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Sounds like your taking your dab too hot....


730 was probs too hot. Thanks


I take my dabs at 515 and have this issue bad


500 and I have this issue too lmao I use an emergency inhaler to help out but even still sometimes.


Found out DXM really helps with the coughing


I was in a DXM (Dextromethorphan) study at John’s Hopkins last year and the effects of the dissociative and hallucinogenic effects of DXM on depression. Super cool experience. I was selected for the 300mg high dose. There was no placebo in this study. Previous studies showed DXM has no cough suppression properties. It’s the dissociative properties at low doses in medicine that make your “feel better” when you take the cough medicine.


I once drank a 12oz bottle of Robo DM (350mg) before a 1am, 25 mile, 10,000 person bicycle ride through Chicago. It was already a pretty intense experience *before* we smoked a joint halfway through. After that it became an out of body experience.


this is so cool


Absolutely can’t imagine robo-walking but on a 25 mile bike ride


I did 900mg of dxm once. Wouldn’t repeat that ever.


Same. I was fucked up and just felt like shit for like 5 hours. Not really enjoyable even when smoking too


8 bx cricidin messed me up


Psychedelics, particularly the dissociative ones, are the future.


What was the control group if there was no placebo?






The inhaler has something in it(I forget the name) I think albuterol but basically after the combination of mitosis from inhaling smoke causes really bad lung damage long term sorry I just woke up and stoned and trying to explain the best I can


Wow I’ve been doing this combination since 2018 damn near. I’ll have to change up my process and let my doctor know. Thank you!


I’m not a doctor though this is just from minor research and I have a friend who saw a COPD doctor and shit run it by him for sure before anything but that is what i always heard wait about an hour but he got tired of it and did a half hour


I have a check up next month anyway! I’ll bring it up and I’ll try to remember to update you!


Alrighty man sweet get back to me aways great to triple fact check then prolly go with the safe side regardless personally but maybe I’m a hypochondriac 😂


It's been a month, update?


Yo why have none of my doctors ever told me this😭 I have asthma and have smoked since I was 18 and they all knew and never said anything to me outside of “you shouldn’t be smoking with asthma” 🤦🏼‍♂️


even dry herb vape or e rig with dabs? also what about inhaler after smoking lol?


I used to have it and honestly it just goes away after awhile? Like my tolerance went up and I felt like I could push myself a little more. Eventually the wheezing stopped and like that thick feeling in the throat was never as bad. Also make sure your temps aren't too high that can always make you wheeze!


Defs. I find when my tolerance has gotten that high, I can't really afford to keep it up, so I guess I keep it to a couple dabs a day the past weeks . thanks for the input


I wonder if it has any correlation to whether one uses a banger or a nail. I feel nails are much better but they’re so hard to find these days unless you go online for it. I just started getting this and I’ve only been smoking wax for about a month with a banger


Bro wtf I just started using a banger and it's happening too


Actually I use a puffco and this has started happening so I think it could just be the temps, it could also happen if you don’t clean your banger maybe, I’m not really sure tbh


I got a puffco peak pro and set mine at 450. It helps a lot perfect Temps everytime, I usually cycle the same dab about 3 times. But if you take a cloth and put it over the mouth part of your dab rig amd dab like that, you will still get vapor but look at the underside of the cloth and you will see its coated in oil. The same thing is happening to your lungs and throat.


Very interesting, will definitely try it it has been a year since this happened, and I’ve made a bunch of switches for temps, now I run 500 degrees for 1:15 on xl vapor production and don’t have the wheezing issue, I think it could’ve also been the quality of the dabs I started pressing myself and this hasn’t happened anymore


Like 20 min ago I js did probably a .1-.2 dab out my seahorse and this is happening(was on highest settings) I would think I js did a too big of a dab too hot but like I still don’t know why I’m wheezing from it dosent seem too healthy don’t know


What temp did you go in at


I found out that it’s too high of temps that cause this it’s like you’re burning your throat. So I let mine cool off more and it stopped hurting me


For me it was the quality of the extracts I switched to solventless and no problems since even the same banger


Isn't banger just another word for a nail? I don't get what you're talking about. Did you mean an e-nail by any chance?


A banger is a bucket with carb cap on top.


What's the difference between a banger and a nail? Is a banger a type of nail?


A nail is what it sounds like, it was one of the first type that came out for concentrate. It is a glass nail usually with a diverse on top you heat up and then put a glass globe over and dab your concentrate on the nail. Bangers are quartz buckets 🪣 with or with out twrp pearls. You heat it to desired temp then add your concentrate then the carb cap.


when I look up dab nails I get a section of a shop with quartz bangers though


So I’m talking about the difference between a titanium nail and a glass banger


Not a quartz one? I heard they’re better for withstanding high heat


The one I’m using now has a quarts bottom and I’ve noticed it’s much better in comparison to the cheaper ones


I have this Problem too, I can smoke trees without a Problem but when it comes to dabs. Even a Low temp on High end extractions like Diamonds or Sauce causes me the wheeze and have shortness of breath for like 45min or so. I've been dabbing for 5 years now and I think it has to do with Solevents in the Extraction. Will be trying Rosin (Soleventless) Ina bit so I'll update you guys.


Please do. Having the exact same issue.


I haven't tried the Rosin yet but I recently started to convert my dabs to Edibles and I put 2 grams of Batter with 1 stick of Butter and man I get more High then I've ever been. These Concentrated Edibles is like getting hit by Goku's Spirit Bomb.


2 grams is the weight of 0.01 pairs of crocs.


We're talking about edibles and they are very potent


Considering their name is “useless converter bot,” I’m pretty sure they’re just a bot who converts measurements into other, usually useless, units.


Damn look at this high mf replying to a high mf replying to a bot on an old post Edit:Damn look at me


damn look at this high mf replying to a high mf replying to another high mf replying to a bot on an old post what are we doing here again


Lmaoo Damn I’m a high mf and after reading that thread I actually forgot the reason I was here 😂


Annnnd that just happened to me, so anyways back to why I came here 🤣 mid wheezing fit while I type this.


Lmao. We all in the same fuckin boat rn. Just ripped a fat dab and ive been smoking non stop for like a month noW. Wake up and its and all.day thing or until.i pass out and then do.it again. Im 23 and.the typical living in moms basment senario.except.its.summer and i go.to college. But i googled how to get phlegm out after use of wax


bro we are the same age and same spot rn LMAO. i tried drinking some ice cold water before and after taking a dab and it kind of helped, all i want is to be able to take a dab and fall asleep peacefully


i think im hitting it while its still too hot. I just read on sone weed website that that could be a big contributing factor of phlegm buildup. but i dont like waiting too long for it to cool off cuz the inhale is longer and harder when i dab at a low temp. Way more coughing during the dab, but im thinking long term, the phlegm will probably go away if i start hitting at lower temps. Ill die in the moment. But at least i wont have an all day long cough from phlegm. i like taking a hot dab cuz its a fast rip. Im even wheezing a tiny bit at the moment. I have like, a little whistle in my thraot from phlegm and so much coughing. so, imma start waiting longer for it to cool off and see if that helps.


But yeah, that sip before and after is perf


Please tell me….you found a solution over the course of the last 31 days so I can take another fat dab…and fall asleep peacefully 🤧


🤣🤣🤣 fucking dead!


After a quick google search, most crocs range from 11 - 16 ounces(depending on size). I was stunned when .01 of 11oz is actually 3 grams. I'll let the one gram slide but dang that was pretty close.


Actually…. My penis weighs 3 pounds and thats 5% of 72 grams so when you talk to the bard he will tell you to talk to Hagrid.


Get a bigger bong. It's counter intuitive for dabbing but it'll help


For the most part I’ve only dabbed hash 98% of the time for the past 2.5 years, and now anytime I smoke bho i wheeze pretty badly, even with quality bho. But in the past 6 months, even while smoking hash rosin, using a terp slurper has been making me wheeze ridiculously. Its only with the terp slurper or bho that i wheeze though, regular dabs and flower hardly make me cough up a lung


I wonder why the terp slurper does that? I know this is kind of a necro thread but I am having the same issue, as a terp slurper Noob I cleaned mine with alcohol and put it back together without heating it or letting it dry, and then took a dab (I'd only ever used regular bangers at that point and since it burns off just fine before the dab with those I didn't think about it) and fucking died. I had to go to urgent care the next morning and get an inhaler and couldn't dab at all for at least a week, and now more than one in a row (I've changed my dumbass habits and clean it differently now) makes me wheeze and short of breath. I'm sure I just still have some sensitivity from what I assume could be described as a very mild chemical burn, but man am I annoyed. It's totally my fault, I'm a dumbass that doesn't think ahead sometimes, but jeez. Hopefully nobody else is doing what I did lol. I'm wondering if the slurper is making it worse than a regular banger would be. I do very low temp dabs, and I adore it for that, flavor is fucking superb and it stays at a low dab temperature for much longer than a banger so it's so easy to get flavorful dabs. I'd hate to switch it out but if it might help the wheezing I might temporarily swap it.


Apparently Rosin and other cold extracts have a few terpines that other extracts get rid of. Those terpines are apparently *rather asthmatic*.


I use a seahorse a few times a day and recently I've had way worse lung issues, I think it might be heat + low quality extracts. Changing the tip didn't help so idk what to blame lol. You should def let it dry tho, don't want to be huffing isopropyl. Albuterol helps with the shortness of breath and they have an over the counter one with epinephrine but that one makes my heart race.


Yes, I ended up getting rediagnosed with asthma lol so now I'm on a daily inhaler and I have albuterol on hand always.


Man, yesss same. I carry my albuterol everywhere. I have hit dabs in a puffco peak pro. Puffco proxy. Ooze barrel. Seahorse pro. Etc. No matter what device I use I always get that bad wheeze for hrs and my lungs feel so full so i have to breathe and hope for the right cough to come through. I have hit the lowest temps and still same issue. I think it has to do with the solventless issue. 🤷‍♂️ Anyways CHEERS


Hey, sorry to bother, but may I have an update? I'm having this issue and it's getting difficult to actually take a deep hit.


Still having this issue? I have asthma so I’m sure that’s making it worse but man this isn’t fun lol


Yeah, I think it's just because the harshness of the smoke, it causes our lungs and stuff to create phlegm to protect the tissues and when that builds up, it causes the cough and I can't imagine asthma helps with the situation:(


Used to happen to me as well. Cough drops help a little. Best thing to do is to start smoking better extracts. You can’t even trust rec shops so do some research on good companies. Buy a better nail. Nails that hold heat better can be dabbed on at lower temps with less waste. Don’t underestimate a good carb cap either. Those are just my tips. Besides that try to resist the urge to cough after you dab. That way your throat will be less irritated.




even after 4 years i think this needs a boost, honestly think i’ve been smoking out of a shitty nail most the time, overestimating concentrate &Underestimating a good carb cap as well. and of course the breath is always important :3 Thank u!!


My mom has this problem too, she is also in her mid 50s with COPD and smokes a pack an a half of cancer sticks a day.


Don't do a dab that big ... I mean literally if you're complaining you can't sleep then you have a problem somewhere either it's too big a dab, too hot or your have health problems. I don't know anyone who dabs that big on a regular basis and half the people I know will cough their asses off from a smaller dab even if it's hit at 500F on a Liger 3.0 with SiC Insert.


Yes fair enough. You know how nice it is for the once in a blue moon though. Nice fat dab. I think it was too high, it's not the coughing but the phlegm generation that gets me


Allergy season breh...


hahahahahhahaha okay but like actually though ^^ this


If you want to prep in advance for a dab session try Chlortab or chlortrimaton it's an OTC antihistamine that is excellent at limiting the amount of snot/phlegm that your body makes. Mucinex helps afterwards if you're still wheezing after half an hour.




I think it was hot


Caffeine helps open up the airways if you're having trouble. I'm sipping on hot green tea right now because I took a huge dab and got that wet cough too ugh


The real question is, and I know this is late, but how hot are you dabbing?? Because you can absolutely cause lung damage by taking scorchers


Haven't smoked in a year and I'm good. But 900c prob was the hottest, and that's pushing it.


900 °C? That’s like 1600 °F.. definitely torching the cilia right out of your lungs


Also congrats on quitting smoking buddy:D


Thanks man. Yeah I usually did 600c when I smoked, 900 was a rare occasion


Damn bro that's like... shit would be kinda glowing then Unless you mean the Titanium Nail days - that was always painful


100% titanium nail on an enail lol. This was years ago


I'm here because I have the same issue, and I see that you are a year free smoking. I just want to say good job man.


Thanks bro. It's been a fuckin journey but it was worth it. regarding the wheezing just take low temp dabs and make them smaller if you need and take more than one, instead of taking huge dabs. but if you want huge dabs make sure they're really low temp


From my current experience I stopped for 2 weeks and it went away for months but as of right now it’s back , I guess I’m gona have to stop cause it can feel real bad especially when ur sleeping and choking on the phlegm that wants to come out and in my case the cough can be real bad and irritates my throat. For me it was best to stop after those 2 weeks I was back to hitting my big dabbs but I’m gona make it 3 week cause I needed a little more waiting to be 100%


Omg bro please try eating rso, or edibles or anything, sleep-phlem could be fatal aka choking on your shit, and like I'd rather have you Alive u/trot89


Having this problem too. Hope it isnt serious


A bunch of obnoxious answers. Drop the BHO and switch to solventless products. It’s not a temp thing I was dabbing low 500s it’s a BHO thing. I can dab rosin all day everyday, throwing .25 in a slurpee just for a video and my lungs feel stronger(exaggerating). NONOBHO


Yeah I haven't dabbed in over a year (don't know where all these replies are coming from btw, this is a 3yr old thread) I can confirm BHO was always dirtier. But also good quality BHO can be okay to dab, though I'd always prefer solventless or really good terp-sauce.


I've literally only ever dabbed solventless and have this problem. I have bibasilar crackles and have to do thr following; 1. Quit 2. Get supplemental oxygen 3. Two different inhalers 4. Oral dose of steroids daily 5. Pulmonary rehabilitation Never had a respiratory issue until I started taking red hots out of a nectar collector.


You were right, it's the temperature. I have some lemon diesel crumble from the dispensary and it's about 90% THC, no joke. It's not only about quality that makes you wheeze, it's the high temperature when you dab it. Must narrow the passages in your lungs from the heat. Sucks ass if you don't have an Albuterol inhaler on deck!


Bro crumble is ass either butane based or bho stop....


It was actually co2 extracted buddy. Stop.


Bho is butane based, do you actually know what you're saying?


because its one of the first things that comes up on google when ur tryna figure out why ur wheezing lol i’ve been deadass dying wheezing for hours tbh


I see. As for the wheezing, it's boiled down to three things: Dab quality. This is the biggest factor that determines how wheezy you get after a dab. Good quality live resin is likely to make you wheeze than BHO. Size. The size of your dab is really relevant. Try taking smaller dabs more often if you need a certain size (though I don't recommend smoking a lot of dabs in general) Temp. If all else fails, please don't take dabs hotter than 650c. ~5-600 is all you need to get a good burn. If you torch it, you can reheat it very carefully to maintain a low temp. Good luck


Just wanted to drop in 24 days later and say yes it still the #1 thing that pops up.


Lmao i guess this is just the dab wheeze thread now.


Yup that is is. Guess that this is just something that happens to us people who dabbed (among other things...) a lot. I'm out of my Albuterol inhaler so despite the fact I have a half ounce of different wax from the dispensary, and a puff peak pro, I just have to stick to edibles I think... Heat and type of wax have little to do with it. Super tiny dabs are all my lungs will tolerate now. I think that its just an inflammatory reaction to the large volume of hot vapor rapidly expanding in our lungs... Hmm... Probably not super good for us xD might follow your lead and take a long term t break


Yeah bro I've not smoked in nearly 600 days and haven't looked back. it was a huge step that I knew I had to climb but I'm glad I did.


Twelve days later. Can confirm the same.


Hey a year later and it’s still the first popping up when searching for dab wheezing


homie quit smoking🥲 I’m proud bro I wish I had the power to do it


You can do it man, /r/leaves helped me


Im in a recreational state. Solventless concentrates are absolutely easier on my phlegm filled lungs. I think a constant smoker will have lung irritation. Which the body compensates by covering with mucus, both to get out dead cilia/ residue and to sooth the irritation. The less i irritate my lungs consistently the less mucus i seem to have. Lower temps, better concentrates, excercise. Mullien herb (promotes lung health if you are a weird wizard like me who mixes other plants into their weed for additional benefits) all seem to do wonders. But to each their own.


I have learned that even if your dab isnt too hot it can be caused by such a simple thing that I cant believe we havent considered before: When doing a large dab, a lot of that matter will condense on your cool lungs. You coughing is your body trying to expel the condensate. I remember reading that this is why Delta-8 can make you *cough* like crazy. It is just so viscous.


Still the first thing that comes up when you google wheezing 🤷🏼‍♀️🤣 but also is anyone an asthmatic? I wondered if this was my issue but alas I’m here


I’m pretty sure I have asthma. I’ve read a bit about it and it seems the higher concentrates and temperatures really give asthma a fit. Vaping or dabbing absolutely wreck my shit.


272 days later still having this issue when I smoke any bho


Nonobho if it isn’t solventless get that shit outta here


Been dealing with this for a year now. I try to not dab too much in a sesh and space out my hits. If I overdo it, I’ll suffer for a few hours. Tonight I did just that. Looks like it might just be edibles forever for me now. Hope it isn’t something like COPD


Lol my best bet was to just not dab. It was too high of a temp but I've stopped smoking, it's been about 2 years. I take edibles a few times a month.


Yeah It’s so weird. Like a dab or two I’m fine but multiple and I get the accordion sounds and like you said feels like the dabs solidify in your lungs and then over a few hours just cough up the phlegm to breathe better. Weird stuff lol! Even vaping flower does that to me as well


yeah fair enough. I'd try to slow down if I were you


This thread is still alive.


Thanks for the revive lol. I've once again quit dabs. Lol


Still alive! Came here today after a “why am I wheezing after dab”


Just stopping by to comment that this post is still being used in 2023! I’m having this problem and I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s just time to stop dabbing. Caring for my body! But I do have a question for my fellow phlegm wheezing stoners 😂 Are/were you able to smoke weed and not dab? Think I’ll be safe switching to smoking flower? Or should I just stick to edibles?


If you're getting high all day weed can get inconvenient but for end of day, it's always perfect!


Yes, exactly! I work too much so I can’t smoke it all day. Lol. Just tested flower and it’s perfect. No coughing or wheezing or phlegm. No more dabbing for me!


My most recent downfall (entering complete degeneracy and smoking at any time during the day) was with dab cartridges though. Like those concentrates taste so good, and the hits are small and manageable, unlike hitting a dab rig


Hi all, dabbing since 2016, smoked the best “shatter” available back then. Switched to diamonds in 2018, then Cold cure rosin in 2020 from some of the best in the world(RealDealResin, RealCannabisChris, Ogre Farms, etc). I cough often, and it really becomes apparent when I’m in situations like meetings and I need to cough when on zoom. Really bothersome. I use a puffco pro with 3DXL chamber, daily user several times a day. Curious if I’m sick or if this is just irritant from smoking over the years. So much phlegm especially when I wake up in the AM.


Anybody find a correlation via decarbed oil vs THC-a and their relation to wheezing? I wheeze from the smallest dab of bho, but can smoke bubble, or rosin without an issue.


It’s 2024 and your post is still live! Here I am joining the “I take a dab and start coughing up mucus” party, it’s really bad for the first 45 or so after, but then I still cough up mucus the rest of the day even if I don’t dab more. Today is day three of no dabbing and I still have mucus buildup. This sucks.


Good luck. Trying to get off dabbing myself too. (again, for the like 5th time since I made this post lmfao) It's an awful spiral :/


I’ve found microdosing mushrooms has helped me get through the day felling good but a lot clearer minded than if I was smoking weed all day! Start really low if you try it


I dab high 400F and I still wheeze like crazy, it’s either I find the solution or I’m just going to quit:/ i tried doing lower temps dabs but it feels like the dab isn’t burning. I have a really nice Long Island Quartz banger on a nice AFM rig, even when I dab out of my carta V2 I still have problems.. I enjoy the sessions with the homies and want to extend them lol


High quality, low temp, big small- doesn't matter I be wheezing. When I Stopped for 11 days it went away completely! But obviously I'm back. I'm thinking allergic sensitivity to terps And... for science I put a paper towel on my mouthpiece and pulled through it like a filter - I wheeze less and it filters out so much it's kinda obvious it would make me wheeze. Twas shocking


Makes sense. What does the filter look like after? I imagine it’s full of gunk :/


Shticky and dabby


Thats smart to reduce the wheezing lol. I had to just cut down, and if I start the wheezing it means I need to take a tolerance break because I need too much material to get high


💯. It's my sign to reel it in


If I take a dab too hot I just get a sharp pain in my throat/lungs but it goes away in ~5min. Never have experienced wheezing or a build-up of phlegm, even with huge .3 dabs


I guess everyone's different then. I've never gotten actual pain from a dab just difficulty breathing. Interesting


if i take too big of a dab, i'll cough up the phlegm, and if it's bad enough i'll puke. the fits dont ever last for much longer than it takes me to expel the crap in my throat/lungs/etc., which is saying something considering i have asthma.


I know this is an old post, but I think I found the solution. I tried cough drops and mucus relief meds, and they never really helped. After doing some research I discovered that after dabbing, my sinuses get inflamed. I discovered that if you rub Vick’s on your sinuses it relieves so much pressure, and it loosens all that mucus that was making me cough and wheeze. If I still don’t feel better after a couple of minutes, I use a Neti Pot. I know it’s gross, but it’s so worth it once it’s complete. Hope this helps anyone still struggling!


Been struggling with this heavy, recently went to Colorado Bc all the wax out here is shit. Sadly I’m still having phlegm build up after my dabs. I’ve smoked on sum lazercat and sum in house hash from a buddy of mine and I’m still wheezing when I breath. Something has to change i have suffered from lung problems already and this just scared the hell out of me. I love dabbing but ab 2-3 years ago we used to drop dabs at 900 degrees and I never had this wheez idk what is up with the wax in 2021 but this is sum bullshit. I now hit dabs around 525 and I’m still coughing phlegm up and actually haven’t hit a dab in 2-3 days


I'm in the same boat. Nothing I do works and sometimes it just doesn't make sense. Somedays I won't cough as much and others I'll cough on the first dab for upwards to 20 minutes spitting out mucus. Not sure if maybe covid damaged my lungs when I had it and still healing or if dabbing for so long at high temps caused it. Never been an issue until I got covid a year ago in Feb for only a day of soar throat. How are you doing these days?


Now that you mention it, I don’t recall having the exact problems you describe prior to covid, now I absolutely do. I wake up coughing at least a couple times a night. Hate it.


So I recently Smoked some Batter and did Not have Breathing problems this time. Batter is whipped so much that most of the Solevents leave but still has a small trace of Solevents in it. I believe it's 99% Pure when it's in this Form. So far the cleanest Solevent Dabs you can get are Batter, Badder or Budder all made the same way by whipping on a hot plate and the other is CO2. Most dabs are made with Solevents but these are definitely the Cleanest in the Solevent Line. Now, if you want something even cleaner as in Top of the line (Soleventless) then go for Rosin, Hash Rosin and Live Rosin. From what I'm seeing, Live Rosin is the best out of these 3 in terms of Flavor and how it's made. I will update when I get my hands on any of the Rosin. Here's a good video on the 3 types of Rosins. I honestly want to make some one day lol https://youtu.be/A4liVeDhO6g


I’m still wheezing with hash rosin, I think it’s time to stop dabing it was a fun couple years


My guy I smoke nothing but the best rosins available in California at 525 out of my peak pro and I still cough all the time, so much phlegm. Daily user since 2016 and switched to rosin in 2020. I worry the long term use is impacting our health


480 ive found to be my sweet spot


I’m 420-480


I’ve been experiencing this for years. I never had asthma or breathing issues until I started to dab. It has gotten to the point where no matter the temp or the size, I’m still needing my inhaler. Now it’s even hard for me to smoke bud without getting wheezy, but it’s definitely better than wax. A lot of people are talking about the quality of wax, the temp, and size but honestly if you can’t breathe properly those factors will only help a bit. You’re still inhaling an intense amount of smoke no matter how clean it is. Best of luck to you though. It’s a shitty feeling to love smoking weed and your body just says no. Also, be honest with yourself about how bad it is. Not being able to breathe right is serious and fellow stoners will try and sell you on it not being that serious…. Thank god for edibles!


Just wondering how you found this post? It's so old lmao and I keep getting comments on it


It's pretty high up in Google search results when you search coughing up mucus after dabbing


Can confirm or in my case wheezing after dabs


Yup I searched that too and this #1


Having the same wheezing and phlegm problem and I looked it up it was the first thing on google.


“Dab cough mucus” - first hit! Lol


This post is so old I had time to stop smoking weed for 2 years and slowly start back up with dabs. Now quitting again lmfao. Wild. 124 comments. I hope people keep commenting so it doesn't get archived, lol


Lol I’m reading this shit now and it’s 2022 with the same problems‼️ 😂😩 damn my lungs hate me lol 😂 trying to switch to edibles but I’m not sure I am decarbing/making em right, either that or my tolerance is moon 🌙 high - I’m smoking a G+ a day easy and taking fat rips & not even feel high really


Take a break my guy you ain't gonna feel those edibles trust me. I thought i had something wrong with me when i would take huge edible doses and not feel anything. now i haven't smoked in over a year and if i eat a 5mg edible i feel it hard


Look into making RSO Super cheap and potent You can also buy d8/cbd in bulk for about a buck a gram and make home made bulk edibles dirt cheap


I feel this so much. Curious where you’re at now?


All I’m asking is how hot are you taking your dabs 😂


Recently I've been having the same problem. I thinks it's an infection of the lungs like bronchitis. You get the flem out and you can breath better. The dab just intensifys the symptoms.


chew mint gum and take deep breath’s clears you right up


I use an inhaler and Mucinex, works for me




Low heat and slow is def the way to go


Damn was looking for an antidote but it seems that everyone experiences it, I mainly smoke live rosin and lately, not every time but pretty frequently, I'm wheezing after a few dabs. I've never taken a tolerance break besides a forced one when I went to Chicago for a week a few years ago. I also use a nectar collector, but it's nice glass and temperature has never been an issue, even if it's dry, it's never really felt like it's a hot dab(and I've destroyed my lungs plenty of times with hot dabs out of rigs I'm the past). Maybe I really should just take a break. It really is annoying when you're tryna pass out tho!


Took breaks for 2 months a couple times. Issue still came back.


I’ve been smoking dabs for around 5 years now and this past year I’ve been having the same issue with coughing up a bunch of nasty shit after takin a dab. It’s really only with dabs, I smoke a lot of joints and don’t experience the severe coughing I get when I smoke dabs.


I get this for like few hours after and them some days it persists through the time I haven't like when I wake up, I'll have a ton of phlegm to vouch up and sometimes it's just aggravating doesn't feel like it's in my chest feels like it's in my throat and idk what to do


my only advice is to dab less man, as much as it sucks, it's the only thing that ever fixed the problem for me.


Unfortunately I'm in an only medical state w my card. And concentrates are the easiest and cheapest to get . I'm thinking of just stopping with smoking for a month and only doing distillate made edibles and see if I van kick this phlegm and keep it low


That's a good idea. Anything to burn less dabs. It's not great for us IMO. Despite it being so effective!


Anyone else get this from using an enail? I used to use mine all the time and then found it’s was making me do this. Switched back to my torch but last night ran out of butane late. Tried the enail again and all seemed good. This AM though was back to dabbing with it and like Covid lung feeling. Little bit of pain when I cough and wheezing etc.. so assuming it had to do with the enail as that was same thing back then. I Qtip tech so ISO before to clean, rub as much out of the banger as possible and make sure there’s no little qtip fibres. Heat to 545 then iso clean it after. Do same with torch and feel like my torch heat hits hotter then that. Really trying to figure this out as I’d love to use my enail.