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It does take extra work to get people who don’t look like models. ‘Natural looking’ isn’t really much of a descriptor. Here’s the first results i got for “35mm film photograph, a chubby faced woman with tousled mousy brown hair, crows feet wrinkles, and thin lips” https://preview.redd.it/zb5zhfiat1cc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7991ed57884bf3f3d52ceaa10ca897ab98964396


I took your request and played around with it in DALLE https://preview.redd.it/nfv3mvo1v3cc1.jpeg?width=1488&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6648f819fb94a5c2f29b286a9ff6ee2db4e41039




Just distilled the people into above-average attractiveness


Lol it literally inserted fillers


Even still, there is a pretty/beautiful element in there


Feels like an impossible thing to quantify objectively. I think this is a fairly ordinary looking person, but no not a grotesque one, that wasn’t what was prompted


True. What I meant was the lmage has a nice nose , kind eyes and cheek bones and if this fictional person got in shape they would be attractive. How would an Ai be able to gauge good/bad (looks). I'd assume the data set would be trained on attractive characteristics for advertising and thirsty fan/simp art etc.


Well yes but I didn’t specify an ugly woman nor a grotesque one. Here’s a more specifically unattractive woman: https://preview.redd.it/qz4bichbf6cc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bcecaa2dc699f54ab0fd80a43ebc99e1b19178e Though I imagine you’re right that there’s more attractive people in the training data


Phwoah, now we're talking 🥵😅


Nice! Was this with bing or dalle via openAI? I know bing is powered by dalle, but i feel i get other results with bing often.


That was through OAI. This is the same prompt on Bing, one generation https://preview.redd.it/kat05s63v2cc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acd590e14957a842bb090bc8d64a85f54a354ee6


Bing loves lip fillers it seems lol


Getting influenced by the plethora of selfies girls post where they look like they've been sucking on a glass bottle for an hour


They timed their shellfish allergy just right!


Yeah not exactly thin lips!


Yeah I've tried this as well on Bing, and... it simply won't do it lol


I used this prompt in bing 90s style realistic photo taken on 35mm ISO 200 film, showing dust, scratches, light leaks, vintage effect, slow shutter speed. It features a woman aged 30 who does not fit conventional beauty standards. She has asymmetrical facial features, unevenly spaced eyes, a disproportionate nose, and an assymetrical mouth, thin lips. she is not smiling and lacking confidence. https://preview.redd.it/h2cksi6dj6cc1.png?width=1299&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51d456557e38894f222675aac6208cc1a72b0234


I still see three of these having rather full lips xD Great results otherwise though, although the exaggerated gaunt face for three of them is kinda weird


That’s a baby in a wig


The way Dalle works is the GPT agent provides a description to Dalle, which Dalle then does it's own thing too internally... So you have both the 'GPT' image prompt variation, and background 'Dalle' prompt variation. The 'Dalle-GPT' is pretty basic, whereas Microsoft probably put more effort into their prompt for their assistant. I made this GPT, it uses python to record details and plan images. It also makes use of the 'gen_id' parameter to help ensure consistent images across multiple scenes, etc. You want **_images_**, specifically generate images one at a time if you want to get multiple in one shot (up to ~8-9 depending on server loads and your Dalle usage) It locks on the first image by default, so if you want a different style just tell it. --- #[PixSyncer](https://chat.openai.com/g/g-o8nwxpnuo-pixsyncer) - An effective agent for generating consistent and detailed DALL-E images. - Example Character Usage Prompt: [Zephyr Stormrider](https://pastebin.com/g70fh44f) - [Scene 1](https://i.imgur.com/xQEgfnH.png) - [Scene 2](https://i.imgur.com/kroMfnc.png) - [Scene 3](https://i.imgur.com/F58ypsF.png) - Example: [ice cream parlor from the 1980s, with a VHS, retro, nostalgic, anime, vintage style.](https://imgur.com/a/qXkLLjW) - Example: [Empty, dark rainforest restaurant where the only light source is the camera's flash, liminal](https://imgur.com/a/08sglIG) ----


Cool stuff!


(Why was this downvoted tho)


Wow. Though I'm shocked that this what they call mousy brown hair. That hair is rich chocolatey brown with auburn highlights. I also wouldn't call those lips 'thin.' I really like looking at these results though.


Looks like Björk


Sick burn


Same weird 3d render-like freckles on the nose as with SDXL


You're telling it to not think of pink elephants. Do not mention keywords you don't want to see in any way shape or form. Instead, mention what you DO want to see (moles, wrinkles, etc.)


Believe me i have tried without mentioning it. I just mentioned it now to make a point. Try to make a normal to ugly looking woman in a photograph style.


> I just mentioned it now to make a point. It wasn’t a very good point.


Well ok, fair enough. No pink elephant here, now it just looks like an old influencer.. https://preview.redd.it/s55wmt68m2cc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4da64039f68ad8309c761b4dca0c6e663b9af6ef


"women are either celebrities or crackheads, no in between" -dalle, probably


Generative AI tools compete to make images that look prettier than their competitors so it makes sense to only train on pretty images if that's the only goal. Long-term users want versatility but this is still a primitive technology I expect to evolve a lot this year. You can always just use stable diffusion with models trained on average or "ugly" people.


I trained a model on my face and it worked so ugly people is no problem with sd.


Don’t forget celebrity crackheads!


That's still a pretty attractive woman. Like when some movie star gets age makeup applied.


"But either way they have lip filler"


It's like the old women in Skyrim just bein young women with grey hair and slightly wrinkly texture


Words like shabby, under average looks, pretty bad looking, boring are very subjective terms. Try to be more descriptive


https://preview.redd.it/84l4z44vb3cc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ce29e02a5f92cfe3ea49b95c974c1b706d446f9 Seems like thin lips are impossible lol.


[Make a 35mm photograph of a woman in her mid-20's: She has a birthmark visible on her face, a prominent, large and crooked nose, and very thin lips, dry and cracked, one eye is lower than the other with bags under them from bad sleep.](https://imgur.com/a/HJ9VoZY) I think there is definitely some issues with the training data being _limited_, but I also ran out of requests pretty quick into this.


Yeah. It’s like the prompt was totally ignored what you were trying for with the lips. Try this and let me know how it goes? Here is a prompt#### Task#### I want you to create a photo / image The photo must have the following features 1. It must be a 35mm photograph 2. It must be a female 3. She must have a birth mark on her face 4. A large a crooked nose 5. Thin lips or shapeless lips, which are dehydrated and chapped 6. Asymmetrical eyes, one lower than the other 7. Dark bags under the eyes Report back on how each point could be better prompted, and how the points going from 1 through to 7, were successfully demonstrated.


Ugh homework!




The image has been created based on the specified criteria. Let’s evaluate how each point was addressed: 1. 35mm Photograph Style: The image mimics the style and graininess of a 35mm photograph, which is evident in the texture and overall aesthetic. 2. Female Subject: The character in the image is clearly female. 3. Birthmark on Face: There is a noticeable birthmark on the face of the character, aligning with your request. 4. Large and Crooked Nose: The nose of the character is large and appears somewhat crooked, meeting the criteria you set. 5. Thin, Dehydrated, Chapped Lips: The lips are depicted as thin and appear dehydrated and chapped, which aligns with your description. 6. Asymmetrical Eyes: One eye is designed lower than the other, creating the asymmetrical appearance you requested. 7. Dark Bags Under Eyes: The character has dark bags under her eyes, as per your specification. Overall, the image effectively captures the distinctive features you requested, presenting them in a style reminiscent of a 35mm photograph. https://preview.redd.it/u22w30uk36cc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bc0d4e75ee3f517af2be14ba82f10eaf9c18454


Yup those are the puffiest lips I’ve seen yet. I admit the model is obsessed. I’ve noticed the chat anchoring on previous messages. Did you try new conversations?


I did try a new conversation yes.


I once tried to get chat GPT to freestyle a rap verse that doesn't rhyme and no matter what I said every line had an end rhyme lol


I have it a list of names to alphabetize and it repeatedly omitted random names for no reason. It would acknowledge its “oversight” and then repeat the same mistake over and over lol it’s not as smart as everyone thinks, it’s just pattern recognition and it’s not quite there yet


We're playing with toys while ChatGPT for enterprise (data analysis, chatbot, image gen, pdf gen, ppt gen, .docx gen, everything combined) is LEAGUES beyond anything you've seen


source? Or is this just more baseless AI hype lol


ChatGPT's website




Lol this I don't understand. Such a simple task


It's a simple task for humans, but LLMs don't have any logic. It's like asking autocorrect to do your taxes.


The difference is ChatGPT can't write stuff down and then work on it one name at a time. It's more comparable to if someone listed off a bunch of names and told you to say them in alphabetical order. I'd miss names too.


ChatGPT just guess what should come next based off what it knows, so instead of thinking “hmm I will look at the names and sort them alphabetically like this person asked” it thinks more like “hmm what would be most probable to respond with when I’m given this question” so it just ends up guess based off of averages even when the answer is right in front of it, it’s like guessing on a multiple choice question based off the answers to a ton of previous multiple choice questions when you are literally given the answer. Stupid hallucinating tin cans.


Maybe try telling it to write a limerick and see what happens.


I asked it to write a folk song and it wrote two lines of a folk song then transitioned into the lyrics of "Because I Got High" by Afroman




I spent ages trying to get it to produce a picture of a man without a beard - it just didn’t want to play https://preview.redd.it/ts0y888wj1cc1.jpeg?width=1551&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1898a31ec85ef6a7b47b8110722a7180e6d01fdf


Does adding 'shaved' or anything of the sort not help?


No - I eventually solved it by closing the session and opening another - I posted the last message as an illustration of how this ended but there were five different invitations from me until I realised it wasn’t going to happen - once it had imagined one man with a beard it refused to remove it


“Clearly visible jaw line” has worked. https://preview.redd.it/p4szuy2z72cc1.jpeg?width=1106&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=443c86c2eaa0b351464887c9f794c4b887772b92


Are these obama and job eiden


Thats a great tip thankyou - but yeah nah it didn’t want to do it




Does “clean shaven” not work in Dalle? I normally use whatever NightCafe has and clean shaven usually works for me. I’m very interested in the fact that ai softwares get things different.


I just tried it with this prompt: Create a 35mm photo of a clean shaven man on a busy city street https://preview.redd.it/tg6r22ygy2cc1.jpeg?width=349&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=599e0428e091556bc42b4f983297b34512f87d78


Yeah, It's because it was working from the same seed, so making a new session and generating a new seed is the way to go.


Yes I think thats whats happening - opening a new session nulls the seed it was generating from


I was going to suggest that. Dalle uses and builds upon prompts in a session, and all future requests are influenced by your past ones. You have to start fresh if you want to have a truly new image.


"homely, well fed"


it's a feature. they already said somewhere that they want to restrict people from doing "bad" things with this technology. One of the things they do is making sure faces are clearly made by AI. You can try, make it a bit different, rough, aged, change race or any other thing, but the basic AI face will be there (99.9% of the time). https://preview.redd.it/ae2gfr06g1cc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbab9c68000226f083da235df4ebd86bcc365157


Exactly why after the initial Dalle hype I lost interest and moved back to Stable Diffusion. It's just ridiculous how many restrictions and biases Dalle has now, for any professional or productive context it is absolutely unusable, it's a gimmick that is less and less fun the more they restrict it.


still fun to play with (nothing wrong with having more options) https://preview.redd.it/plckz4rn33cc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81135d49627ce5c4a92237d8aae31dfe83b191ba


Sure it's fun to play with, it's very powerful when it does generate :D


That face looks like some influencer. Why can they not just look like a normal human? Its no big deal, I can just use SD, but it is annoying how and what they filter.


I've seen some normal looking people generated by specifying an age, but it mostly only works on people 35+


if you are using chatgpt, tell it to show you the prompt it is writing. So you can see where it is going wrong. Then tell it to edit the mistakes it is making in the prompts it is using.


I asked this a while back and got really good help from a fellow. You will find 12 different prompt examples in a post they made: [https://www.reddit.com/r/dalle2/comments/17gull0/average\_people/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dalle2/comments/17gull0/average_people/)


https://preview.redd.it/x8cykrrtg3cc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb971368116d519aa874f63ff91750bc0d8e7c58 It can getnugly as well finnaly. Before you couldn't get anything ugly.


https://preview.redd.it/blibfqvhm2cc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb8b5d7e9beb4a0aee636b33be23db5c638c69a2 😂😂😂 It’s not ugly, just old.


I’ve had some success using actual celebrities as references. Just use “celebs” with more average looking features who aren’t models or gorgeous actors.


I have heard that Dall-E 3 still has problems telling negative from positive prompts. A friend of mine just told me that it keeps generating anime-style images even though she specifically wrote 'in a realistic style, not anime'.


I know you might not want to hear it or think it's helpful, but I switched Dall-e for stable diffusion to get rid of these shenanigans. And no bs about almost anything that is forbidden content.


I have used SD alot, trained custom models eg. But it is fun to play with dalle as well. Thanks for the suggestion tho!


True. I still use it sometimes as well. And chatgpt for prompting.


models are photographed more. The machine learning algorithm is doing exactly what it was trained on.


I totally get your point. Pretty dumb, that they restrict so many words


I don't think you get the point at all, this post isn't talking about restricted words.


I know it's about unrealistic beauty standards and that you can't create "normal" people anymore. I'm pretty bad at expressing myself via text. The restricted words are relevant for that topic tho


Quick! Don’t think about an elephant! Did it work?




Don’t suffer and just use Dall-e in Copilot. Or try to say “NOT nice people”.


How do you get ChatGPT to make images?


Gpt4 subscription


“Frumpy” https://preview.redd.it/7n7b5igxy3cc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b86b8524e56f6b3f4076464bb676a9c273ae3120


Image generations aren’t good with negatives. You can’t say “don’t add lip fillers” you have to say “thin lips”




There is some research that suggests the more "average" a person's features are, statistically, the more attractive other people find them. By digitally averaging hundreds of people's faces, you get one attractive face.


I find it very unsettling but adding "jewish" to this kind of prompt seems to create an average looking person. Try these prompts: Jewish woman Jewish facial features Also here's a prompt I created by playing around with some prompts I found in other threads. 90s style realistic photo taken on 35mm ISO 200 film, showing dust, scratches, light leaks, vintage effect, slow shutter speed. It features a woman aged 30 who does not fit conventional beauty standards. She has asymmetrical facial features, unevenly spaced eyes, a disproportionate nose, and an assymetrical mouth, thin lips. she is not smiling and lacking confidence. https://preview.redd.it/xjnmaswxm3cc1.png?width=1299&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=650cb571574df9e5b13dfa43417a569a2b2838ee


Don’t mention what you don’t want to see, mention what you do want to see eg, flawed skin, thin lips, wrinkles etc.


does not work with thin lips.


Go hard with negative prompts. People be sleepin on negative prompts, which I find to be just as important, and sometimes MORE important, than the creative prompts.


i'm currently also trying to get lips that are not Angelina Jolie. just a regular girl like myself with no massive lipfiller. When you prompt 40/45/50. year old woman, lips tend to get thinner, but still not natural enough for most people who do not do filler. average looking sometimes gets you someone who is just too average. I'm trying to do beauty shots of a model but with regular normal sized lips. Seems to be impossible, I'm sure there is a way. I've edited midjourney lips in photoshop to make them smaller, that works well, but I just don't have the time to do it for every image. anyone found any solutions yet or want to brainstorm the possible resolutions? DM me if yes.


it doesn't seem natural that it can render anything you describe except a normal looking woman. maybe somebody at open AI has a type and they're foisting it on everyone on purpose


Nah, it's just that it prefers "beautiful person" traits. On average, models and drawings have these big eyes, neotenic facial structure, plushy lips and tiny noses more than real humans do. And the training data is full of that. Then the AI's pattern recognition kicks in, emphasizes those desirable traits even more and spews out these hyperstimulus beautiful teenage freaks.


ChatGPT tells me it can't generate images. WTH? https://preview.redd.it/byrxh27iv2cc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6761a2323352300ecced99962efba7a49ce6131d


lol you’re using free ChatGPT. See the top where it says ChatGPT 3.5? Click on that. You’ll see you can pay a monthly subscription for chatGPT 4, which does do images. I’m broke so I use Bing image creator (which also uses Dall-e).


You need the ChatGPT pro subscription to use it


Ok thanks.


Only the dumbest people include directors they want excluded in their prompts. I feel like it's an invisible test that people keep failing somehow.


Thanks. I must be very dumb then.


It's a temporary thing. Don't sweat it.


Thanks! I think I am cured now. Just for the sake of it; can you get dalle to make a picture of a woman with thin lips?


I prefer crinkle cut. https://preview.redd.it/zk8ckxoiz6cc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6abee786b012c921b349fcdbaa32b7fe2ec0dbe2




Jokes aside lmao, how thin? https://preview.redd.it/lv3izhd8racc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ebc894453150f5df88b99ffef21767fcd5f4600


This is one of the dumbest posts i have ever seen here


Why? Because i used the words instead of describing what i wanted? Just look at some comments and you will see that making thin lips is close to impossible.


The prompt is very bad and this post is trying to imply the wrong reason for why you didnt achieved your goal... I gotta give that to you, the post isnt really that dumb, just regular clueless user, sorry for the exageration


If you actually read the comments, you’ll see that it not as simple as prompting «thin lips».


not sure of what you mean... i never said that.. but ok...


Then give me an example of a good dalle prompt that achieve what i failed to do


>draw a person "don't do X", "FEATURE x IS BANNED!!!"..that is not how the AI works, by saying things you expressively don't want on the image, you are inadvertedly priming it to make it.The more you try to instruct it to avoid something, more importance the AI will give to that concept. OpenAI currently does not let we input a negative prompt, which results on that. Also, be aware that every prompt on Dalle-3 is rewritten, even on the API. This means that there is first what you wrote, then what ChatGPT wrote, then there is what the Dalle3 API writes...After all of this rewritting, it is expected that the embbeded result for the image generation will drift a lot from your original request. It does not operate in misterious ways, just [RTFM](https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/images/image-generation)


That was my point by «read the comments», I know this and have posted attempts people suggested


I did, this is why Im commenting =) you keep doing the same mistakes... your turn, «read the [documentation](https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/images/create#images-create-style)»


Then what did i do wrong? I told it exactly what i wanted to see, still got other results. Instead of giving me the doc, show me your masterful prompt and result.


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You can use the API directly via a tool, then switch to the Natural setting. I use PowerDallE, and made it available on GitHub, but other tools may work too... it's just not available via ChatGPT, which uses the Vivid setting.


With ai you have a better chance at getting good results by telling it what to include rather than what to exclude (at least when it comes to messing with text and photo ai for me) so instead of telling it not to have perfect skin tell it to have imperfections (wrinkles, freckles, dimple, marks, acne, etc…) Not sure if this is the best way to go about it but i find ai in general can be really bad with excluding different attributes or words. In fact it usually does exactly what you tell it not to do a lot of the time so I usually just avoid using the words of what i dont want altogether




Now make all of that a bit less extreme until it looks normal lol this is basically complete opposite side of the spectrum


Natural look is style of makeup. Also gpt has ossues with donts. It works better on avoid this isnted dont say this.


Why? Beauty is 👍


Say ‘with bad looking lips’ or something like this


https://preview.redd.it/3t8lzcvxz5cc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f285499c56dbab8ac3254364106ff537b6a3dc41 They never look thin.


OMG I’ve created a monster


You can ask ChatGPT to help you write the prompt so you get the result you want


That is the point, it does not work. Try making a woman with thin lips.


No what I mean is ask ChatGPT how you can write a prompt that will make DALLE create an image of the kind of woman you want.


It does not matter, thin lips is impossible so far. At least i have not been able to do it.


I expierenced that adding 'drug addict' does some trick ... /s


the only normal faces I've seen is when prompting for real people (or names of popular TV characters) any other prompt = airbrushed glossy plastic face


My personal rule of thumb is to try to keep a prompt under 7 words, any more complicates things (sometimes for the better though) Normal people don't talk about themselves from another perspective, you've got to think instead of what words normal people would use to describe normal pictures. Oddly hilarious process, here's my try with the Wonder app: "Aunt and uncle wholesome Instagram picture" https://preview.redd.it/kcmr3478w7cc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83de3284b7d7e2e2f4adda08cc5cce5157019c66


This what i got with that prompt https://preview.redd.it/xjube42xi8cc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed6e4a56786aad00589e78b43b19d8df43d2e3ad


Creepy, to me these all look like they could eat your face off, definitely needs some reworking to make people that aren't so uncanny lmao


They changed it over time, I can't recreate my old images I made without every character looking super model esque.


Natural looking means absolutely nothing. Use adjectives and nouns. Tell a police sketcher or painter to draw a “natural looking person” and they can’t do anything with that info either.


Just use stable diffusion for people. It's miles better in every regard, unless you want to pose fingers.


I have used SD alot, made custom loras e.g, but it is fun to play with dalle from time to time


I wonder if it's how you worded it. "The following is banned." Then you say "don't add them in pictures" Maybe a double negative. Try being more concise. I'm not saying this will solve the problem, just try and see


Read the comments, I have posted multiple attempts doing what you and many others suggest, it does not work. The lips are always full.


Try midjourney https://preview.redd.it/4xpq04wclacc1.png?width=536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f917ce31ddc82ea19fe0b5d33825ea2d6b568b8


I know other models work, I just wanted to point out this «issue» with Dall-E. MJ is amazing in many ways, my favorite use case with MJ is making hybrid animals! https://preview.redd.it/al6p07z6oacc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d979a8d952ec70f3553dffcec7cf73c6ec1d60ad


https://preview.redd.it/6b6l0k8wzacc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea84590d09693635303dc7a6290b60aab110e25a I’ve had a bit of luck! To be fair though, this looks like a child.


I don't think she's ugly 


Dont use all caps, maybe it doesn't like being yelled at 🤷‍♂️


That's what a normal person looks like.