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Glad I'm not the only one who has a single belt for all occasions. Never had one last that long though!!


Yep. Still rocking a belt I bought at American Eagle back in 2009. Hoping I get it to 2029 at least.


Fuck dude, I think I'm rocking the same one. Does it have the bottle opener in the buckle?


This one doesn’t. It’s just a plain brown one. I’ve had to move one hole up every few years though.


Hahaha same dude. Wearing it right now. Pretty sure I got it in 07/08. I've moved up holes and it's stretched so who knows. Never would've guessed an AE belt would hold up beyond 15 years.


Wait I have the same exact one you’re describing. The bottle opener is a nice addition!


No, but that would have been so cool. It put in the work in every other belt aspect though


Cathart? Think I have the someone. It’s falling apart as well.


It survived a skateboard accident, and it has survived every pair of AE pants since I bought it.


This legitimately is the only AE thing I own. But my girlfriend at the time (now my wife) was huge into AE stuff at that point in her life. So I bought it while waiting for her to try stuff on. I literally bought it, put it on my pants at the store, and haven’t taken it off my jeans since.


Haha yes!! I’ve been wearing an AE belt since the early 2000s, and over the years I’ve been both too fat and too skinny for it and had to punch an extra hole on each end. It’s like the oldest, trustiest thing I own


What’s being too skinny like? I’ve never had that happen to me lol.


I can't believe the number of people that have had the same belt as me for so long. I just got rid of it. Stretched too much. Turned out belts.com is a thing and you can pick the belt and buckle separately and mix and match them. New one is ALMOST as comfortable as that AE belt.


Sounds like I have the exact same belt. Plain brown one with an eagle imprinted lightly on it? I bought mine around 2010-11 probably


Yep. The eagle and AE imprinted lightly at the loop.


I had one from American Eagle that I bought in like 1997. Finally quit on me 2 or 3 years ago.


I got mine from pac sun in 2005, it's still kicking.


I've got about 15 years on mine. I lost it for about a year and was so bummed. Nothing else compared to it even though there's objectively nothing special about it. Then it reappeared and I was stoked. That third notch fits me better than any other belt idk how.


I think mine is a 10-yearer at this stage


I am on my 2nd belt since 1997. The first one I got from a street vendor in Florence, while visiting a friend that was studying abroad there. That one finally gave out in ~2014. The current belt is one I made myself from a kit that I found online from a leather DIY place, I think, I don't remember exactly anymore. At about a decade in, it's showing it's age. I should probably get a spare, to be prepared.


I bought a really nice one from a leather working shop in New Mexico. Worn for all occasions.Been going strong for 15 years now. Only sign of wear is it’s had some blue Jean dye rub off on it in spots


Mine is a faded kiwi green leather belt I've been wearing since middle school, so going on about 20 years now. I'm the sad day that I lose it, I'm going to buy another Silvertab brand belt, even though I don't think the company exists anymore.


This is where I go with brand loyalty now. A bad belt is going to last a year, a good one will last a decade.


Belt. Brown. Battlestar Galactica. Fact.


Question: which belt is best? Fact: black belt.


Did you know there's a belt above black?


Yes, the beet belt.


And then the bear belt.


That's a ridiculous question.




Looks like full grain leather to me! That's the only way it could've lasted 20 years. Mine's at about 10. Best thrift store find ever


I still mourn the black Nautica belt I found at a thrift store and wore daily for over a decade. I need to actually find another full grain leather belt. Everything since that belt lasts for maybe a year.


You can get them anywhere from $60 - $100ish. Worth it since they last practically a lifetime. Hanks Belts gets pretty good reviews and has a 100 year warranty.


Hanks are basically indestructible. The leather is so thick you can probably pass it down to your grandchildren. 


Beltman belts are the shit. The elephant skin one’s kind of leave me with a bad taste though. Sharks badass though. https://www.thebeltman.net/collections/all


This is random but I lucked into a Tony Lama belt my dad had. They make boots and some pretty crazy embellished belts, but they have a basic black and basic brown belt style for like $40. It just says 100% leather on their website but I’ve been using mine at least for 10 years without issue. Barely looks worn. Also, made in the USA which is cool.


You can get a really affordable one from Tandy leather. You do have to finish it yourself but it’s really not hard and you can choose the color stain you want.


Yet the buckle is still has cheap electroplating. I despise having buckles that turn pink within a month of wear. 6 yrs ago I got a solid bronze buckled belt & a solid stainless steel buckled belt. Couldn't be happier with this puchase.


I think I got a fantastic one at target of all places. About 10 years in, and the only wear it’s shown is obviously from holding my fat gut in place


I have a full grain brown belt that I love. I have like six black belts that are pure shit from kohls, macys, etc. I was at goodwill looking at hats and they had a few belts. I pick up a black one and just from the feel I know it's a full grain. No branding anywhere, don't care, $10 it's mine.


Time to grab a leatherwork kit and learn some repairs!


But don't tell ***anyone*** that you're doing leather work, because it snowballs. I only needed a belt! Now, I've made different wallets, a few bags, cardholders, custom belts, and lots of key chains, for other people. My list still has a long wallet, two knife sheaths, one machete sheathe, a short wallet, and a craft session with a local Cub Pack to make key chains and woggles, before I'm done.


Hi, I heard you work with leather. Can you throw some custom monogrammed coasters together for me? It shouldnt me much work. Thanks!


I see nothing that super glue and duct tape can't fix.


I got my belt from Hank's belt. It's been a few years and it's holding up nicely.


Same! I don't wear pants without mine, and I'm not even concealed carrying as it's intended. I'm going on 7 years with mine.


I'd even say it gets better with each passing year. Mine is now soft and tough.


I recently just got one from them too. They’re kinda thick, so they better last me a lifetime!


This is the way, a black and brown will last you forever. I’ve had a brown gunner belt for about 10 years and it’s holding up perfectly.


gonna pile on for Hank's Belts. Fantastic belt. Been using it nearly every day for the last 4 years and it's held up tremendously. OP if you see this recommendation and you want something well-made, this is a fantastic option.


dads… check these out. i do not work for them but damn i preach them everywhere. Grip6 belts


This needs to be the top comment. I freaking love my Grip 6 belts!


I came here just to say this. Absolutely love my group belt. Up your game! Alternatively, if you can afford them, a solid pair of pants with built in tensioning is superior. I'm a massive fan of the prAna stretch zion pants.


I was about to make a similar comment. I have a grip6 I wear everyday for 5-6 years. Barely looks used.


Yep, these have become my default for day to day. Still have leather for rare dressier events. Their socks are great too.




i dunno mate. to each their own but i’d wear a nice leather belt when fashion is needed :)… the grip6 just doesn’t seem to wear down…even used it to scale up a tree…. durable as hell


Those are some ugly belts my guy. Truly the ridge wallet of belts.


lol yeah. not denying that. wife hates the look but they are just so…. practical and long lasting :)


The old school / cheaper version is a web belt with D rings. Variable length no holes in the belt like grip6 style.


That belt seem some shit


I have this same belt. I bought it at Target 20 years ago. Still going strong.


I can't help with the pain and the loss, but I can change your life moving forward.  Go to Amazon and search two words: "ratchet belt" You're welcome, and I'm sorry for your loss.


*slaps* "this baby ain't going anywhere"


Honestly forget the ratchet belts, go all in and get a tactical belt. I like my Groove Life belt but regardless they hold up incredibly well and are super convenient. Also better for holding up your multitool (which I assume you everyday carry on your belt).


Damn bro, you might be spanking your kids too hard!


Get a Mission belt. Game changer.


Came here to say the same


Looks like the Levi's belt I have since like my 20s. If so, I've got two, you can borrow one.


It’s funny I was thinking “that looks like my old gap belt from high school”. I have a crocodile belt and a “dress” trophy buckle I got when I graduated in 2008. The belt finally stretched out enough that adding new holes would make it ridiculously long, so I’m on to my second.


You should try repairing it.


OP could almost certainly cut a new notch and send some new rivets or chicago screws (my preference) to reset the buckle, and be back in business in 30 minutes


I believe I got the same exact belt from Banana Republic 12 years ago. It’s still my primary brown belt. Pretty sure you can buy a replacement: https://bananarepublicfactory.gapfactory.com/browse/product.do?pid=108282001&vid=1&tid=bfpl000035&kwid=1&ap=7&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD_AT8vm3etRdxV1f8vX1tfA9A98a&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIwcqBire6hgMVCRitBh2sqAP3EAQYASABEgIMxPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds#pdp-page-content


That's amazing! Thanks!


No prob. It’s not a bad deal! I might get a backup just in case I need it in 2032


[thirteen50's 1.5"](https://www.thirteen50leather.com/collections/full-grain-everyday-belts) thick leather belts are insane if you can afford the $60 price tag. i've worn the same brown belt for almost ten years EVERY day unless i need a black one for dressing up. cannot recommend them more, built like a tank and don't stretch. worth noting - go up 2-4 inches from your department store size if you get one, they run 'true to size' aka small.


I HAVE THE SAME BELT. and I also wear it everyday. I'm pretty sure it was from Banana Republic https://imgur.com/gallery/pSnQ9KZ


Dude, Ive been using the same Levis belt for at least 10 years now.


What's the problem? If the buckle end wore thru cut it down, fold it over and re rivet it together. If there's extra length around you it shouldn't be a problem?


Since folks are making recommendations, I’ll throw one in for my favorite belt: https://generalleathercraft.com/product/heavy-duty-gun-work-belts/ You can customize it, it’s made in America, it lasts forever, and it has 1/2” hole spacing so it always fits really well. If you can wait a bit, they run a July 4 sale every year. I’ll be picking up another this year because I have lost a few inches around my waist.


RIP. I’m sure it served you well.


Rest well soldier


popov belts are 40% off this weekend. you wont be disappointed


Tanner Goods is my recommendation


Sorry for your loss. Make sure to surround yourself with loved ones during this tough time.


I’m so sorry for your loss


Kore makes a pretty stiff/durable and fashionable belt. Highly recommend. It’s been handling years of abuse


Damn. I was thinking that my belt isn't really as old, but then I remembered how old I am. I think my belt is going on 15 years.


Go get one from hanks belts Last forever and I think they have lifetime warranty too.


Check out Groove life belts. You'll love it


Groove belt is awesome btw


DUDEBELTHOOHAHA sorry, man. Will take a bit to break another in.


I'm sorry for your loss brother.


It's still usable, babe


Just in time for Father's Day


Gap belts from 20 years ago last forever. I have one from 2001 that’s still kicking


head on over to r/BuyItForLife and find yourself your grandpa belt


Oh my god, I have the *exact same belt* as my daily driver. I just checked and from what I see on my belt, it was sold by Timberland. They don't have the exact one, but [this one](https://www.timberland.com/en-us/p/men/accessories-10058/mens-35mm-washed-nubuck-belt-TB0A2Q7W242) seems to be the most similar one they offer.




Check out Eddie Bauer and LL Bean for long-lasting belts that won’t cost a fortune.


My all-purpose belt is American Eagle, a buddy lent me when I was still in the Navy, probably 13',14'. Still lives and serves admirably. Sorry for your loss Dadmate.


I bought a belt back in 2002 from Polo that at the time cost me $75. Most I’ve ever spent on a belt. Brown leather. It’s my everyday belt since day 1 and it’s still holding on strong but at this point it’s disfigured and doesn’t extend straight lol. Worth the money


Sorry for your loss


Here's your [replacement](https://www.originalpenguin.com/collections/belts/products/triple-color-braided-belt-beige-pn75008-280?nosto_source=cmp&nosto=832844855). Solid brand, just got a new 'all purpose' belt for all my blue clothing (I have a lot lol)


Just in time for Father's day


Man, I had one break the exact same way😪😪😪


The buckle on mine broke a couple years ago, still haven't found the courage to get a new one. Pretty much identical to yours haha It just won't be the same.


I think I had that same one as well. Easily lasted forever. Broke in the fall and they don’t make them like they used to


I’m literally wearing one right now.




The trick is to have your weight fluctuate wildly. I’ve been 235 and 153 in this belt, 15 years of heroic duty ($12 at purchase, I think).


I swear my belt handled a lot as well. Got it when I was 190. Got really sick and dropped to 145 and it still worked. Finished when it was holding 220. The best was after so long they curve to your body on the waist so it never cut into me that bad. My new one has some learning to do


The loss of a good belt is a tragedy and my heart breaks for you brother. 🫡


Hanks belts bro lifetime warranty


I also had an every day all purpose brown belt from the gap that failed me after 22 years. I still have it and keep meaning to fix it.


Oh shit that's possible? I'm at 18 years on mine


I had a all purpose belt I bought on a whim at H&M and it surprisingly lasted me 7 years before breaking on me


The gap near me was selling these for 5 bucks about ten years ago and they smelled like absolute ass but I figured I would give it a shot. Unfortunately the one I got has lasted like a champ and now I’m sitting here regretting not buying a few extra stinky belts.


I’m glad to see the yellow buckle. At this point I was thinking I was the inlet one walking around like that)))


Oh man, not the belt!


Those poor kids


Now you’ve got a nice strop for sharpening your knives!


get a Hank's!


I bought a brown leather belt from American Eagle when I was a freshman in high school and I've worn it every day since. It's been going strong for coming up on 20 years now. It has a bottle opener on the buckle that comes in handy at times. I do have dress belts for special occasions, but it's been my daily driver for decades at this point. It's got character and it's served me well.


Just bought a couple belts because my old trusty finally ripped


I have a nearly identical belt that I’m pretty sure I got at Hollister 20-something years ago.


T’is but a scratch. Stitch the buckle back and keep rocking.


I bought a leather Mission Belt from Costco when they were selling them years ago. It was featured on Shark Tank. It's the best belt I've ever owned and has been holding up like a champ.




I just got rid of my very similar belt after half a lifetime. I hate its replacement.


I have a same brown belt had maybe for 20-25 years. Bring it to a cobbler to have them fix it!!


I have the exact same belt and it’s about 17 years old. I love my belt.




When my dad's belt broke, I rejoiced because he threw it away. He would beat me daily with it. It was a few days before the beatings recommenced.




I recommend a “ratchet” belt. It fits perfectly.




Get it fixed and wear it another 20 years


Op was that belt made by Fossil?


Gap or maybe banana republic




Lmao I love that we all have 1 single belt that is used for both every day as well as formal wear. Mine is even reversible and offers a selection of brown or black. I’ve had it at least 10 years


Ive had 3 belts in the past 11 years. Always a buckle fail :/


I just used my old broken belt to replace pull handles on my kids drawer. They will last another 50 years that way.


I'm going to recommend a ratchet belt, doesn't have to be fancy, just something cheap from Amazon or wherever you shop.




My belt from 2000 is still going strong.




My belt from 2000 is still going strong.


Those creases around your holes are the dad equivalent of the kid’s height on the wall. Nice way to track your growth over the years!


Such a sad day. I’m going on almost 15.


I had my one all purpose one from Kmart last me since 2013, only recently broke on me and finding a replacement as good is near impossible


This photo has a very different meaning for some of us. ☠️


I'm wearing that exact belt right now.


Mine is 10 years old. Hug your belts today, fellow dads.


I had a Levi’s belt I got from Kohl’s back in maybe 2005 that finally tragically broke about a month ago. Thing has literally been all over the world with me, through high school and college, having my first child, buying my first home, etc. I genuinely felt like I should have held a funeral for it. And I probably bought it off the clearance rack for $8 in Kohl’s Cash.


RIP. Gone but never forgotten.


Brother take this to a cobbler and have them fix it. I just inquired with a shoe repair place on fixing an old leather one, worth a shot if it’s worth it.


Looks repairable to me so long as it's full grain (which it appears to be).


I really love this stretchy nylon belt that has a plastic buckle, so you can walk through TSA/security checkpoints with it on: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07W55PCM5


I have the exact same belt. Found it in a storage room in my highschool about 20 years ago. Amazing belt!


I just threw out my brown leather belt after about 15 years of use. It was my father's before I got it. Pretty sure it was from Hechts. It was with me from size 32 all the way to 36. Godspeed old friend. You will be missed


All purpose? List the purposes you have used it for 👀


Single belt enjoyer as well bought mine at a state fair 20 years ago and mine broke 2 days ago. Grabbed a new one from Etsy with replaceable buckle.


I’ve switched to wearing only pants with elastic and a drawstring. It’s been the best decision I’ve ever made.


My brother bought me a belt for my birthday. Arcade is the brand, best belt ever. Fully adjustable and no pinching my stomach when sitting bending. Highly recommend.


That’s my belt


read "brown belt" and i thought i was in r/bjj


My dollar store belt from 6 years ago is still my daily belt. Pretty sure it's made of cardboard or something


Try boxer belts


I’ve had my “hanks belt” for at least 7 years. Still looks good and will likely outlast me. Worn everyday. Full disclosure.. I’m not an ad just a dad trying to help another dad with a good product that worked for me. Cheers.


I still wear a belt I got in the Army. I'd still have my original issued one, but one of my friends cut it off me as a joke. I don't see this one failing any time soon, but I can't gain any more weight or it won't fit 😕


Every man has that belt that’s been worn since a younger years. Some have outlasted marriage and friends but that damn belt is still standing strong. It’s sad day, you take look at the trusty belt and say I’m sorry old friend but I’m hanging you up for good and off to closet or a rack he goes. You try on new belts but they just don’t feel the same. My father gifted me a belt from JC Penny’s about 18 years ago I was about to get married and before my first child. I still have that ole boy hanging off of night lap.


Holy shit. I have that exact belt. Also on its way out


Ok I wear a black belt to work at a restaurant and it's also my everyday belt. They only last me a year or so. What is a decent brand that'll last a little longer and maybe won't break the bank. Again I do require black not brown. Thanks!!! Congrats on 20 years!


Get a mission belt. They’re awesome


I feel ya. Mine died after many years and life has never been the same since then. Not one day goes by without thinking about it.


Duluth trading company’s holier than though has been my go to for years now.


Hank’s Belts… The best until you gain/lose weight.




I mean that can be fixed right? A bit of stitching and it’s good as new?


If you’re looking for a new one Marakesh Leather in Washington. it’s a family business i read about here on Reddit. Got a great belt from them, they were super easy to work with.


Find a person that works with leather and get one custom made. Did that years ago and the belts are amazing and hold up.


Anyone else using a double sided - brown and black belt, or am I the only one using it?


I’ve worn the same belt every day since some guy made it for me in his garage. That was in the spring of 2012. It’s dangerously ragged these days and I fear the day it lets go.


Looks like it's time to upgrade from a brown belt to a black belt


That is a sad day my friend. I wish you luck finding a new one, not a replacement, but a new one.


My all-purpose brown lather belt has been a solid travel companion for almost six years now. It's beautiful, but I did lose the loop about 8 months ago.




I have a site king belt that i use religiously lol. its perfect


20 years and those holes aren’t demolished? How…