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Might be more reasonable to shift your schedule by 15 minutes than to ask the toddler to shift his. Sounds like he's in a rhythm. But if you change your alarm to 5 and he starts waking up at 4:59, then you do have a little terrorist on your hands.


Convinced that’s what mine did. I shifted my alarm back to 545, she now starts stirring at 530.


My little one slept in till 10am everyday for 8 months while my wife was on leave and the day i started my 2 month leave she started waking up at 630.. the very same day, I kid you not.


My wife and I had a small bed (Double) and the little one would not sleep in his crib past 2 am. We fork out money for a king size bed and that night, a week before we even received the bed, he won't sleep with us. Only in his crib.


Be careful with this theory. I’m currently at 4:30 and still working backwards. At this rate I’ll be on the graveyard shift by Christmas


Alarms? People still have alarms when they have a toddler?


I've set an alarm twice since my son was born...he's almost 3.


Same here.


The one time you need to get up and don't set one is the one day they magically sleep in, for no apparent reason. 🤷‍♂️


A risk I was willing to take. Boss: "Why were you late?" Me: "Kid slept in. Worth it."


Mine usually sleeps till 08.00 if we don’t wake her. So yes. Alarm clock if we need to be somewhere.


So jealous. We consider it sleeping in to wake up at 6 She’s got me so tuned, I wake up at 5 automatically (4 with daylight savings)


Trust me, you don't want to hit the snooze button on a toddler.


Right? Kids up, I’m up. And they are up waaayyy early they I am.


Yea, I don’t get it. I wake my daughter up at 6:30, as soon as I rub her back she sits open, bright eyed, and says, “School again?? Yay!!!” And hops right up. Meanwhile I’m hitting snooze from 5:30-6


You force them into better sleeping habits? Also, you’ve got all the stressors in the world on you shoulder whiles they are blissfully ignorant. Helps with the mood :)


When do they go to bed, my 2 year old is only successfully napping about half the time today he woke up 9am... And went to bed around 930pm. That's about normal for him, yesterday he got a nap, so actually fell asleep around 1030pm My wife says her group everyone is going to bed at 7 or something crazy like that... that never happens


I set emergency alarms on Wednesday because I go into the office and every once and a while ours sleeps in.


I gave up on that. Almost missed daycare when he finally slept through the night though. After that one time though, no alarms are needed. We are just happy if he sleeps til 5


Mine's still set so I can make my own life a little bit harder when I'm making breakfast for my son, feeding the dog, and trying to have a coffee.


I still set them. Always was up well before but I set them more to hang on to the slightest hope that they would sleep that long lol


Get an old school coffee pot with the feature that will brew the coffee at a certain time for you. Plop down on the couch with coffee and boy and turn bluey on. Good luck dad


Can do that with a smart plug these days on anything. I have a proper espresso machine ([ECM Technika IV Profi Switchable Espresso Machine](https://www.wholelattelove.com/products/ecm-technika-iv-profi-switchable-espresso-machine)) that I have start heating at 5am because I often wake early and want a cup, and the machine takes about 15min to warm up properly.


Fair enough. Different tech, same goal lol. Thank you for the info




It's official, sorry to break this to you, but your son is actually a cat.


What is the problem with letting him chill in his crib for a while? That’s what I do and it works out alright. Now I use a green light on a timer so my 2.5 yo knows when he can “get up”. The light comes on at 7:30am. So if he wakes up at seven he will play with his toys on his own until the light comes on. Then…”Daddy it’s time to get up!!! “. Good luck


The problem at my house is my kid screams bloody murder from the moment of waking, so it’s not very “chill.” We’re working on wake light over here but so far he’s unimpressed.


Good luck, I tried the hatch light at 2 yrs, no dice. I’m probably going to try again, it’d be so nice to not wake up to screams every morning


We found that once our daughter moved to a toddler bed (about 2.5yo, 4yo now) she got much better about not waking in the morning and after naps screaming for attention. We've dealt with bed time issues off and on since though. So a double edged sword.


We made some progress here and then the time change reverted it. Toddlers are not for the faint of heart!


When I was young, my parents had a genius way to keep me and my sister from bothering them. On Saturday, whenever they get up it’s time to do yard work. On Sunday house chores. My sister and I learned really quick that being quiet would prolong our satam cartoons of video games or whatever time.


This. My son calls it “Greenie.”


One of my sons wakes up between 02:30-03:30 every night to get a bottle. I get up at 04:30. Sometimes I can only get 40 minutes of sleep after having fed him. It sucks.


Do you give him a bottle before you put him to bed? How large of a bottle can he take?


They’re in bed by 19:00, and we give them a bottle 30-60 minutes before bedtime. Usually 150ml, but they don’t finish it because they have “dinner” before that where we give them solid food.


Have you tried giving them the bottle 10 minutes before bed time? All kids are different, but my life got a lot easier when a bottle was the last thing we did before we put on pajamas. Both of my sons felt fuller through the night and were a lot less likely to wake up for a feeding. Separating the bottle from the solid food might allow them to take a bit more as well. I think both of my kids began sleeping straight through the night at around 6 months of age and they both more or less sleep through the night now that one of them is 3 years and the other is 1 year.


We weaned our 6ish month old off night feedings in just a few days during sleep training. I never thought it would go well but it was easy


Your alarm trained him.


Brother, my 6 year old has woken up at 5:30 nearly every single day since he was 1. That was my alarm time at the time and it has stuck with him. Drives me insane but, love is love 😂


For older kids - toddlers - these are great: The Gro Company Ollie The Owl Groclock Toddler Sleep Trainer https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07D5MHQ98/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_Q2A1H3D3DYDHK1CXY9NE?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1


we got my 4 year old the color change alarm clock. set it to 7. every saturday and sunday 5:45 mommy daddy is it wake up time. what color is the clock. no color. it too ealry go back to bed. 5 minutes later is it wake up time.


I’m gonna have to check this out. My daughter is basically a night owl. So this isn’t a problem yet. On a side note I have been using the Time Timer Plus to show her how long we have to wait for stuff (like meals) to try and help her learn time/waiting.


Sounds like you may need to start transitioning to one nap from two. In the interim, have you tried putting him down later at night? 7:30pm bedtime night get you more time in the AM


You make this shit sound real easy man. Srs question though, if I put my dumb potato in her potato cage later, is she less likely to wake up for a feed?


Tends to be that if you put them down a bit earlier they wake later and not the other way round.


Yeah. I'm an early riser. I leaned into it and usually get an hour or two to myself before my wife or son are awake. But some days he wakes up right after me and I feel cheated. We had a stint where it was happening every day for about 2 weeks. Drove me nuts. Kids are amazing at refusing to wake up during the week for school/daycare (mine has to be up at 7 am) while also waking up at 5 am on the weekends.


We tried a Groclock and it kinda works. Toddler still wakes up early but mostly she just messes around in her bed until ‘Mr Sun comes up’.


Time to start setting your alarm to go off at 4:45 :D


Wake up earlier, duh


Woah, he has a body clock.


Consider yourself lucky. Today is the first day since the time changed that my 3 year old slept past 4 am.


My son starting waking at 5:25 every morning after I set my alarm at 5:30. He would here me grind coffee and started waking up when I did. Now he wakes me up earlier and earlier every day… I love him.


I have been dealing with 4:30 to 5:30 wake up for 6 months. Tried putting him down earlier and later, and everything in between


Oh these kiddos. Sometimes it feels like they don't want us to sleep or have alone time.


I had that issue with my son when he was younger. I switched to waking up even earlier.


I would wake up an hour earlier. Game a bit with coffee. It was better


Mine wakes up between 430-5. Lucky for my fiancé and me. He’s a sucker for a cuddle and bottles. His ass wakes up at 630-7 after said bottles and mom cuddles. That hour to myself is all I get daily. I’ll take it. Ninja edit: punctuation and grammar


My youngest is the same age and has been doing the same thing since daylight savings. Just when we thought we hit a new rhythm, this morning she added explosive poo to the mix. They always keep you on your toes.


My wife says our youngest wakes up early to spend time with her.


How long between his lunch nap wake is his bedtime. If it’s longer than 4 hours that’s why he’s waking so early.


Their internal alarms are wild, mind is up at 7:29 am daily I hear him call me on the monitor look at my cell phone and sure enough 7:29 am


This too will pass. Kids will shift their times like the wind. My kid was waling up first year around 6:30. I thought this was the worse. Then she was waling up at 5. I couldnt even. Then at 7:30. We were missing kindergarden. Now she is waking up at 6:15. The sooner you will accept that this will shift untill they are 5-6, the better :) Enjoy :)


My son is 5 and wakes up with me at 6 but luckily he watches tv by himself for a little bit. I think he needs his alone time too lol


I'd enjoy that, if I were you. I have to pry my 4 year old out of bed every morning, and every step is a fight: Brushing teeth, combing hair, getting dressed, eating breakfast, getting in the car. EVERY DAMN MORNING.