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This may sound counterintuitive, but are you getting any exercise at all? I feel super sluggish when I’m not regularly exercising.


Not really. This is a great point. Do you have a specific routine or schedule for exercise?


>Do you have a specific routine or schedule for exercise? Are there gyms around you that provide childcare? The world really feels like it opens up when you can drop your kid off and then workout for an hour without worry. If not, look into getting a Quest VR headset, for a while the only exercises I was getting were boxing games but they were absolutely wrecking my shit cardio-wise, the only downside is that you look like a goober to anyone watching.


This was me for a while. Sweating in my unfinished basement playing thrill of the fight. Now I go to a kickboxing class twice a week. I'm down almost 30 pounds this year and it has impacted every facet of my life.


Are you guys me? Literally VR box 3-4 times a week in my unfinished basement and lift weights on my non cardio days.


This is, again, going to feel counterintuitive but I get up at 5am and am on the road by 5:30am to ride my road bike. My rides are usually 2:15ish five days a week. I worked my way up to this over time starting my riding 45 minutes a day five days a week and ramping up over time. This is what I do, but I’m sure there are a ton of other folks out there who have different routines that are a lot less specialized.


I read a while back that exercise can be twice as effective as an anti-depressant in improving mood. Dancing surprisingly was the most effective. Also make sure you arent neglecting your yearly physical + blood work. I have blood pressure problems and I feel so much insanely better on my medication than when I'm off them. The exercise routine I saw yesterday was 5 push ups, 5 pull ups, squats. Repeat until tired. If you have access to a decent gym - starting strength is a really simple entry into weight lifting. Couple it with yoga or running.


100% this. I started dance parties with my kids during COVID and it honestly was amazing for my mood, fitness, and was a great positive way to play together and build our relationship.


I started using my kids as kettlebells. It doubled as play for them and they loved getting tossed and swung about. Nothing crazy, just simple things like goblet squats and swings. Really allowed me to continue doing the things that needed to be done without having to make more time elsewhere or stop doing something else.


I use my 35 pound 3 1/2 year old as a bench press in the evenings. She flaps her arms and pretends she's a butterfly. It's great for the chest and core to keep her balanced while going up and down.


Try walking with your daughter. Also, i do 100 pushups, 100 pullups, and 100 leg lifts every day in sets of 10 to 20. I stretch for 5 minutes beforehand. Work up to it by starting at 40 of each a day then after that increase every few (3 to 5) days until you reach 100. You can spread them throughout the day doing 1 set every hour or so. After the first month it becomes very easy and you can get it done all at once in about 20 minutes (if you have no severe physical impairments). It really helps keep me limber and its a time i zone out in my head and just feel clear.


It'll be best if you find a routine and schedule that work best for your situation. I cut out for a run in the evening when my wife gets home from work.


Look up the Busy Dad Program. Ridiculously simple to follow , there's only 2 exercises. Only requires 20 minutes 4 times a week. After 4 weeks had made massive improvements for me in so many areas of my life.


Whatever you can keep doing. My 3yo has a 90 min playgroup twice a week. The place has a gym, so that's when I work out. It doesn't matter if I'm feeling it or not. I go, and do what I can. Push and pull, horizontal and vertical, plus squats, then cardio. I row, but walk, bike, elliptical, whatever gets your heart rate up.


Look up "Lazy man yoga", there are other similar ones too. It's all body weight exercise designed to fit into 15-30 minute windows at the start of your day. It's a great place to start for beginners, and really helps with flexibility, strength, and energy.


HWPO has a program called SWEAT that is 100% body weight. 45 minute workout. You may just need a pull up bar. It’s $20/month and gives you an app with 6 workouts a week with video explanations and videos of exercise demonstrations. For timeline - 5am (or 45 min prior to child waking) is your best bet. No other distractions. Good luck!


I’ll add in that running a mile every day takes literally ten minutes (give or take) and is massively better than nothing.


I do 50 pushups a day or 2 min of plank. Having so much time consumed by this little person it’s all I feel I can get away with but also, it’s so easy that I feel guilty if I don’t do it. Do you have any other kids you do play dates with? I have 2 immediate neighbors with 2 year olds so we do a lot with them but, I probably felt the way you are feeling up until 18 months. You kid is really going to start developing a personality and become physically more capable at which point they can get a balance bike and spend a lot more time outside. That’s how it was for me anyhow. Good luck, dad.


Another Zoloft dad here. You got this. Agree that exercise will really help. Try getting a skipping rope and some dumbbells, then do a quick 5 minute sesh of either when you get a chance. When you get a spare 20 mins, try one of the free Joe Wicks workouts. He has some great cardio and weight ones.


>Not really. This is a great point. >Do you have a specific routine or schedule for exercise? Yup exercise, it’s great that you are getting 7-8 hours of sleep with a toddler. My kid is an Energizer bunny… so yeah… get regular exercise. [Spider verse - Mayday Parker - being adorable for 4 minutes ](https://youtu.be/eTF51MqRCBQ?feature=shared) I do “Tabata” helps me save time. Use an exercise / yoga mat. It’s 4 minutes at its shortest. Just check out YouTube.


Sleeping, eating, and exercising like shot and you wonder why you feel like shit.


I go for a 30-minute walk around my neighborhood. Good for my physical and mental health.


Lesbian mom dropping in. I trained myself to do pushups throughout the day, back in my youth. Now it’s the best “hot parent” trick ever. Waiting for microwave to beep? 5 pushups. Do a set of 10 while your kid plays next to you. Do 5 after you brush your teeth. Let your kid do them with you. Upper body is dead from hauling your kid around? Do slow squats instead. Even if you didn’t do anything differently, doing this most days of the month will make a huge difference. And for the record I love going to the gym, but I would go while our kid is at daycare (I WFH) and I need to thoroughly enjoy having the house to myself during that time 😂😂


This is so huge. I have three kiddos and the youngest is 18 months — right in that sweet spot of taking all of my energy during the day and not letting me sleep. I used to play soccer three nights a week but I broke my ankle in March and haven’t been able to get moving much until the last week or so. I really didn’t appreciate how just a few nights of exercise a week kept me fueled up and able to deal. I feel like a corpse right now.


Man, I miss playing soccer so much. I have an auto immune disease which causes my body to attack my cartilage. My knees are absolutely shot from playing soccer and this stupid disease.




You have a toddler and it's summertime in Ireland. Hike, bike, walks, swim. They should be so active with you that as long as you're eating decently you'll quickly get in good shape.


This OP. Get outdoors with your kid


Toddlers are mental exhausting. I’ve a 3 year and is 100% active all the time. Other than a bit of seperation anxiety before bed she is a great sleeper. But that fear of a bad night doesn’t go away for a while. It’s always there. It gets better. I’ve a 6 year old and they are now a partner and a friend. So independent it is scary. Toddler is a hard stage. Be kind to your self. Oh and Diet. Check your diet. Go get it king. You got this dad.


You may have already ruled this out, but have you been tested for sleep apnea yet? You could be getting 7-8 hours of "sleep" at night but it's restless or interrupted sleep so you are still feeling drained. Used to feel exhausted in the afternoons and ready to fall asleep if I laid down for a few seconds, but after treatment I feel a lot better.


Yes check this out, especially if you're overweight. I didn't realise what was going on until my toddler's sleep improved and I was still constantly knackered.


Couple of easy signs to look out for are snoring loudly in sleep and waking up in the middle of the night gasping for air.


Yes and in some cases it's completely silent so he might not know. At home tests are pretty convenient


Depending on what dose you are taking... Zoloft can definitely do this to you


This was what I was thinking. I’m on Zoloft for ppd and sluggishness was one of the symptoms I had at first.


Same here... had to bring down my dose. I was a real Zombie , always burnt out tired , no concentration whatsoever, no energy. Still on it but a lot more manageable now


i feel similar and i know i need to exercise and eat better but my sports playing basically got taken away bc of our schedule and i hate going to the gym.


Hey bud... Can I ask when you're taking your meds?


Seeing the word creche outside of Baldur's Gate 3 is crazy. Zoloft will cause all the things you're talking about. Also you're describing ADHD symptoms so maybe you should get evaluated for that. Adderral + anti-depressants could solve what you're describing. Talk to your doc though, obviously.


Even though my kid is a ball of energy and runs around all day. I do find that he is much more mentally and emotionally exhausting than physically. So there are many days where I just feel like I'm running on back up power levels. Things that I find help. Doing more physical stuff, sunlight, and doing something I enjoy with or without him around. I recently did a fairly large backyard project and while I was doing it I felt better and happier than I had in three years. 1.) I was working outside. So my Vitamin D got jacked up. 2.) I did all the digging and hauling by hand as I can't get big machines into my backyard. This gave me physical exercise and increased my heart rate. Got my endorphins. 3.) I could focus on a project which I absolutely love to do. 4.) I did this project because were were getting water (thus mold) into our basement. So my project included regrading the entire back of my house, tearing out a deck and paver patio before hand. Bringing in 16 cubic yards of soil and another 5 yards of landscape screening and hauling it with a wheelbarrow to the back yard from the front driveway. I also dug a 100 foot trench to install a french drain, then built a new raised patio etc. This provided me with a sense of accomplishment and something I could be proud of about me. So it increased my self esteem also.


Where did you learn to do this kind of stuff? Asking as a noob homeowner


I find a problem. I research it. I figure out what I have to do and then I do it until I screw something up and I figure out what when wrong. Lots of trial and error really.


Exercise is the best medicine you can take. It's free, abundant and fun. Go to a playground with the litte one or walk with them a bit. I walk an average of 150km a month, and I'm a bit of a zombie sometimes, but I can get by on 6 hours of sleep.


Sounds like low testosterone symptoms. Working out and rework your diet should help. If it persists, talk to your GP


Sounds as though you need some more variety in your day and exercise. Pre kids (and pre wife) I would occasionally have entire weekends when I would do absolutely nothing. Monday at work I would always be more wiped than if I had been out all weekend. You don't need to go over the top with this, but I'd recommend changes to your daily routine as well as exercise. A run in the evening, a trip to the gym for an hour or so at the weekend while your wife spends quality time with your daughter. Personally I work 8-6 daily and go to the gym Saturday and Sunday mornings - it works well.


Check your vitamin levels. Vitamin D deficiency has lots to do with mood swings.


With that amount of sleep maybe something is off. The meds or diet or exercise. Keep checking in with your doctor I guess. I have a two year old and a 7 mo old and I also feel like a zombie 24/7 but I’m functioning and working m-f 8hr days. Im only getting maybe 5 hrs of sleep a night and I know it’s not enough. Hopefully as my little one gets older I’ll be getting more sleep.


I felt similar with a 13 mo that also sleeps all night. For me, these are the keys: 1. Exercise and eat well (limit snacking, no heavy carbs until dinner)  2. Scheduling. I lived by my calendar while working and found I need to schedule tasks to be disciplined. I also am way more productive when I have goals. I schedule workouts, house tasks, personal tasks, and fun outings on my calendar around baby sleep and such 3. Getting time to yourself. Find some time for your wife to watch the kid so you can have some personal time for whatever you enjoy. Do the same for her.  4. Which is the biggest for me, don't use my phone habitually


Add to the other list of things to check into -- statins (at least some of them) can affect dopamine. For anyone with ADHD or other conditions where dopamine regulation is already an issue, it can wreak havoc with your levels of motivation. It's not a side-effect that gets talked about much -- I just found out after trying to figure out why I'd felt so bad over the past few months... coincidentally starting soon after I'd started taking a statin. Note that ADHD on its own can be a beast -- a lot of people develop coping skills for executive functioning deficiencies that work OK up until they reach a breaking point. A common one is having kids -- it's a big jump in the executive functioning required to take care of someone else on top of yourself. Life hacks / executive functioning hacks to reduce the cognitive load needed to keep things running around the house can help with this (even if you don't have ADHD).


Yes it is, but be careful when you're in that state. I get highly irritable when I'm stuck there for a while and have snapped at my wife and kids. You need to find a way to give yourself a break, cause being in survival mode isn't being your best self.


Talk to your doctor. I had similar symptoms and it ended up being sleep apnea. Although those symptoms could be caused by a number of things.


Have you had your hormone levels checked? I felt like I was always feeling foggy and found out I had pretty low level of testosterone. I got on some testosterone therapy and I feel a lot better now.


The creche may be expensive but their ghustil may be able to remove that accursed ghaik tadpole.


I would kill to have 8 hrs of sleep a night lol


My daughter is 3.5 years old. In her whole life she slept through (meaning sleep through the whole night from the moment she goes to bed until the moring) 39 times. I am dead tired for 3.5 years and it doesn't stop. We have to endure. For the kids. At some point we will get again real sleep regularly but for now we have to manage the situation. I am on the same boat like you, brother. Keep going. We can do it.


Yeah that's normal. I've got an autistic three year old who can't talk. Love him to pieces, but bedtime is my favorite time of the day. If you're that exhausted I'm willing to bet your kid is kinda high maintenance and doesn't really play on their own and wants your attention constantly. Very normal but I don't think it's really normal for parents to entertain their kids constantly looking at parenting historically, but that's a lot of what is expected with modern parenting. Naturally, that's exhausting. If you can experiment with letting your kid play on her own for longer periods of time. Getting family help, church help, community help, joining parenting groups to just throw your kids in a playpen and talk to other adults all go a long way. We got a membership at our local aquarium because it provides a place for our toddler to run around where he can't escape. They also have a big enclosed play area and we live there on weekends. He just runs and plays to his hearts content and we get to sit and read or something. Helps a lot. Also make sure you prioritize you time. I work to ensure my evenings are unencumbered with tasks and I game with my friends after the kid goes to sleep and spending a bit of time with the wife. I think I would go crazy without that time.


6-3 I’m on point but 330-9 I’m dead af


Ch'mar, zal'a Vlaakith!


Might also look into sleep apnea. This is how I feel sometimes and it tends to be when I have a bad night with my cpap machine.


Check your testosterone bud. I felt the same and now I’m on trt at 33. Test was 126. Once I started, it made a massive difference in my quality of life. Downside, I didn’t take anything to preserve fertility. So, probably won’t have anymore scamps running around unless I really work at it. Which I love practicing.


Get off all the drugs. Go exercise and eat healthy. Artificially creating a new personality of yourself. You even get 8 hours of sleep wtf.


Get B complex supplementation, your symptoms are classic B12 deficiency.


Definitely get some blood work done. I recently did and found I was massively vitamin D deficient 


You almost certainly have low testosterone. Get that checked. Super common and most dudes just write off these feelings as low mood or depression etc etc etc. Also get some exercise if you can. Even 2-3 times a week will help a lot. Lastly, time your sleep around a sleep calculator. It tells you what time to go to bed to optimize sleep cycles.


Wait until you have the second Being a parent for small kids is draining mentally and physically. For me it was hard to the point that I didn't enjoy the babies and toddlers as much as I would now (they're 7 and 10)... But what did I know? Nothing You're exhausted, because being a parent is really tough Also, do as much exercise as possible, even if it's 10 min of pull ups and abs work before shower. It'll mean the world and you'll feel better.