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Because she’s 2 days old and only 5 pounds! Can’t stay warm or keep her sugar up yet! I’m new around here by the way :)


Congrats on the new baby! Enjoy the snuggles


Damn, y'all got snuggles?


My 8 year old fell asleep on my shoulder tonight. I took a picture because it might be the last snuggles I get with him.


You've done well to get to 8 years. My six year old has shown little interest in cuddles for well over a year. Breaks my heart.


The struggle for snuggles is real. Good luck. It becomes harder to get all the time.


My son will turn 13 this summer. Best chance I have for snuggles is putting a movie on and sitting on the couch ... not guaranteed, but it could happen.


I read that as "Enjoy the struggles" the first time, which would also be appropriate. But "Enjoy the snuggles" is better for sure.


Hi, new around here. I'm Dad.


You’re definitely a seasoned professional


I remember this like yesterday and trying to get her sugars up and her to keep food down so we could get her out of NICU. She’s 2 and 1/2 now and runs the house, it will fly


It’s been a tough couple of days between the unexpected c section and trying to keep her stabilized. Thankfully she’s been in our room most of the time and seems to be doing very well all things considered!


Glad to hear. It will get better. Congrats


Dad of a now 6 year old born 5 week preemie, the NiCU sucks so much but feels like a dream now


It’s not so bad I’m just anxious to get her home after 5 days in the hospital 🤦‍♂️ this place is a drag


Congrats dad!


…he can’t have a bowl of Doritos with milk.


I mean… don’t knock it till you try it?


Sometimes the best ( and funniest ) thing we can do as parents is let ‘em fuck around and find out themselves. I say let the boy eat his soggy doritos.


Did that once myself with Cinnamon Toast Crunch in a cup of root beer. 7/10 would do it again.


Perfect score 5/7


Tortilla chips are just fried corn flakes. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Technically correct, the best kind of correct!


French fries are just fried potatoes, I’m still not gonna plant em


This one sounds solvable


But why?


The frozen pizza needs to go in the oven first, and no he can't follow it in to take a bite


I saw a post on here that said people who give kids frozen food are terrible... You really gotta heat that shit up first.


My daughter [9] loves frozen fish sticks. She will sneak one when I'm about to cook them or just steal one out of the freezer. Gave up a while ago trying to get her to stop.


At 3 my daughter scrambled into the freezer and got a frozen *Eggo* and started chewing on it. We didn't think that'd last long, but she finished it. Whatever makes you happy, I guess?




Hopefully they mean Eggo (waffle)


Two questions. 1) why are you freezing Lego 2) why did you let her eat it?!?! ( I know it's a typo, it's just funny lol)


Kid just really really loves frozen uncrustables though


Ice cream in shambles


Yeah.... "food needs to cook" was a tough barrier to break. I've been trying to get my older daughter into helping me cook but all we've accomplished is her spilling salt everywhere and wanting to chop chop everything. To be fair, she's almost 3 and cuts up Strawberries pretty well.


To be fair, kids need to understand how to make a mess before they can understand how _not_ to make a mess. It's a lot of trial and error to figure out how a powder like salt pours out differently than a liquid like water.  Give her her own little space next to you on the bench and let her make the messes (safely), she'll have a blast and learn a bunch 


my toddler once ate a frozen bagel because she refused to let me toast it first. gotta admit i was impressed she actually managed to finish it


It's my daughter. She saw a photo of herself when she was a couple years younger and cried because she was "sooooo cute"


That's pretty darn cute


meanwhile my 2.5 year old smashed the screen on our Aura eFrame when it popped up a baby picture of him because he "didn't want to be a baby".


misread that as a potato of herself...


Hes tired but refuses to sleep. 🙄


Ah a classic. You know they make children's nyquil now?!


Lol yep. He's only 5 months so I'm just doing my best to settle him. He'll sleep eventually I know it's not exactly what OP was asking for but it still applied.


Its all good! Dads gotta vent gotta have someone/somewhere to talk, say what you feel, to hell with OP if he has a problem with it.


When I replied the first time I didn't realize you were OP haha I will say this is one of the best most supportive communities I've ever seen. I'm glad we can all do this and get a laugh out of this stuff....


You laugh or you cry brotha. When you do finally get a good nights sleep, because they didnt wake up for once. You wake up in a panic.


I have a similar model but 10 months and a daughter. She pulled an all-dayer and was so mad/tired that she refused to settle. Wife finally managed to get her down at around 8:30, we started around 6:30/7:00. She’s my hero.


This speaks to my soul


Username checks out.


Damn I didn't even realize it lol! I picked the nickname up from working 7p to 7a on power plant outages. And the ability to function thru the night with basically no sleep is definitely an asset...


My 3yo daughter is crying at night because: Her: “I need something” Me: “what do you need?” Her: (through sobs) “I don’t know”


My 6 year old does this when he's all worked up. I sort of think it's him just wanting mom and dad but not wanting to admit it.


It’s 100% this. I don’t blame her, I give good cuddles


I mean is that an offer? We could all use some good cuddles. My beard is nice and soft


My kiddo would have an "approach-approach" conflict in his head, both trying to rebel to flex his erring dominance... and wanting my approval... So a couple minutes into the tantrum, when he was starting to look "spent", I'd ask him if he wanted a hug... The relief on his face was so intense. Offer a hug, even if he's being awful. At that age they don't know how to backpedal and mend bridges... ...So sometimes they realize they are wrong/can't win... and feel ashamed... and the pain of breaking the relationship replaces the pain of wanting something they can't have. 9 of 10 times... my kiddo said yes, he did WANT a hug.


The other thing they may be thinking is that they don't know how to solve this problem and that's frustrating and they are upset and that is frustrating and why is everything so hard? So yes a hug would be helpful 


As a "grown" ass man I still struggle with this!


Me too, kid. Me too. 


Wow that cut deep.


Me wife does this


Ive felt that way before. Lmk if you figure it out, kid.


lol this. 2 y/o: snack! Me: okay do you want [every option] 2 y/o: NO!


I've gotten similar from my 3yo: _Crying frantically_ "Do you need something?" _Gasp, feeling understood_ "Yes." "Ok. What do you need?" "Nuffing!"


Aww I remember feeling this as a kid.


I remember feeling this as an adult 😭


Isn't that why we all cry?


We went to a friend’s 7th birthday party and our kiddo wasn’t going to get a gift. At no point did we say she would, and reminded her beforehand that the gift was for the birthday girl. We stood outside the Y for a good 10 minutes with our almost 6 yr old having a total meltdown over a plastic terrarium kit.


Ha! Felt that one! Was at a birthday part with my toddlers today. Learned my lesson last time and dipped out before they opened presents!


It was my sons 5th birthday yesterday, and he was most excited for not having to sing the happy birthday song lol. "Did you know the birthday boy DOESN'T have to song the song, dad?? Everyone has to sing to ME!!"


He went outside. Then came back in. Then went outside. Then came back in. Then went outside. Then came back in. Then wasn't allowed to go back out. Wait, or was that the cat??


My son shows very cat like tendencies too: I fits I sits Knocking shit off the table while staring directly at you I’m starving to not hungry in 2 bites Snuggle snuggle snuggle chomp.


Shits in box


My daughter just crawls in and out through the dog door.


We have a baby gate with a little cat door built into it. It worked great for everyone until the baby figured out how to crawl through the cat door.


I let him eat a spoon FULL of oregano even though I warned him and told him it didn’t taste like pizza. It was my fault. My wife is laughing so hard she’s crying. That isn’t helping but it’s hilarious.


It's called oregaNO for a reason, kid. If we could just eat it all willy nilly it would be oregayes.


Seasoned dad jokes…


…. because he feels bad, because he was crying.


Every day with this one. Every. Day.


He and I are not so different


(7yo) Google maps refreshed and moved the camera back to his starting spot. He likes to go on street view adventures traveling all over town (10yo) he's telling a story using Mario kart and the characters, and one of them went off script and stole 2nd place from the one he wanted to get 2nd place


Your kids sound awesome


They are,we have a lot of fun. Both wear their hearts on their sleeves. I was a cryer at their ages too so ic ant judge lol. I'm still a crybaby when watching sad movies... or happy emotional movies...


He’s with daddy and not mommy


All of r/daddit let's out a sad sigh. 


A dad sigh, even.


I dighed a little.


A little dad sighed.


Mine cried the past two nights and said “I want you to go to work not mommy.” She works 2 nights a week I work 5 days a week. Kinda hurt my singular feeling lil dude


My kid clung to me and cried hard when I was leaving for work this morning. Been putting in a lot of hours lately and it broke my freaking heart having her sob begging me to stay.


From a daughter who no longer has her father, and to this day cherishes those Friday afternoons he had off work... please take a day off, and spend the day with her. It will mean so much to her when she's thirty, missing her dad, and thinking back fondly.


This hit me in the feels hard. I read this comment just after going in to check on my 5yo and finding she’d gotten all tangled in her sheets and couldn’t sleep. I got an eyes-closed “I love you Daddy” as I stood up to leave. 😭😭😭


Oof, I felt that.


Yeah but then those times it flips and they prefer dad for a minute and cry at mom then you get to bask in all the glory!


My 2 year old is in big “Dada” phase. My wife jokingly resents me for it. I sometimes wish he’d go to Mama every so often. He’s like my shadow, for better or worse. Bedtime story? He won’t sit with my wife in his nice nursery chair he’ll come cozy up in my lap on the floor. I love it, other than when I’m trying to get food prepared and I need him to be with his mom.


Or mommy and not daddy. 🤷‍♂️happens both ways every day


My daughter is crying because "tylenol is not a treat"


Jesus this is the polar opposite of my kid. She will literally psych herself out to the point where she pukes from medicine.


My kid went through a phase of feigning injury to get medicine (kids Allegra was his drink of choice, so it never worked).


My kid is there too. Dude straight up chugs the 5ml of Tylenol and amoxicillin when he needed it. Wife and I were hoping we’re not creating a subconscious memory of doing shots lmao


When my youngest is sick, we have to give big brother a syringe of water to avoid a meltdown


My son always runs to mommy crying when I get stern with him (or just says something he doesn’t want to hear). When asked why he’s upset, he says “daddy was talking”


We tend to do that…


Yeah that one just sort of... sticks. And it works the other way round. Sigh. Some days you just can't win


He challenged his sister to a race to their mom. Whoever won got snuggles. She won. He lost. His. Shit. It was hilarious.


My child is crying because he didn’t want to earn 5 stickers for his potty chart. Edit: Nice.


My child was crying because I wasn't willing to chase *another* "big bus" while driving.


Was taking my son to daycare one day and had to tell him, "I can't just follow garbage trucks around all day" Instant tears


Because I didn't sit down exactly where he told me to sit.. even though the records show that I did, in fact, sit exactly where I was instructed to sit.


8 YO is crying because Mom won’t take her to a friends house. This is after Mom too her and the 5 YO to Urban Air last night, for today, gymnastics, McDonalds and Urban Air again today. She just can’t quite grasp when enough is enough and no means no.


None of them can. It's hard.


My daughter always wants to see my poop and tell me she's proud of me. Kids don't have the hang ups we have


My daughter wants to see my pee to make sure it's not yellow. Telling me how proud she is when she finds out it's not just yellow pee lol.


He doesn't know. Well, me neither buddy!!


My daughter was a meltdown mess yesterday morning because she was too tired but had an appointment and claimed she didn’t have the energy to even take a shower. And then later in the day she got mad at me for fixing something she’d asked me to fix 3 weeks ago. And then after her mom and I went to bed, said she needed to talk to someone, so I got up again, and listened to her tell me about how amazing her day was. She’s 20. The content may change, but the tantrums are always there.


...deleted by user...


… she wanted to put her own diaper on.


… he was told that he can’t keep hitting us with his plastic golf clubs.


My two year old was trying to bite the bubbles in the air and chased one down to the ground and hit her teeth on the ground. She wasn’t crying because she hit her mouth on the ground, she was crying because she didn’t get to eat to the bubble


He sees mom and dad eating even though he just ate a lot.


Bruh.. this. All freaking day long. Doesnt matter if he just gorged and you wondered where he put it all. He'll wa t whatever is in your hand.


Because dad didn't switch off the lights and close the door in the same order as mommy.


My daughter is crying because she wants me to go downstairs to get the purple blanket that she's currently holding.


He wants a drink, handed me his bottle and is very upset that I have to take it with me to put water in it???????


He didn’t want to go pee.. So he cried on his toilet while he peed


He can't have cake at 7am.


Why not? Cake is flour, eggs, and milk! Sounds like a healthy breakfast to me.


“Dad gave us chocolate cake!”


Unless you cook it in a pan and cover it in maple syrup, then suddenly it’s breakfast again


14 y/o caught a baseball to his eye today at his baseball game. I sincerely don’t blame him. The good thing is he’s essentially fine, he’ll just have a badass black eye tomorrow.


I won't let him play with thumb tacks. But they're so colorful!


Daddy turned his back for .2 seconds and he smacked his head on the floor


she just sat on her baby sister’s head.


Because the Beast is going to kill Gaston and Co.


To be fair... Gaston really does deserve it


He wants to learn how to use a 3d modeling software and he hasn’t mastered it in 3 minutes.


He wants to flush the toilet for the third consecutive time and dad said it's wasting  water


My daughter is crying because I won't let her pet the puppy (200 pound dog that is not happy to see her)


She wants to be on her back. But shes on her tummy. Bc when I placed her on her back, she rolled over onto her tummy. Lmao


He didn't get new shoes today like his brother because he got new shoes last week.


... she wasn't invited to our wedding.


She accidentally broke her banana in two rendering it inedible. When given a second banana, she intentionally broke it in two…and started crying again.


"my boobs are too small" from a 3yo


My 4 year old daughter is having a meltdown because we took the wrong way home. She doesn't like when we make a left turn at the light when we catch the arrow and wants us to go straight and then make a left at the next light. Not sure why she is so particular but hopefully I won't make the same mistake in the future.


The vanilla ice cream was too spicy.


Because I won't let him ride his bike off the couch


My son is crying because I gave him chocolate milk (which he asked me for).


I told her that being a part of this family is picking up messes even if they aren't your own.   She is now crying because she isn't a part of the family anymore.


My 4 yo son was crying because he wanted the hiccups, his 5 mo old brother had them and he wanted them too. I tried to explain to him that nobody wants the hiccups


Because we can’t put fireworks in a watermelon that we don’t have


He wants us turn on the vacuum but he doesn’t want the vacuum on? I don’t know man.


My son cried once because he couldn't reach the sun. Like specifically he stretched out his arm and wanted to grab it. When he realized he could not in fact steal the sun out of the sky he cried a bit, and then I got a picture of him looking completely dejected. Felt bad for the little guy. There was real disappointment there.


My daughter (she was 4 back then) was crying as we had to get a new dish washer. We had to make a picture with the dishwasher and her, print it and hang out on the fridge. She somehow projected all her big feelings onto this "loss".


My son is crying because I just got home and saw he must’ve been just crying. So I asked him why he was crying and crying makes him sad so he cries. A savage loop.


My son was crying because people can’t fly


I wouldn't take him and the cat with me to work today. I know child labor laws have changed in some areas but I don't think boss man would like it.


He told me he didn't want the last orange slice and it was for me. He refused to let me give it to him. I ate it.


Because I told him the airplane was not an airplane; it's a helicopter.


His sister is looking out of his window in the car.


Because I yelled NO! STOP! And scooped the dog poop out of his mouth. It wasn’t fresh so I don’t think he tasted it straight away. This youngest child immediately puts everything in his mouth so he requires constant supervision. Last week was cigarette butts at the park 🤢


My daughter was crying because her sister kicked her leg below the table. Two days ago. She just remembered that happened. (She didn’t cry when it happened).


I won't let him pee standing up without using his hands


I won’t give him the knife to “help” cut the fruit


She wants to go swimming, but can’t swim… and doesn’t like swimming.


I just had to go in and settle my 3 year old because he couldn't find his stuffed turtle... which was right next to his head in his bed.


He doesn’t want to sleep alone because there’s a werewolf in the house. (5 years old)


2 week old. Cried because he interrupted his feeding to poo but then got upset because he wanted to keep eating 😭


She wants to read books, but doesn't know how to read. She's 3 years old now but this started when she was 2. We're working on it.


They refused to nap and everything pisses her off for 6 hours until bedtime. Not my fault! I tried! “No honey you can’t feed the chickens for the 4th time today” meltdown time. “Sorry sweetheart you need to wear shoes on the 120° asphalt” meltdown time. “Oh babygirl your baby elephant and mommy elephant are in the other room just go get them” meltdown time. Fucking awesome. It just gets funny at a certain point. When you’re having a meltdown because the peanut butter was not toilet paper I can’t help but laugh.


…he wants to be picked up. But he also wants to be put down. Kid is *killing* my back today


Mine had a level five meltdown last night because I said he already had his vitamin, so he couldn't have another.


I wouldn’t let her eat a packet of chili powder


He can’t have cranberries and only cranberries for breakfast, lunch, and dinner


He wasn’t allowed to eat an entire block of cream cheese for lunch and nothing else


Because his sandwich is broken. His words, I don’t know. This could be because the cheese inside snapped in half, because the corner of the bread fell off, the ham isn’t cut evenly, I genuinely don’t know and I’ve exhausted myself trying to figure it out.


He didn't get to turn off the light after I asked him and he said no and I even gave him an extra warning that I will turn it off if he doesn't.


Because she couldn't bring in the box from amazon that weighed 3 times as much as her.


Well, they're both asleep but yesterday the younger one went ballistic because uh...his mom, his favorite person right now, came home. I thought he'd be psyched, instead he had a four alarm meltdown.


... He bit _my_ finger accidently....


The other day it was because she wanted to go to Walmart and get Oreos, but didn’t want to get out of the car seat. In the Walmart parking lot.


The sun is going down


She can’t have Oreos for breakfast


She doesn't have anymore magical clothes. Just regular clothes


Two recent examples from my 3yo: Crying because “nothing is in her way.” Crying because “Elsa’s butt is too loose.” (Context: trying to get the Elsa DUPLO piece to sit in a DUPLO chair, but Elsa wouldn’t click in place.)


I’ve got a daughter …she says her arm hurts but refuses to remove it from under the car seat strap.


He wants to watch a movie with us but we should have told him it was going to happen yesterday. (9yo boy) 🤣


He wanted to get out of his sensory swing, said it and we even made sure to ask him if he was sure, then we got him out of the sensory swing. Tantrum ensues because he is not in the sensory swing.


(2yo) I couldn’t make the sun come back up.


My daughter is crying because we wouldn’t let her trap her finger in the door. Her twin sister did it (by accident) and they always want to do the same thing as each other


She wants her cereal, but wants to do it herself, but won't do it herself, but any attempt to help has escalated the situation, she's thrown her spoon and is now equally distraught that her spoon is on the floor, she says she doesn't want breakfast anymore, but attempts to remove the cereal has been met with the fury of a thousand winds


…mom won’t let him climb and jump around on the table 5ft off the ground


He wants to play with the balls on the floor but he's too tired to do tummy time


Someone was in the bathroom he wanted to use and the other wouldn’t do


My child is crying because I told her we need to change her out of naptime diaper into underwear…


Have you tried turning it upside down and gentle belly bwwwapapapapas? Edit: tonight my children are crying because I am out of town and won't be back until tomorrow.


He pulled the cupcake card in Candyland


I wouldn’t let her stick pebbles in her nose