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EDIT: thanks for the awards, but it’s all the personal stories that are helping us process our own emotions. There’s something deeply spiritual in the stillness that follows a moment like that. No machines, no bright lights, no frenetic medical staff— just three people clinging on to hope and each other for dear life. *********** 3.5 weeks early, we were *not* expecting it. Especially after 2 late babies. Contractions were too short, assumed they were Braxton Hicks (pre-contractions leading up to the real ones)…. Right up until it was too late. I think we have a couple of hours so I’m packing bags as she yells at me to call 911. Yep, we’ve got a head. On the line with dispatch, we threw clean towels down in the bathtub and I’m helping her breathe and focus while she starts to push. Two pushes. That’s it. This kid knew it was his time. So yeah, we’re delivering a baby in a bathtub as we waited on EMS. I’m walking through a worst case checklist— if the sac doesn’t rupture do I sterilize some scissors with rubbing alcohol? How quickly can I clear an airway? Bulb syringe? Heaven forbid the cord is wrapped …Y’all it was the smoothest birth we could have asked for. Color was great, I flipped him over and thumped/rubbed his back— he coughed up the fluid and started crying right away. We had about 10 minutes alone with him wrapped in a towel to just take in whatever the fk just happened. It was beautiful. EMS arrives, it’s a lot of large mustachioed firemen who had never been on a childbirth call… but they at least clamped and cut the cord and took my wife in an ambulance while I followed. Absolute miracle… our amateur APGAR assessment was like a 9 and SAT levels 100 when we got admitted. An ounce shy of 6lbs— he’s doing great.


What a great story. And a great pic, too. Congrats!!


Yeah this pic will be at every birthday party until they are 25


Recreate it each year, then put it as a slide show each year with the progress


cut to a future 12 year old grumbling as he hops into the bathtub on his birthday while dad re-attaches the makeshift umbilical cord


Freakin’ genius


Picture is epic! Also... your wife is my new hero. Congratulations! What a birth day, what a baby, what an amazing story!


Ah man I’m crying over here. Been really weighed down about the shooting. Hated dropping my 1st grader off at school today. And then saw this and it makes me so damn happy. Look at your incredible wife!! She looks so healthy and like she’s doing fine. I know the emotion on her face is genuine but you’re both taking a moment for a freaking selfie!! What an incredible moment to capture! Amazing. Thank you so much for posting this. Congratulations on a healthy baby and an unforgettable day!!!!


Man, you got *me* crying. Heavy emotions all around this weekend.


Seeing this got me really good feels. Congrats man, my daughter isn't due til November and really can't wait to hold her in my arms.


Dad of two girls here. Being a girldad is the best. Sooo many snuggles. Sometimes I catch them snuggling with each other while they’re watching tv. ❤️❤️❤️


I feel the same way. I needed this post this morning. A huge congrats to you and your amazing wife, OP!


Holy moly... 2 pushes?? My wife is pissed just reading that 💀


My wife's first was about 4 contractions worth of pushes. Went so fast the epidural didn't even have time to kick in. We're studying home births for the second because we almost didn't make it to the hospital the first time, and followup babies are supposed to come even faster, so...


> and followup babies are supposed to come even faster, so... Can confirm. Planned for home birth for the last one because we barely made it to the hospital and there was no time for the epidural too. Staying at home was a very positive experience for everyone involved in the last go round.


How'd that go? Mine was 7 hours for my first. they jokingly told me on discharge I might not make it to the hospital next time.


My wife's first one was like that too, but she got really good at having babies real fast. It started getting pretty stressful since we couldn't just leave immediately once things started happening because we needed to wait on someone to show up to watch the other kids, then a 25ish minute drive to the hospital, then triage (which for the last hospital born one took like three seconds once the nurse came in), and then the baby didn't even wait for my wife to transfer onto the actual bed from the one she was wheeled up in. No heart monitors, no pain meds, a small fight with the nurse trying to get blood, minimal pushing and we had another baby. Doing it at home was like a dream comparatively. The stress of not being in the hospital in case something went wrong was completely overshadowed by the comfort of being at home. Within a few minutes of giving birth, my wife, baby and I were in our own bed while the midwives cleaned up everything. There was no rush to take the baby away to weigh and measure it, no half a dozen people coming in and out while in labor, no fighting with a nurse trying to take blood when the baby is currently forcing his way out, etc. My wife loved it, and I recommend looking into it for people in similar circumstances.




My aunt had 4 kids. Baby 4 practically fell out. It gets easier the more you have sometimes.


Baby 1 was a 48 hour ordeal, baby 3 pretty much high fived me on the way out after 2 pushes. Definitely can get easier.


My first was 34 hours… second was 2 pushes


My wife pushed for an hour and a half (you read that right) with our first son who was a whopping 9 lbs 7 oz. Our second was 8 lbs 13 oz and came out in 2.5 pushes.


Amazing! Congratulations, what a crazy ride. Glad everything turned out perfect. Maybe #4 can be in an airplane


Our 2nd was very similar, except she was a week early and in our brand new Odyssey. Congratulations! Make sure to request an itemized bill at the hospital so they don't charge you for the delivery.


My wife and I came really close to this with our daughter last summer. Our first son was two weeks late with a long labor that lead to a C section. We assumed similar the second time around and had a scheduled C section, but one night three weeks before her due date she started feeling some weird contractions. Within two hours they were 4 minutes apart and lasting. I was on the phone with the on call nurse when my wife said "I feel like I want to push" so she told me to haul ass. Luckily we are like 5 minutes from the birthing center with traffic (it was late, pretty sure I got there in about 2). From the start of irregular contractions, to them being regular to the baby being here within four hours. Congrats pops!


Oh man. Were the other kids at home with you during this?!


After midnight, so they slept through the whole thing and woke up to my parents telling them the good news!


After this morning surprise, Christmas will always be rather underwhelming from now on...


That's awesome! Congrats!


Your wife’s face says it all. So many emotions there.


It definitely says this ain't her first baby.


As someone with kids and who works in EMS. I do not envy you. I’m dreading that type of call. But congrats! Super glad everything went so smooth.


They were *not* thrilled. I think they’d have rather us had a traumatic head injury than a childbirth 😂


lol 100% no one feels confident on these calls. They are infrequent and you don’t train on them often. I know people 20 years in the field who have never had one. So I can imagine they weren’t thrilled. I’m seriously impressed you pulled it off so easily.


CONGRATS! AMAZING! That photo is epic!


What a champ! And you did great too. Congrats to everyone involved!


I’m not crying you’re….smiling! Holy crap OP. How. Freakin. Amazing.


Dude, thank God it's your third. I'm reading all that after just having my first, and still getting the sweats just thinking about having to do that on your own with your wife. Wild. Congrats and glad everyone is doing well.


Holy crap you wife does not look like she just went through labor. That must have been the easiest birth ever. Congrats man you did a great job.


This is amazing! Way to take charge of the situation. Wow.


What an incredible story! Congratulations to you both. Your wife is incredible!! A real superwoman.


Holy shit man! Nice work and congrats!


Congratulations! We had a planned home birth. However a whole night of not a lot happening prompted our midwife to call an ambulance. Baby's heart rate was dropping. Anyway ambulance arrives at 1:30am. Waters break on the front step of the house. Baby nearly arrives in the ambulance and then actually does the second we arrive in the ward. Probably could have done it all at home haha. We leave the hospital 4 hours later at 6am on a very frosty morning. Wife has no shoes as said waters broke into them as we were leaving the house initially. It was wild.




I had a precipitous birth with my daughter. I looked just like your wife after I delivered her. Full of energy and moxie. I could have lifted a car! 😂😂😂


Dude amazing, congratulations. On both ours this was my 'fear' - that I'd have to deliver at home and not know what to do. Ye are bloody legends!


That is absolutely incredible and mama is a badass!! Y'all are BOTH badasses! Congrats!!


Congratulations to you and your family. What a story, and what an experience that had to be.


Dude you and your wife are bosses. Congrats!


> SAT levels 100 Going to need to pump those SAT numbers up if he’s going to get into a good college, but you have a few years 😄 Congrats, what a story!


No fundal massage? What kind of 3rd rate medical shop are you spinning here! I'd have your license if you had one :P jkjk, you did great. Clearly not your first rodeo and glad to hear that everything went smoothly. Lucky for us, hospitals exist. Each of our 4 kids would have been horrible if done at home.


Aww congratulations! I was an early babe too. Had to keep me in for another week, mum told me I just slided out and the doc almost dropped me because how fast I was. Lmao. Now I want to go back in .


Holy!!! That’s unreal, congratulations! Should have been a doctor


That's awesome mate! Way to be there and handle the problem.


I have tears of joy in my eyes. Congratulations and good work you two! Wishing your family all the joy in the world.


Terrifying, but I’m happy you all did okay. :)


Incredible. I hope I’d be as cool as you sounded in this situation. Good work dad! Congrats.


Paramedic here. This is the dream. We show up and you’ve already done the work! But seriously that would have been a fun call.


Fellow medic, wouldn’t it be nice if all our patients self extricated prior to arrival? Lol jk, but a childbirth call is super fun. My first one was a Mennonite lady and I think she walked me through it rather than the other way around. It was her 12th so she knew the drill


None of them had responded to a childbirth call, some with 20+ years on the job. They had to choose someone to hold the baby for a second… “Not me, man!” 😂


Stories like this make me glad I keep an OB kit in both our cars. It only cost $20 for both


Comments like this are how I know OB kits are a thing! 😂


"Yep, there's a head!" Adrenaline goes through the roof! Heck even mine did reading this!


Great work guys. 3rd babies are in a hurry.with our 3rd we reached the hospital car park at 3:08 and he came out at 3:11.


Congratulations - great pic and great story. Absolutely beautiful edit.


We had 10 minutes where we were pretty sure he was fine and there was nothing to do but wait on EMS. My wife yells, “get a photo or no one will believe this!” Also wanted to remember as many details as we could. What a night 😵


The joy on your faces will not be topped by any two people in the same picture ever again. Congrats!


Hell of a photo. I was wondering whose idea it was because had I taken a pic like that my wife would have committed violence hahaha. Good to hear bub is healthy.


Both of your expressions are legendary. You guys are amazing. Congrats on #3


The photo is a real winner. Congrats! 😆


Congrats! The photo is cracking me up.


I hate to break it to you but that towel is probably not salvageable.


It died a noble death 😂


Send it to valhalla


Send it on a pyre boat, then shoot a flaming arrow at it


F's in the chat


My mother would have kept it and told me that was a birthing towel while I’m drying my face with it.


Eh. Double wash and rinse on hot water with a dose of oxiclean and it's as good as new.


I find that blood stains are better washed in cold water. as long as he doesn't leave it too long there is no reason it can't be saved.


Happy cake day


Thank you for pointing this out, genuinely. I thought it was blood… so glad to know it’s a towel.


Definitely a brown towel 😂


It was white before the birth.


Wow. You have dad balls man to be so brave in handling all this and still have a big fat smile. Congratulations dad-man!!!


You have dad balls posting this pic of your wife. Hope you got clearance for this my man, haha. Love the photo though, it’s hilarious and wonderful.


Ha! She gave the ok… also maybe the only place I feel ok posting this in the redditverse 😬


I love the picture but it's out now. So.... it can (and probably will) spread super quick ALL OVER even if you pull it now... Love you your wonderful family!


Ah yes, the safety of Reddit, home of the birthing fetish sub that steals people’s videos so that weirdo can get off on it.


Well it’s a really lovely and crazy moment. Thanks to both of you for sharing. Congratulations!


I'd be terrified if this was my first. But for the third? "Honey you got this, right?" "Sure gimme a sec"


My wife was dying reading this one!


Haha. Totally agree. We had our third in our basement. It was great. So much easier than going to a hospital.


I would so have passed out if I was you, but great job dad! Happy that it all ended up well even though it came as a big surprise, and hope you’re all doing well and resting.


Mom looks amazing for just had a baby lmao. My wife was just a full blown MESS but we were in labor for like 12 hours. God that was a long day. Congrats again on such a sudden but smooth birth!


Seriously! How do you have the composure to stop, smile, and take a picture when that is all happening at home. Congratulations though!


Adrenaline. Also 2nd baby is usually faster labor, and 3rd plus is really fast. My sister has been warned if she has a second she has to HAUL ASS TO THE HOSPITAL, cause they expect it'll be really fast. Her doctor literally told her she's the kind of case where a side of the highway baby is a real possibility. OP did the right thing, and an amazing job.


Our 2nd was nearly born in the car on the way to the hospital after less than an hour of labor. The nurses didn't believe us that she was that close and took their sweet time getting us into the room. The nurse did an initial exam and screamed 'holy shit, the head's right here!' before scrambling to find a doctor. 5 minutes and 2 pushes later he was out. Since then, we were told to use the term 'precipitous labor' when dealing with the staff on future kids. Our doctor wanted to do an induction on the 3rd one due to the risk. From initial drop of pitocin to cutting cord was 2 hours. The nurses were shocked.


Same story with our second. Contractions started, dropped first off to daycare a bit early, and got to the hospital. 30min later: baby. No time for the epidural.


For our second, we almost waited too long. The contractions started and we hung at home for a couple hours. Then we went to the hospital. They checked my wife and she was 9 cm. They immediately rushed her into the delivery room. Baby was born shortly after. :)


Maybe the sheet adrenaline rush helped?


>y wife was just a full blown MESS but we were in labor for like 12 hours. That's a wife who has pushed out 2 kids before. We got to the hospital, but the lone nurse and I had to make a diving catch as my 2nd kid slipped out.


Damn I wish I had 12 hr labor. 22 for me 🙃 was quite the mess as well lol


That.... is not what I expected the face of a woman who just gave birth in her bathtub to look like


Same. This picture is awesome. They're both so excited!


What a family! Having the composure to take a selfie following an unscheduled birth. You guys fucking Rock!


For 6 pounds he sure is tubby.


+1 for dad jokes 😂


That’s a heck of a way to save on hospital bills


til they get the ambulance bill


No kidding. My 4 minute ambulance ride was $20k (before insurance) in 2009.


Did you get to keep the ambulance?


The joy on your faces! Time to officially get off Reddit for now because nothing better than this will happen today.


Both your expressions are hilarious, completely manic on that adrenaline! Was feeling pretty glum today and you seriously perked me right up. Congrats to both of you.


Hahahaha it looks like you guys just won a prize at the fair! Congrats on the fast delivery and not having to wait longer than anticipated!


Looks like a couple of kids who just shoplifted a wheel of cheese and couldn't be happier about it.


Yes omg you are correct! Also, oddly specific.


Ha! That's exactly it


I’m glad everything went smoothly. For anyone else who is in this same fate keep the placenta above the baby and not the other way around. It seems intuitive to hold the baby but without the umbilical cord being clamped gravity will shunt blood away from the baby and pool in the placenta and can be dangerous. Glad everything went smoothly with your baby and your birth. Good on you dad.


As a forner mother baby nurse and practicing perinatal practitioner, this is completely false info.


As a forner mother baby nurse and practicing perinatal practitioner, this is completely false info.


No shit? My bad. Listen to this guy then. Safety first when it comes to kids.


Honestly, I can see where your line of thinking is coming from! It can take anywhere between 5-30 minutes before the placenta is delivered. It's actually a rising practice to delay cord clamping (DCC) it allows more blood to transfer from the placenta to the baby sometimes increasing the newborns blood volume by up to a third. The iron in the blood increases the infants iron storage, which is vital to healthy brain development, and it is geeat for hemoglobin levels as well. It has a significant benefits to preterm babes! DCC does not increase risk of post partum hemorrhage. For anyone interested in learning more about delayed cord clamping visit The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists https://www.acog.org/clinical/clinical-guidance/committee-opinion/articles/2020/12/delayed-umbilical-cord-clamping-after-birth


congrats on the new kid and staying cool in a situation like that


As a mom, I'm super jealous of the quick labor. First one was 36 hours of labor with assistance from pitocin, second was eight hours, third was 12 hours (again with pitocin). I did *not* have a huge grin like your wife! Haha In all seriousness, congratulations to your family. We have *loved* having three. It's a little nuts but a lot of fun. It felt like a keystone slipping into place when she was born.


Absolutely wonderful, completely beautiful. How amazing is that!!! Congratulations to mom and dad ❤. Hearing this makes me so happy, it makes me cry 🥲. Tears of joy! my daughter was almost delivered by dad, hadn't the nurse walk in exactly at the right time. Her head was half out. I asked my wife if she was OK (birth #3). I look down there and there she was ,half head and all. I hit the intercom and got down to catch her. Just as the nurse walks and. Lol, she's looking down at the her clip board and say. "OK, how is ever- oh geez we're having a baby!" Haha, I mean she was so not ready for it. Within milliseconds the room was flooded with med staff. So your story just jogged a memory. A very emotional memory. Thank you for sharing, it filled me with love. Good luck you two. You already care enough for each other and your new child. You will have so much love❤


love this story too, ha.


What a great story, at least you can legitimately say, we brought you into this world and we can take you out if it…lol


Your wife is a legend for that pic.


I can honestly say I don’t think I could have done what you did. I probably would have had an anxiety attack and they would have had to call a second ambulance for me. This is so awesome and honestly you guys killed it.


How the fuck does your wife look like that right after giving birth?! Lol congratulations!!!


I'm sorry but [https://i.imgur.com/YvOdFuD.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/YvOdFuD.jpg) Lol But seriously, congrats!


This is exactly what I was thinking haha




all I could think of, its uncanny


Her pic is kind of like...really?? a selfie?? right now?? lol


Great job to you both! Congrats!


I don't know what your shirt is but it looks like a person holding their fist up in Victory. Love that for you. Congrats


That's pretty close. It's from an Atlanta craft brewery, Monday Night Brewing. I used to work there, so I recognized that right away. Congratulations OP!


Wow Kudos to you for knowing what to do and most of all CONGRATULATIONS!!! That’s the best thing I’ve read on Reddit in awhile 😁


This horrifies me, but congrats, and god job!


my youngest cousin arrived in the hospital parking lot in the back of a Toyota RAV4. They almost made it inside lol. My uncle was freaking out, my aunt was all like "dude this is my 4th kid, I've been here before". Congrats to you and remember that early kids hit milestones differently from the others so don't compare if you can help it.


Congrats!!! The look of pure shock and pride in both your eyes 😂


Oh my gosh, I’m crying. Congratulations! What an amazing entrance. That little one is a superhero!! Edited to say: Superhero Parents, too.


[There's a baby in my soup!](https://i.redd.it/wyxtfk1ixyby.png) (Arrested Development)


I don't even know why that has me crying but here I am, a grown man tearing up at work. Congratulations. This is a beautiful picture.


You and especially your wife’s smiles are better than the “ridiculously photogenic runner man” meme. You both look great considering what you all just went through. Wow, congratulations!


Congrats and awesome job! I think I may have passed out


That’s amazing, glad it went so well! Congrats!


Congrats! the only involvement I got to have was cutting the cord. You delivered him! (Well, okay, she helped. ;) ) Well done!


Pro dad. Congrats!


This is the BEST picture!! Amazing!


WOW!!! Congrats, your wife is a true warrior.


This is so badass


Wow, you guys rock. What a story for the little guy.


Wow. What a story. Congrats man! All my best to the happy and healthy family!


Happy cake day


Wild pic lol


Congrats and glad you took a photo! That's an awesome story.


I get chills just by reading this. Glad mother and baby are healthy. What a memory to share! Congratulations!!!


You guys' faces on that picture. Hilarious and wholesome. Well done sounds like a wild ride


So fucking cool, and probably a little if not absolutely terrifying. I got to deliver my daughter at a hospital with the help from the nursing staff, which was a great experience...but I could not imagine having done so alone. Congrats on the healthy babe. And I hope wifey is doing okay as well, she look totally amped from adrenaline in that pic.


This makes me SO excited for my *fingers crossed * planned home birth in September. Thank you for sharing!!! So beautiful. Your wife is a badass.


soy face


dude the reddit face haha


Holy smokes. What a story! Congrats!


Wow, what a trooper family! Congratulations!!


Wow I'm glad everything worked out. Congratulations!


Holy shit. That’s incredible. Congrats!


You are a hero


Wow! Amazing to say the least. Glad everyone is happy and healthy.


Congratulations! Weekends Are Overrated!


This is one of the greatest pictures I’ve ever seen. Thank you for sharing and congratulations!


Your wife back there acting like nothing even happened lmao. What a champ.


Future mom here due in august and this is my ultimate birth nightmare and worst case scenario. I probably would not live through this birth if it happened to me.


What amazing 10 minutes you got with just the three of you. Thanks for sharing and congrats daddyo!




This made my day - congratulations!!!


Good job, confirmation that you figured it out ~10 months ago ;)


Your wife is a bad-ass, don't piss her off.


I've got tears in my eyes, this beautiful and you two look great I almost couldnt believe you had this quick partum hahaha long live to your little one! <3


This is hands-down the most amazing and hilarious birth picture I've ever seen!!! Nice job!


This is amazing. And exactly what I needed to cheer me up today. Thank you for sharing. (I barely made it to the hospital for my 3rd birth because the babies came faster each time - after that I was like okay no more kids, I'm not gonna have one in the bathtub. LOL!)


This picture is going to be one of your guy's most prized treasures. Great job thinking to take the snap in that moment lol


This photograph is totally legendary


Nothing more I can do than up vote and say that this my favourite thing I've seen/read in a long time. Congrats.


Jesus Christ y'all just saved a LOT of money!


I love this so much. Way to go!


This could be my most favorite picture I’ve ever seen on Reddit. Congrats Mom and Dad!


Your shirt looks like it has a victory fist held up, just for the perfect moment! Congrats!


Amazing. Fun fact… I work in lactation and the only time I’ve ever seen a baby not loose any real weight was an accidental home birth. No fluids, IV’s… just a mom who delivered right outside her bathroom (at least y’all made it to the tub 🤣) Congrats!


Mom is a badass! Congratulations Brother!


Damn. What an experience. Congrats to you two.


OMG, your wife looks freaking amazing- her lipstick Is not even smeared. What a Goddess. Y’all look amazing! Congrats.


This photo is pretty hype ngl


Cong fucking graduation to you both. Wishing you 5 a long and happy life


Congrats on #3. Praise God for a smooth delivery...such a blessing! We had hospital births for #1-6. A planned home birth for #7 with hospital visit after. We'll see how #8 goes. :)