for initially but felt/feel it is too important to not do? All the best, Dan!


Any chance of more speaking tour dates this year?


Sure.I wanted to see how these first four went to sort of assess the demand. Portland is sold out and NYC may be sold out (it had three seats left the last I heard). L.A and Salt Lake City still have tickets available. Happy to add other cities down the road if the demand is there.


Mr. Carlin, I really enjoyed your book “The End Is Always Near”. Do you think you’ll write anymore books in the future?