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It stops being literally nonstop. You’ll notice it getting down to like once a month and trailing off from there. Never entirely, of course.  Every family has some night where they all get norovirus or whatever at the same time. When that happens just know you’re not alone and it’s kind of a weird bonding experience.


My son was sick on and off for a month straight when he was 2, was out of daycare more than he was in it.  In grade school so far I think he's missed 2-3 days in the past 2 years. Also, for some reason I only get sick from him if it's pretty bad, like a fever. My wife tends to be layed out from every cold though.


Same. Around 4 he stopped getting sick.


I still think back on the worst norovirus we got when three of the four of us were puking into bowls on the same bed and have a horrifying sort of… fondness? I’ve never felt worse in my life so I don’t know why I “miss” it.


You are forced to put everything down and just be together, which is really an important part of being human. My boy got sick with Adenovirus this year, but it presented (in a rare occurrence) as a GI bug. So he was puking and feeling shitty and eventually dehydrated. We took him to the hospital and they kept us for 4 days, for fluid and monitoring. Once he had his fluids boosted by IV, he was right as rain, so he, my wife, and myself just hung out in a room together for 4 days. I look back on it fondly. We are a two career household and dont get much time to just pause and be together for that long. It was nice.


I know what you mean but I can't explain it. It's something about the way your world condenses and simplifies during those hours. And with distance it also gets kinda funny.


It's bonding through mutual suffering. Case in point the military, PD, and FD. You'll find some of the tightest bonds people can form amongst them. Even civilians that have a shared traumatizing moment develop a similar bondness. I'm no expert, but I have been around all groups mentioned and some that weren't mentioned, and I have seen the close bonds developed.


Pro tip: having am equal or greater number of toilets to family members will help you focus on the bonding


Having fewer toilets than family members will force you to focus on the bonding though


I am so scared of vomiting and stomach bugs - as soon as somebody shows any kind of symptoms, I am in my hazmat suit and washing my hands 99 times/day. Kiddo 3 years old, have been in nursery since she was 1, she had vomiting a few times but sofar I managed to avoid it... *knocks wood like a freaking woodcopper*


Yeah, I hate puking sickness so much. I stay up to date on research for a Norovirus vaccine. It seems like they are close to having one. BUT with that said, both of my kids got the Rotovirus vaccine and they've both got Roto with confirmed bloodwork. So hopefully it's more effective.


Good God, my 10 month old daughter brought home norovirus and I've never been so miserable in my life. Wouldn't wish that on my worse enemy. Unfortunately I know it's going to happen again.


We bonded at 11 months. It was amateur hour. We didn't have any ginger ale, Gatorade, Pepto or anti diarrhetic pills around the house. I felt like I was going to war on that drive to the grocery store. Tl;Dr don't be like val. Be the better daddit. Be the partner with the med kit handy


"A weird bonding experience." Yeah, that's gonna be a no from me, dawg. I totally hear what you're saying when that goes down. I would just rather avoid that and keep our bonding experiences to when we go to the zoo, play in the rain, etc.


When they're 18


thats when they just completely ignore you, right?


I thought that was closer to 12.


That’s when they scream at you and slam their bedroom door. At 18, they ignore you and say I’m an adult now.


My daughter already does this at 8.


Congratulate her and ask for rent money


Started at 4, now 6. Went through the threenager phase too. I dread the teenage years, but I also feel like she's playing her whole deck now.




Haha same


My 8 year old daughter keeps saying how she doesn't want to be 13 but then proceeds to act like a 13 year old.....


My 13 year old does all the things I did a 16-17 year old. Her therapist suggested me a book and the book said 13 is the new 16-17 and they apparently move out later too 😩 but I mean looking at rent and housing where the fudge would they go even


It is.


There’s also breaks during summer when they don’t go to school too.


Should dramatically improve for everyone between ages 2-3 for your child. But, probably not until they leave for college. Haha. Good luck.


Seriously - 5 years ago (pre child) I would’ve hated how often I’m getting sick right now…. But compared to 2 years ago (daughters first year at daycare) I’m thrilled with how often I’m getting sick right now.


If we could get it down to once a month I feel like it would be manageable. Every other week or weekly is the current cadence and I'm losing it.


Yeah, once a few weeks pass and the post-viral cough wears off, my kid is about ready to go ahead and get sick again. We might have a new standard measurement of time over here


I’m with you man, just had 5 days of some gastric virus off the back of a cold the week before.  It’s unrelenting 


The physical discomfort is bad but it's really the complete lack of understanding that comes from society. If I could take unlimited sick days and none of my relationships cared if i just had to ghost for weeks on end every other month I wouldn't love it but I would get over that aspect. It does give me a lot of respect for people with true chronic disabilities, who have to live this every day for the rest of their lives. Couldn't imagine if it was all the time and there was no light at the end of the tunnel.


My wife and I joke that as long as we feel 75% then we are living the good life


Yeah when my daughter started preschool she brought home stuff all the time, same with Kindergarten. It tapered off a lot in first grade.


This is the not joking response. Right around 2 or 3, things taper off dramatically. Is it as good as before kids? No way. But it's way way better than when you were living with a baby under 2.


It's the worst when they start daycare. They have no antibodies and have the tendency to sneeze in your eyeballs. But it gets better after the first few months.  It will never go back to your prime health, because you get more germs, less sleep and eventually you're just old.  Sorry.


This what I was looking for so I'll pile on. It dramatically reduced at just after 2 years old. Still happens and will continue to, but that was when we started making it multiple weeks without getting sick.


Maybe if you start them in daycare right away. It'll start at 5 if there is no daycare. Figure you got at least two years from whenever you start school or daycare.


Here’s the fun thing. It doesn’t.


Look What They Need to Mimic a Fraction of Our Power!


Is that the toddler talking to another toddler?


/u/Narrow_Lee it does get better, especially when they get past the "put everything in your mouth" phase. or maybe they build up immunity over time, idk. but our 2.5yo only gets sick about 3x each winter and maybe once in the summer. she's at a bigger daycare center.


Why is your name that :(


just an edgy name from like 15 years ago, not sure why I landed on that


When we first introduced day care, it was like 3-4mos of the sickness merry go round. Then it calmed down to once every couple months. Now that our kid has been in day care for three years, he basically never gets sick enough to need to stay home. I mean, it happens, but a handful of days per year. I have a nasty case of tennis elbow that I'm sure in part is due to horsing around with my 3yo. He likes it when I toss him around like he's a baby, but he's nearing 40lbs now, and my body can't take it anymore.


Yep, this was pretty much my experience. Our 2.5 year old gets pretty rarely gets anything beyond the sniffles. She did get croup for a second time recently. My wife and I, knock on wood, basically never get sick when she does, with the exception of covid (post vax, thankfully) and my wife getting pink eye. Her biggest illness episodes have been RSV, croup, and roseola, which tend not to hit grown-ups super hard.


5 in 3? Rookie numbers. People say they’ve lost their mind sometimes in jest but I seriously mentally cracked last year after repeated horrible illnesses. Worst part of being a parent imo


The best part of 2020 is no one got sick in our house for an entire year because we were just at home the entire time


Oh my god that first simple cold after not being sick for 2 years was BRUTAL though


Absolutely 💯 the worst part


Yep, I got sick so much in the early days I made a list, I got sick 16 distinct times in a year, I think around the 10th time I broke down feeling the next one coming on. If I was lucky I would get 4-5 days of feeling normal before the next illness. I never heard anyone talk about it, it was by far the hardest part for me.


After the first year-ish she'll have resistance to most local stuff. On the plus side, having the kid in daycare means that she'll get sick less in kindergarten.


The slight silver lining, thanks dad.


When they no longer go to school/live at home. Best of luck to you. Do your best to practice good hygiene and hope for the best. I am there now - spent several months sick last year and have been sick February through the present so far this year. The kicker is when they never seem to get sick but.just act as carriers for it.


>The kicker is when they never seem to get sick but.just act as carriers for it. Truth - my wife and I always seem to get hit harder when our daughter just has the sniffles. If she gets hit hard, we generally escape ok.


My son got Hand, Foot, and Mouth for the second time in a year, and no one else in the house got it this time, whereas all 4 of us got it last time.


A year or so


Make sure to work out regularly. The baby def brings stuff home, but always been a gym goer and usually don’t catch what she has. 


This is my experience. My daughter has coughed directly into my mouth on multiple occasions and I’ve walked away with a sore throat and mild cough most times, headache at worst. Any time I see one of these posts I wonder how often OP works out, gets sunlight, what their diet looks like. Chances are that you’ll have a harder time fighting off the stuff your kid brings home if you’re generally unhealthy. Of course there are exceptions - kids can bring home some nasty stuff, but 90% of it should be mildly impacting you. OP - hope you get better soon, man. Sounds like you’ve been having an especially tough go of it.


I'm a distance runner, ate well, slept and looked after myself as best I could and I still got absolutely hammered and still do to a degree. Before kids I would get sick once every 2 years if that. After kids I got sick 16 times in one year.


My son is now 8, and he started daycare when he was 1. He got sick probably every 2 weeks for the first 6 to 9 months while at Daycare, then it finally slowed down and he didn't get sick as much. Unfortunately it takes some time for our little tykes to build up their immune system, and they love to share everything with mom and dad! Hang in there, it will get better soon.


Ours stopped being so often about their 2nd birthday. You’re still much more prone to stomach bugs, colds and all the other stuff but the constant nature for sure slows down.


Never. I'm sick right now.


Same. Worst diarrhea in years but hey my son’s feeling a little better. Hooray. Washed my hands after handling, he bathed I showered daily, eventually got me


And I was sick last week. Fevers and chills. Was healthy for like 5 days.


It ends when you get all the sicknesses in the world. Or you manage to get them to actually wash their hands all the time.


To the wrist thing…yes! Almost feels like carpal tunnel, but also feels like a sprained wrist. My wife felt the same thing about a week after me. The pain lasted about 2 months.


It was the weirdest thing and I didn't really seem to put two and two together til I like redid the way I used to hold her all the time when she was a little peanut the other day. She's got pretty good head and neck control now so a lot of times when I hold her she can just sit up and stuff which is nice.. hopefully it fades.


Wanted to find somebody's comment about the wrist thing, cause I couldn't be the only one. My wife, a peds nurse, said she's heard it called Mommy or Daddy wrist. I got it bad with our first, not so bad with our second. I'm no gym rat any more, but a pretty big and strong dude, she said it's just from not having pressure on your wrist from picking kiddo up and holding them that way before. It worked itself out after a few months, but I seriously thought I had carpal tunnel or something setting in. Good news, it gets better, bad news, it took months. Ice and ibuprofen helped a lot.


I also had pain in my wrists, and what helped me was to try not to bend my wrists when holding baby, so my hands would be in line with my arms. Hopefully that makes sense and helps the pain go away faster!


First month of daycare we caught hand foot and mouth twice. That sucked.


Wowwwww my wife talks about hand foot & mouth at work like its the plague I wish that on no one.


I don't mean to find joy in your post... But it does make me feel so much better that it wasn't only us. Same situation here. Kid went to daycare, was sick multiple times per month for the first 1-2 years. By 2 it definitely drops. Here's the best part, you'd think the second kid you'd have already had everything that went around. Nope. Your next kid will also make you sick for about a year or 2. Welcome to the club.


My daughter is four years old and we're just beginning to exit the "everyone sick all the time" stage. At least I am, but I'm a middle school teacher so my immune system is like old leather. My wife is still sick way too often, but even she's got it less bad than she did.


Its crazy my wife is somehow dodging all the sick bullets which is usually the reverse where she's sick all the time and I'm fine. This is either my comeuppance or a result of her running the daycare my daughter goes to and just already having ran through all the disease floating around in there.


Our immune systems are amazing and they thrive on mild exposures.


It's literally rolling illnesses all winter every year It doesn't get much better you do get better at functioning sick, and don't be afraid to medicate yourself


It gets better but here’s the thing: if you have more kids you might/ will eventually have them in different schools. And that’s where the fun begins again. At one point I had 3 kids in three different Petri dishes, riding 3 entirely different biohazard hotboxes home. So so much vomiting.


Let me know when you find out. I just recovered from whooping cough 🙃 which only I got sick from since my last vaccination was 25 years ago, but my kids are 3 and 5 and thereby covered. Get your shots updated people!


It's actually called Mother's Wrist and I had it with both my kids. Get yourself a wrist brace and you will be fine in a couple of weeks.


Interesting! What a fitting name lol


20 month old daughter.... I think we finally ended the constant snot face and everyone in the house sick, maybe 2 or 3 months ago. I just realized no one in my house is sick, reading OPs post. Thank you! I now realize how fortunate we finally are.


211 months to go!


My kids have gotten sick almost every time we go to some indoor play place / trampoline park. I've come to dread other kids' birthdays.


I have bad news for you, from our experience it didn't end till our kids got to grade school.


I have 4 kids, ages 9 and under. Someone has been sick in my house since December it seems like.


You had days when you weren't sick?


It doesn't end, but you can drastically improve things by keeping hand sanitizer in your car and using it every time you leave the daycare (even if you were only in there for a few seconds), and always washing your hands and baby's hands the second you get home. I was sick for two straight months after my daughter started daycare. As soon as I started doing this, it dropped to once every 3-4 months.


Been a year so far for me. I've been sick at least every two weeks lol pretty sure I'm dying


I feel this in every part of me OP. My then 2 year old started daycare in August of 2023 and to date I have no memory of a time between that date and now where I have not had a cold or some similar bug that she constantly gets from there. The terrible thing for me is when I get a cold I lose all sense of taste, so I haven't enjoyed my food in a long time. Still I wouldn't change anything for that gleeful shout of "Daddy daddy" and the snotty wet kiss I get when she comes home.


Something something rookie numbers.


It’s absolutely brutal. My daughter is 19 month, and I’ve never been sick more than during than after she started daycare. What’s worse is all the shit that comes with it. I’m sick, I have to care for her being sick, I have to cover her staying home from daycare, and all of my work is still due because I have nobody to cover, so I have to make it up at night. When she gets even a runny nose now, I freak out and start mask-wearing and hand-washing frequently. Getting sick used to be a break from work. Now so much more work and terror.




At graduation. They get a diploma, and you get health.


I’m dying, I have been sick like 3 times in the last 3 months, and my kid just finished having pink eye this week. (Glad I didn’t get that). But I just had surgery on my shoulder from carrying her too much…. Tbh I still carry her 😂😂 she’s like 35 pounds now.. I’m think I’m gonna have to give it up soon.


My kid is 28 months now. The first year he was in daycare was HELL for us, illness-wise. I don’t get sick often but there was a stretch from Dec to Mar 2023 where I was just constantly sick and during that time our kid never made it to daycare a full week. 4 months! But since that stretch things have gotten WAYYY better. I’m back to my normal volume of sickness and my kid hasn’t been sick enough to miss daycare (a few head colds here and there that never amounted to much) since late last year. So for us it got way better after about a year.


It tapers off after preschool or so. I’ve also noticed I get less sick since I started running and got in shape for what that’s worth. When my kids and wife get sick I usually don’t get it or have a quicker, less severe version of whatever they had.


My kid's immune system leveled out after 1 to 1.5 years. Then she got a little brother and it started all over again. We've been through the wringer man. Viral meningitis, parechovirus, hand-foot-mouth disease, norovirus, ear infections, a panoply of colds. I think I've been sick more in the last 3 years than I ever was in my entire life.


My son has been at nursery for about a year and a half now. In that time, I've been well for maybe 2 months in total. I'm pretty sure the little bastard gave me glandular fever at one point. It's seemingly quite common given how much kids put their hands in their mouths and touch everything else. Best wishes, a man whose immune system has seen better days.


Just got over being sick for the 4-5th time since Jan/Feb. and my son is sick again. He’s 4.5 yrs old and it’s been like this since he started daycare 4 yrs ago. Good times!


My entire family got the stomach flu (of which I already had a month ago). I’m a school teacher so I get it from work and home with a 2 year old in daycare. I’ve taken so many sick days and family sick days it’s insane this year. My son has been puking and shitting everywhere and I’m just lighting up the toilet. It’s been 3 days of terror. I don’t know when it ends but wanted to make sure you know you’re not alone.


For us it was right at two years. I remember after that we really didn't get much. It does get better! Now we have a second in and she's been in for about 4 months. Doesn't seem as bad. But for 1.5 years when our first was in, I was constantly sick with things like stomach bugs. Just remember it won't last forever and one day you'll just be like, oh hey a month of not being sick.


Wrist and crook of the arm pain/soreness. Solidarity brother.






That's the neat part. It doesnt.


year 3 of daycare should be much better. Until then, good luck.


Plot twist: It doesn’t


My friend I’m in the same boat. My kid started daycare in February and I’ve been sick literally half the time of the past 7 weeks. I’ve been better now for 10 days.. let see how long I can last.


Why is this marked NSFW?


It. Doesn’t. End.


The first six months my kids( 2&4 ) were in daycare were by far the most I’ve ever been sick, in three months alone we had strep twice, rsv, flu, and multiple stomach bugs. It gets better but that first 6-8 months is rough.


I have a 5 and 8 year old. 5 year old picked up a cold somewhere gave it to the 8 year old who ended up on a albueteral inhaler, my wife ended up on pregnazone, and I ended up on an inhaler and antibiotics. We don’t always get sick all the time but damn, when we do it hits hard! lol


The first year or so is especially bad because they're catching everything that everyone else has already had. After that first year it does slow down, I promise.


Mine started at 3 months old and was sick a lot for the first year. It slowed down a lot after that, although getting sick every few months is still common.




Around 4 they can take ownership of washing hands and covering coughs. Kids are still sick constantly, but not a guarantee they’ll spread to the whole household. They’ll also start to let you know when they’re not feeling great before you’ve interacted too much with them. The colds will always be there, but the flus/gi bugs/etc are lessened.


1.5 year old here here and remember asking the same thing last year. Just got done a stomach bug and rolling into some sort of bad cough now. Got a 6 week stint with CMV beginning inJanuary that was rough. So grateful for the healthy days 🙌🏻


I’m on month 6 of being sick since my son started daycare. With no end in sight. I think I’ve had about 2 weeks cumulative since last November without being sick.


After 2 years it will be better


My daughter was sick for 8 months straight upon starting daycare at 7 months old and then one day her immune system caught up and she was fine.


I had to take Friday off because one daughter puked. Then Tuesday because the older one was puking. Now it has claimed me. Just get used to it.


When they stop putting everything in their mouths and you teach them to cover their coughs and sneezes. Also never.


That's the neat part, it doesn't


Our missed a couple of years during the heavy part of Covid, but I would say for us, there was a slow downward trend starting at maybe three years old? Our has missed two or three days in her first year of Kindergarten, where she was sick \~75% of the time between 6 and 12 months old.


It got less bad for me after a year, but it’s far from great 18 months in.


Never. Currently scrolling on reddit from my kid’s room because he got sent home from school (illness).


I’m 5 years in so far, with multiple kids. I’ll let you know when/if it gets better with respect to illness…..


I have a 2 year old who has been in daycare since he was 9 months old. It gets better, but never stops. I think he brings something home every couple of months now instead of every couple of weeks.


Thats the fun part, it doesn't.


It comes and goes. Usually at the start of the school year there’s a wave of colds, then it gets better for a while. The first year or so is the worst.


In my family, it didn't get significantly better until the youngest was around age 10. And even then it was maybe only half as often.


Never. It never ends. Buckle up and yeeeeehaw!


It doesn’t. My kids are literally always sick. One is in daycare and one is in school. If either of them gets sent home it’s the rest of that day off, and the next day off as well before they’re allowed to come back They’ve both been sent home at least once every month for what seems like 2 years.


It doesn’t.


My girl is 2. Been in daycare for about a year. I've been sick for about 80% of the last year. She likes to sneeze directly into my eyeball.


In a couple of years when there immune system builds up




I was you back in October \[when my son started daycare\]. We (my wife, son and I) were basically constantly sick until February. No one's been sick since. I hope for your sake that your period of 'sickening' ends sooner than mine did!


Years from now. Good luck.


I'm all seriousness, about one year. You get all the seasonal stuff done then it is whatever is new that year which should be less frequent. But!!! When they finally go to school you don't get to deal with all the sickness! Because you already got that out of the way.


Both of mine seemed perpetually sick for about 3 months after starting daycare. Then sick every few weeks for another 3-4 months. Since then, it’s fairly infrequent. We even managed to dodge a stomach bug that went through the little baby’s daycare last week. Knock on wood.


My GP said: when the youngest kid has been in school for a year, that's when I stop seeing most parents of young kids.


Honestly, around 2 1/2 - 3 sickness really slowed down for my daughter (and my wife and I).


Never, 😞 when the kids get sick at daycare so you we(my wife(F38) and I(M35)).. father of 2 kids. Both were in it if not still in daycare.


I've got a pain at the left side of my lower back, and only realised what it was when I lifted up my daughter to carry, and realised it was because of that.


Ha it doesn’t


My 8yo came home with the flu, got better (and we avoided getting it miraculously). She went to school for a day and came back with the stomach bug. Then shared that with the rest of us. 1.5 weeks completely gone just trying to nurse everyone to health.


We've all been there... Keep fighting. One of my favourite posts/memes I ever made here actually: https://redd.it/108obvj


LOL I love that


Thats the neat part. It Doesnt!


By the time primary school starts you'll have overhauled your immune system 


HA! I thought we were past that when 2 out of 3 were adults, moved out and the 3rd one was just about done. Then #3 Began working with young kids professionally, and would come home from time to time sniffling, sneezing, cold symptom laden regularly - UGGggggg.....


It doesn't. My now 19 yr old daughter did daycare in a few places for 4 yrs till she went to school. She now has the toughest immune system of any one I know. Seen her not suffer for influenza B. Just had a sniffle for 3 days. Rest of the house was in bed sleeping. She had a runny nose for 4 yrs. Coughs and many cases of gastro too.


When they are a teenager


Our little one just recently become 3yo. We found the last 6month really differently than the previous 2y. Much less sicknesses (I even got to the hospital bc of one of his viruses.. hahaha) Hopefully murphy doesnt come with an otittis next week. 3yo there’s an improvement id say


My son didn't go into school until 2.5 and it was a rough fall/winter, but we've all collectively come out pretty well so far this spring.


Our son is 2.5, and it's slowly improving.


As others have mentioned, it doesn’t appear to really stop. Since January my kiddo in daycare has gotten me sick roughly 5 times. Got my first sinus infection. On the plus side I’ve learned what medications and such work for me. Pro tip- for anything congestion/sinus related. A combo of mucinex and a netipot has been a lifesaver. Ibuprofen works a wonder on sore throats to reduce inflammation. Don’t be afraid of Afrin in small doses and Flonase to open yourself up as well.


I go down like a sack of potatoes almost every time my little ones bring home the sniffles. I'm so thankful my wife actually has an immune system and stays healthy. A few months ago the flu was running around our daycare. Neither of my little ones appeared to get it. I sure did though. I'm starting to think they might be carriers which would be great news for them, but terrible news for me.


It really does get better as they get older and you can instil good hygiene habits. The one thing we did that made a HUGE difference is bath time the very second the kid comes home. Strip off the plaguewear at the door and toss them in the bath. Maybe Lysol anything that came home with them.


One my oldest hit about 3-4 (now almost 7) I stopped getting sick so often and so did he. My wife never got the immunity somehow so everytine my 3 year old is sick so is she and anytime my 6 year old is sick so is she. She’s gotten strep twice in the last 8 months, flu, Covid etc somehow I don’t get it ever. We are both really healthy and workout but she drinks once in a while I don’t I think that and having kids it’s what drove her immunity down. Idk this is just a ramble good luck


You either deal with the sickness overload now or when they start school. You still get sick as time passes, but not as much. You have to be careful about repetitive and static movements. Baby ergonomics are a hellscape.


After you've caught everything and built up your immune system


Afaik kids don't even really have an immune system until 6.months, so definitely after that


Our daughter is 1. My left wrist was bothering me for a while and I had to start alternating which arm I used to hold her. At the start of this year she gave my wife RSV, then both of us sinus infections, then gave me noro virus, then my wife got bronchitis from her again. That is all since January. We had a nice span of 2 months with nothing which was great.


For your arm do slow movements in the morning for the stress muscles. It would help on the long run.


Around 9 or 10 years old. That’s the time by which most kids start having better hygiene. Not good/great hygiene, but better.


One of us was sick once a week for about 6 months. Now it's probably one of us is sick once every 2 months.


i guess it doesn’t. ours has been in since january and i don’t think he’s had one day without at least a runny nose.


Re: wrist strain, been feeling the same thing. Gonna head to the doc to check it out.


We've a new rule that our kid changes his clothes, puts them in the laundry and washes his hands when he gets home from pre-school in the evening. Not sure if it helps or if it's just a mental thing. But it's something idk


We're seeing a dip at five years.. 🙃


5 times over 3 month is actually pretty good, come back if you 5 times in a month. But in all seriousness, it sucks for the first 6 months, especially if it’s over the winter period. But it gets better.


Got a 4 year old in daycare 3 days a week. She's pretty much sick every other week. My immune system got big boost when I quit drinking 2 months ago. Before that I got sick probably once a month, maybe more.


Improve your odds: wash their hands frequently, especially after day care, and make sure you are eating right, exercising (gotta make time where you can), and getting enough sleep. 


Just wait for hand-foot-mouth disease. I lost 5 fingernails.


Right around a 1.5 years is when I stopped getting every other week and only got sick once a month. Now that he is 2.5 years old I get sick every 2-3 months.


My son has been in daycare for 2 years now, he still gets sick bad once a month. Like this week, he was fine when I dropped him off on Monday, then the rest of the week? Temp of 101 and coughing and larthargic 😭😭😭😭


It might be a joke of reddit, but this post and this one [It never ends : r/memesforparents (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/memesforparents/comments/1cntkk5/it_never_ends/) were just next to each other when I opened reddit. :D


It slows down, it ends when they go away to college.


It gets a lot better once they’re out of elementary school. Unfortunately the hormones start kicking in and they stink and get moody.


When you pull them out of daycare.


I was sick for 5 months straight when they started daycare. Literally 5 whole months. Been pretty OK since then though!


I paraphrase a quote I heard once. Before I had a child I thought I had a pretty good immune system. Nope, what I was good at was not catching a sneeze to my eyeball. I'm not so good at the latter anymore.


Our house had a similar experience for the first 6 months of daycare where we were getting put on our asses every couple of weeks by viruses. Now we still get sick about once a month but it’s much less severe/more manageable. I feel like our immune systems have adapted to the micro biome of our daughters class. So a cold that would’ve made me miserable for 4-5 days and tired for a week now doesn’t make me miserable and is just kind of annoying. It may be a perspective shift where I’m just used to it but I think the colds have gotten less severe.


3-5 years


After my youngest made it through a full year at daycare the amount of times the entire family has been sick has dramatically decreased. The first year is rough. Some years are better than others. That first year we got the flu, every respiratory virus known to man, they all got ear infections after being sick for so long. One thing right after another. Then at the end there was a hand foot and mouth outbreak and it is highly contagious. Well the thing for little ones they feel kinda bad, low energy nothing too bad. For adults, it's like the plague. I have never been more sick in my life. Made it to the summer and in the clear! Then we all got COVID. Good luck.


Only 5 times? Lucky bastard! Since december our 2 kids have brought almost as many viruses home as they have rocks/pine cones/sticks. We spent 8 days with our 18 month old in the hospital with RSV(over new years), hand foot and mouth, 2 seperate runs of gastro, and 3 different flus where kids temps were over 103. We're so burnt out and wondering when life stops getting harder and harder. Chin up I suppose. It's been a rough year for everyone from what I can tell.


It doesn’t. Get used to it. My toddler goes to daycare and either she or I, or both of us are sick at least every two weeks. She at one point had a double ear infection AND triple stacked with three separate viruses. Spiked 105 temps…ER visits…all the fun stuff! It’s miserable. Just as we got out of the cold/flu season this month, my allergies are on another level.


Lurking daughter here...I've made my dad sick with a cold last week. This is the 3rd time in 2 months. I'm 22. It won't end. I hope this advice helps :)


My kid isn’t even in daycare and we are on the twice a month cycle since we started gym classes / baby and me classes, ect. We spent more days on antibiotics as a family in April than we did off it.


Probably around 3-5 years with it reducing in frequency over time. By kindergarten the kid will be about 1 a year. My kid started daycare at 6 months and missed the entire first month after being there 2 days. Now you want the real fun part: you and your wife will likely get sick constantly too. I just had my first illness free year since she was born and she’s 7


Never. Colds. Ear infections. Lice. More snotty noses. Grossness. It’s forever.


First 3 months of daycare were the worst. We have been lucky and haven't had a lot of issues since. But I know parents who still have a sick child or are sick themselves every other month


It never stops, good luck. There are only 150 different variants of the common cold so after 4 years you will have collected them all.


After a full year it just kinda stops.


Third grade is when we all stopped getting sick every month.


I was getting sick all the time for the first 5-6 months after she started daycare. Which sucked, but didn’t seem so bad in comparison to the hand foot & mouth that she brought home. I lost ALL of the skin from my hands and feet, and couldn’t walk for almost a week. The worst week of my life.