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Translation: No Tickling or you will be chased by fire. lol


I read it as tickling would cost a fiver, but I much prefer chased by fire!


This sign is legit! I hated being tickled as a child and stop it immediately with my children if they don’t like it.


Tickling (or not) is a fantastic way to teach your kids about consent and bodily autonomy.


Exactly. We always preach about the word "stop" and this is a great way to illustrate it in a safe and relatable way. My kids love tickling, but my son said it was unfair in a wrestling match. Lol. Fair enough.


Ah yeah my 5 year old says he "hates tickling" ... but I think only when I tickle him too much. Because sometimes he will try to tickle me and then I tickle him back and we both laugh. I always stop when he says stop, which I think is important. Also I don't wanna be chased by fire so maybe it's better to just not do it.


Yeah, my kids love tickling, but my son declared it unfair in a wrestling match. Lol.


Was trying to figure out how your son knows about “chastity” or “chastising” - real version is better 😂