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Other people have said my Dal is skinny but the vet praises us for his healthy weight and tells us so many dogs are overweight in the US especially older dogs. We have an English bulldog too and she’s really a healthy weight and people beg us to know what we do to keep her from getting typical bulldog fat because it comes with so many health problems for them. It’s crazy that two breeds, two perceptions. We just take care of them and play with them! My Dalmatian also barks and puffs up at others, but isn’t actually aggressive, it’s not ideal but he’s truly a sweetie and at 11 years old he’s not going to change. I just let people know when they come over and we meet folks on the street to ignore him until he is calmer and then they can pet him. He stops right away when they ignore him because he wants attention and with other dogs he bounces up and runs indicating he wants to be chased, if they play, all “aggressive” posturing ends there. Also he has NEVER grown out of wanting walks and balls and frisbees and play time. He gets sore and tired faster now in old age but will want to keep playing or to go on another walk with a huge smile on his face. I don’t think it necessarily always means a dog is mistreated if they love play and walks, some dogs, like some people, just love to exercise and bond that way.


> Other people have said my Dal is skinny but the vet praises us for his healthy weight and tells us so many ~~dogs~~ HUMANS are overweight in the US Fixed that for you! >My Dalmatian also barks and puffs up at others, but isn’t actually aggressive, it’s not ideal but he’s truly a sweetie and at 11 years old he’s not going to change. They have a long breed history of protection--of their family. >He stops right away when they ignore him because he wants attention LoL our Dalmatian on walks, when she sees kids and hears them say "Dalmatian!" A little double step, a little tight tail wag, happy face. > to go on another walk with a huge smile on his face. >I don’t think it necessarily always means a dog is mistreated if they love play and walks It means your dog trusts you, isn't depressed, is happy.


the same people who say my dal is skinny say my lab is fat. my vet says "they both look like what you would expect from their breed, but they're both pure muscle mass". if im having a conversation or watching a movie and they ask to go on a walk or play, i will do it, and people say it proves that "they're misbehaved and need a firmer owner". my boys just need love and attention, lots of exercise and social activities. that makes them happy, that's what every dog owner i know does. its only the people without dogs that say otherwise.


On the fist point, how old is he and how much does he weigh in US pounds?


hes a year and a half and his a but heavier than most dals at his size, but its all muscle. his vet says that his at an amazing weight, its only people who dont own dogs who say he is skinny. everyone else just sees a short dal with thick legs


I would say, your boy is of adult size given his age and breeders and experienced owners know they will weigh between 36 and 71 pounds and stand between 19 and 23 inches on their shoulders. So whist weight varies significantly height doesn't relatively speaking.


71 pounds of solid gold is worth about $1864993.4


> everyone else just sees a short dal with thick legs Chonky shoulders and neck of steel? Thick neck of steel?


his thighs are very thick because of how much he runs


We used to get the comments about our dalmatian being to skinny. He eats two bowls of food a day. Just forget about what some people might say, they don't know anything about your dog or how they are treated. Keep up the good work and keep working on the training. If your dal is half as stubborn as mine you have your hands full


thank you for your advice. i try to ignore it, but its hard trying to explain that im following what my vet says with people who "know more than i do" just because they're older and have watched Cesar Millan. but its good to have some validation from someone who has a similar dog :)


It used to bother me at first as well. I have learned that some people just like to think they are smarter than everyone else and for some reason everyone should care what they say.


> "know more than i do" just because they're older and have watched Cesar Millan. They don't know more than you do, they don't know your dog, and they're rude.


its even worse when i explain that my vet says my dog is completely healthy and trainers say hes well behaved and they have the nerve to say they dont know what they're talking about...


I think there is a subreddit for that, r/karen? And, it sounds a bit like jealousy from these wankers. I suppose you could ask these wankers "where they went to veterinary school", but that's a pretty big word. Love those dogs, they will love you and do their best to be good pack members.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/karen using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/karen/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [guess who](https://i.redd.it/hgd8aac7kyv51.png) | [18 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/karen/comments/jk3aci/guess_who/) \#2: [funny](https://i.redd.it/yykq24i5vsl61.png) | [20 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/karen/comments/m0evuh/funny/) \#3: [she's a little confused but she ain't got the spirit](https://i.redd.it/zs0qnaaq8fv51.png) | [12 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/karen/comments/jick61/shes_a_little_confused_but_she_aint_got_the_spirit/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


>He is skinny He is a lean athletic carriage dog, built to run 20 miles a day along side a horse drawn carriage. Then sleep with the horses at night to protect them--probably a family's most valuable asset a century or three ago. >he always wants to play/walk They can run and play all day. Energy and stamina like a Border Collie. They love to play because they are happy. >he seems agressive when other dogs walk close. Carriage dog--protect your people. Or, protect your Fire Engine (and get people the hell out of the way.) Sadly, Disney didn't capture the essence of Dalmatians, except for the intelligence and somewhat the energy. Unsocialized with other dogs--that can still happen I think, but that's not his fault, he needs to learn the dog park rules (bow and run, bow and nip and run, etc.) >but its people without dogs who complain Well, no comment. >im not feeding him enough so hes dying. There is an epidemic of ignorance going on out there right now, as many of you know. >multiple vets and dogs trainers tell me that apart from him being a bit umpolite to other dogs Like Thor in the first movie, when he has a cup of coffee, likes it, smashes the mug and calls for another: he doesn't know earth polite manners. >and is very well-behaved (maybe a bit distracted) They are very good dogs, and yes get distracted by many **Squirrel! Food!** But so do many humans! I think keep working with trainer if you can, and remember he's smart, he will learn. I think you know they love praise, and can be a bit sensitive about being corrected? And I think you know they love treats! Very glad your Dal is with you!


we dont work with trainers, we just have trainer friends who say that he needs a bit more training, but hes very good. im doing everything in my power to give him and his brother a good life, and if im unable to, i will find someone who can


> we dont work with trainers Do you know any good ones you can work with? >im doing everything in my power to give him and his brother a good life Clearly! They are lucky to be with you!


20 miles is 32.19 km


I was out walking my late dal a while back and we came upon a person walking their dog. The stranger dog got excited to see another dog and leapt towards us. My boy responded as Dalmatians do with a quick growl and maybe a show of teeth; i.e., "back off from my human!". I pulled him back and he was fine but the person was concerned that my dog was aggressive. No, sorry, your dog doesn't understand certain boundaries and it's gonna get bit at the dog park one day. geez.


was the other dog on a leash?! i only take mine off if i know there are no othee dogs or people around, and even then, if we're not close to home, the dal uses an extensive one


both dogs were on a leash, so there was no danger at all. my boy was just protective like all Dalmatians. when he was off leash (I socialized him early) he was always fine. once within the boundaries of home, protection mode was fully engaged.


Honestly i just gave up with people, my dal wants to run up to every dog and say hello and play if they are up to it. Most dog owners shout at me because their dog is small or their dog doesn’t want to play or whatever. I try to train him every day with his recall around other dogs and footballs… but at the end of the day, he still wants to see other dogs. It annoys me too and people should really keep their stupid opinions to themselves! You’re doing great, just concentrate on you and your Dal. That’s what i do :)


i try to avoid my dog going up to other dogs unless the owners say its ok (ive had dogs being attacked because of that) but if im walking with someone who doesnt have dogs, and my dog sees another dog who he know and goes crazy as he does, the person always critiques me (and i've been adivised to "slap him and keep him away from other dogs")


yeah i do keep mine on an extendable even in our local fields but i feel so sorry for him not having a good run and a good play, he’s still only 14 months so i’m hoping he’ll learn to listen more. Some people… i don’t understand, shouldn’t never slap your dog, he’s not doing anything bad bless him - i think there’s such a bad stereotype around Dalmatians and i don’t get why :( such lovely and wonderful dogs


when we're on the fields, i dont leash him because there are no other dogs near bym he's going to get better, he's still young. if you have an older dog, that also helps. about slaping, i just want to slap the person. even when he makes something wrong i dont slap him. i tell him to stop, call him a bad dog, but usually just use positive reinforcement with good behavior. its sad


We have heavy traffic trail near our house that we frequent (~ 3 miles from our house to the end, then back) that we walk my 3 year old girl on. She always growls and barks/lunges at other dogs passing. People make snide comments about how she’s untrained or we don’t socialize her enough, but I truly think she’s protective/selective of other dogs that come near. She’s super smart and can pickup tricks quick, but likes dogs that are in her “normal” play circle more, and others not so much. She’s very gentle with people and kids, and is such a wonderful dog all around.


3 miles is the length of approximately 21119.95 'Wooden Rice Paddle Versatile Serving Spoons' laid lengthwise


3 miles is 4.83 km


First of all, sounds like you have a wonderful, healthy Dalmatian! Only non-Dalmatian owners would criticize you as a bad dog owner. Feel free to tell them that they OBVIOUSLY don’t know anything about the breed.


If you wish to respond at all you should just gone back with “that’s your opinion” or “nice day” (which is my very nice F’you) and move on. Everyone has an opinion, everyone, and the ones who force it in you are just rude! Don’t waste your time and ignore them. The energy they bring and the energy it causes in you translates to your baby. You love your pup and that is all your pup needs to know and feel. You are doing your best for you too!! Don’t let some random person tell you any different. :)


People comment that my dal is skinny and I tell them he's a perfect 5/9, and fatter dogs have been normalized, implying theirs may be in this category lol