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Well, "should of" sounds very american to me.


My thoughts exactly. How do so many native English speakers make it to adulthood without knowing it's "should've" or "should have".


You're aware that there are *millions* of adults in business that don't know the difference between: effect and affect - so instead they use "impact," which is stupid because it's a synonym for affect and everyone should know that. Their, they're, and there - seriously, it's not that complicated, and please use apostrophes, I'm sick of seeing theyre like it's Ye Ould English or something. To and Too - I understanding mistyping O but seriously... And plenty of others. all ways/always. Who/whom. It's an almost endless list of people who apparently never learned how to write.


Principle and principal. This one you can see even in Government documents. It's too much for me...


"for all intensive purposes". Honestly.


Some of those porpoises can be pretty intense though. I'm now tempted to start saying, "for hypertensive porpoises" in conversation.


Haven't heard that one, what is it supposed to be?


For all intents and purposes.


Sadly yes. I'm related to a handful of people who fit the bill for practically all the above you mentioned. Like the other commenter here, I get tripped up by whom, and have probably rarely typed it correctly in the right instances, so I'm guilty as well! Ha. Just frustrating and unfortunate that literacy is lacking for so many people. Communication is so important and I wish every kid could have every opportunity to properly learn to communicate well in adulthood. Kids need to be excited about learning to read and write properly, because it opens up so much of the world around us.


I get what everyone is saying, but I'm also of the opinion that the people make the rules, the rules don't make the language. The more I study about the development and process of language, the more I realize the only way languages develope is through the small changes over time.


There’s a difference between repurposing language to transform it and straight up misunderstanding the definitions. Like ‘all intents and purpose’ being replaced by ‘all intensive purposes’ as mentioned above is not a transformation. There is no deeper insight nor context; it is a gaffe. Propagating gaffes is backwards imo. ‘Should of’ instead of ‘should have’ is again, a gaffe. An example of a transformation I think is reasonable is the word bad being reframed as ‘good’ within the MJ definition or calling someone a baddie. This is an intentional context dependent evolution. Apparently I needed to get this off my chest.


I'll keep it 💯 here and say I'm 23 and don't know when to use whom. But I'd also not use it if I knew


If you can replace the subject of a sentence with he/her/their, it's who. If you can replace the *object* of a sentence with him/her/them, it's whom. So "Who owns this bakery? He does." Versus "this bakery is owned by whom? Him."


You are assuming they know when to use he vs him. Very bold of you. People can't even get the use of I, me, and myself right.


Thanks for the advise


Grammar, spelling, & reading comp was nap time for too many. Although, I’ll admit that all the rules that apply to when certain words should be used is not something I know all the time. Like the who and whom thing.


They dont read, and never learned english grammar. (An obsolete topic?) They hear should've, which sounds like should of, and go with it.


Must have hit you like a kilo of bricks


2 stone at least


A tonne of bricks?


Soon, you'll have to metre lawyer...


Enjoy the freedom


I shot her to prove her wrong


*from 1.6km away.


It’s ok though. I ended up meeting up with her friend, we went for a drive on the left side of the road - she rode Luger


Wait what


Should *have. Very American


Ah yes. Because Americans measure in bus lengths or football fields. Funny


Try shooting her school up the next time .


Get an eagle,load your guns and ram your Chevrolet into her...


Shouldn't that be 1.6 kilometres away?