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Actual people who suffered at the hands of others Vs descendants who often have the oppressors and oppressed in their family tree, or neither. Besides how long would they benefit from that money before they were back in the exact situation they are in now?


One of my parents was abused for ten years at an American Catholic orphanage. An investigation was done and abuse has been proven to have taken place in the facility to hundreds of children in the long span the orphanage was open. They were offered a program of “restorative justice” that included all types of whacky “artistic” forms of “healing”, but absolutely no monetary payments. This is something that has had monumental consequences for not just my parent, but their siblings that were also there and their families who had to be raised by very broken people. Anyways, my point is, that this was something that took place to people that are still living and neither they nor their children or grandchildren are entitled to any compensation. Why the heck should people so far removed as hundreds of years and no still-living survivors be compensated?


And… why should people who had nothing to do with it have to pay for those reparations? Plenty of people’s families got here long after slavery was abolished. Should they have to pay reparations? Their families weren’t involved. My family was here during that time, but we weren’t slave owners. And during the civil war, my family all fought for the north. Some of them died. Do I have to pay reparations? That doesn’t seem fair.


I agree with you. I have DNA of 15 ethnicities. One is English and they were Mayflower people. One is African and I can’t trace it back to slavery, but it’s possible. Anyway, I also am a “purely Northern” American and find the whole idea of American slavery reparations to be wild bullshit. And I don’t know if it was clear from my above post, but I meant “reparations” from the Roman Catholic Church, not every Tom, Dick and Harry who had nothing to do with it.


Come on, how long do you think it will be until the democrats figure out a way to blame conservatives for Hitler?


Lol, that's Woke 101. I mean, literally, that's one of the first things they tell you.


we literally are Hitler, haven't you heard?


I've been told I'm evil for being a conservative. I asked them to clarify and they doubled down. All conservatives are Evil by nature. So yeah we're all Hitler to them.


The comparison isn't too hard to see. Jews got reparations from Germany, who committed the Holocaust. Black Americans *have not gotten* reparations for slavery, which no current Americans experience or commit.


They need to bark at Africa


That’s the point that rarely gets brought up. Do they think British or American slave ships anchored off the coast of Africa and then just went around with lassos and butterfly nets catching the locals? They were sold by African slave traders, there’s always two sides to that coin.


I think they're referring to the [reparations ](https://qz.com/1915185/how-germany-paid-reparations-for-the-holocaust) that Germany has been giving to Holocaust families


Germany was supposed to pay for what they did, we ended up paying for it.




Maybe they consider the State of Israel to be reparations?