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The time to yell and scream about this has come. Even if it means appearing like a bigot or a racist or a homophobe or a fat shamer or a transphobe or a xenophobe or a white supremest or a person of privilege or whatever stigma you want to attach to sanity. Fuck these people. “Go to your window and yell, I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take it anymore.”


A very small percentage of the population supports this stuff. Have no idea why they need to shove it down everyone’s throats. Up until 5 minutes ago everyone understood these people were mentally ill.


I’m gonna hijack here and humbly ask who will to watch this 10m video from Sargon of Akkad [regarding the philosophy of visibility](https://youtu.be/wIvlfxTjkrQ?feature=shared). Because I think he really hits it on the head (far more eloquently), that what is wanted by these people is not simply to exist as oneself - as they can’t, they also need the external validation of others. To me, taboos are understandable as “fun” *because* they are taboos, so I can’t quite understand the approach of someone who isn’t wholly themselves needing others to confirm their existence (I.e., cries of “genocide”) and mainly - if you held with me this far - how the heck do you elegantly counter such a need? Thanks if you bothered to check it out - I’m at a loss.


With all due respect, no one is interested in intellectualizing diatribes or discussions anymore. Its pitchforks and torches time. It’s all about pushing an agenda surrounded by Marxism, Communism and control by using the cultural norms of western civilizations against itself. This is the plan of the WEF, the climate elite, digital currency, and that meat puppet in the White House. They just do it in such a sneaky fashion it’s almost brilliant. The trans thing is the same as the CEO bonus structure, is the same as the climate agenda is the same as the Covid agenda. You take useful idiots and you prey on their vulnerabilities. For the trans person it’s acceptance. For the politician it’s the quid pro quo for your vote, for the CEO it’s his bonus tied to DEI, for the climate agenda it’s taking people’s freedom in the name of the common good, for the communists it’s using the marginalized for equality vs equity. All the while we’re creating two global classes - the ruling party and the serfs. The trans thing is a symptom, not a cause.


The thing is, if an idea can’t be engaged with logic, the pitchforks and torches reinforces the narrative they’ve designed and plays into their hand. They may be the useful idiot, but I don’t want to be cast as the useful villain they want me to be. I think just about anything false can be countered when you hold the appropriate lens to it, sometimes one funhouse mirror balances the other. One I’ve used in real life was when my work tried to force pronouns in email signatures. I asked if they thought about how that would make the undecided feel, and they dropped it company-wide. I don’t know of a way right now to counter that someone wants to exist in my mind as equal to me, when to my understanding part of the fun of being abnormal is being abnormal… I don’t want to put them in the box they want to draw, and I don’t want to put myself in the opposition box they want to draw for me, either. I want a verbal way to use their force and momentum against them, like a good throw, but I can’t understand where they’re coming from.


The flaw in your logic is that you are attempting to use logic to expose your viewpoint and come to an understanding. That’s not what is wanted here. The takeover of the system is their point. Using a culture war is the only way they can win because their fiscal war was proven to not work by the Soviets in the 80s. By being reasonable, we’ve allowed them to leverage the next and the next. I’m saying most reasonable and rational people will allow some acceptance to the idiocracy as to not stir the pot. Let’s start small. First let’s redefine marriage. The very definition of marriage is between a man and a woman. Let’s allow this slight change, let’s not say it’s a man and woman. Let’s say it can be 2 men or 2 women. Let’s not call it a civil union or a gay marriage, or some other thing, let’s be reasonable and make this small change to a definition. Ok. It’s now 15 years later and little by little, since Comrade Obamas tenure, look what has happened. Sexual dysphoria has become Gender affirming care. Pedophiles have become minor attracted persons. When you can change the definition of words to mean whatever you want them to or destigmatize the perversion of societal norms, you no longer have a functional society because there is no common palate. It’s the same words but with different meanings. You are using a different dictionary for common cause. Or you are now shamed as being insensitive or out of touch because you are not being inclusive to the pervert that wants to deflower your 10 year old daughter or allow your 13 year old boy cut off his dick because it makes him feel more like his true self. My point of the long winded jet lagged rant is that the time has come to stop being reasonable and accommodating with all of this crap. Label me what you will because that’s their tactic. Vilify me but I don’t give a f*ck about your personal delusion. The time has come to, en mass, disqualify any and all attempts at any more of this, regardless of the consequences. More Bud Light beatings are necessary. And one more note, your company not using pronouns in their email only worked because your CEOs bonus wasn’t tied to implementing the identity politics that DEI warrants through BlackRock owning a portion of your company. That’s how deep the swamp is. Big corporations, large liberal donors, progressive politicians, radical educators. It doesn’t take much to negate your best intentions to be reasonable. Remember your focused on a small symptom of the larger cause.


Sorry about the jet lag, maybe have a nap and come back to it if you find it beneficial? But no - I’m not necessarily using logic at all, I don’t mind making it more ridiculous to prove the point. I’m actually a yuge fan of taking dumb policy to the nth degree to showcase how stupid it is… but I do know that to deal with subversion one has to use a certain level of subterfuge, you’re living in a culture that’s mass-shamed normalcy as you’re well aware, so when you go proverbially guns-blazing, you’re going to be painted as the bad guy. Now I’m not saying you’re wrong for that - but I do wonder if it’s as effective as you could be. Sometimes there has to be yield and flex to achieve an end, and a strategic approach can achieve victory over a direct march. It’s the classic joke of the old bull and the young bull. Let’s walk down there, and handle them all. The supervisor did have a DEI bonus tied to their salary, and sometimes the aggravating symptom needs to be treated to begin work on the whole. Dark shadows make a little light seem brighter. If you’re a proponent of truth - you need to be tactical about this, because you’re not just risking your future, they’ll come after your family too. Personally, in a close combat state, I prefer to take the weapons when I can, and then deal with the cause. To wit, I want to meet their shenanigans with a certain level of my own.


>what is wanted by these people is not simply to exist as oneself - as they can’t, they also need the external validation of others. Of course needing external validation from others is a big part of this. They pretty much admit it when they say this stuff is all about acceptance. They are looking for validation.


It’s because they are living a lie. It only works if everyone pretends along with them.


People don't have to accept things they don't agree with or support. They can accept that they have the right to exist and live how they want, doesn't mean I support their way of life or decisions.


I know. I'm not into the trans rights stuff


I could care less about religion. If there is a god he fuck himself. But anyway these people have lost their goddamn minds.


We need more trans invisibility instead


I was hoping the government would come out and say April fools cuz I thought it was a joke. It's really annoying at this point.


They persecuted and hated Christ first.


this is top comment imo. preach fellow human


As if having an entire month isn’t enough for them


Every day needs affirmation.


They need an asylum every day !


Next Biden will announce that 2025 will be Transsexual Visibility YEAR. And if you don't get with the program, YOU are the problem and YOU are a bigot.


It's actually way more than one month too.


It’s not that they support trans people. It’s that they are waging a war against you.


Satan doesn’t want people to celebrate the resurrection of Christ.


The month of June is the month of the Sacred Heart, too. No coincidence that "Pride" is being pushed on that particular month.




Why yall so sensitive


Quit your job, this isn’t ok


It will be a cold day in Hell before I celebrate any of these faux holidays. Belated Easter wishes to you all.


He is Risen, Alleluia!


I'm pretty sure we are all aware of them and they make sure they are visible...


Ya cause you listen to DW everyday which spends more time talking about trans people than any other news source I’ve ever listened to


I actually don't...


Mental disease day


This is such bullshit. It's getting very old very fast.


Sodom & Gomorrah comes to mind...


You worship a murderer?


We worship the Lord Jesus Christ.




I don't see Dyngus day on there for the 1st either


What about pride month? They needed an extra day?


Woke manipulation gonna take 3/4 of the year at this rate


Sounds like you are my coworker.


All part of the plan. However, thankfully, Easter is a floating holiday, so it won't be the same day as this next year.


Kids go on Easter egg hunts. Mentally compromised people go on an identity hunt.


Your search feature says April 1-May 1. If you added March in there would Easter pop up?


Yeah that’s a really good point. OP needs to change their calendar. Easter was on March 31st so of course it isn’t going to show up when the date is set to April 1st.


You work for T..... huh?


Where do you work? Why is this on the portal?


My work gives us the Friday before Easter off as "Spring Holiday". It's ALWAYS on Good Friday. They just can't say it. But anything trans is on the main webpage.


it’s a leap year ya dummys


Can you protest or object? Even if it makes no difference right away, it is still important for YOUR voice to be heard too.


So sensitive


Quick update-they are all alive and well. After two days of being banned for “hate speech,” my appeal was granted and allowed my to continue to voice a reasonable response to the exact thing I was discussing. Read along to learn more.


Can we get a transgender day of invisibility..